Name: John Deere 7420b Tractor (14.9 R 46 back tire size)

2008-05-09 Planting Planted corn in T1 reps 6, 3, 2, and 4 were planted on May 9, 2008. T1 reps 1 and 5 were planted on May 10, 2008. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1730 corn planter. Planted Pioneer 36W66 seed corn at 28,000 seeds/acre. Applied 19-17-0 liquid fertilizer at 14 gallons/acre. The fertilizer was placed two inches below and two inches to the side to the seed. I planted part of rep 1 on May 9, 2008 before I bent a row unit on a tree stump. Jim Stoneburner fixed the row unit on May 10th and so I finished planting reps 1 and 5 on May 10, 2008. GLBRC boarder rows were planted on May 9, 2008.

2009-05-22 Planting Planted Pioneer 92Y30 RR soybeans in: all reps of G2, N-rate study, irrigated and non-irrigated, and T8nt. Planted with the JD7420b tractor and JD 1730 planter. Planting depth: 1.5 inches. Planting population: 180,000 seeds/A. Row spacing: 15 inches. Lysimeter Field was planted on Saturday May 23, 2009.

2010-04-30 Planting Planted corn in the GLBRC treatments G1 and G3, all reps. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1730 planter. Planted Dekalb DKC52-59 seed corn at 28,000 seeds/acre. Planting depth: 1.50 inches. Applied 19-17-0 liquid fertilizer at 14 gallons/acre. The fertilizer was placed two inches to the side and two inches below the seed at planting.

2010-04-30 Planting Planted corn in the GLBRC bait crop next to the woods. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1730 planter. Planted Dekalb DKC52-59 seed corn at 28,000 seeds/acre. Planting depth: 1.50 inches. Applied 19-17-0 liquid fertilizer at 14 gallons/acre. Fertilizer was placed two inches to the side and two inches below the seed at planting.

2008-05-07 Planting Planted corn in the GLBRC treatment G1 and G2, all reps. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1730 planter. Planted Dekalb DKC52-59 seed corn at 28,000 seeds/acre. Planting depth: 1.75 inches. Applied 19-17-0 liquid fertilizer at 14 gallons/acre. The fertilizer was placed two inches to the side and two inches below the seed at planting.

2008-05-24 Planting Planted Pioneer 91M80 RR soybeans in all reps of G3. Planted with the JD7420b tractor and JD 1730 planter. Planting depth: 1.5 inches. Planting population: 180,000 seeds/A. Row spacing: 15 inches. Also planted the boarder rows around the GLBRC field with the same soybeans.

2008-06-13 Planting Planted corn and soybeans in the Biodiversity study. Planted corn and soybeans with the JD 7420b tractor and JD 1730 planter. Corn variety: Pioneer 38K46 (94 day) Row spacing for corn: 30 inches. Corn planting population: 28,000 seeds/A. Planting depth for corn: 2 inches. Soybean variety: Syngenta NK S20F8. Row spacing for soybeans: 30 inches. Soybean planting population: 180,000 seeds/A. Planting depth for soybeans: 1.25 inches. Treatments and plots planted to corn: B4: 104, 220, 307, 404; B7: 105, 219, 305, 407; B10: 117, 209, 320, 410; B12: 109, 202, 313, 412; B15: 112, 213, 301, 415; B18: 108, 208, 311, 418. Treatments and plots planted to soybeans: B5: 114, 217, 312, 405; B8: 118, 214, 310, 408; B11: 110, 216, 309, 411; B13: 113, 212, 319, 413; B16: 101, 210, 308, 416; B19: 103, 218, 315, 419.

2008-05-16 Planting Planted corn the LTER T3 plots, reps: 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. I also planted corn in both N-rate studies (rainfed and irrigated). Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1730 corn planter. Corn Variety: Pioneer 36W66 corn hybrid. Planting rate: 28,000 seeds/acre. Planting depth: 2 inches. Fertilizer applied at planting: 19-17-0 liquid fertilizer at 14 gallons/acre. The fertilizer was placed two inches below and two inches to the side to the seed. No fertilizer was applied to any replications of treatments F1 or iF1. Also planted 1 treatment (4 plots) of corn in the productivity study, (in the front of the GLBRC), for Dennis. Not sure which plots numbers I planted for him, Dennis would know what plot numbers I planted.

2009-05-09 Planting Planted corn in the GLBRC treatment G1, all reps. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1730 planter. Planted Dekalb DKC52-59 seed corn at 28,000 seeds/acre. Planting depth: 1.75 inches. Applied 19-17-0 liquid fertilizer at 14 gallons/acre. The fertilizer was placed two inches to the side and two inches below the seed at planting.

2009-05-12 Planting Planted corn in the GLBRC treatment G4, all reps. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1730 planter. Planted Dekalb DKC52-59 seed corn at 28,000 seeds/acre. Planting depth: 1.75 inches. Applied 19-17-0 liquid fertilizer at 14 gallons/acre. The fertilizer was placed two inches to the side and two inches below the seed at planting.

2012-05-22 Soil Preparation Cultimulched the LTER Main Site Treatment T3, all reps, reps: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Because of cloddy soil conditions we thought the cultimulcher would remove the soil clods better than the rolling baskets on the soil finisher.

2010-05-20 Planting Planted Pioneer 92Y30 RR soybeans in all reps of G4 (reps 4, 2, 1, 3, and 5). Planted with the JD7420b tractor and JD 1730 planter. Planting depth: 1.25 inches. Planting population: 180,000 seeds/A. Row spacing: 15 inches.

2009-05-20 Planting Planted soybeans in the LTER main site treatment 1, all reps, Reps 6, 5, 1, and 3 were planted on May 20, 2009. Reps 2 and 4 were planted on May 21, 2009. Planted Pioneer 92Y30 soybeans. Pioneer 92Y30 soybeans is a Roundup Ready soybean variety. 2009 was the first year that a Roundup Ready soybean was planted on the main site. Planting depth 1”, Row width 15”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1730 planter.

2009-05-21 Planting Planted soybeans in the LTER main site treatment 2, all reps: reps 6, 2, 3, 1, 4, and 5. Planted Pioneer 92Y30 soybeans. Pioneer 92Y30 soybeans is a Roundup Ready soybean variety. 2009 was the first year that a Roundup Ready soybean was planted on the main site. Planting depth 1”, Row width 15”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1730 planter.

2009-05-31 Planting Planted soybeans in the LTER main site treatment 3, all reps: reps 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Planted Pioneer 92Y30 soybeans. Pioneer 92Y30 soybeans is a Roundup Ready soybean variety. 2009 was the first year that a Roundup Ready soybean was planted on the main site. In past years the variety of soybeans in T3 was the same variety as T4. This is the first year that the variety of soybeans in T3 did not match the variety of soybeans planted in T4. The row spacing in T3 has been 30 inches in the past this year the row spacing in 15 inches. Because we planted RR soybeans we did not need the 30 inch row for cultivating weeds. Planting depth 1”, Row width 15”. Planting population: 180,000 seeds/A. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1730 planter.

2009-06-03 Planting Planted soybeans on the LTER main site treatment 4, all replications, reps 6, 5, 1, 2, 3, and 4. Planted Blue River 2A12 organic soybeans at 180,000 seeds/A. No fertilizer was applied at planting. Planting depth 1 inch. Soybeans were planted in 30 inch rows. Soybeans were planted with the JD 7420b tractor and JD 1730 planter. In past years the variety on soybeans has been the same variety in treatments 1-4. This is the first year that we have planted different varieties between treatments 1-4.

2010-05-24 Soil Preparation Soil Finished all LTER Main Site Biodiversity plots except those already planted to winter wheat (B4, B7, B10, B14, B17, and B20) and fall fallow plots (B1). Plots which were soil finished were B2 (102, 206, 316, 402), B3(111, 203, 306, 403), B5 (114, 217, 312, 405), B6 (107, 207, 317, 406), B8 (118, 214, 310, 408), B9 (119, 205, 314, 409), B11 (110, 216, 309, 411), B12 (109, 202, 313, 412), B13 (113, 212, 319, 413), B15 (112, 213, 301, 415), B16 (101, 210, 308, 416), B18 (108, 208, 311, 418), B19 (103, 218, 315, 419), B21 (100, 200, 300, 421). Soil finished with the JD6420 tractor and the JD960 soil finisher to 6” depth. About midway through soil finishing, switched to the JD7420b tractor.

2009-06-10 Planting Planted corn in the LTER Biodiversity Study. Planted treatments B3: plots 111, 203, 306, 403; B6: plots 107, 207, 317, 406; B9: plots 119, 205, 314, 409; B13 plots 113, 212, 319, 413; B15: plots 112, 213, 301, 415; and B18 plots 108, 208, 311, 418. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1730 planter. Planted Blue River Hybrid Corn variety 30B13 organic corn. Planting population: 28,000 seeds/A. Planting depth: 1.5”. No fertilizer was applied.

2009-06-09 Planting Planted soybeans in the LTER Biodiversity Study. Planted treatments B4: plots 104, 220, 307, 404; B7: plots 105, 219, 305, 407; B10: plots 117, 209, 320, 410; B12 plots 109, 202, 313, 412; B14: plots 115, 204, 304, 414; B16 plots 101, 210, 308, 416; and B19 plots 103, 218, 315, 419. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1730 planter. Planted Blue River Hybrid Soybean variety 2A12 organic soybeans. Planting population: 180,000 seeds/A. Planting depth: 1”. No fertilizer was applied.

2009-06-10 Planting Planted corn in the ECB study. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1730 planter. Planted Pioneer seed corn at 28,000 seeds/acre. Planting depth: 1.5 inches. Starter fertilizer: applied 19-17-0 liquid fertilizer at 14 gallons/acre. The fertilizer was placed two inches to the side and two inches below the seed at planting.

2010-04-30 Planting Planted corn in the LTER Cellulosic Biofuels Experiment (CE Study) treatments CE1 and CE2, all reps. CE1: plots 108, 202, 304, and 401; CE2: plots 112, 210, 312, and 402. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1730 planter. Planted Dekalb DKC52-59 seed corn at 28,000 seeds/acre. Planting depth: 1.50 inches. Applied 19-17-0 liquid fertilizer at 14 gallons/acre. Fertilizer was placed two inches to the side and two inches below the seed at planting.

2011-07-14 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the Interaction Plots, field B-0 at the Farming System Center. Fertilized with ammonium nitrate (CAN27) at 140 lbs N/A. The total product was applied at 481.5 lbs/A. The fertilizer was applied with the JD 7420(b) tractor traveling at approximately 1.2 mph and Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator with a 30 ft boom, connected to a Raven 6000 monitor which controlled and monitored the application. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 58 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4” diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22”; meter cal number 208; air pressure was 15 p.s.i.

2011-07-20 Mechanical Weed Control Row cultivated the LTER Biodiversity Study, all 2011 corn and soybean plots. Corn plots were: B4 (104, 220, 307, 404), B7 (105, 219, 305, 407), B10 (117, 209, 320, 410), B13 (113, 212, 319, 413), B15 (112, 213, 301, 415), B18 (108, 208, 311, 418). Soybeans plots were: B5 (114, 217, 312, 405), B8 (118, 214, 310, 408), B11 (110, 216, 309, 411), B12 (109, 202, 313, 412), B14 (115, 204, 304, 414), B16 (101, 210, 308, 416), B19 (103, 218, 315, 419). All soybean plots were row cultivated at 3.5-4.0 mph, corn plots were cultivated at 4.0-4.5 mph, both with the rear shovels all the way back. Cultivated with the JD 7420a tractor and a six-row S-tine row cultivator.

2011-12-13 Harvest Harvested Corn Stover from all reps of G1 and G2. Harvested - Eastern 75 feet (30 rows) of each plot, expect for G2R1 the western 75 feet (30 rows) was harvested. The remaining 15' (6 rows) area unharvested is the stover non-removal microplot, located on the western 15' of each plot.

2011-11-21 Mowing Flail moved corn stubble in three studies: both N-rate studies, irrigated and non-irrigated, and the corn treatments iin the LTER CE Biofuel Study. Treatments and plots harvested in the LTER CE Biofuel Study were treatments CE1 plots: 108, 202, 304, 401; and CE3 plots: 105, 207, 301, 403. Corn stubble was mowed to assist in stubble decomposition. Flail mowing was completed using the JD 7420b tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2011-12-17 Mowing Flail moved corn stubble in T2 and T1, all reps: T2 reps: 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, and 6; T1 reps: 6, 3, 2, 4, 1, and 5. Corn stubble was flail mowed to assist in stubble decomposition. Flail mowing was completed using the JD 7420b tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2012-05-14 Mowing Flail mowed c. rye in the LTER main site treatments T3 and T4 plots, all reps: T3 (reps: 6, 3, 1, 2, 4, and 5), T4 (reps: 6, 1, 2, 3, 5, and 4). Flail mowed with JD 7420b tractor and JD 115 flail mower. We had such good growth of the c. rye that we decided to mow the c. rye before chiseling plowing the T3 and T4 plots. Without flail mowing we did not think the c. rye would had been incorporated into the soil. Flail mowing prevented large clumps of rye on top/in the soil, preventing the clumps of rye allows for a better seedbed preparation. The rye started to put a seed head on so we wanted to prevent any of the rye from producing seed before chisel plowing.

2012-05-15 Mowing Justin Mezo flail mowed cover crops, red clover and/or c. rye, in the LTER Biodiversity treatments B3 (111, 203, 306, 403), B4 (104, 220, 307, 404), B6 (107, 207, 317, 406), B7 (105, 219, 305, 407), B15 (112, 213, 301, 415), and B16 (101, 210, 308, 416). Flail mowed all corn and soybeans treatments that had cover crops growing in them. Flail mowed with JD 7420b tractor and JD 115 flail mower. Flail mowed with JD 7420b tractor and JD 115 flail mower. We had such good growth of the red clover and c. rye that we decided to mow the cover crops before chiseling plowing the treatments. Without flail mowing we did not think the cover crops would have been incorporated into the soil which would have caused large clumps of biomass creating a poor seedbed. Flail mowing prevents large clumps of red clover and rye on top/in the soil. Preventing the clumps of biomass (i.e. red clover and rye clumps) allows for a better seedbed preparation and better seed to soil contact.

2012-05-19 Soil Preparation Cultimulched the LTER Main Site Treatment T1, all reps, reps: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Because of cloddy soil conditions we thought the cultimulcher would remove the soil clods better than the rolling baskets on the soil finisher.

2012-05-22 Soil Preparation Cultimulched the LTER Interaction Study, conventional tillage plots only (plots 1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 13, 14, and 16). Because of cloddy soil conditions we thought the cultimulcher would remove the soil clods better than the rolling baskets on the soil finisher. Plots 4, 7, 11, and 16 were cultimulched on May 22, 2012. Plots 1, 2, 13, and 14 were cultimulched on May 23, 2012.

2012-05-23 Soil Preparation Cultimulched the LTER Main Site Treatment T4, all reps, reps: 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Because of cloddy soil conditions we thought the cultimulcher would remove the soil clods better than the rolling baskets on the soil finisher.

2012-05-24 Soil Preparation Chisel plowed, soil finished, and cultimulched the field area for the LTER soybean variety trail, first planting date was planted on the west side of the old ECB study area.

2012-06-14 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER N-rate study (Irrigated and Non-irrigated fertility gradient study). Fertilizer applications were with 34-0-0 ammonium nitrate (granular) which supplied 34% nitrogen [purchased from Green Valley Agricultural Inc, Bangor, MI). A single pass of a Orbit-Air Gandy fertilizer applicator was used to broadcast and apply the correct amount of fertilizer. The amounts of nitrogen applied were as follows: F1 (101, 203, 209, 404, 501, 603, 709, 804) 0 lbs N/A (0 lbs product/A); F2 (102, 202, 304, 406, 502, 602, 704, 806) 15 lbs N/A (44.1 lbs product/A); F3 (103, 205, 302, 407, 503, 605, 702, 807) 30 lbs N/A (88.2 lbs product/A); F4 (104, 208, 305, 403, 504, 608, 705, 803) 45 lbs N/A (132.4 lbs product/A); F5 (105, 204, 306, 401, 505, 604, 706, 801) 60 lbs N/A (176.5 lbs product/A); F6 (106, 209, 308, 402, 506, 609, 708, 802) 75 lbs N/A (220.6 lbs product/A); F7 (107, 201, 307, 408, 507, 601, 707, 808) 90 lbs N/A (264.7 lbs product/A); F8 (108, 207, 303, 405, 508, 607, 703, 805) 110 lbs N/A (323.5 lbs product/A); F9 (109, 206, 301, 409, 509, 606, 701, 809) 130 lbs N/A (382.4 lbs product/A). Guard plots were not fertilized. Time of application was between 10:00 and 12:15 p.m. Temperature at start was 72F, 47% relative humidity, skies were clear. Wind was calm between 1-3 mph at start from ESE. Equipment used: John Deere 7420b tractor pulling a Gandy Orbit Air applicator. The applicator was controlled by a Raven 660 automatic carrier control unit. Deflector were spaced 22.5 inches apart along the 15 foot boom length extending from the center of the drive-line off to the right side of the boom. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 60 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4” diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5”; meter cal number 219; air pressure was 12 p.s.i. The Raven monitor automatically adjusted the application to maintain it at the set point regardless of ground speed; because of this, ground speed was adjusted to maintain a desired application rate of 2-2.5 lbs/minute/nozzle resulting in some treatments being fertilized at 1.2 up to 5.5 mph.

2012-10-17 Planting Planted Winter Pea in all reps of G4. Planted at 60 lbs/A. Drill setting: 11.

2012-11-10 Planting Planted Fall Rye cover crop in GLBRC, treatments G2 and G3 all replications. Rye was planted with 10' JD 750 no-till drill pulled by JD 7420b tractor at a speed of 3.5 - 4.0 mph and a planting depth of 1/2 inch. Planting population is 1-1/2 to 2 Bu/A. Planter was not calibrated therefore we are not sure of exact population. Fall rye is a product of Canada from CISCO Seeds out of Indianapolis IN. USA. There is no variety listed but stated that it has 99.41% pure seed, .59% inert matter and 88% germination rate. Order that plots were planted in are as follows. (G2R5, G3R5, G3R3, G2R3, G3R2, G2R2, G3R4, G2R4, G3R1, G2R1)

2012-10-29 Planting Planted winter wheat in T2, all reps: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and 6. Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R39, which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was treated. Pioneer 25R39 (treated seed) had 11,000 seeds/lbs. Seeding rate worked out to be 1,800,000 seeds/A. Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 750 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4 mph.

2012-11-07 Planting Planted winter wheat in T1 and T3, all reps. November 5, 2012 T3R5 and T1R5 were planted. November 6, 2012 T1R1, T3R4, T3R2, and T1R4 were planted. November 7, 2012 T3R1, T3R3, T1R2, T1R3, T3R6, and T1R6 were planted. Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R39, which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was treated. Pioneer 25R39 (treated seed) had 11,000 seeds/lbs. Seeding rate worked out to be ? seeds/A. Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 750 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4.5 mph. T1R4 and T3R4 were planted using the JD 7420b tractor and JD 1790 no-till drill.

2012-11-08 Planting Planted winter wheat in T4, all reps: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and 6. Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R39, which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was untreated. Pioneer 25R39 (untreated seed) had 12,000 seeds/lbs. Seeding rate worked out to be ? seeds/A. Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 750 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4.5 mph.

2012-11-09 Planting Planted winter wheat in N-rate studies, non-irrigated and irrigated. Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R39, which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was treated. Pioneer 25R39 (treated seed) had 11,000 seeds/lbs. Seeding rate worked out to be 1,801,250 seeds/A. Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1790 no-till drill.

2008-04-25 Soil Preparation Soil finished field 98 today with JD 7420b tractor and JD 726 soil finisher.

2008-05-01 Fertilizer Application Applied 0-0-62, potash fertilizer, at 74 lbs/A (83.08 kg/ha) to treatment 1, replications 6, 3, 2, 4, 5, and 1, and treatment 2, replications 2, 3, 5, 4, 1, and 6. The 74 lbs/A provided 46 lbs/A of K20 to the plots. The fertilizer was applied with the JD 7420(b) tractor traveling at 5 mph and Gandy Orbit-Air with a 30 ft boom. Treatment 3 was applied on May 3, 2008. Not sure the rate of fertilizer for T3 plots. I believe it was at a lower rate.

2008-05-13 Planting Planted corn in T2 reps 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1730 corn planter. Planted Pioneer 36W66 seed corn at 28,000 seeds/acre. Applied 19-17-0 liquid fertilizer at 14 gallons/acre. The fertilizer was placed two inches below and two inches to the side to the seed.

2008-05-23 Planting Planted corn in the LTER T4 plots, reps: 6, 1, 4, 2, 3, and 5. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1730 corn planter. Corn Variety: Pioneer 36W66 (untreated) corn hybrid. Planting rate: 28,000 seeds/acre. Planting depth: 2 inches. No fertilizer applied to T4 main part of the plots. Fertilizer was applied at planting to the T4_micro-plots: 19-17-0 liquid fertilizer at 14 gallons/acre. The fertilizer was placed two inches below and two inches to the side to the seed.

2008-06-20 Fertilizer Application Applied 14 gal/A of 19-17-0 fertilizer to the plus fertilizer business-as-usual, all reps, micro-plots in T4 micro-plots. Forgot to apply the fertilizer at corn planting time. Applied the fertilizer with the JD 7420b tractor and JD 1730 corn planter. The fertilizer was placed between the 30 inch rows.

2008-06-24 Planting Planted corn in LTER CE treatments CE1, and CE2. Planted Pioneer 38K46 seed corn at 28,000 seeds/A and applied 14 gals/A of 19-17-0 fertilizer. Planted soybeans in LTER CE treatment CE3. Planted Pioneer 91M80 soybeans at 180,000 seeds/A. Planted the ECB study different treatments receive different seeds varieties. Applied 14 gals/A of 19-17-0 fertilizer at planting. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1730 corn planter. The fertilizer was placed two inches below and two inches to the side to the seed.

2008-06-25 Planting Planted soybeans in the area that would have been rep 6. I think we planted 91M80 soybeans.

2013-06-05 Mowing Flail mowed rye cover crop in Main Site GLBRC G2,G3,G4 micro-plots all replications. Because the rye was so tall and already headed out it was decided to flail mow the plots instead of spray them due to coverage issues.

2013-07-13 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the LTER Main Site treatment T6 alfalfa, all replications (reps 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6) with potash. A total of 270 pounds /A of product (0-0-60) which supplied 162 lbs/A of K2O. Applied in a single application of using the John Deere 7420b tractor traveling 2.2 mph and a Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 68 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4” diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22”; meter cal number 204; air pressure was 11 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 16-24 inches above the ground level. Replications 1 and 2 were done on Friday 7-16, reps 3,4,5, and 6 were done on Saturday. Rep 6 last 45 feet to the East had to be finished on Monday. LTER Main Site treatment T6 only got partial application of potash and that was 270 lbs/A potash (0-0-60) on July 13, 2013. Due to time restraints we were unable to get the remaining 230 lbs/A of potash on the alfalfa. Protocol was to apply 288 lbs/A K2O, however the 270 lbs/A of potash (0-0-60) put on in July supplied 162 lbs/A K2O out of the 300 lbs/A K2O that the protocol called for. Also (NO boron was added in 2013). Protocol had Boron being applied at 2 lbs/A.

2013-07-25 Harvest Baled straw from the LTER Main Site Treatments T1 and T2, all replications. Straw from the wheat harvest was cut one day before it was baled except for rep 6. Each plot was then individually round baled. In most plots, multiple round bales were made; at the end of each plot remaining straw in the baler was baled regardless of the size of the bale. Bales were removed during harvest and weighed to determine the amount of straw per plot.

2013-08-16 Planting No-till seeded red clover at 10.5 lbs/A in the LTER Main Site T3 plots all replications (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6). Due to heavy weed pressure in the spring T3 plots had to be sprayed which also killed most of the red clover. Clover was replanted after wheat was harvested and the plots were sprayed with a pre-plant burn down to control the post harvest weed flush. Clover planted 1/4 inch into the ground.

2013-08-20 Mechanical Weed Control To control weeds we flail mowed all reps of T1, T2, T8nt, and Interaction plots. We wanted to control weeds (mostly annual grass weeds) before weeds were capable of putting on viable seed heads. Flail mowed T2 on Aug. 20, 2013, all reps: 6, 5, 4, 1, 2, and 3. Mowed T1 on Aug. 21, 2013, all reps: 6, 5, 4, 1, 2, and 3. Mowed Interaction plots and T8nt plots on Aug. 21, 2013. Flail mowed with JD 7420b tractor and JD 115 flail mower. No pesticide application were made during this time, however pesticide application was listed so that this weed control effort would not be looked over if anyone is looking for all the management used to control weeds during the 2013 growing season.

2013-09-06 Mowing Flail mowed LTER Biodiversity Study wheat stubble treatments B4 (104, 220, 307, 404), B7 (105, 219, 305, 407), B10 (117, 209, 320, 410), B17 (116, 211, 302, 417) .

2013-09-12 Mowing Flail mowed LTER T8 plots all reps.

2013-09-10 Mowing Flail mowed in LTER Main Site treatment T4's all replications. Flail mowed red clover down to roughly 4 inches to prevent weeds from producing viable seed and to get good even regrowth.

2013-09-11 Mowing Flail mowed plots south of FSC known as Pierce study.

2013-09-11 Mowing Flail mowed LTER Biodiversity Study treatment B1 fall fallow plots (106, 201, 303, 401).

2013-10-15 Planting Planted Winter Pea cover crop over rye in GLBRC Main Site G3 plots all replications (5, 1, 4, 3, 2). Peas were calibrated to be planted 60 lbs/A, but were actually planted at 57 lbs/ A. Planting depth was around and inch.

2013-10-15 Planting Planted wheeler rye cover crop in GLBRC Main Stie treatment G3 all replications (5, 4, 3, 2, 1). Rye was calibrated to be planted at 84 lbs/A, but was actually seeded at 78 lbs/A. Planting depth was around 3/4" to 1". Calibration weight was 57 grams.

2013-10-30 Planting Planted wheeler rye cover crop in GLBRC Main Stie treatment G2 & G4 all replications. Rye was seeded at 96.6 lbs/A (1.725 bu/A). Planting depth was around 3/4" to 1". Drill was set at 33 and the calibration weight was 64 grams.

2013-10-29 Harvest Harvested Corn Stover in the GLBRC, treatments: G1, G2, and G4 all replications. Harvested - Eastern 75 feet (30 rows) of each plot, except for G2R1 and G4R1 the western 75 feet (30 rows) was harvested. The remaining 15' (6 rows) area unharvested is the stover non-removal microplot, located on the western 15' of each plot except for G2R1 and G4R1 where it is located on the eastern 15' of the plot. Stover weights were determined by using load cell scales on the Gnuse forage wagon.

2013-11-05 Mowing Flail mowed LTER CE corn plots, biodiversity corn plots, biodiversity spring fallow plots, and corn stubble in the GLBRC bait crop around field 98. Treatments and plots that had corn stubble mowed in the CE study: CE1: 108, 202, 304, 401; CE3: 105, 207, 301, 403. Treatments and plots that had corn stubble mowed in the biodiversity study: B5: 114, 217, 312, 405; B8: 118, 214, 310, 408; B11: 110, 216, 309, 411; B13: 113, 212, 319, 413; B15: 112, 213, 301, 415; B18: 108, 208, 311, 418. Biodiversity spring fallow plots: B2: 102, 206, 316, 402. Flail mowed corn stubble in the GLBRC bait crop around field 98. Areas corn stubble was mowed in field 98: The 3rd, 4th, and 5th plots (in rep 6) east of the Rep 6 miscanthus plot. On the north edge of the field the north 30 ft of the 60 ft that is farmed. On the east edge the middle 30 ft of the 90 ft that is farmed. On the south edge the middle 30 ft of the 90 ft that is farmed. The area east of the brown house (Tappen House) also had the corn stubble mowed. Equipment used was the JD 7420b tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2013-11-13 Planting No-till planted wheeler rye in the LTER Biodiversity study, treatments B4 (104, 220, 307, 404), B5 (114, 217, 312, 405),and B16 (101, 210, 308, 416). Replications 1 & 2 were planted with a rye variety that is a wheeler rye from Moore Seed Farm out of Elsie MI and is the same variety planted in GLBRC in 2013. Replication 3&4 have a bag of rye from 2012 that was from the CISCO companies out of Indianapolis, IN Lot # WGB11432 added into the drill with the (2013 Rye). Target population was 2.5 bu/a or 140 lbs/A. 164 lbs were loaded into the drill total and there was 32 lbs that was taken out of the drill after planting .9 acres. The final seeding rate works out to be 146.6 lbs/A. Planting depth was 1/2 - 3/4 inch deep and the drill population setting was set at 39.

2014-04-18 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T1, and T2, all replications with potash (0-0-60) at 70 lbs/A. The 70 lbs/A potash provided 42 lbs/A K2O to the plots. Average speed while spreading was 4.5 mph (C2, 1350 rpm) with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 68 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 10 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Weather condtions at the start (8:30 a.m.) were sunny, 44 degrees F, 92% humidity, with calm N wind. At the end of application (3:30 p.m.) it was mostly sunny, 60 degrees F, 45% humidity, with N, NW winds of 5-7 mph.

2014-05-04 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site fertility gradient study both irrigated and non-irrigated with potash (0-0-60) at 150 lbs/A. The 150 lbs/A potash provided 90 lbs/A K2O to the plots. Average speed while spreading was 2.7 mph. (B3, 1300 rpm) with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 68 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 10 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Weather Conditions at the start 8:15 a.m. were 48 degrees F, 62% humidity, with 10 mph. WWNW winds. Conditions at the end of application (12:30) p.m. were 52 degrees F, 42% humidity, with 10 mph. NW winds.

2014-05-04 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site Lysimeter field with potash (0-0-60) at 150 lbs/A. The 150 lbs/A potash provided 90 lbs/A K2O to the plots. Average speed while spreading was 2.7 mph. (B3, 1300 rpm) with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 68 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 10 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Weather Conditions at the start 8:15 a.m. were 48 degrees F, 62% humidity, with 10 mph. WWNW winds. Conditions at the end of application (12:30) p.m. were 52 degrees F, 42% humidity, with 10 mph. NW winds.

2014-04-23 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site Treatments G4, all replications (1-5) with potash (0-0-60) at 150 lbs/A. The 150 lbs/A potash provided 90 lbs/A K2O to the plots. Average speed while spreading 150 lbs/A potash was 2.5 mph (B2, 1350 rpm) with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 68 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 11.5 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Weather conditions at the start (9:45 a.m.) were sunny, 40 degrees F, 62 % humidity, with 10 mph. N winds. Conditions at the end (5:50 p.m.) were partly sunny 56 degrees F, 27 % humidity, with Calm. N winds.

2014-04-24 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER T8NT plots (4 plots) with potash (0-0-60) at 70 lbs/A. The 70 lbs/A potash provided 42 lbs/A K2O to the plots. Average speed while spreading 70 lbs/A potash was 2.7 mph (B3, 1350 rpm) with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 68 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 11.5 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Weather conditions at the start (10:00 a.m.) were overcast, 48 degrees F, 46 % humidity, with 8 mph. SE winds. Conditions at the end (4:00 p.m.) were overcast, 57 degrees F, 27 % humidity, with 11 mph. ESE winds.

2014-04-24 Fertilizer Application Fertilized 8 Interaction plots (16, 15, 14, 10, 12, 7, 1, 5) with potash (0-0-60) at 70 lbs/A. The 70 lbs/A potash provided 42 lbs/A K2O to the plots. Average speed while spreading 70 lbs/A potash was 2.7 mph (B3, 1350 rpm) with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 68 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 11.5 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Weather conditions at the start (10:00 a.m.) were overcast, 48 degrees F, 46 % humidity, with 8 mph. SE winds. Conditions at the end (4:00 p.m.) were overcast, 57 degrees F, 27 % humidity, with 11 mph. ESE winds.

2014-04-25 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site Bait Crop with potash at 150 lbs/A. The 150 lbs/A of potash provided 90 lbs/A K2O to the plots. The 5 plots in rep 6 were fertilized, behind the brown house, then the perimeter around the GLBRC. Average speed while spreading 150 lbs/A potash was 2.5 mph (B2, 1350 rpm) with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 68 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 11.5 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Weather conditions at the start (10:00 a.m.) were overcast, 48 degrees F, 46 % humidity, with 8 mph. SE winds. Conditions at the end (4:00 p.m.) were overcast, 57 degrees F, 27 % humidity, with 11 mph. ESE winds.

2014-04-23 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site Treatments G1-G3, all replications (1-5) with potash (0-0-60) at 250 lbs/A. The 250 lbs/A potash provided 150 lbs/A K2O to the plots. Average speed while spreading 250 lbs/A potash was 1.4 mph (A3, 1350 rpm) with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 68 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 11.5 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Weather conditions at the start (9:45 a.m.) were sunny, 40 degrees F, 62 % humidity, with 10 mph. N winds. Conditions at the end (5:50 p.m.) were partly sunny 56 degrees F, 27 % humidity, with Calm. N winds.

2014-04-21 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T6, all replications (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) with potash (0-0-60) at 500 lbs/A. The 500 lbs/A potash provided 300 lbs/A K2O to the plots. The 500 lbs/A of potash was applied in two separate applications where 250 lbs/A of potash was applied at each application. First application of 250 lbs/A of potash was applied to reps 1-4 on April 21, 2014 and reps 5 and 6 were fertilized on April 22, 2014. Second application of 250 lbs/A of potash was applied to reps 1-4 on April 22, 2014 and reps 5 and 6 were fertilized on April 23, 2014. Average speed while spreading was 1.4 mph (A3, 1350 rpm) with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 68 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 11.5 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Weather conditions at the start (7:40 a.m.) partly sunny, 44 degrees F, 79 % humidity, with 9 mph. NNW winds. Conditions at the end (3:00 p.m.) were partly sunny 50 degrees F, 58 % humidity, with 15 mph. NW winds.

2014-04-21 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T3, all replications (1, 3, 2, 4, 5, 6) with potash (0-0-60) at 70 lbs/A. The 70 lbs/A potash provided 42 lbs/A K2O to the plots. (MICRO - PLOTS were not fertilized at this time.) Average speed while spreading was 4.5 mph (C2, 1350 rpm) with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 68 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 10 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Weather conditions at the start (7:40 a.m.) overcast, 54 degrees F, 50 % humidity, with calm SW winds. Conditions at the end (3:15 p.m.) were overcast, 75 degrees F, 30 % humidity, with calm SW winds.

2014-05-20 Mowing Flail mowed LTER main site T3 plots in the order of (1,2,3,4,5) on May 20, 2014 and rep 6 was mowed on May 21, 2014. Plots were mowed before being chisel plowed in order to help reduce the amount of standing biomass. Equipment used to flail mow was the JD 7420B and the JD 115 15' flail mower.

2014-05-21 Mowing Flail mowed LTER main site T4 plots in the order of (2,3,4,5,6) on May 21, 2014 and rep 1 was mowed on May 20, 2014. Plots were mowed before being chisel plowed in order to help reduce the amount of standing biomass. Equipment used to flail mow was the JD 7420B and the JD 115 15' flail mower.

2014-05-22 Mowing Flail mowed LTER main site Biodiversity Study treatments (B4, B5, B7, B8, B15, B16) which had standing cover crops. Plots were mowed before being chisel plowed in order to help reduce the amount of standing biomass. Equipment used to flail mow was the JD 7420B and the JD 115 15' flail mower.

2014-05-31 Soil Preparation Cultmulched twice in one day. Because of clumpy soil conditions we used the cultimulcher in main site T4 plots, all replications (4, 3, 2, 1, 5, and 6) with a two passes (in the same day) with the JD7420b tractor and the JD970 cultimulcher. The first pass was N-S over the plots and the second pass was on a slight angle to the NE-SW with 1 headland pass going E-W on both north and south side of each plot. All plots were cultimulched with the teeth in the ground about 2-3 inches. Speed was ~ 4.5 - 6 mph depending on soil conditions. Reason for cultimulching the second time on the same day was to break up more soil clumps.

2014-06-06 Mechanical Weed Control Rotary hoed in the Main Site LTER T4's all reps in the order of (5, 3, 4, 2, 1, 6). Rotary hoed at around 7.5 mph and the microplots that were supposed to get rotary hoed did get done. Equipment used was the JD 7420 B and the Yetter 3415 MT 15' Rotary Hoe.

2014-06-06 Mechanical Weed Control Rotary hoed organic corn in the LTER Biodiversity Study treatments B4 (104, 220, 307, 404), B7 (105, 219, 305, 407), B10 (117, 209, 320, 410), B12 (109, 202, 313, 412), B15 (112, 213, 301, 415), B18 (108, 208, 311, 418) . Rotary hoed at around 7-7.5 mph with the JD 7420b tractor and the Yetter 3415 MT 15' Rotary Hoe.

2014-06-06 Mechanical Weed Control Rotary hoed organic soybeans in the LTER Biodiversity Study treatments B5 (114, 217, 312, 405), B8 (118, 214, 310, 408), B11 (110, 216, 309, 411), B13 (113, 212, 319, 413), B16 (101, 210, 308, 416), B19 (103, 218, 315, 419). Rotary hoed at around 4-4.5 mph with the JD 7420b tractor and the Yetter 3415 MT 15' Rotary Hoe.

2014-06-26 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the Cellulosic Ethanol Study treatments CES1 (plots 108, 202, 304, and 401) and CES2 (plots 112, 210, 312, and 402) with liquid 28% fertilizer 28-0-0 (urea-ammonium nitrate) applied at 40 gallons/A. Since 28% fertilizer weighs 10.65 lbs/gal, the 40 gallons/A was the same as 119 lbs N/A. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator. Fertilizer was applied at 4 mph using the JD 7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with a John Deere Rate controller driven by an Ace hydraulic pump.

2014-06-28 Fertilizer Application Fertilized Interaction plots (16, 15, 14, 10, 12, 7, 1, 5) with 28-0-0 liquid fertilizer. Liquid 28% fertilizer 28-0-0 (urea-ammonium nitrate) was applied at 40 gallons/A. Since 28% fertilizer weighs 10.65 lbs/A, this equated to 119 lbs N/A. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator. Equipment used was the JD7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with the JD rate controller and ace pump.

2014-06-28 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the lysimeter field with 28-0-0 liquid fertilizer. Liquid 28% fertilizer 28-0-0 (urea-ammonium nitrate) was applied at 40 gallons/A to the south side of the field and to the east of T2 and the north side of the lysimeter was fertilized at 50 gallons/A since there was no starter fertilizer added at planting. Since 28% fertilizer weighs 10.65 lbs/A, this equated to 119 lbs N/A @ 40 gal/A and 149 lbs N/A @ 50 gal/A. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator. Equipment used was the JD7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with the JD rate controller and ace pump.

2014-06-28 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the GLBRC bait crop east side corn with 28-0-0 liquid fertilizer. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator. Fertilizer applied using the JD7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with a JD rate controller and a ace pump.

2014-06-28 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the GLBRC bait crop south side corn with 28-0-0 liquid fertilizer. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator. Fertilizer applied using the JD7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with a JD rate controller and a ace pump.

2014-06-28 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the LTER Main Site treatment T3 micro plots, replications in the order of (6, 1, 3, 4, 5 ,2) with 28-0-0 liquid fertilizer and was only applied to the 3 micro-plots that were supposed to get fertilized. Liquid 28% or Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (28-0-0) was applied at a total rate of 40 gal/A. Since 28% fertilizer weighs 10.65 lbs/gal, the 40 gal/A was the same as 119 lbs N/A. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator. Fertilizer applied using the JD7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with a JD rate controller and ace pump.

2014-06-28 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the LTER Main Site treatment T4 micro plots, replications in the order of (1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 6) with 28-0-0 liquid fertilizer and was only applied to the 3 micro-plots that were supposed to get fertilized. Liquid 28% or Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (28-0-0) was applied at a total rate of 40 gal/A. Since 28% fertilizer weighs 10.65 lbs/gal, the 40 gal/A was the same as 119 lbs N/A. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator. Fertilizer applied using the JD7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with a JD rate controller and ace pump.

2014-06-27 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER N-rate study (Irrigated and Non-irrigated fertility gradient study) Corn plots. Fertilizer applications were with 28-0-0 which supplied 28% nitrogen in the form of Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (UAN). A single pass of a 28% applicator was used to knife in the correct amount of fertilizer. The 28% applicator has seven coulters where the 5 inside coulters apply a full target rate and the 2 outside coulters apply half of the target rate. The applicator is controlled by a rate controller as well as inline orifices. Fertilizer was knifed roughly 6 to 8 inches into the ground. The amounts of nitrogen applied were as follows: F1 (101, 203, 309, 404, 501, 603, 709, 804) 0 lbs N/A; F2 (102, 202, 304, 406, 502, 602, 704, 806) 0 lbs N/A; F3 (103, 205, 302, 407, 503, 605, 702, 807) 30 lbs N/A (10 gal/A); F4 (104, 208, 305, 403, 504, 608, 705, 803) 60 lbs N/A (20 gal/A); F5 (105, 204, 306, 401, 505, 604, 706, 801) 90 lbs N/A (30 gal/A); F6 (106, 209, 308, 402, 506, 609, 708, 802) 120 lbs N/A (40 gal/A); F7 (107, 201, 307, 408, 507, 601, 707, 808) 150 lbs N/A (50 gal/A); F8 (108, 207, 303, 405, 508, 607, 703, 805) 190 lbs N/A (64 gal/A); F9 (109, 206, 301, 409, 509, 606, 701, 809) 230 lbs N/A (77 gal/A). Equipment used was 7420B and an applicator that was just built by the FSC that was equipped with a rate controller and inline orifices. Orifices were changed accordingly with the application rate and treatments and the application speed was 4 mph.

2014-08-15 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the LTER Main Site Treatment T6, Alfalfa plots, all replications (replicates 5, 3, 4, 2, 1, 6) with phosphorus (0-46-0) at 220 lbs/A. The 220 lbs/A phosphorus provided 101 lbs/A P2O5 to the plots. The fertilizer was applied with the JD 7420(b) tractor traveling at approximately 1.7 mph; Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator with a 30 ft boom, connected to a Raven 6000 monitor which controlled and monitored the application. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 69 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4” diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22”; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 11 p.s.i.

2014-08-27 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the LTER Main Site treatment T6 alfalfa, all replications (reps 5, 3, 4, 2, 1, 6) with potash and boron. A total of 527 pounds of product was applied: 512 lbs/A of 0-0-60 potash which supplied 307 lbs/A of K2O and 15 lbs/A of 14% boron which supplied 2.1 lbs/A of B. The total amount of product was applied in two applications each being 263.5 lbs/A. Applications were made using a John Deere 7420 B traveling at 1.6 mph (A4 1300 rpm) and a Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 64 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22"; meter cal number 206; air pressure 13 p.s.i. Boom length 30ft, nozzles 16-24 inches above the ground level. The first application across all replications was on Monday August 25, 2014 as well as the second application for reps (5, 3,). The second application for reps (4, 2, 1, 6) was completed on Tuesday August 26, 2014. Weather conditions on 8/25/14 at 8:10 a.m. 69 degrees F, 95 % humidity, winds calm out of the south east (end application 3:15 p.m.) Weather conditions on 8/26/14 at 9:30 a.m. were 74 degrees F, 86% humidity, winds 5 mph avg. out of the south. End application 2:20 p.m. 77 degrees F, 73% humidity, 8 mph avg out of the Northwest.

2014-09-09 Mechanical Weed Control Flail mowed the LTER Biodiversity Study treatment B1 fall fallow plots: (106, 201, 303, 401). Purpose was to reduce the amount of biomass before chisel plowing.

2014-09-29 Mechanical Weed Control Flail mowed LTER Main Site treatments 1 and 2 micro plots, all replications. Weeds were thick due to no herbicide be applied to the micro plots. Goal was to mow the weeds down so the combine did not have to harvest them. Flail mowed T2 on Sept. 29, 2014 in the order of (5, 3, 4, 2, 1, 6). Flail mowed T1 on Oct. 1, 2014 in the order of (5, 1, 4, 2, 3, 6). Flail mowed the east 10-15 feet of the Interaction plots (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15,) on Oct. 1, 2014 depending on if there was a reputable ear for harvest.Equipment used was the JD 7420b and the JD 115 15' flail mower.

2014-10-27 Planting Seeded Soft Red Winter Wheat into the LTER Biodiversity Study, treatments and plots that were planted were: B5 (114, 217, 312, 405), B8 (118, 214, 310, 408), B11 (110, 216, 309, 411), B17 (116, 211, 302, 417), B20 (120, 215, 318, 420). Seeding rate was roughly 1,960,000 seeds/A, our goal was 2,000,000 seeds/A. Planting depth was 3/4”- 1" deep with a speed of 4 mph. Seed used was Pioneer 25R34 Soft Red Winter (Treated) and equipment used was the JD7420b tractor and the JD1590 no-till drill.

2014-10-27 Planting Planted wheeler rye cover crop in GLBRC Main Stie treatment G4 all replications (5, 4, 3, 2, 1). Rye was calibrated to be planted at 112 lbs/A (2 Bu/A) and was seeded at 112 lbs/A. Planting depth was 3/4" to 1". Drill Setting on the 1590 John Deere No-till drill was 36.

2014-10-27 Planting Planted Winter Pea cover crop over rye in GLBRC Main Site G4 plots all replications (5, 1, 2, 4, 3). Winter Lynx peas were calibrated to be planted at 100 lbs/A and were actually seeded at 101 pounds/A. Planting depth was 3/4" and the drill setting on the 1590 John Deere No-till drill was on the lower side of 27.

2014-10-30 Harvest Harvested Corn Stover in the GLBRC, treatments: G1, G2, and G3 all replications. Harvested - Eastern 75 feet (30 rows) of each plot, except for G2R1 and G3R1 the western 75 feet (30 rows) was harvested. The remaining 15' (6 rows) area unharvested is the stover non-removal microplot, located on the western 15' of each plot except for G2R1 and G3R1 where it is located on the eastern 15' of the plot. Stover weights were determined by using load cell scales on the Gnuse forage wagon pulled behind the JD 7420b and the New Holland 38 Flail Chopper. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each replication. Estimated harvest time was from 10:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. (this estimate is just harvest time it does not include equipment set up and equipment clean up time).

2014-11-03 Planting Planted Winter Pea cover crop over rye in GLBRC Main Site G2 and G3 treatments all replications (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). Winter Lynx peas were calibrated to be planted at 100 lbs/A and were actually planted at 108 lbs/A. Planting depth was 3/4" to 1" and the drill setting on the 1590 John Deere No-till drill was on the lower side of 26. Do to running short on seed G3 Rep 5 only had 2 passes planted on 11/3 (starting from the west side) and the remaining 4 passes were planted on 11/5.

2014-11-03 Planting Planted wheeler rye cover crop in GLBRC Main Stie treatments G2 and G3 all replications ( 4, 5, 3, 2, 1). Rye was calibrated to be planted at 112 lbs/A (2 Bu/A) and was seeded at 113 lbs/A. Planting depth was 1" to 1-1/2". Drill Setting on the 1590 John Deere No-till drill was 36.

2014-11-03 Planting Planted wheeler rye in the GLBRC bait crop. Rye was planted on the entire east side outer perimeter of the bait crop, as well as one 15' pass on the north side bait crop (inner most pass to the plots - planted into corn residue). Rye was planted at 113 lbs/A at a depth of 1 to 1-1/2".

2014-11-07 Planting No-till planted wheeler rye in the LTER Main Site Treatment T3, all replications (Reps 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 6). Rye was planted with a target rate of 3 bu/A or 168 lbs/A. Rye was actually seeded at 2.9 bu/A or 164 lbs/A. Planting depth was 1 to 1-1/2 inches deep and setting on drill was #53.

2014-11-07 Planting No-till planted organic cereal rye in the LTER Main Site Treatment T4, all replications (Reps 5, 1, 6, 2, 3, 4). Rye was planted with a target rate of 2.5 bu/A or 140 lbs/A. Rye was actually seeded at 2.4 bu/A or 134 lbs/A. Planting depth was 1 to 1-1/2 inches deep and setting on drill was #35.5.

2014-11-10 Planting No-till planted organic cereal rye in the LTER Biodiversity Study treaments B3 plots (111, 203, 306, 403), B4 plots (104, 220, 307, 404), B16 plots (101, 210, 308, 416). Rye was planted with a target rate of 2.5 bu/A or 140 lbs/A. Rye was actually seeded at 2.4 bu/A or 134 lbs/A. Planting depth was 1 to 1-1/2 inches deep and setting on drill was #35.5.

2014-06-27 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the GLBRC Main Site treatment G2 and G3, corn, replications 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 with 28-0-0 liquid fertilizer. Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (28-0-0) was applied at a total rate of 40 gal/A. Since 28% fertilizer weighs 10.65 lbs/gal, the 40 gal/A was the same as 119 lbs N/A. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator. Fertilizer applied using the JD7420a tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with a John Deere Rate Controller and an Ace pump with ground speed around 4 mph.

2015-04-06 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T1, T2 and T3 all replications with potash (0-0-60) at 150 lbs/A. The 150 lbs/A potash provided 90 lbs/A K2O to the plots. T1's and T2's were fertilized 4-6-15 and T3 was fertilized on 4-7-15. Average speed while spreading was 3-3.5 mph with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 68 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 13 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level.

2015-04-07 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER T8nt all replications with potash (0-0-60) at 250 lbs/A. The 250 lbs/A potash provided 150 lbs/A K2O to the plots. Average speed while spreading was 2 mph with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 68 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 13 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level.

2015-04-07 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER CE Study treatments C1, C2, and C3 all replications with potash (0-0-60) at 150 lbs/A. The 150 lbs/A potash provided 90 lbs/A K2O to the plots. Average speed while spreading was 3 mph with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 68 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 13 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level.

2015-04-14 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main SIte treatment's T1, T2 and T3 all replications with super phosphate (0-46-0) at 100 lbs/A. The 100 lbs/A of super phosphate provided 46 lbs p2O5/A to the plots. Average speed was 4-4.5 with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. The slides on the Gandy were on the smallest setting with the 1 1/4" (yellow) metering wheel; deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number was 285; air pressure was 13 p.s.i; Boom length was 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level.

2015-04-14 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER CE study treatments CES1, CES2, CES 3 all replications with super phosphate (0-46-0) at 100 lbs/A. The 100 lbs/A of super phosphate provided 46 lbs p2O5/A to the plots. Average speed was 4-4.5 with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. The slides on the Gandy were on the smallest setting with the 1 1/4" (yellow) metering wheel; deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number was 285; air pressure was 13 p.s.i; Boom length was 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level.

2015-04-14 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER T8NT's all replications with super phosphate (0-46-0) at 100 lbs/A. The 100 lbs/A of super phosphate provided 46 lbs p2O5/A to the plots. Average speed was 4-4.5 with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. The slides on the Gandy were on the smallest setting with the 1 1/4" (yellow) metering wheel; deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number was 285; air pressure was 13 p.s.i; Boom length was 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level.

2015-04-15 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site treamtents G1 reps (2, 3, 4), G2 reps (1, 2, 3, 5), G4 (all replications) with super phosphate (0-46-0) at 150 lbs/A. The 150 lbs/A of super phosphate provided 69 lbs p2O5/A to the plots. Average speed was 3 with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. The slides on the Gandy were on the smallest setting with the 1 1/4" (yellow) metering wheel; deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number was 285; air pressure was 13 p.s.i; Boom length was 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level.

2015-04-15 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site treamtent G3 all replications with super phosphate (0-46-0) at 100 lbs/A. The 100 lbs/A of super phosphate provided 46 lbs p2O5/A to the plots. Average speed was 3 with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. The slides on the Gandy were on the smallest setting with the 1 1/4" (yellow) metering wheel; deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number was 285; air pressure was 13 p.s.i; Boom length was 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level.

2015-04-15 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the LTER Main Site Treatment T6, Alfalfa plots, all replications (replicates 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 6) with phosphorus (0-46-0) at 200 lbs/A. The 200 lbs/A phosphorus provided 92 lbs/A P2O5 to the plots. The fertilizer was applied with the JD 7420(b) tractor traveling at approximately 2.4 mph; Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator with a 30 ft boom, connected to a Raven 6000 monitor which controlled and monitored the application. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Metering wheel 1 1/4” diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22”; meter cal number 184; air pressure was 14 p.s.i.

2015-04-16 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC bait crop, brown house, and 5 plots in rep 6 with super phosphate (0-46-0) at 200 lbs/A. The 200 lbs/A of super phosphate provided 92 lbs p2O5/A to the plots. Average speed was 2.4 with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. The slides on the Gandy were on the smallest setting with the 1 1/4" (yellow) metering wheel; deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number was 184; air pressure was 13 p.s.i; Boom length was 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Weather conditions at 10:45 a.m. cloudy 52 degrees F. 56% humidity, 6 mph east wind. Conditions at 6:00 p.m. partly cloudy, 60 degrees F. 65% humidity and 1 mph south west wind.

2015-04-16 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the LTER Lysimeter field with super phosphate (0-46-0) at 200 lbs/A. The 200 lbs/A of super phosphate provided 92 lbs p2O5/A to the plots. Average speed was 2.4 with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. The slides on the Gandy were on the smallest setting with the 1 1/4" (yellow) metering wheel; deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number was 184; air pressure was 13 p.s.i; Boom length was 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Weather conditions at 10:45 a.m. cloudy 52 degrees F. 56% humidity, 6 mph east wind. Conditions at 6:00 p.m. partly cloudy, 60 degrees F. 65% humidity and 1 mph south west wind.

2015-04-16 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the LTER N-Rate Fertility Study with super phosphate (0-46-0) at 200 lbs/A. The 200 lbs/A of super phosphate provided 92 lbs p2O5/A to the plots. Average speed was 2.4 with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. The slides on the Gandy were on the smallest setting with the 1 1/4" (yellow) metering wheel; deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number was 184; air pressure was 13 p.s.i; Boom length was 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Weather conditions at 10:45 a.m. cloudy 52 degrees F. 56% humidity, 6 mph east wind. Conditions at 6:00 p.m. partly cloudy, 60 degrees F. 65% humidity and 1 mph south west wind.

2015-04-17 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site treatment G1 Rep (2, 3, 4, 5), G2 (All Reps), G4 (All Reps) with potash (0-0-60) at 300 lbs/A. The 300 lbs/A potash provided 180 lbs/A K2O to the plots. Average speed while spreading was 1.7 mph with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 180; air pressure was 13 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Weather Conditions at 1:00 p.m. Sunny 72 degrees F. 35% humidity, 2 mph West wind. Weather Conditions at 6:35 p.m. Sunny, 73 degrees F. 27% humidity, 5 mph West wind.

2015-04-17 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site treatment G3 (All Reps) with potash (0-0-60) at 150 lbs/A. The 150 lbs/A potash provided 90 lbs/A K2O to the plots. Average speed while spreading was 2.4 mph with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 180; air pressure was 13 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Weather Conditions at 1:00 p.m. Sunny 72 degrees F. 35% humidity, 2 mph West wind. Weather Conditions at 6:35 p.m. Sunny, 73 degrees F. 27% humidity, 5 mph West wind.

2015-04-17 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Bait Crop, behind the brown house and the 5 plots in rep 6 with potash (0-0-60) at 200 lbs/A. The 200 lbs/A potash provided 120 lbs/A K2O to the plots. Average speed while spreading was 2.4 mph with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 180; air pressure was 13 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Weather Conditions at 1:00 p.m. Sunny 72 degrees F. 35% humidity, 2 mph West wind. Weather Conditions at 6:35 p.m. Sunny, 73 degrees F. 27% humidity, 5 mph West wind.

2015-04-17 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the LTER N-Rate Fertility Study with potash (0-0-60) at 200 lbs/A. The 200 lbs/A potash provided 120 lbs/A K2O to the plots. Average speed while spreading was 2.4 mph with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 180; air pressure was 13 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Weather Conditions at 1:00 p.m. Sunny 72 degrees F. 35% humidity, 2 mph West wind. Weather Conditions at 6:35 p.m. Sunny, 73 degrees F. 27% humidity, 5 mph West wind.

2015-04-23 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the LTER Main Site treatment T6 all replications with a total of 300 lbs/A of potash (0-0-60) and 20 lbs/A of (20%) boron (B). Applied in split application: first application was potash only and second application was potash with boron. Please see Following Notes: April 23, 2015 - Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T6 all replicaitons (5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 6) with potash (0-0-60) at 150 lbs/A. The 150 lbs/A potash provided 90 lbs/A K2O to the plots. Average speed while spreading was 3.4 mph with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 180; air pressure was 13 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Weather Conditions at 8:00 a.m. Cloudy 33 degrees F. 79% humidity, 7 mph North West wind. Weather Conditions at 12:15 p.m. cloudy, 36 degrees F. 57% humidity, 13 mph North West wind. April 24, 2015 - Fertilized the LTER Main Site treatment T6 all replications(6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1) with potash (0-0-60) and boron (10%). A total of 170 lbs/A was applied: 150 lbs/A potash which provided 90 lbs/A K2O; and 20 lbs/A of 10% boron which supplied 2 lbs/A of Boron to the plots. Average speed while spreading was 3.1 mph with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 180; air pressure was 13 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Weather Conditions at 8:00 a.m. Sunny 31 degrees F. 76% humidity, calm North East wind. Weather Conditions at 3:00 p.m. Sunny, 55 degrees F. 28% humidity, calm South East Wind.

2015-04-23 Fertilizer Application April 7, 2015 Fertilized LTER lysimeter field with potash (0-0-60) at 200 lbs/A. The 200 lbs/A potash provided 120 lbs/A K2O to the field. Started from the West side and only fertilized to the weather station. Average speed while spreading was 3 mph with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 68 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 13 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. April 23, 2015 Fertilized the LTER Lysimeter field from the weather station to the East with potash (0-0-60) at 150 lbs/A. This side received only 150 lbs/A instead of 200 lbs/A due to running short (plan to go back over with 50 lbs/A). The 150 lbs/A potash provided 90 lbs/A K2O to the field. Average speed while spreading was 3.4 mph with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 180; air pressure was 13 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Weather Conditions at 8:00 a.m. Cloudy 33 degrees F. 79% humidity, 7 mph North West wind. Weather Conditions at 12:15 p.m. cloudy, 36 degrees F. 57% humidity, 13 mph North West wind. April 24, 2015 Fertlized LTER Lysimeter field (where only 150 lbs/A was applied) with an additional potash (0-0-60) and Boron (10% B) at 50 lbs/A. There was 44 lbs/A potash applied to total 194 lbs/A on this section of the field. The 194 lbs/A potash provided 116.4 lbs/A K2O. There was 5.88 lbs/A of (10%) Boron mixed with the potash which provided .588 lbs/A of actual Boron.

2015-04-24 Fertilizer Application April 24, 2015 - Fertilized the ECB Study with potash (0-0-60) and boron (10%). A total of 100 lbs/A was applied: 88.23 lbs/A potash which provided 53 lbs/A K2O; and 11.76 lbs/A of 10% boron which supplied 1.176 lbs/A of Boron to the plots. Average speed while spreading was 3.1 mph with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 180; air pressure was 13 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Weather Conditions at 8:00 a.m. Sunny 31 degrees F. 76% humidity, calm North East wind. Weather Conditions at 3:00 p.m. Sunny, 55 degrees F. 28% humidity, calm South East Wind.

2015-04-16 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the ECB study with super phosphate (0-46-0) at 200 lbs/A. The 200 lbs/A of super phosphate provided 92 lbs p2O5/A to the plots. Average speed was 2.4 with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. The slides on the Gandy were on the smallest setting with the 1 1/4" (yellow) metering wheel; deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number was 184; air pressure was 13 p.s.i; Boom length was 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Weather conditions at 10:45 a.m. cloudy 52 degrees F. 56% humidity, 6 mph east wind. Conditions at 6:00 p.m. partly cloudy, 60 degrees F. 65% humidity and 1 mph south west wind.

2015-06-17 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the GLBRC Main Site treatment G1, corn, replications 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 with 28-0-0 liquid fertilizer. Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (28-0-0) was applied at a total rate of 41 gal/A. Since 28% fertilizer weighs 10.65 lbs/gal, the 41 gal/A equals 122 lbs N/A. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator. Fertilizer applied using the JD7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with a John Deere Rate Controller and an Ace pump, Application speed around 4 mph.

2015-06-17 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the GLBRC bait crop (third plot from the west in rep 6, behind the brown house and the west strip on the north side between the two driveways.)with 28-0-0 liquid fertilizer. Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (28-0-0) was applied at a total rate of 41 gal/A. Since 28% fertilizer weighs 10.65 lbs/gal, the 41 gal/A equals 122 lbs N/A. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator. Fertilizer applied using the JD7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with a John Deere Rate Controller and an Ace pump, Application speed around 4 mph.

2015-06-19 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the GLBRC bait crop north and south sides with 28-0-0 liquid fertilizer. On the south side Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (28-0-0) was applied at a total rate of 41 gal/A. Since 28% fertilizer weighs 10.65 lbs/gal, the 41 gal/A equals 122 lbs N/A. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator. Fertilizer applied using the JD7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with a John Deere Rate Controller and an Ace pump, Application speed around 4 mph. The north side bait crop was laid out into a small study where corn was applicated with two different types of applicators, the FSC built 6 row applicator (which has knifes following the coulter and places fertilizer 4-6 inches into the ground and is controlled by a john deere rate controller with a hydraulic Ace pump) and the Clark 6 row applicator (which has injection type nozzles following the coulter where fertilizer is shot into the slot at a high pressure from 6-10 inches above the ground and is controlled by a john blue ground driven pump). Seven treatments were laid out and replicated randomly three times. All treatments received 30 lbs N/A at planting via starter fertlilizer (14 gal/A 19-17-0). Treatments were then side dressed with additional nitrogen and are explained below (below treatments are showing the amount of nitrogen that was side dressed not total amount of N, an additional 30 lbs N/A (from starter fertilizer at planting) needs to be added to what is shown below in the treatments); Side Dressed Amounts - T1(0 lbs N/A), T2-(FSC applicator:90 lbs N/A from 30 gal/A 28-0-0), T3-(FSC applicator: 120 lbs N/A from 40 gal/A 28-0-0), T4-(FSC applicator: 150 lbs N/A from 50 gal/A 28-0-0), T5-(Clark applicator: 90 lbs N/A from 30 gal/A 28-0-0), T6-(Clark applicator: 120 lbs N/A from 40 gal/A 28-0-0), T7-(Clark applicator: 150 lbs N/A from 50 gal/A 28-0-0). TOTAL NITROGEN per acre for each treatment is as follows - T1-30 lbs N/A, T2-120 lbs N/A, T3-150 lbs N/A, T4-180 lbs N/A, T5-120 lbs/A, T6-150 lbs N/A, T7-180 lbs N/A.

2015-06-29 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the GLBRC Main Site treatment G2 and G4, corn, all replications with 28-0-0 liquid fertilizer. Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (28-0-0) was applied at a total rate of 41 gal/A. Since 28% fertilizer weighs 10.65 lbs/gal, the 41 gal/A equals 122 lbs N/A. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator. Fertilizer applied using the JD7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with a John Deere Rate Controller and an Ace pump, Application speed around 4 mph.

2015-06-29 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the GLBRC Main Site bait crop (east side perimeter corn and the two plots in rep 6 from the east side). corn, all replications with 28-0-0 liquid fertilizer. Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (28-0-0) was applied at a total rate of 41 gal/A. Since 28% fertilizer weighs 10.65 lbs/gal, the 41 gal/A equals 122 lbs N/A. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator. Fertilizer applied using the JD7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with a John Deere Rate Controller and an Ace pump, Application speed around 4 mph.

2015-06-25 Fertilizer Application The Field B1 (East of the FSC) field was laid out into a small study where corn was applicated with two different types of applicators, the FSC built 6 row applicator (which has knifes following the coulter and places fertilizer 4-6 inches into the ground and is controlled by a john deere rate controller with a hydraulic Ace pump) - and the Clark 6 row applicator (which has injection type nozzles following the coulter where fertilizer is shot into the slot at a high pressure from 6-10 inches above the ground and is controlled by a john blue ground driven pump). Seven treatments were laid out and replicated randomly four times. All treatments received 30 lbs N/A at planting via starter fertlilizer (14 gal/A 19-17-0). Treatments were then side dressed with additional nitrogen and are explained below (below treatments are showing the amount of nitrogen that was side dressed not total amount of N, an additional 30 lbs N/A (from starter fertilizer at planting) needs to be added to what is shown below in the treatments); Side Dressed Amounts - T1(0 lbs N/A), T2-(FSC applicator:90 lbs N/A from 30 gal/A 28-0-0), T3-(FSC applicator: 120 lbs N/A from 40 gal/A 28-0-0), T4-(FSC applicator: 150 lbs N/A from 50 gal/A 28-0-0), T5-(Clark applicator: 90 lbs N/A from 30 gal/A 28-0-0), T6-(Clark applicator: 120 lbs N/A from 40 gal/A 28-0-0), T7-(Clark applicator: 150 lbs N/A from 50 gal/A 28-0-0). TOTAL NITROGEN per acre for each treatment is as follows - T1-30 lbs N/A, T2-120 lbs N/A, T3-150 lbs N/A, T4-180 lbs N/A, T5-120 lbs/A, T6-150 lbs N/A, T7-180 lbs N/A.

2015-06-25 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the LTER CE Study treatments CES1 and CES3 all replications with 28-0-0 liquid fertilizer. Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (28-0-0) was applied at a total rate of 41 gal/A. Since 28% fertilizer weighs 10.65 lbs/gal, the 41 gal/A equals 122 lbs N/A. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator. Fertilizer applied using the JD7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with a John Deere Rate Controller and an Ace pump, Application speed around 4 mph.

2015-08-17 Mechanical Weed Control Flail mowed the LTER Main Site Biodiversity Study treatments B5, B8, B11, B17 and B20 , all replications. Plots were mowed after wheat harvest to prevent existing weeds from going to seed.

2015-09-29 Mowing Flail mowed LTER Main Site treatments 1 and 2 micro plots, all replications. Weeds were thick due to no herbicide applied to the micro plot area. Goal was to mow the weeds down so the combine did not have to harvest them. Flail mowed T1 and T2 on Sept. 29, 2015 in the order of (T1R6, T2R6, T2R1, T1R2, T1R3, T1R4, T2R4, T1R1, T2R2, T2R3, T2R5, T1R5). October 1, 2015: Flail mowed the east 15 feet of the Interaction plots (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, and 16). Equipment used was the JD 7420b and the JD 115 15' flail mower.

2015-10-01 Mowing Flail mowed LTER T8 plots, all reps, with the JD 7420b tractor and the JD 115 flail mower.

2015-10-02 Planting Planted winter wheat in T2, all reps: 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R40 which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was treated. Pioneer 25R40 (treated seed) had 10,000 seeds/lb (90% germ) at 150 lbs/A. Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4 mph.

2015-10-06 Planting Planted winter wheat in T1, rep 6 on 10/03/15 and reps 1-5 on 10/06/15 (first 2 passes on the west side in rep 1 were planted 10/05/15). Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R40 which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was treated. Pioneer 25R40 (treated seed) had 10,000 seeds/lbs (90% germ) at 150 lbs/A. Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4 mph.

2015-10-07 Planting Planted winter wheat in T3 Reps (6,3,1,4,5) reps 6,3, and 12 passes from west to east in rep 1 were planted with (10,000 seeds/lb 90% germ at 150 lbs/A (6.1A)), reps 1, 4, and 6 passes west to east in rep 5 were planted with (10,500 seeds/lb 90% germ 143 lbs/A (6.1A)), the rest of rep 5 was planted with (11,000 seeds/lb 80% germ 150 lbs/A (1.6A)). Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R40 which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was treated. Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4 mph.

2015-10-09 Planting Planted winter wheat in the LTER fertility gradient both non-irrigated and irrigated. Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R40 (11,000 seeds/lb with 80% germ target rate of 150 lbs/A) which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was treated. Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4 mph.

2015-10-09 Planting Planted winter wheat in the Main Site LTER treatment T6 all reps (6,5, and 9 passes from west to east in rep 4 (6.1A) were planted with 11,000 seeds/lb (80% germ) at 150 lbs/A), reps (remaining 9 passes in rep 4, 3, 2, and rep 1 (8.6 A) were planted with 10,000 seeds/lb (80% germ) at a target rate of 163 lbs/A. Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R40 (11,000 seeds/lb and 10,000 seeds/lb with 80% germ) which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was treated. Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4 mph.

2015-10-09 Planting Planted winter wheat in the Main Site LTER lysimeter field (10,000 seeds/lb (80% germ)) at a target rate of 163 lbs/A. Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R40 (10,000 seeds/lb with 80% germ) which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was treated. Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4 mph.

2015-10-20 Planting Planted winter wheat in the T8nt plots all replications (10,000 seeds/lb (80% germ)) at a target rate of 163 lbs/A. Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R40 (10,000 seeds/lb with 80% germ) which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was treated. Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4 mph.

2015-10-23 Planting Planted winter wheat in the T4 plots all replications (10,500 seeds/lb (85% germ)) at 200 lbs/A. Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R40 (10,500 seeds/lb with 85% germ) which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was untreated. Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4 mph.

2015-11-03 Planting Planted winter wheat in the LTER Main Site Biodiversity Study treatments B4 (104, 220, 307, 404), B7 (105, 219, 305, 407), B10 (117, 209, 320, 410), B14 (115, 204, 304, 414), B17 (116, 211, 302, 417), B20 (120, 215, 318, 420) (10,500 seeds/lb (85% germ)) at 200 lbs/A. Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R40 (10,500 seeds/lb with 85% germ) which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was untreated. Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4 mph.

2015-11-17 Planting No-till planted wheeler rye in the LTER Biodiversity study, treatments B3 (111, 203, 306, 403), B5 (114, 217, 312, 405),and B16 (101, 210, 308, 416). Seed was a rye variety that is a wheeler rye from Moore Seed Farm out of Elsie MI. Target population was 2.5 bu/a or 140 lbs/A. 224 lbs was loaded into the drill total and there was 78 lbs that was taken out of the drill after planting 1.0 acres. The final seeding rate works out to be 146 lbs/A (2.6 bu/A). Planting depth was 1.0 inch deep. Drill population setting was set at 39.

2016-03-30 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T2, all replications (1, 4, 3, 2, 5, 6) with MAP (11-52-0) and potash (0-0-60) blend at 275 lbs/A. MAP was applied at 175 lbs/A providing 19 lbs/A of N, and 91 lbs/A of P2O5. Potash was applied at 100 lbs/A providing 60 lbs/A of K2O. Average speed while spreading was 2.2 mph with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 64 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 201; air pressure was 15 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level.

2016-04-05 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T1, replications (5, 1 on April 5, 2016) conditions got to wet to continue so reps (2, 3, 4, and 6 were fertilized April 14, 2016) with MAP (11-52-0) and potash (0-0-60) blend at 275 lbs/A. MAP was applied at 175 lbs/A providing 19 lbs/A of N, and 91 lbs/A of P2O5. Potash was applied at 100 lbs/A providing 60 lbs/A of K2O. Average speed while spreading was 2.2 mph with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 64 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 201; air pressure was 15 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Due to wet conditions only replications 5 and 1 from T1 were fertilized on this day.

2016-04-15 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T6 all replications (5,6,4,3,2,1), N-Rate Study, and T8nt plots with super phosphate (0-46-0) and potash (0-0-60) blend at 350 lbs/A. Super phosphate was applied at 200 lbs/A providing 92 lbs/A of P2O5. Potash was applied at 150 lbs/A providing 90 lbs/A of K2O. Average speed while spreading was 2.0 mph with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 64 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 175; air pressure was 15 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level.

2016-04-16 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T3 all replications: (5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and 6), and lysimeter field with super phosphate (0-46-0) and potash (0-0-60) blend at 350 lbs/A. Super phosphate was applied at 200 lbs/A providing 92 lbs/A of P2O5. Potash was applied at 150 lbs/A providing 90 lbs/A of K2O. Average speed while spreading was 2.0 mph with JD 7420b tractor and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 64 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 175; air pressure was 18 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level.

2016-05-23 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site treatment G4 all replications (5, 3, 1, 2, 4)with super phosphate (0-46-0) and potash (0-0-60) blend at 350 lbs/A. Super phosphate was applied at 200 lbs/A providing 92 lbs/A of P2O5. Potash was applied at 150 lbs/A providing 90 lbs/A of K2O. Average speed while spreading was 2.0 mph with JD 7420b tractor and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 64 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 175; air pressure was 18 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level.

2016-05-24 Fertilizer Application Applied pelletized lime to GLBRC Main Site plots G3R1, G4R2, G4R4, at 1.125 tons/A. Lime was applied with Gandy Orbit Air narrowed down to 22.5 feet swath making 4 passes across the plot traveling 1 mph applying 750 lbs/A. Each plot was gone over 3 times to equal the 1.125 tons/A or 2250 lbs/A.

2016-05-24 Fertilizer Application Applied pelletized lime to GLBRC Main Site plots G3R5, G4R4, G4R5 at 2.25 tons/A. Lime was applied with Gandy Orbit Air narrowed down to 22.5 feet swath making 4 passes across the plot traveling 1 mph applying 750 lbs/A. Each plot was gone over 6 times to equal the 2.25 tons/A or 4500 lbs/A.

2016-05-26 Fertilizer Application Applied pelletized lime to GLBRC Main Site plots G1R5, G2R3, G2R4, G3R3 at 2.25 tons/A. Lime was applied with Gandy Orbit Air narrowed down to 22.5 feet swath making 4 passes across the plot traveling 1 mph applying 750 lbs/A. Each plot was gone over 6 times to equal the 2.25 tons/A or 4500 lbs/A.

2016-06-07 Fertilizer Application Applied pelletized lime to GLBRC Main Site plots G1R2, G1R3, and G1R4 at 2.25 tons/A. Lime was applied with Gandy Orbit Air narrowed down to 22.5 feet swath making 4 passes across the plot traveling 1 mph applying 750 lbs/A. Each plot was gone over 6 times to equal the 2.25 tons/A or 4500 lbs/A.

2016-06-17 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the GLBRC Main Site treatment G1, G2 and G3, corn, all replications with 28-0-0 liquid fertilizer. Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (28-0-0) was applied at a total rate of 41 gal/A. Since 28% fertilizer weighs 10.65 lbs/gal, the 41 gal/A equals 122 lbs N/A. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator. Fertilizer applied using the JD7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with a John Deere Rate Controller and an Ace pump, Application speed around 4 mph.

2016-06-17 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the GLBRC bait crop corn with 28-0-0 liquid fertilizer. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator. Fertilizer applied using the JD7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with a John Deere Rate Controller and an Ace pump, Application speed around 4 mph.

2016-06-30 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the LTER CE study treatment CES 2 all replications with 28-0-0 liquid fertilizer. Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (28-0-0) was applied at a total rate of 41 gal/A. Since 28% fertilizer weighs 10.65 lbs/gal, the 41 gal/A equals 122 lbs N/A. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator. Fertilizer applied using the JD7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with a John Deere Rate Controller and an Ace pump, Application speed around 4 mph.

2016-08-03 Planting No-till seeded red clover at 10.5 lbs/A pure live seed (clover was planted at 20 lbs/A to achieve 10.5 lbs/A pure live seed giving coating material and germination percent) in the LTER Main Site T3 plots all replications (5, 4, 2, 1, 6, 3). Reps 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 4 passes of rep 3 were planted on 8-3-2016, the remaining passes in rep 3 were planted on 8-4-2016. To prevent weed pressure in the spring T3 plots were sprayed sprayed and it was decided red clover would be seeded following harvest. Plots were sprayed with a pre-plant burn down to control the post harvest weed flush. Clover planted 1/4 inch into the ground.

2016-08-10 Mowing Flail mowed the wheat stubble and weeds in T6 plots, all reps. Reps 6 and 5 were mowed on August 9, 2016. Reps 3, 2, 1, and 4 were mowed on August 10, 2016. Flail mowed with the JD 7420b tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2016-08-11 Mechanical Weed Control Flail mowed the wheat stubble and weeds in T8nt plots, all reps. Flail mowed LTER Biodiversity Study wheat stubble treatments: B4: (104, 220, 307, 404); B7: (105, 219, 305, 407); B10: (117, 209, 320, 410); B17: (116, 211, 302, 417). Flail mowed weeds the Continuous Fallow treatment: B21 (100, 200, 300, 421). Flail mowed with the JD 7420b tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2016-08-24 Mowing Flail mowed in LTER Main Site treatment T4's all replications. All plots were gone over twice to mow the center strip that is left behind from flail mower. Flail mowed red clover and weeds down to roughly 4 inches to prevent weeds from producing viable seed.

2016-08-26 Planting Planted roundup ready alfalfa (Pioneer 55VR06) in the LTER Main Site T6 plots, all replications: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and 6. Seeding Rate: Alfalfa was planted at 20 lbs/A pure live seed (alfalfa was planted at 25 lbs/A to achieve 20 lbs/A pure live seed given the seed coating material and germination percent). Tillage: No-till. Variety: Pioneer 55VR06-N221 P14F10 Roundup Ready Alfalfa Seed. Planting Depth: Alfalfa was planted 3/4 inch into the ground. Plots were sprayed with a pre-plant burn down to control the weed flush after wheat harvest.

2016-09-02 Mowing Flail mowed the Biodiversity Study fall fallow treatment B1: (106, 201, 303, 401) and wheat stubble treatments: B4: (104, 220, 307, 404); B7: (105, 219, 305, 407); B10: (117, 209, 320, 410); B14:(115, 204, 304, 414), B17: (116, 211, 302, 417), B20: (120, 215, 318, 420). Flail mowed with the JD 7420b tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2016-10-10 Harvest Harvested Corn Stover in the GLBRC, treatments: G2 and G3, all replications. Harvested - Eastern 75 feet (30 rows) of each plot, except for G2R1 and G3R1 the western 75 feet (30 rows) were harvested. The remaining 15' (6 rows) area unharvested is the stover non-removal microplot, located on the western 15' of each plot, except for G2R1 and G3R1 where it is located on the eastern 15' of the plot. Stover weights were determined by placing the round bales of stover on a Rice Lake Rough Deck Floor Scale System (model # 67704)(5,000 lbs capacity) with a RWL 390 DC Indicator. Floor scale was placed on the back of the Dodge truck (with flat bed) (MSU #1653). Truck was driven to each plot and bales were placed on the scales with the JD 7420b tractor with front loader and bale spears. Bales were weighed and removed from the plots on October 11, 2016. Weight of each round bale was recorded. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each replication. Estimated harvest time was from 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. (this estimate is just harvest time it does not include equipment set up and equipment clean up time).

2016-11-07 Mowing Flail mowed LTER T8 plots, all reps, with the JD 7420b tractor and the JD 115 flail mower.

2016-11-08 Planting No-till planted wheeler rye in the LTER Biodiversity study, treatments B4 (104, 220, 307, 403), B5 (114, 217, 312, 405),and B16 (101, 210, 308, 416). Seed was a rye variety that is a wheeler rye from Moore Seed Farm out of Elsie MI. Target population was 2.5 bu/a or 140 lbs/A. 224 lbs was loaded into the drill total and there was 81 lbs that was taken out of the drill after planting .9 acres. The final seeding rate works out to be 159 lbs/A (2.8 bu/A). Planting depth was 1.0 inch deep. Drill population setting was set at 38.5.

2016-11-09 Planting Planted winter wheat in the LTER Main Site Biodiversity Study treatments B3: 111, 203, 306, 403; B6: 107, 207, 317, 406; B9: 119, 205, 314, 409; B17: 116, 211, 302, 417; B20: 120, 215, 318, 420. Pioneer 25R40 (12,500 seeds/lb with 90% germ) which is a soft red winter wheat. Wheat was planted at 2,033,333 seeds per acre. Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4 mph.

2016-11-14 Harvest Baled switchgrass field at Lux Arbor. Baled 1/3 of the field on Saturday November 12, 2016 and harvested the remaining field area on Monday November 14, 2016. 1:00 - 6:00 p.m. baling time. Does not include travel and set up time. Weight was taken from on board load cell on the tale-gate of the Krone baler. Justin Mezo and Ryan Anthony moved and stacked bales with the JD 7420a tractor equipped with a JD loader and bale spears.

2016-11-18 Harvest Baled prairie field at Marshall Farm. Baled 1/4 of the field (26 bales) on Thursday November 17, 2016, harvested the remaining field area on Friday November 18, 2016. 3:20 p.m. - 5:20 p.m. on Thursday November 17, 2016 this was baling time, does not include travel, set-up time, and service/maintenance. Weight was taken from on board load cell on the tale-gate of the Krone baler. Ryan Anthony and Justin Mezo moved and stacked bales with the JD 7420a tractor equipped with a JD loader and bale spears. Matt Pixley drove the semi and trailer hauling bales from Marshall Farm to the MSU KBS Dairy Center (Hay Storage Barn).

2016-11-07 Mowing Flail mowed LTER CE corn plots, biodiversity corn plots, and biodiversity spring fallow plots. Treatments and plots that had corn stubble mowed in the CE study: CE2: 112, 210, 312, 402. CE1 plots were fallow during 2016 growing season so no harvest from the CE1 plots in 2016. CE1 plots were fallow for a project from the Landis Lab with Monarch butterflies. CE1 plots 108, 202, 304, 401. Treatments and plots that had corn stubble mowed in the biodiversity study: B5: 114, 217, 312, 405; B8: 118, 214, 310, 408; B11: 110, 216, 309, 411; B12: 109, 202, 313, 412; B15: 112, 213, 301, 415; B18: 108, 208, 311, 418. Biodiversity spring fallow plots: B2: 102, 206, 316, 402. Equipment used was the JD 7420b tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2016-11-16 Harvest Baled switchgrass field at Marshall Farm. Baled 1/2 of the field on Wednesday November 16, 2016, harvested the remaining field area on Thursday November 17, 2016. 2:00 - 6:00 p.m. baling time. Does not include travel and set up time. Weight was taken from on board load cell on the tale-gate of the Krone baler. Ryan Anthony and Justin Mezo moved and stacked bales with the JD 7420a tractor equipped with a JD loader and bale spears. Matt Pixley drove the semi and trailer hauling bales from Marshall Farm to the MSU KBS Dairy Center (Hay Storage Barn).

2017-04-19 Planting Replanted roundup ready alfalfa (Pioneer 55VR06) in the LTER Main Site T6 plots, all replications: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and 6. Fall seeded alfalfa had poor stand due to excessive amounts of biomass from the previous wheat crop. There were areas that came up great and then there were scattered bare spots. It was decided not to kill off original fall seeding but to replant in between the rows with a lower rate. Seeding Rate: Alfalfa was planted at 13.2 lbs/A pure live seed (alfalfa was planted at 16.2 lbs/A to achieve 13.1 lbs/A pure live seed given the seed coating material and germination percent). Tillage: No-till. Variety: Pioneer 55VR06-N221 P14F10 Roundup Ready Alfalfa Seed. Planting Depth: Alfalfa was planted 3/4 inch into the ground. While planting rep 6 it started raining with 5 passes to go. Finished planting the plot but the water caused the drill to become plugged. This was not known until the drill was cleaned out. After looking at alfalfa seedlings as they came up there was a difference in stand from where it had started raining. It was decided to replant that area again so 8 passes were planted in rep 6 on April 26, 2017 from the east side of the plot going west. This came out to be exactly 1 acre and seeding population was the same as the initial replant.

2017-05-08 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T1, T2, T3, all replications, N-Rate Study, and Lysimeter Field (56.8 Acres) with potash (0-0-60). Potash was applied at 80 lbs/A providing 48 lbs/A of K2O. Average speed while spreading was 5.2 mph with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 69 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 15 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level.

2017-05-09 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC G1 plots all replication (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and all bait crop (perimeter edges, behind house, rep 6) with potash (0-0-60). G1 plots were applied at recommendation levels per plot. G1 Rep 1, 2, and 3 applied at 242 lbs/A (providing 145 lbs K2O/A), rep 4 applied at 100 lbs/A (providing 60 lbs K2O/A), rep 5 applied at 67 lbs/A (providing 40 lbs K2O/A). Bait crop was applied at 80 lbs/A (providing 48 lbs K2O/A). Average speed while spreading was 2.4-5.0 mph with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 69 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 15 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level.

2017-05-17 Mowing Flail mowed LTER main site T4 plots, all reps, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. T4 rep 1 was flailed mowed on May 17, 2017, by Todd Martin. Reps 2 and 3 were flailed mowed on May 17, 2017, by Justin Mezo. Reps 4, 5, and 6 on May 19, 2017, by Justin Mezo Plots were flail mowed before chisel plowing in order to help reduce the amount of standing biomass. Flail mowing will help incorporate all the biomass into the soil when plots are chisel plowed. Equipment used: JD7420b tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2017-05-31 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC G2, G3, G4 all replications. Potash was applied by soil test recommendation to each plot (please refer to attached document for different rates per plot). Average speed while spreading was 2-3 mph. Equipment used: JD 7420b tractor and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 69 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 18 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level.

2017-06-19 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER N-rate study (Irrigated and Non-irrigated fertility gradient study) Corn plots. Fertilizer applications were with 28-0-0 which supplied 28% nitrogen in the form of Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (UAN). A single pass of a 28% applicator was used to knife in the correct amount of fertilizer. The 28% applicator has seven coulters where the 5 inside coulters apply a full target rate and the 2 outside coulters apply half of the target rate. The applicator is controlled by a rate controller as well as inline orifices. Fertilizer was knifed roughly 5-6 inches into the ground. The amounts of nitrogen applied were as follows: F1 (101, 203, 309, 404, 501, 603, 709, 804) 0 lbs N/A; F2 (102, 202, 304, 406, 502, 602, 704, 806) 0 lbs N/A; F3 (103, 205, 302, 407, 503, 605, 702, 807) 30 lbs N/A (10 gal/A); F4 (104, 208, 305, 403, 504, 608, 705, 803) 60 lbs N/A (20 gal/A); F5 (105, 204, 306, 401, 505, 604, 706, 801) 90 lbs N/A (30 gal/A); F6 (106, 209, 308, 402, 506, 609, 708, 802) 120 lbs N/A (40 gal/A); F7 (107, 201, 307, 408, 507, 601, 707, 808) 150 lbs N/A (50 gal/A); F8 (108, 207, 303, 405, 508, 607, 703, 805) 190 lbs N/A (64 gal/A); F9 (109, 206, 301, 409, 509, 606, 701, 809) 230 lbs N/A (77 gal/A). Equipment used: JD 7420b tractor and liquid fertilizer applicator that was built by the FSC that was equipped with a rate controller and inline orifices. Orifices were changed accordingly with the application rate and treatments and the application speed was 4 mph. Weather conditions at 2:45 p.m. were mostly sunny 72 degrees F, 62% humidity with 10-15 mph winds (12.51 average) coming out of the west. Humidity: 62% humidity, Dew Point: 57 degrees F. Soil Temperature: 89 degrees F. Soil Moisture: 11.80%.

2017-06-20 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the GLBRC Main Site corn treatment G1 all replications (5, 3, 2, 4, 1) and bait crop corn (East and South perimeter middle 30', North perimeter on the west edge between two drives) with 28-0-0 liquid fertilizer. Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (28-0-0) was applied at a total rate of 41 gal/A. Since 28% fertilizer weighs 10.65 lbs/gal, the 41 gal/A equals 122 lbs N/A. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator at a depth of 5-6 inches. Equipment used: JD7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with a John Deere Rate Controller and an Ace pump, The 28% applicator has seven coulters where the 5 inside coulters apply a full target rate and the 2 outside coulters apply half of the target rate. The applicator is controlled by a rate controller as well as inline orifices. Application speed around 4 mph.

2017-06-21 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the LTER Main Site T1 and T2 plots all replications with 28-0-0 liquid fertilizer. T1R6, T2R5, and T2R6 were fertilized June 20, 2017. All other plots fertilized June 21, 2017. Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (28-0-0) was applied at a total rate of 41 gal/A. Since 28% fertilizer weighs 10.65 lbs/gal, the 41 gal/A equals 122 lbs N/A. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator at a depth of 5-6 inches. Equipment used: JD7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with a John Deere Rate Controller and an Ace pump, The 28% applicator has seven coulters where the 5 inside coulters apply a full target rate and the 2 outside coulters apply half of the target rate. The applicator is controlled by a rate controller as well as inline orifices. Application speed around 4.8 mph.

2017-06-27 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the LTER CE Corn Plots, and T8nt plots all replications. Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (28-0-0) was applied at a total rate of 41 gal/A. Since 28% fertilizer weighs 10.65 lbs/gal, the 41 gal/A equals 122 lbs N/A. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator at a depth of 5-6 inches. Equipment used: JD7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with a John Deere Rate Controller and an Ace pump, The 28% applicator has seven coulters where the 5 inside coulters apply a full target rate and the 2 outside coulters apply half of the target rate. The applicator is controlled by a rate controller as well as inline orifices. Application speed around 4.8 mph.

2017-06-30 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the GLBRC north perimeter bait crop edge and the corn that was planted in the north half of the old (productivity study), and the LTER lysimeter field. Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (28-0-0) was applied at a total rate of 41 gal/A. Since 28% fertilizer weighs 10.65 lbs/gal, the 41 gal/A equals 122 lbs N/A. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator at a depth of 5-6 inches. Equipment used: JD7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with a John Deere Rate Controller and an Ace pump, The 28% applicator has seven coulters where the 5 inside coulters apply a full target rate and the 2 outside coulters apply half of the target rate. The applicator is controlled by a rate controller as well as inline orifices. Application speed around 4.8 mph.

2017-07-05 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the GLBRC Main Site corn treatment G2 and G4 all replications and bait crop corn (3 corn plots in rep 6) with 28-0-0 liquid fertilizer. Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (28-0-0) was applied at a total rate of 41 gal/A. Since 28% fertilizer weighs 10.65 lbs/gal, the 41 gal/A equals 122 lbs N/A. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator at a depth of 5-6 inches. Equipment used: JD7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with a John Deere Rate Controller and an Ace pump, The 28% applicator has seven coulters where the 5 inside coulters apply a full target rate and the 2 outside coulters apply half of the target rate. The applicator is controlled by a rate controller as well as inline orifices. Application speed around 4 mph.

2017-07-05 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the GLBRC bait crop corn 2 acre field behind the house with a 50/50 blend of 28-0-0 liquid fertilizer and 19-17-0 liquid fertilizer. Fertilizer was applied at 48 gallons/A and it formulated to be 23-9-0 and weighed 10.83 lbs/gallon. This equates to 120 lbs of N/A being applied and 47 lbs/A of phosphorus. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator at a depth of 5-6 inches. Equipment used: JD7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with a John Deere Rate Controller and an Ace pump, The 28% applicator has seven coulters where the 5 inside coulters apply a full target rate and the 2 outside coulters apply half of the target rate. The applicator is controlled by a rate controller as well as inline orifices. Application speed around 4 mph.

2017-11-01 Planting No-till planted wheeler rye in the LTER Main Site Treatment T4, all replications (Reps 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 6). Rye was planted with a target rate of 2.8 bu/A or 158lbs/A. Rye was actually seeded at 2.7 bu/A or 149 lbs/A. Planting depth was 1 to 1-1/2 inches deep and setting on drill was #39.

2017-11-08 Planting No-till planted wheeler rye in the LTER Main Site Treatment T3, all replications (Reps 5, 4, 2, 3, 1, 6). Rye was planted with a target rate of 2.8 bu/A or 158lbs/A. Rye was actually seeded at 2.7 bu/A or 149 lbs/A. Planting depth was 1 to 1-1/2 inches deep and setting on drill was #39.

2017-12-05 Observation Placed around 200 yards of gravel on the 'lane' or 'road' that splits the L1 and L2 fields at Lux Arbor. Purpose for more gravel: To help stabilize the road after rain or any moisture. Road would become sticky and muddy after rainfall or moisture. Gravel was added to help equipment and trucks have better access to the field for harvesting and/or removing biomass (bales) from the field. Source of gravel: Carpenter Gravel, Inc. Delton, MI (269) 721-9989 Type of gravel: 22A stabilized road gravel. Carpenter Gravel delivered the gravel in 10 yards trucks, they spread the gravel out as best as they could coming out of the tailgate of the trucks. We moved/leveled the gravel around with the loader on the JD 7420b tractor.

2017-12-01 Planting No-till planted wheeler rye in the LTER Biodiversity study treatments B3 (111, 203, 306, 409), B4 (104, 220, 307, 404), B16 (101, 210, 308, 416). Plots B3 (111, 203,306, 403), B16 (101, and half of 210) were planted on November 14, 2017 but conditions were to wet to plant any more so all other plots were planted on December 1, 2017. Rye was planted with a target rate of 2.8 bu/A or 157lbs/A. Rye was actually seeded at 2.7 bu/A or 149 lbs/A. Planting depth was 1 to 1-1/2 inches deep and setting on drill was #39.

2017-12-13 Observation Placed around 370 yards of gravel on the 'lane' or 'road' that goes from the KBS FSC farm to the GLBRC intensive site. Started on Wednesday December 13, 2017 and finished Thursday December 14, 2017. Purpose for more gravel: To help stabilize the road after rain or any moisture. Road would become sticky and muddy after rainfall or moisture. Gravel was added to help equipment, trucks, and other equipment have better access to the GLBRC plots. Having the new road will allow staff to stay off 40th St. (busy road for farm and lab equipment). Source of gravel: Carpenter Gravel, Inc. Delton, MI (269) 721-9989 Type of gravel: 22A stabilized road gravel. Carpenter Gravel delivered the gravel in 10 yards trucks (two of them), they spread the gravel out as best as they could coming out of the tailgate of the trucks. We moved/leveled the gravel around with the loader on the JD 7420b tractor.

2017-12-18 Harvest Hauled 96 (out of 105 bales) prairie bales out of L1 to Prairie View Dairy Farm (the dairy farm south of Lux Arbor on Parker Rd.) Four loads (24 bales per load) totaling 80,200 lbs net weight (40.1 tons). A Prairie View Farm Staff member unloaded our trailer at their farm using on JD pay-loader.

2017-11-27 Harvest Harvested Corn Stover in the GLBRC, treatment: G1, G2, G4 all replications. Equipment used: JD 7420a tractor and Loftness 15' Draper Windrower Shredder (to windrow the corn stover). Harvested - Eastern 75 feet (30 rows) of each plot, except for G2R1 and G3R1 the western 75 feet (30 rows) were harvested. The remaining 15' (6 rows) area unharvested is the stover non-removal microplot, located on the western 15' of each plot. Stover weights were determined by placing the round bales of stover on a Rice Lake Rough Deck Floor Scale System (model # 67704)(5,000 lbs capacity) with a RWL 390 DC Indicator. Floor scale was placed on the back of the Dodge truck (with flat bed) (MSU #1653). Truck was driven to each plot and bales were placed on the scales with the JD 7420b tractor with front loader and bale spears. Bales were weighed and removed from the plots on November 27, 2017. Weight of each round bale was recorded. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each replication. Estimated harvest time was from 12:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. (this estimate is just harvest time it does not include equipment set up and equipment clean up time).

2017-11-29 Harvest Mowed all the prairie in L1 on Wednesday November 29, 2017. Baled all the prairie in L1 on Wednesday November 29, 2017. (105 total bales, total weight = 42.1 tons, average weight per bale = 802 lbs/bale). Started to move the bales from L1 on Wednesday November 29, 2017. Finished moving the bales from L1 on Thursday November 30, 2017.

2017-11-27 Harvest Harvested (mowed) M2 prairie on Monday November 27, 2017. Started Baling M2 prairie on Monday November 27, 2017. Finished baling M2 on Tuesday November 28, 2017. (59 total bales, total weight = 25.0 tons, average weight per bale = 851 lbs/bale). Moved bales from M2 on Tuesday November 28, 2017.

2017-11-28 Harvest Started harvesting (mowing) M3 switchgrass on Monday November 27, 2017. Finished mowing the switchgrass on Tuesday November 28, 2017. Baled M3 switchgrass on Tuesday November 28, 2017. (255 total bales, total weight = 104.0 tons, average weight per bale = 816 lbs/bale). Started to moved bales from M2 on Tuesday November 28, 2017. Finished removing bales from M2 on Wednesday November 29, 2017.

2017-12-01 Harvest Started harvesting (mowing) L2 switchgrass on Thursday November 30, 2017. Finished mowing the switchgrass on Friday December 1, 2017. Baled L2 switchgrass on Friday December 1, 2017. (215 total bales, total weight = 94.0 tons, average weight per bale = 875 lbs/bale). Started to move bales off the L2 field on Friday December 1, 2017. Finished moving bales off L2 on Saturday December 2, 2017.

2017-12-20 Harvest Hauled six loads (36 bales per load) of switchgrass bales out of L2 to Prairie View Dairy Farm (the dairy farm south of Lux Arbor on Parker Rd.) Six loads (36 bales per load) totaling 197,340 lbs net weight (98.67 tons). The sixth load had 39 total bales, six of the bales were prairie bales from L1 ~ 835 lbs per bale x 6 bales = 5,013 lbs (2.5 tons) that would belong to field L1 not L2. A Prairie View Farm Staff member unloaded our trailer at their farm using on JD pay-loader.

2017-12-21 Harvest Hauled 180 (out of 255 bales) switchgrass bales out of M3 to Prairie View Dairy Farm (the dairy farm south of Lux Arbor on Parker Rd.) Todd hauled three loads of (36 bales per load) totaling 88,580 lbs net weight (44.29 tons). Joe hauled three loads of (24 bales per load) totaling 58,520 lbs net weight (29.26 tons). 71 bales were hauled to the KBS Dairy for use at the KBS Dairy and will sell a few bales to local farmers. Four bales were hauled to the KBS GLBRC compost pile because the bales were half bales or loose bales totaling 1500 lbs net weight (0.75 tons). A Prairie View Farm Staff member unloaded our trailers at their farm using on JD pay-loader.

2018-03-30 Planting Planted cover/bait crop in the GLBRC on the outside perimeter. The inner 30 ft on the North side and the outer 30 ft on both the East and South side perimeter were planted with a cover/bait crop. Cover/bait crop consisted of a mixture of oats (45 lbs/A), annual ryegrass (15 lbs/A), crimson clover treated (15 lbs/A), Kale (1 lb/A) and forage turnips (1.5 lbs/A). Mixture was seeded at 73 lbs/A (target was 77.5).

2018-05-29 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the Switchgrass fertility experiment. Pelletized limestone was applied at four rates: 1 ton/A, 2.5 ton/A, 3.0 ton/A, and 3.5 ton/A. All applications were with multiple passes over the plots to reach the correct amount (the gandy applicator has a limitation of a maximum application rate of approximately 999 lbs/A due to product flow through the hoses). Pelletized limestone was applied to the following: SWF4(1ton/A), SWF5(2.5 ton/A), SWF6(2.5 ton/A), SWF7(3.0 ton/A), SWF8(3.5 ton/A) . Applied with the John Deere 7420a tractor traveling 0.9-1.2 mph (range A1, 1100-1400 rpm) and a Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 70 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4” diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5”; meter cal number 163; air pressure was 20 p.s.i.; Boom length 15 feet extending from the center of the Gandy to the right only, nozzles 16-24 inches above the ground level. Weather conditions: sunny, temperatures 60 degrees F.

2018-06-07 Fertilizer Application Applied 250 lbs/A of potash to G1 and G2 plots. Applied with the John Deere 7420a tractor traveling 2.4 mph and a Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: metering wheel 1 1/4” diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5”; meter cal number 199; air pressure 20 p.s.i.; Boom width 30 feet, nozzles 16-24 inches above ground level, 3 passes per plot. also applied same rate on the two

2018-06-07 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site G2 plots with 21 gallons per acre of a blend of 28% fertilizer and 19-17-0. This blend supplied 30 lbs/A of P2O5 and 50 lbs/A of Nitrogen. The 15 ft unfertilized micro plot was not fertilized (Rep 1 West side, Rep 2-5 East side).

2018-06-07 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site G1 plots and bait crop corn with 41 gallons per acre of 28% nitrogen. This blend supplied 122 lbs/A of Nitrogen.

2018-06-21 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER CE1, CE2, GLBRC G1, rep 6, south half of productivity study and perimeter bait crop corn with post emerge application of Roundup Powermax. Roundup Powermax 1 qt/A. Weather conditions: At the start 9:15 a.m. partly cloudy 65 degrees F, humidity was 92 % with 4-6 mph east wind. End of application 11:15 a.m. partly cloudy, 70 degrees F, humidity 63.5 %, with 9-11 mph east winds

2018-06-25 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER Main Site treatment T6 with Liberty 280SL and 2,4-D LV4 Ester. Liberty 280SL was applied at 22 oz/A 2,4-D LV4 Ester was applied at 1 pt/A. Weather conditions: At the start 1:00 p.m. mostly sunny 68 degrees F, humidity was 67.2 % with 8-10 mph east. End of application 3:00 p.m. mostly sunny, 74 degrees F, humidity 61 %, with 8-10 mph east winds.

2018-06-18 Mechanical Weed Control Rotary hoe LTER Main Site T4 plots all replications.

2018-06-26 Mechanical Weed Control Rotary hoe LTER Main Site T4 plots all replications.

2018-06-18 Mechanical Weed Control Rotary hoe LTER Biodiversity Corn and Soybean Plots B3:(111, 203, 306, 403), B4:(104, 220, 307, 404), B6:(107, 207, 317, 406), B7:(105, 219, 305, 407), B9:(119, 205, 314, 409), B10:(117, 209, 320, 410), B12:(109, 202, 313, 412), B13:(113, 212, 319, 413), B15:(112, 213, 301, 415), B16:(101, 210, 308, 416), B18:(108, 208, 311, 418), B19:(103, 218, 315, 419).

2018-06-26 Mechanical Weed Control Rotary hoe LTER Biodiversity Corn and Soybean Plots B3:(111, 203, 306, 403), B4:(104, 220, 307, 404), B6:(107, 207, 317, 406), B7:(105, 219, 305, 407), B9:(119, 205, 314, 409), B10:(117, 209, 320, 410), B12:(109, 202, 313, 412), B13:(113, 212, 319, 413), B15:(112, 213, 301, 415), B16:(101, 210, 308, 416), B18:(108, 208, 311, 418), B19:(103, 218, 315, 419).

2018-06-29 Mechanical Weed Control Rotary hoe LTER Main Site T4 plots all replications.

2018-06-29 Mechanical Weed Control Rotary hoe LTER Biodiversity Corn and Soybean Plots B3:(111, 203, 306, 403), B4:(104, 220, 307, 404), B6:(107, 207, 317, 406), B7:(105, 219, 305, 407), B9:(119, 205, 314, 409), B10:(117, 209, 320, 410), B12:(109, 202, 313, 412), B13:(113, 212, 319, 413), B15:(112, 213, 301, 415), B16:(101, 210, 308, 416), B18:(108, 208, 311, 418), B19:(103, 218, 315, 419).

2018-07-03 Mechanical Weed Control Rotary hoe LTER Biodiversity Soybean Plots B4:(104, 220, 307, 404), B7:(105, 219, 305, 407), B10:(117, 209, 320, 410), B13:(113, 212, 319, 413), B16:(101, 210, 308, 416), B19:(103, 218, 315, 419).

2018-07-03 Mechanical Weed Control Row cultivated the LTER Biodiversity Corn and Soybean Plots B3:(111, 203, 306, 403), B4:(104, 220, 307, 404), B6:(107, 207, 317, 406), B7:(105, 219, 305, 407), B9:(119, 205, 314, 409), B10:(117, 209, 320, 410), B12:(109, 202, 313, 412), B13:(113, 212, 319, 413), B15:(112, 213, 301, 415), B16:(101, 210, 308, 416), B18:(108, 208, 311, 418), B19:(103, 218, 315, 419). Speed was 3.3 mph and started on South East side of all plots.

2018-07-12 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER Main Site treatment T1, T2 plots (T1R1, T1R6, T2R6, T2R5, T1R5, T2R2*,T2R3, T2R4, T1R4, T1R2, T1R3, T2R1) with Roundup Powermax and AMS. Roundup was applied at 1 qt/A and Ammonium Sulfate was applied at 3.4 lbs/A. Weather conditions: At the start 9:00 a.m. sunny 70 degrees F, humidity was 70.7 % with 4-6 mph south east winds. End of application 5:30 p.m. sunny, 81 degrees F, humidity 47.2 %, with 6-8 mph south east winds.

2018-07-13 Mechanical Weed Control Row cultivated the LTER Biodiversity Corn and Soybean Plots B3:(111, 203, 306, 403), B4:(104, 220, 307, 404), B6:(107, 207, 317, 406), B7:(105, 219, 305, 407), B9:(119, 205, 314, 409), B10:(117, 209, 320, 410), B12:(109, 202, 313, 412), B13:(113, 212, 319, 413), B15:(112, 213, 301, 415), B16:(101, 210, 308, 416), B18:(108, 208, 311, 418), B19:(103, 218, 315, 419). Speed was 3 mph in soybeans and 4.5 in corn. Started on South West side of all plots.

2018-07-13 Mechanical Weed Control Row cultivated the LTER Main Site T4 Soybean plots all replications (5, 3, 2, 4, 1, 6) Speed was 3 mph and started on South West side of all plots.

2018-07-19 Mechanical Weed Control Row cultivated the LTER Biodiversity Corn and Soybean Plots B3:(111, 203, 306, 403), B4:(104, 220, 307, 404), B6:(107, 207, 317, 406), B7:(105, 219, 305, 407), B9:(119, 205, 314, 409), B10:(117, 209, 320, 410), B12:(109, 202, 313, 412), B13:(113, 212, 319, 413), B15:(112, 213, 301, 415), B16:(101, 210, 308, 416), B18:(108, 208, 311, 418), B19:(103, 218, 315, 419). Speed was 3.8 mph in soybeans and corn. Started on South east side of all plots.

2018-07-19 Mechanical Weed Control Row cultivated the LTER Main Site T4 Soybean plots all replications (5, 3, 2, 4, 1, 6) Speed was 3.8 mph and started on North West side of all plots.

2018-07-31 Mechanical Weed Control Row cultivated the LTER Main Site T4 Soybean plots all replications (5, 3, 2, 4, 1, 6) Speed was 4-4.5 mph and started on South West side of all plots.

2018-07-31 Mechanical Weed Control Row cultivated LTER Biodiversity Soybean Plots B4:(104, 220, 307, 404), B7:(105, 219, 305, 407), B10:(117, 209, 320, 410), B13:(113, 212, 319, 413), B16:(101, 210, 308, 416), B19:(103, 218, 315, 419).

2018-10-10 Planting Planted winter wheat in T2, Reps (6, 1, 4) Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R40 which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was treated. Pioneer 25R40 (treated seed) had 11,500 seeds/lb (90% germ) planted at 163.6 lbs/A (1,881,400 seeds per acre). Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4.4 mph.

2018-10-17 Planting Planted winter wheat in T2, Reps (2, 3, 5) Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R40 which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was treated. Pioneer 25R40 (treated seed) had 11,500 seeds/lb (90% germ) planted at 157 lbs/A. Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4.4 mph.

2018-10-17 Planting Planted winter wheat in LTER T8nt plots all replications, LTER irrigated and non irrigated N-Rate Study, and LTER Lysimeter field (from east to west up to T2 plot). Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R40 which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was treated. Pioneer 25R40 (treated seed) had 11,500 seeds/lb (90% germ) planted at 163.6 lbs/A (1,881,400 seeds per acre). Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4.4 mph.

2018-10-19 Planting Planted winter wheat in T1, Reps (6, 3, 4, 2, 1, 5) Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R40 which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was treated. Pioneer 25R40 (treated seed) had 11,500 seeds/lb (90% germ) planted at 163.6 lbs/A (1,881,400 seeds per acre). Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4.4 mph.

2018-10-19 Planting Planted winter wheat in T3, Reps (3) Due to rain planting was stopped. Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R40 which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was treated. Pioneer 25R40 (treated seed) had 11,500 seeds/lb (90% germ) planted at 163.6 lbs/A (1,881,400 seeds per acre). Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4.4 mph.

2018-10-26 Planting Planted winter wheat in T3, Reps (5, 4, 2, 1, 6) Rep 3 was planted 10-19-2018 but delayed due to rain.Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R40 which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was treated. Pioneer 25R40 (treated seed) had 11,500 seeds/lb (90% germ) planted at 163.6 lbs/A (1,881,400 seeds per acre). Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4.4 mph.

2018-10-27 Planting Planted winter wheat in T4 plots all treatments (R6, R5, R4, R3, R2, R1). Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R40 which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was not treated. Pioneer 25R40 (untreated seed) had 12,500 seeds/lb (90% germ) planted at 163.6 lbs/A (2,045,000 seeds per acre). Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4.4 mph.

2019-03-23 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTERv winter wheat N-Rate Study treatments 2-9. Plots were fertilized with 28% U.A.N. nitrogen fertilizer at a rate of 7 gallons per acre. A gallon of 28% fertilizer weighs 10.67 lbs, so 20 pounds of actual N was applied. Applied with Top Air Sprayer equipped with chafer streamer bars with 1.0 orifice. Do to low volume only half the boom was on and every 15 foot plot was covered individually. Start 7:30 a.m. weather was clear 21.5 degrees F. 3-4 mph north west wind 91.9% humidity. End of application 9:30 a.m. clear sunny 27.2 degrees F. 5-6 mph north west wind, 84% humidity.

2019-03-23 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER winter wheat T8nt plots all replications with 28% U.A.N. nitrogen fertilizer at a rate of 10 gallons per acre. A gallon of 28% fertilizer weighs 10.67 lbs, so 30 pounds of actual N was applied. Applied with Top Air Sprayer equipped with chafer streamer bars with 1.0 orifice. Start 9:30 a.m. clear sunny 27.2 degrees F. 5-6 mph north west wind, 84% humidity. End of application 10:42 a.m. clear sunny 29.5 degrees F. 4-5 mph north west wind, 74.8% humidity.

2019-03-25 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Winter wheat treatment T2 Plots all replications (6, 1, 4, 3, 2, 5) were fertilized with 28% U.A.N. nitrogen fertilizer at a rate of 10 gallons per acre. A gallon of 28% fertilizer weighs 10.67 lbs, so 30 pounds of actual N was applied. Applied with Top Air Sprayer equipped with chafer streamer bars with 1.0 orifice. Start 6:50 a.m. weather was clear 29.3 degrees F. 12-15 mph north east wind 82.5 % humidity. End of application 9:45 a.m. clear sunny 30.7 degrees F. 13-15 mph north east wind, 65.2% humidity.

2019-03-25 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Winter wheat Lysimeter field with 28% U.A.N. nitrogen fertilizer at a rate of 10 gallons per acre. A gallon of 28% fertilizer weighs 10.67 lbs, so 30 pounds of actual N was applied. Applied with Top Air Sprayer equipped with chafer streamer bars with 1.0 orifice. Start 9:45 a.m. clear sunny 30.7 degrees F. 13-15 mph north east wind, 65.2% humidity. End of application 10:10 a.m. clear sunny 31.6 degrees F. 12-15 mph north east wind, 61.84% humidity. (On 3-27-2019 another 10 gallons per acre was applied to empty the sprayer out. Applied from East to West up to T2R6 plot then ran out. Weather conditions on 3-27-2019 Start of application 7:10 a.m. clear, 26 degrees F, 2-4 mph South winds, 64.1 % humidity. End of application 8:30 a.m. Sunny 30 degrees F, 2-4 mph South winds, 64.3 % humidity.) Lysimeter field to this point has 20 gallons of 28% applied per acre. This equals 60 lbs N/A.

2019-03-26 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Winter wheat treatment T1 Plots all replications (3, 2, 4, 5, 1, 6) were fertilized with 28% U.A.N. nitrogen fertilizer at a rate of 10 gallons per acre. A gallon of 28% fertilizer weighs 10.67 lbs, so 30 pounds of actual N was applied. Applied with Top Air Sprayer equipped with chafer streamer bars with 1.0 orifice. Start 6:50 a.m. weather was clear 25.8 degrees F. 3-4 mph north wind 26.5 % humidity. End of application 8:55 a.m. clear sunny 28.5 degrees F. 4-6 mph north east wind, 49.8% humidity.

2019-03-26 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Winter wheat treatment T3 Plots all replications (6, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5) were fertilized with 28% U.A.N. nitrogen fertilizer at a rate of 10 gallons per acre. A gallon of 28% fertilizer weighs 10.67 lbs, so 30 pounds of actual N was applied. Ground thawed and became muddy on last plot rep 5 so half was applied on this day and the remaining plot was applied the following morning 3-27-2019. Applied with Top Air Sprayer equipped with chafer streamer bars with 1.0 orifice. Start 8:55 a.m. clear sunny 28.5 degrees F. 4-6 mph north east wind, 49.8% humidity. End of application 10:50 a.m. clear sunny 31.2 degrees F. 6-8 mph east wind, 36.4% humidity. Weather conditions for remaining half plot T3R5 on 3-27-2019 Start of application 7:10 a.m. clear, 26 degrees F, 2-4 mph South winds, 64.1 % humidity. End of application 8:30 a.m. Sunny 30 degrees F, 2-4 mph South winds, 64.3 % humidity.

2019-03-28 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site winter wheat treatment T1, all replications with MAP (11-52-0) and potash (0-0-60) blend at 275 lbs/A. MAP was applied at 175 lbs/A providing 19 lbs/A of N, and 91 lbs/A of P2O5. Potash was applied at 100 lbs/A providing 60 lbs/A of K2O. Average speed while spreading was 2.7 mph with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 64 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 201; air pressure was 19 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Weather conditions at the start: 1:45 p.m. partly cloudy 60.5 degrees F, 6-8 mph west wind, 52.8 % humidity. Conditions at the end: 5:00 p.m. cloudy, 61.9 degrees F, 8-9 mph west, 50.2 % humidity.

2019-03-28 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site winter wheat treatment T2, all replications with MAP (11-52-0) and potash (0-0-60) blend at 275 lbs/A. MAP was applied at 175 lbs/A providing 19 lbs/A of N, and 91 lbs/A of P2O5. Potash was applied at 100 lbs/A providing 60 lbs/A of K2O. Average speed while spreading was 2.7 mph with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 64 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 201; air pressure was 19 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Weather conditions at the start: 10:00 a.m. partly cloudy, 49 degrees F, 9-11 mph south west wind, 76% humidity. Conditions at the end: 1:45 p.m. partly cloudy 60.5 degrees F, 6-8 mph west wind, 52.8 % humidity.

2019-03-28 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site winter wheat treatment T8nt, all replications with MAP (11-52-0) and potash (0-0-60) blend at 275 lbs/A. MAP was applied at 175 lbs/A providing 19 lbs/A of N, and 91 lbs/A of P2O5. Potash was applied at 100 lbs/A providing 60 lbs/A of K2O. Average speed while spreading was 2.7 mph with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 64 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 201; air pressure was 19 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Weather conditions: 5:00 p.m. cloudy, 61.9 degrees F, 8-9 mph west, 50.2 % humidity.

2019-04-08 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site winter wheat N-Rate study, treatment T3 all replications: (5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and 6), and west half of lysimeter field (weather station to the west that had NO WINTER WHEAT) with super phosphate (0-46-0), potash (0-0-60) and sulfur (0-0-0-85) blend at 355 lbs/A. Super phosphate was applied at 225 lbs/A providing 103.5 lbs/A of P2O5. Potash was applied at 100 lbs/A providing 60 lbs/A of K2O. Sulfur was applied at 30 lbs/A providing 25.5 lbs/A of sulfur. Weather at the start 11:30 a.m. partly cloudy 58.6 degrees F, 5-7 mph west winds, 76.7% humidity. Weather at 4:50 p.m. sunny 67.5 degrees F 5-7 mph west winds, 30 % humidity. Weather at 6:30 p.m. sunny 69.2 degrees F 6-8 mph west winds, 24.2 % humidity. Average speed while spreading was 1.7 mph with JD 7420b tractor and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 68 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 202; air pressure was 19 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level.

2019-04-17 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER Main Site Treatment T2 all replications (6, 1, 4, 3, 2, 5), for post emergence weed control in winter wheat. Plots sprayed with a tank mix of Anti-Foaming agent at 1oz/100 gal of carrier, Ammonium Sulfate at 3.4lbs/A, Powerflex HL at 2 oz/A and Premier (90%) non-ionic surfactant at 0.5% v/v (2 qt/100 gal carrier). Time of application was 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m..Weather conditions 9:30 a.m. were overcast, temperature was 48°F, 89% humidity 7-9 mph East wind. Weather conditions 12:00 p.m. were overcast, temperature was 54.2°F, 72% humidity 8-10 mph East wind. Equipment used: JD 7420 b tractor traveling 4.8 mph with a pull type Top Air Sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump and John Deere Rate Controller.

2019-04-17 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER Main Site Treatment T8nt plots all replications, for post emergence weed control in winter wheat. Plots sprayed with a tank mix of Anti-Foaming agent at 1oz/100 gal of carrier, Ammonium Sulfate at 3.4lbs/A, Powerflex HL at 2 oz/A and Premier (90%) non-ionic surfactant at 0.5% v/v (2 qt/100 gal carrier). Time of application was 12:00 p.m..Weather conditions 12:00 p.m. were overcast, temperature was 54.2°F, 72% humidity 8-10 mph East wind. Equipment used: JD 7420 b tractor traveling 4.8 mph with a pull type Top Air Sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump and John Deere Rate Controller.

2019-04-17 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER Main Site Resource Gradient, and lysimeter field (only wheat) for post emergence weed control in winter wheat. Plots sprayed with a tank mix of Anti-Foaming agent at 1oz/100 gal of carrier, Ammonium Sulfate at 3.4lbs/A, Powerflex HL at 2 oz/A and Premier (90%) non-ionic surfactant at 0.5% v/v (2 qt/100 gal carrier). Time of application was 12:40 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.. Weather conditions 12:40 p.m. were overcast, temperature was 55°F, 70.6% humidity 10-12 mph East wind. Weather conditions 2:00 p.m. were overcast, temperature was 58.6°F, 66.3% humidity 10-12 mph South East wind. Equipment used: JD 7420 b tractor traveling 4.8 mph with a pull type Top Air Sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump and John Deere Rate Controller.

2019-04-17 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER Main Site T1 treatment all replications (6, 3, 2, 4, 1, 5) for post emergence weed control in winter wheat. Plots sprayed with a tank mix of Anti-Foaming agent at 1oz/100 gal of carrier, Ammonium Sulfate at 3.4lbs/A, Powerflex HL at 2 oz/A and Premier (90%) non-ionic surfactant at 0.5% v/v (2 qt/100 gal carrier). Time of application was 2:50 p.m. - 4:53 p.m.. Weather conditions 2:50 p.m. were overcast, temperature was 60.5°F, 64.2% humidity 10-12 mph South East wind. Weather conditions 4:53 p.m. were Partly cloudy, temperature was 63.6°F, 60.5% humidity 12-13 mph South East wind. Equipment used: JD 7420 b tractor traveling 4.8 mph with a pull type Top Air Sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump and John Deere Rate Controller.

2019-04-22 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER Main Site Treatment T3 all replications (6, 3, 1, 2, 4, 5), for post emergence weed control in winter wheat. Plots sprayed with a tank mix of Anti-Foaming agent at 1oz/100 gal of carrier, Ammonium Sulfate at 3.4lbs/A, Powerflex HL at 2 oz/A and Premier (90%) non-ionic surfactant at 0.5% v/v (2 qt/100 gal carrier). Time of application was 9:20 a.m. - 12:00 p.m..Weather conditions 9:20 a.m. were sunny, temperature was 56.8°F, 66.8% humidity 7-8 mph South wind. Weather conditions 12:00 p.m. were sunny, temperature was 68.6°F, 39.1% humidity 10-12 mph South West wind. Equipment used: JD 7420 b tractor traveling 4.8 mph with a pull type Top Air Sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump and John Deere Rate Controller.

2019-04-24 Harvest Harvested Prairie and Switchgrass at Lux Arbor. Because of a wet 2018 fall harvest was not completed until spring of 2019. Prairie Field: number of bales and weight: 1. 46 bales, gross wt 73,540 tare wt 37,160, 2. 46 bales, gross wt 72,920 tare wt 37,160, 3. 22 bales gross wt. 54,180 tare wt. 37,160. Switchgrass Field: number of bales and weight: 1. 46 bales, gross wt 72,020 tare wt 37,160, 2. 46 bales, gross wt 73,100 tare wt 37,160, 3. 23 bales gross wt. 55,120 tare wt. 37,160.

2019-04-24 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER CE plots (CE1, CE2, CE3) all replications, lysimeter field with no winter wheat), GLBRC Main Site G1, G2, G3, G4, Rep 6, piece around brown house and productivity study with Roundup Powermax, 2,4-D ester Lv4 and AMS. Roundup Powermax applied at 22 oz/A, 2,4-D lv4 ester at 1 pt/A and Ammonium Sulfate (sprayable, CAS #7783-20-2) was applied at 17 lbs/100 gallons of carrier. Weather conditions: At the start 10:30 a.m. sunny, 48 degrees F, humidity 57.7 %, with 4-5 mph East winds. End of application 3:08 p.m. partly cloudy, 61.3 degrees F, humidity 28.7 %, with 3-5 mph North East winds.

2019-04-24 Herbicide Application Sprayed GLBRC perimeter Bait Crop with Roundup Powermax, 2,4-D ester Lv4 and AMS. Roundup Powermax applied at 32 oz/A, 2,4-D lv4 ester at 1 pt/A and Ammonium Sulfate (sprayable, CAS #7783-20-2) was applied at 17 lbs/100 gallons of carrier. Weather conditions: At the start 3:08 p.m. sunny, 60.5 degrees F, humidity 27 %, with 6-8 mph East winds. End of application 4:10 p.m. partly cloudy, 61.3 degrees F, humidity 28.7 %, with 3-5 mph North East winds.

2019-05-05 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site winter wheat treatment T2 all replications (6, 1, 4, 3, 2, 5) with a blended mixture of ((32-0-0) and (12-0-0-26) (together figured by weight have a fertilizer analysis of 22-0-0-13). The blend (22-0-0-13) was applied at 18 gallons/A, one gallon weighs 10.83 lbs so it provided 43 lbs of N/A, and 25 lbs of sulfur/A. Started spraying at 3:30 p.m. weather conditions were sunny 69.1 degrees F, 36.8 % humidity 6-8 mph North West winds. Conditions at end 5:00 p.m. it was sunny 70.3 degrees F, 35.9 % humidity with 5-6 mph West winds.

2019-05-05 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site winter wheat treatment T1 all replications (6, 3, 2, 4, 5, 1) with a blended mixture of ((32-0-0) and (12-0-0-26) (together figured by weight have a fertilizer analysis of 22-0-0-13). The blend (22-0-0-13) was applied at 18 gallons/A, one gallon weighs 10.83 lbs so it provided 43 lbs of N/A, and 25 lbs of sulfur/A. Started spraying at 5:00 p.m. weather conditions were sunny 70.3 degrees F, 35.9 % humidity with 5-6 mph West winds. Conditions at end 6:40 p.m. it was sunny 69.2 degrees F, 40.7 % humidity with 8-10 mph North West winds.

2019-05-05 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site Lysimeter Field (only winter wheat) with a blended mixture of ((32-0-0) and (12-0-0-26) (together figured by weight have a fertilizer analysis of 22-0-0-13). The blend (22-0-0-13) was applied at 24 gallons/A (West to East to the east side of weather station, from weather station to East applied at 30 gallons per acre), one gallon weighs 10.83 lbs so at 24 gallons/a it provided 57 lbs of N/A, and 34 lbs of sulfur/A, at 30 gallons/a it provided 71 lbs of N/A, and 41 lbs of sulfur/A Started spraying at 6:40 p.m. it was sunny 69.2 degrees F, 40.7 % humidity with 8-10 mph North West winds. Conditions at end 7:15 p.m. it was sunny 69 degrees F, 39.5 % humidity with 7-8 mph North West winds.

2019-05-06 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER N-rate study (Irrigated and Non-irrigated fertility gradient study) winter wheat plots. Fertilizer applications were with 28-0-0 which supplied 28% nitrogen in the form of Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (UAN). A single pass of a boom type sprayer was used to broadcast spray and apply the correct amount of fertilizer. Plots F2 and up already were applied with 7 gal/A of 28-0-0 supplying 20 lbs of N/A. This application started at treatment F3 to apply the remaining nitrogen. The amounts of remaining nitrogen applied were as follows: F1 (101, 203, 309, 404, 501, 603, 709, 804) 0 lbs/A; F2 (102, 202, 304, 406, 502, 602, 704, 806) 0 lbs N/A (0 gal/A); F3 (103, 205, 302, 407, 503, 605, 702, 807) 20 lbs N/A (7 gal/A); F4 (104, 208, 305, 403, 504, 608, 705, 803) 40 lbs N/A (13.4 gal/A); F5 (105, 204, 306, 401, 505, 604, 706, 801) 60 lbs N/A (20 gal/A); F6 (106, 209, 308, 402, 506, 609, 708, 802) 80 lbs N/A (26.8 gal/A); F7 (107, 201, 307, 408, 507, 601, 707, 808) 100 lbs N/A (33.5 gal/A); F8 (108, 207, 303, 405, 508, 607, 703, 805) 120 lbs N/A (40 gal/A); F9 (109, 206, 301, 409, 509, 606, 701, 809) 140 lbs N/A (46.9 gal/A). Guard plots were sprayed at rates comparable to adjacent treatment plots. 1.0 orifices were used f3-f9 just variation in speed and pressure to get desired rate. Time of application was between 10:30 a.m. and 12:50 p.m. Conditions at 11:45 a.m. were sunny temperature was 69.6 F, 50.7% relative humidity with 6-8 mph West wind. Conditions at 12:50 p.m. were partly cloudy 70.4 degrees F, 46.1 % humidity, with 9-10 mph West wind.

2019-05-06 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site winter wheat treatment T3 all replications (6, 5, 4, 2, 1, 3), Plots were fertilized with 9 gallons per acre of (28-0-0). 28-0-0 weighs 10.67 lbs/gallon so 27 lbs of N/A was applied. Weather conditions 1:50 p.m. partly cloudy 73.1 degrees F, 39.8% humidity 8-10 mph West wind. Conditions 3:30 p.m. cloudy, 65.5 degrees F 59.9% humidity 9-10 mph North West winds and light sprinkle.

2019-05-08 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER winter wheat treatment T8nt all replications, Plots were fertilized with 14.4 gallons of (28-0-0). 28-0-0 weighs 10.67 lbs/gallon so 43 lbs of N/A was applied. Weather conditions 1:50 p.m. over cast and light sprinkle, 52.7 degrees F, 60.3% humidity 10-11 mph East wind.

2019-05-16 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Cellulsic Biofuels Experiment (CE Study) treatment CE4 and CE6, all replications. Treatments CE4: (plots 110, 203, 302, 404); and CE6: (plots 111, 204, 310, 406). Plots received 50 lbs N/A with 17 gallons/A 28% N liquid fertilizer. 28% fertilizer weighs 10.67 lbs /gallon so the 50 lbs N/A worked out to 17 gal 28%/A. Weather conditions: 70.7 F overcast, 7-8 mph South West wind, 65.6% humidity.

2019-05-16 Fertilizer Application Sprayed fertilizer in the GLBRC Main Site Treatments G5, G6, G7, and G9, all replications. All treatments were fertilized with 50 lbs N/A applied as 28% N fertilizer. 28% fertilizer weighs 10.67 lbs /gallon so the 50 lbs N/A worked out to 17 gal 28%/A. Each treatment plot was divided into two areas, an unfertilzed microplot area 15' wide located on the west side of all the plots and the fertilized area which was the remaining 76.86' on the east side of the plot. The unfertilized 15' microplot received NO fertilizer. The fertilized 76.86' was fertilized at 50 lbs N/A. Conditions: 10:30 a.m. overcast 67.5 degrees F, 65.6% humidity, 6-7 mph South West wind. Conditions at 11:25 a.m. overcast 70.7 degrees F 60.8 % humidity, 7-8 mph South West wind.

2019-05-16 Fertilizer Application Sprayed fertilizer in the GLBRC Main Site Treatment G10, MICROPLOT area only, all replications. Treatment G10 microplots were fertilized with 50 lbs N/A applied as 28% N fertilizer (CAS #57-13-6 Urea, #6484-52-5 Ammonium Nitrate). 28% fertilizer weighs 10.67 lbs / gallon so the 50 lbs N/A worked out to 17 gal 28%/A. Each treatment plot was divided into two areas: fertilized microplot areas 15' wide located on the west side of treatment plots [G10R2, G10R3, G10R4, and G10R5] and located on the east side of the treatment plot G10R1; unfertilized areas which were the remaining 76.86' on the east side of the plots [G10R2, G10R3, G10R4, and G10R5] and located on the west side of treatment plot G10R1. The fertilized 15' microplot received 50 lbs N/A. The unfertilized 76.86' was NOT fertilized. Conditions: 10:30 a.m. overcast 67.5 degrees F, 65.6% humidity, 6-7 mph South West wind. Conditions at 11:25 a.m. overcast 70.7 degrees F 60.8 % humidity, 7-8 mph South West wind.

2019-05-17 Herbicide Application Sprayed Corn in GLBRC Main Site G1 all replications (3, 2, 5, 3, 1), Inner 30' on north perimeter and outer 30' on South and East perimeter bait crop, North half of productivity study, CE1 & CE3 all replications and LTER Lysimeter field from the Wheat which stop at T2 plot to the West about to the middle of T2 with Lexar at a rate of 3 qts/A. Weather conditions at the start 1:15 p.m. were overcast 64 degrees F, 67.3% humidity with 6-7 mph wind out of north west. Conditions at the end 3:10 p.m. were partly overcast, 66 degrees F, 68% humidity, and 3-4 mph winds out of the North West.

2019-05-17 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site Switchgrass Fertility Study (SWF: N-rate), all treatments and all replications. Fertilizer applied as 28-0-0 which supplied 28% nitrogen in the form of Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) (CAS #57-13-6 Urea, #6484-52-5 Ammonium Nitrate). The amounts of nitrogen applied were as follows: SWF1 = 0 lbs/A (108, 201, 307, 408); SWF2 = 25 lbs N/A (8.4 gal/A) (104, 206, 308, 407); SWF3 = 50 lbs N/A (16.7 gal/A) (102, 202, 302, 406); SWF4 = 75 lbs N/A (25.1 gal/A) (105, 208, 305, 405); SWF5 = 100 lbs N/A (33.5 gal/A) (101, 205, 304, 404); SWF6 = 125 lbs N/A (41.8 gal/A) (107, 207, 301, 403); SWF7 = 150 lbs N/A (50.2 gal/A) (106, 204, 306, 402); SWF8 = 175 lbs N/A (58.6 gal/A) (103, 203, 303, 401). Weather Conditions: 9:50 a.m. over cast 58.4 degrees F, 8-9 mph, NE winds, 76.1 % humidity. Conditions at end 11:00 a.m. Overcast 60.7 degrees F, 7-8 mph NE winds, 69.5 % humidity. A single pass of a boom type sprayer was used to broadcast apply the correct amount of fertilizer. The sprayer was controlled by a John Deere Rate Controller.

2019-05-21 Planting Planted GLBRC Main Plots G3 and G4 with a mix of winter wheat and red clover. This mixture is a cover crop just to keep ground cover and suppress weeds.

2019-05-21 Planting Planted GLBRC Bait Crop with a cover crop mixture of winter wheat, red clover, winter peas, and grain sorghum. This was planted around the perimeter (north side was the inner half, south and east side was the middle 30' section), also planted around the brown house, and 3 plots in rep 6.

2019-05-24 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site treatment G2 with potash. G2 plots reps 1, 2, 4 and 5 the entire plot received 250 lbs/A of potash equaling 150 lbs/A of K2O. G2 Rep 3 the micro plot (East 15') received 0 potash but the remaining plot area received the 250 lbs/A of potash equaling 150 lbs/A of K2O.

2019-05-28 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site Rep 6 and all perimeter bait crop with 125 lbs/A of potash equaling 75 lbs/A of K2O.

2019-06-01 Fertilizer Application Fertilized Interaction plots (1, 5, 7, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16). These plots historically are the fertilized plots. Plots fertilized with 28% fertilizer at 17 gallons per acre. 28% weighs 10.67 lbs per gallon so around 50 lbs of actual N/A. Plots (12, 14, 15, 16) were fertilized on 5-31-2019, had an issue with spray that day so could not finish. Remaining plots (1, 5, 7, 10) fertilized 6-1-2019.

2019-06-03 Insecticide Application Sprayed LTER Main Site winter wheat treatments, T1, T2, N-Rate Study, Lysimeter field, and T8nt plots. Plots were sprayed with a fungicide (Prosaro), and an insecticide (Province II) tank mixture. Prosaro was applied at 8.2 oz/A with a NIS surfactant added at 4 oz/ 100 gallons of water carrier as a preventative measure against disease pressure. Province II was applied at 1.28 oz/A. Weather conditions, 10:50 a.m. sunny 56.7 degrees F, 47.8 % humidity, 3-4 mph south wind. 2:00 p.m. sunny, 61.8 degrees F, 43.7 % humidity, 3-5 mph north east wind. 3:40 p.m. sunny, 64.4 degrees F, 36.3 % humidity, 6-7 mph north west wind. 4:30 p.m. sunny, 65 degrees F, 33.8 % humidity, 8-9 mph north west wind.5:30 p.m. sunny, 66.1 degrees F, 35.5 % humidity, 6-7 mph west wind.

2019-05-31 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site treatment G1 with Super phosphate 0-46-0. G1 micro plots (West 15') Reps 1, 2, 3, and 5 received 130 lbs/A of 0-46-0 equaling 60 lbs/A of P2O5. G1 Main plots reps 2, 3, 4 and 5 received 130 lbs/A super phosphate equaling 60 lbs/A of P2O5. G1 main plot rep 1, and micro plot in rep 4 received no phosphorous.

2019-05-31 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site treatment G2 with super phosphate 0-46-0. G2 plots reps 1, 2, 3 and 5 the entire plot received 130 lbs/A of 0-46-0 equaling 60 lbs/A of P2O5. G2 Rep 4 received 0 phosphorous.

2019-05-31 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site Rep 6 and all perimeter bait crop with 65 lbs/A of super phosphate 0-46-0 equaling 30 lbs/A of P205.

2019-06-04 Fungicide Application Sprayed LTER Main Site treatment T3 winter wheat. Plots were sprayed with a fungicide (Prosaro). Prosaro was applied at 8.2 oz/A with a NIS surfactant added at 4 oz/ 100 gallons of water carrier as a preventative measure against disease pressure. Weather conditions, 9:25 a.m. over cast 60.9 degrees F, 67.5 % humidity, 3-4 mph south west wind. 11:25 a.m. over cast, 67.1 degrees F, 64.1 % humidity, 4-6 mph south west wind.

2019-06-06 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER Main Site Treatment T5 poplar plots all replications (5, 2, 1, 3, 4, 6) with AMS, Roundup Powermax, and Liberty 280SL. AMS applied at 3.4 lbs/A, Roundup Powermax applied at 4qt/A and Liberty at 17 oz/A. Weather conditions at 3:30 p.m. sunny 76 degrees F, 2-3 mph North East wind, 67.3% humidity. Weather conditions 5:55 p.m. sunny 77.6 degrees F 2-4 mph South East wind, 60.2 % humidity. Plots sprayed to burndown weeds before tree planting.

2019-06-06 Herbicide Application Sprayed GLBRC Main Site G2, and G3 plots with AMS, Roundup Powermax, and Liberty 280SL. AMS applied at 3.4 lbs/A, Roundup Powermax applied at 1qt/A and Liberty at 1 qt/A. Weather conditions at 6:30 p.m. sunny 77 degrees F, 3-4 mph East wind, 61% humidity. Weather conditions 7:20 p.m. partly cloudy 76 degrees F 3-4 mph East wind, 65 % humidity. Sprayed to burn down weeds again before planting sorghum.

2019-06-06 Herbicide Application Sprayed GLBRC Main Site G8 Poplar Plots (1, 4, 2, 5, 3) with AMS and Roundup Powermax. AMS applied at 3.4 lbs/A, Roundup Powermax applied at 4 qts/A. Sprayed as a burndown to clear weeds before tree planting. Weather conditions 8:10 p.m. sunny, 75.9 degrees F, 3-4 mph East wind, 66.1 % humidity. Weather conditions 8:50 p.m. cloudy, 71.3 degrees F, 2-4 mph East wind, 75.8 % humidity.

2019-06-05 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site treatments G2 and G3 sorghum plots. Knifed in 17 gallons/A of 28% liquid fertilizer. 28% fertilizer weighs 10.67 lbs per gallon so this equals about 50 lbs of actual N/A. Knifed on 30 inch centers 6-8 inches deep. G2 Unfertilized micro plots were not fertilized (Rep 1 West side 15ft, Reps 2-5 East side 15ft). G3 Due to human error entire plot was fertilized.

2019-06-05 Fertilizer Application Fertilized corn in GLBRC Main Site treatments G1, GLBRC bait crop corn, CE 1, CE2, and corn in lysimeter field. Knifed in 51 gallons/A of 28% liquid fertilizer. 28% fertilizer weighs 10.67 lbs per gallon so this equals about 152 lbs of actual N/A. Knifed on 30 inch centers 6-8 inches deep. 51 gallons was applied because no starter fertilizer was applied at planting. Side dressing was done earlier to prevent and deficiency of N.

2019-06-07 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER Main Site treatment T6 all replications (5, 3, 4, 2, 1, 6) with AMS, roundup powermax and 2,4-D ester 4lb. AMS applied at 3.4 lbs/A, Roundup applied at 3 qt/A, 2,4-D applied at 1 pt/A. Weather conditions 3:00 p.m. sunny 78.9 degrees F, 50.4 % humidity, 9-11 mph East North East wind. 4:50 p.m. Sunny 80 degrees F, 40.6 % humidity 9-11 East North East wind.

2019-06-07 Herbicide Application Sprayed GLBRC Main Site G2 and G3 Sorghum plots as well as second and third from the east in rep 6 where sorghum is planted. Plots sprayed with Dual II Magnum at 1.33 pints/A. Pre emergence application. Weather conditions 5:55 p.m. sunny 83 degrees F 45 % humidity, 10-11 mph North East wind. Weather conditions 7:10 p.m. 82 degrees F, 43 % humidity, 7-8 mph East North East wind.

2019-06-12 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T5 poplar plots all replications (5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6) with potash. Applied 300 lbs/A of potash equaling 180 lbs/A of K2O per acre.

2019-06-19 Herbicide Application Sprayed post emerge soybeans. Soybeans were GLBRC first 2 plots from west in rep 6, south and east inside 30' perimeter bait crop, south half productivity study, LTER CE2 plots, and west side of lysimter field. Soybeans sprayed with AMS, Roundup Powermax, and Dual II Magnum. AMS applied 3.4 lbs/A, Roundup 1qt/A, Dual II Magnum 1.33 pt/A. Weather conditions 1:30 partly cloudy, 75 degrees F, 3-5 mph north west wind, 77 % humidity. Conditions 3:15 p.m. partly cloudy, 74 degrees F. 3-5 mph North east wind, 78% humidity.

2019-06-21 Fungicide Application Sprayed LTER Main Site winter wheat treatments T1, T2, T3, T8nt, N-Rate study, and lysimeter field wheat with Caramba. Caramba Applied at 17 ounces/A. Applied to manage head scab. Wheat stage was early flowering. Weather conditions T1 10:40 a.m. sunny partly cloudy, 66 degrees F, 86% humidity, 0-3 mph west north west wind. 12:15 p.m. partly cloudy 72 degrees F 69 % humidity, 0-3 mph north west wind. T3 12:52 p.m. partly cloudy, 73 degrees F, 68 % humidity, 0-3 mph north west wind. 2:15 p.m. partly cloudy, 75 degrees F, 56% humididty, 0-3 mph north north west wind. T2 and t8nt - 3:10 p.m. partly cloudy, 76 degrees F, 55 % humidity, 0-3 mph west north west wind. 4:25 p.m. partly cloudy 77 degrees F, 51 % humidity, 0-2 mph north north east wind. N-Rate study and lysimeter field, 5:05 p.m. partly cloudy, 77 degrees F, 49 % humidity, 0-3 mph north east wind. 5:55 p.m. partly cloudy 78 degrees F, 53 % humidity, 0-3 mph East wind.

2019-06-24 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER Main Site treatment T5 rep 1 with Prowl H2O, and Scepter. Prowl applied at 3 qts per acre, Scepter applied at 5.6 ounces per acre. Weather at start 3:00 p.m. cloudy 74.4 degrees F 6-8 mph south wind, 78.1% humidity. End 4:30 cloudy 75.4 degrees F, 7-9 mph south west wind, 76.7 % humidity.

2019-06-25 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER Main Site treatment T5 rep 2, 3, 4 with Prowl H2O, and Scepter. Prowl applied at 3 qts per acre, Scepter applied at 5.6 ounces per acre. Weather at start 4:20 p.m. sunny 81 degrees F 6-8 mph west wind, 48.8% humidity. End 5:50 p.m. cloudy 81.6 degrees F, 5-7 mph west wind, 47.3 % humidity.

2019-06-26 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER Main Site treatment T5 rep 5 & 6 with Prowl H2O, and Scepter. Prowl applied at 3 qts per acre, Scepter applied at 5.6 ounces per acre. Weather at start 3:45 p.m. sunny 83.5 degrees F4-6 mph west wind, 46 % humidity. End 4:45 p.m. sunny 83.9 degrees F, 6-8 mph south west wind, 41.3 % humidity.

2019-06-27 Herbicide Application Sprayed GLBRC Main Site treatment G8 All replications with Prowl H2O, and Scepter. Prowl applied at 3 qts per acre, Scepter applied at 5.6 ounces per acre. Weather at start 10:52 a.m. sunny 76.5 degrees F 3-5 mph south west wind, 76.3 % humidity. End 12:00 p.m. sunny 79.5 degrees F, 4-6 mph south wind, 68.1 % humidity.

2019-06-28 Herbicide Application Sprayed Corn in GLBRC Main Site G1 all replications, Inner 30' on north perimeter and outer 30' on South and East perimeter bait crop, North half of productivity study, CE1 & CE3 all replications with Roundup Powermax at 1 qt/a and Ams at 3.4 lbs/A. Weather conditions at the start 2:30 p.m. were mostly sunny 84.1 degrees F, 62.1% humidity with 5-6 mph south west wind. Conditions at the end 4:17 p.m. were partly cloudy, 85.9 degrees F, 54.9% humidity, and 7-8 mph winds out of the south West.

2019-06-28 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER main site treatment T6 switchgrass with quinclorac and roundup powermax with ams. Quinclorac applied at 8 oz/a, ams at 3.4 lbs/a and roundup powermax at 22 oz/a. Applied pre emerge right after planting. Weather conditions 4:52 p.m. partly cloudy, 84 degrees F 4-6 mph south west wind, 61 % humidity. 6:52 p.m. partly cloudy, 86.3 degrees F, 6-7 mph south west wind, 54.5 % humidity.

2019-06-28 Planting Planted switchgrass in LTER main site treatment T6 all replications (5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4). Switchgrass was planted at 7.8 lbs/A pure live seed or (9.25 lbs/A bulk seed) because bulk seed was 84.3% pure live seed. Planted at 1/4 inch deep.

2019-07-22 Herbicide Application Sprayed GLBRC G4 treatment all replications, behind the brown house, and perimeter bait crop (north half of north side, and middle 30 ft of south and east side). Sprayed 2,4-D 4lb lovol ester at 1 qt per acre. There is a cover crop mixture planted in the areas that were sprayed of wheat and clover but due to high numbers of horse weed (marestail) it was decided to spray to control from going to seed.

2019-08-12 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER main site treatment T3 wheat stubble with Roundup Powermax and AMS. Roundup applied at 44 oz/A and Ammonium sulfate applied at 3.4 lbs/A. Weather conditions at the start 10:30 a.m. partly sunny, 77.5 degrees F, 3-4 mph west wind, 78.6% humidity. Conditions at the end 1:30 p.m. overcast, 81.5 degrees F, 6-8 mph south west wind, 69.2 % humidity.

2019-08-12 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER main site N-Rate Study and lysimeter field wheat stubble. Sprayed with Ammonium sulfate, Roundup PowerMax, Sharpen, and Cornbelt methylated soybean oil. AMS applied at 3.4 lbs/A, Roundup PowerMax applied at 1 qt/A, Sharpen applied at 2 oz/A, Cornbelt methylated soybean oil at .2 gallons/A. Weather conditions at the start 2:10 p.m. partly cloudy/overcast, 81.1 degrees F, 5-6 mph south west, 70.7 humidity. Conditions at the end 4:00 p.m. overcast, 82.6 degrees F, 5-6 mph South wind, 65% humidity.

2019-08-13 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER main site treatment T1 and T8nt plots all replications wheat stubble. Sprayed with Ammonium sulfate, Roundup PowerMax, Sharpen, and Cornbelt methylated soybean oil. AMS applied at 3.4 lbs/A, Roundup PowerMax applied at 1 qt/A, Sharpen applied at 2 oz/A, Cornbelt methylated soybean oil at .2 gallons/A. Weather conditions at the start 11:00 a.m. partly cloudy/overcast, 73.7 degrees F, 6-8 mph north east, 77.8 humidity. Conditions at the end 1:35 p.m. overcast, 80.3 degrees F, 7-8 mph north east wind, 54% humidity.

2019-08-13 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER main site treatment T2 all replications wheat stubble. Sprayed with Ammonium sulfate, Roundup PowerMax, Sharpen, and Cornbelt methylated soybean oil. AMS applied at 3.4 lbs/A, Roundup PowerMax applied at 1 qt/A, Sharpen applied at 2 oz/A, Cornbelt methylated soybean oil at .2 gallons/A. Weather conditions at the start 2:15 p.m. partly cloudy 80.7 degrees F, 5-7 mph north east, 52.4 humidity. Conditions at the end 4:40 p.m. partly cloudy, 83.1 degrees F, 7-8 mph north wind, 51.4% humidity.

2019-08-28 Planting No-till planted medium red clover and wheeler rye in the LTER Biodiversity study treatment B4 (104, 220, 307, 404). Clover was planted with a target of 12 lbs pure live seed (21.5 total lbs/A seeded). Clover was seeded at 11 lbs pure live seed (equaling around 19.5 lbs per acre seeded). Rye was planted with a target rate of 2.6 bu/A or 157lbs/A. Rye was actually seeded at 2.7 bu/A or 149 lbs/A. Planting depth was 1 inch, drill setting for rye was #40. Clover had to be no-tilled in this year because wheat never got planted in the fall so oats were seeded in the spring so there was no frost seeded clover.

2019-08-28 Planting No-till planted medium red clover in the LTER Biodiversity study treatment B7 (105, 219, 305, 407). Clover was planted with a target of 12 lbs pure live seed (21.5 total lbs/A seeded). Clover was seeded at 11 lbs pure live seed (equaling around 19.5 lbs per acre seeded). Clover had to be no-tilled in this year because wheat never got planted in the fall so oats were seeded in the spring so there was no frost seeded clover.

2019-08-22 Planting No-till seeded red clover at 11 lbs/A pure live seed (clover was planted at 19.5 lbs/A to achieve 11 lbs/A pure live seed giving coating material and germination percent) in the LTER Main Site T3 plots all replications (5,2,3,1,4,6). Original target rate was 12lbs/A. After planting and weighing left over clover the actual planting rate was 11lbs/A pure live seed at a rate of 19.5lbs/A. To prevent weed pressure in the spring, T3 plots were sprayed and it was decided red clover would be seeded following harvest. Plots were sprayed with a pre-plant burn down to control the post harvest weed flush. Clover planted 1/4 inch into the ground.

2019-10-18 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER Main Site treatment T1, all replications (5, 1, 4, 2, 3, 6) with AMS, and Roundup Powermax. AMS applied at 3.4 lbs/A, Roundup Powermax applied at 1 qt/A. Weather conditions at start 12:05 p.m. sunny, 49 degrees F, 3-5 mph South East winds, 69.4 % humidity. Conditions at end 2:20 p.m. sunny, 53 degrees F, 5-7 mph South East winds 54.8 % humidity.

2019-10-18 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER Main Site treatment T2, all replications (6, 5, 2, 3, 4, 1), and T8nt plots all replications with AMS, and Roundup Powermax and 2,4-d ester. AMS applied at 3.4 lbs/A, Roundup Powermax applied at 1 qt/A, 2,4-D ester applied at 1 pt/A. Weather conditions at start 2:55 p.m. sunny, 53.5 degrees F, 5-7 mph South East winds, 54.8 % humidity. Conditions at end 5:22 p.m. sunny, 55.9 degrees F, 5-7 mph South winds 48.8 % humidity.

2019-10-18 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER Main Site N-Rate study and wheat stubble in the lysimeter field with AMS, and Roundup Powermax and 2,4-d ester. AMS applied at 3.4 lbs/A, Roundup Powermax applied at 1 qt/A, 2,4-D ester applied at 1 pt/A. Weather conditions at start 5:40 p.m. partly cloudy 56.1 degrees F, 6-7 mph South winds, 48.2 % humidity. Conditions at end 7:00 p.m. dusk, 54.9 degrees F, 4-5 mph South winds 52.2 % humidity.

2019-10-25 Planting Planted wheeler rye in GLBRC Main Site treatment G3 plots all replications (3, 5, 4, 1, 2). Seeding rate: 128 lbs/A. Planting depth: 0.75 inches.

2019-11-04 Mowing Ryan Anthony flail mowed corn stover in G1 main plots: Reps 1, 5, 4, 2, & 3. Corn stover was mowed into windrows so that they could be bailed. The 6 rows (15 ft) in the west micro-plots of each rep were not mowed. Equipment Used: JD 7420a tractor and Loftness 15 ft Draper Windrower Shredder. Howard Straub III (from the KBS Dairy Center) baled the corn stover on November 4, 2019. Equipment Used: JD 6155M tractor and NH 7060 Cropcutter round baler.

2020-04-20 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T2 all replications (6, 2, 5, 2, 3, 4) with potash (0-0-60) at 100 lbs/A. 100 lbs/A of potash 0-0-60 equals 60 lbs/A K2O. Entire plots were fertilized.

2020-04-28 Herbicide Application Sprayed GLBRC Main Site G1 all replications, 5 plots in rep 6 of glbrc and then LTER lysimeter field west side south of T2 Rep 6 plot. Sprayed with AMS, Roundup Powermax and cornbelt 2,4-D ester 4lb. AMS applied at 3.4 lbs/A, Roundup Powermax applied at 1 qt/A, 2,4-D ester applied at 1 pint/A. Weather conditions at the beginning 3:21 p.m. cloudy, 66.7 degrees F, 5-7 mph south east wind, 61.2 % humidity. Conditions at the end 5:05 p.m. cloudy, 68.6 degrees F, 8-9 mph south east wind, 58.9 % humidity.

2020-05-04 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site treatments G1, G2, G3, old productivity study, bait crop (by brown house, rep 6, north and east perimeter and inside 30 ft of south perimeter) with potash (0-0-60) at 100 lbs/A. 100 lbs/A of potash 0-0-60 equals 60 lbs/A K2O. Entire plots were fertilized.

2020-05-22 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Cellulsic Biofuels Experiment (CE Study) treatment CE4 and CE6, all replications. Treatments CE4: (plots 110, 203, 302, 404); and CE6: (plots 111, 204, 310, 406). Plots received 50 lbs N/A with 16.7 gallons/A 28% N liquid fertilizer. 28% fertilizer weighs 10.67 lbs /gallon so the 50 lbs N/A worked out to 16.7 gal 28%/A. Weather conditions: 11:00 a.m overcast, light drizzle,60 degrees F, 4-6 mph East wind, 95.7 % humidity.

2020-05-22 Fertilizer Application Fertilized Interaction plots (1, 5, 7, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16). These plots historically are the fertilized plots. Plots fertilized with 28% fertilizer at 16.7 gallons per acre. 28% weighs 10.67 lbs per gallon so around 50 lbs of actual N/A. Weather conditions 11:00 a.m. overcast, light drizzle, 60 degrees F, 4-6 mph East wind, 95.7 % humidity

2020-05-30 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER Main Site T6 brome grass 30 ft x 30 ft micro plots in the north west corner of the plots. Sprayed to kill off weeds and rye cover crop. Sprayed with roundup powermax at 2 qt/A. Weather conditions 9:00 a.m. sunny 58.7 degrees F 69.6 % humidity, 6-7 mph north west wind. Weather conditions 9:25 a.m. sunny 59.4 degrees F 67.9 % humidity, 7-8 mph north west wind.

2020-06-11 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the LTER CE Corn Plots (CE1 and CE2), and T8nt plots all replications. Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (28-0-0) was applied at a total rate of 41 gal/A. Since 28% fertilizer weighs 10.65 lbs/gal, the 41 gal/A equals 122 lbs N/A. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator at a depth of 5-6 inches. Equipment used: JD7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with a John Deere Rate Controller and an Ace pump, The 28% applicator has seven coulters where the 5 inside coulters apply a full target rate and the 2 outside coulters apply half of the target rate. The applicator is controlled by a rate controller as well as inline orifices. Weather conditions at the start 2:15 p.m. sunny, 70.8 degrees F, 8-9 mph west winds, 42.7% humidity. Conditions at the end 3:05 p.m. sunny 72.2 degrees F, 6-7 mph west wind, 36.6 % humidity.

2020-06-25 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER Main Site treatment T1 and T2 all replications old micro plot in NORTH WEST CORNER OF PLOTS ( ONLY THE MICRO PLOTS) for post-emergence weed control where corn was planted. Sprayed with AMS and Roundup Powermax. AMS applied at 3.4 lbs/A and Roundup Powermax 1qt/A. Weather conditions at the start 12:40 p.m. sunny 74 degrees F, 53% humidity with 5-6 mph west winds. Conditions at the end 3:00 p.m. were sunny, 76 degrees F, 42.7% humidity, and 8-9 mph north west.

2020-07-09 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER Biodiversity study. Sprayed with AMS, Roundup Powermax and cornbelt 2,4-D ester 4lb. AMS applied at 3.4 lbs/A, Roundup Powermax applied at 2 qt/A, 2,4-D ester applied at 1 pint/A. Weather conditions at the beginning 1:15 p.m. sunny, 88.7 degrees F, 5-6 mph south wind, 56.3 % humidity. Conditions at the end 3:15 p.m. sunny, 89.5 degrees F, 7-8 mph south west wind, 48.1 % humidity.

2020-07-23 Planting Seeded LTER Biodiversity Study to hybrid sorghum sudangrass. Seed came from Alta seeds and variety was ADVS6505. Seeded at 43.3 lbs/A (736,100 seeds/A) at 3/4 of an inch deep. Used JD 1590 drill so row spacing was 7.5 inches apart.

2020-07-30 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER T6 (MICRO PLOTS), and CE3 soybean plots with Roundup Powermax and AMS. AMS applied at 3.4 lbs/A, Roundup Powermax applied at 1 qt/A. Weather conditions at the beginning 10:37 a.m. partly cloudy, 75.3 degrees F, 4-5 mph north east wind, 65.9 % humidity. Conditions at the end 11:40 a.m., partly cloudy 75.4 degrees F, 5-6 mph north east wind, 67.4 % humidity.

2020-07-30 Herbicide Application Sprayed GLBRC bait crop soybeans (30 foot perimeter on all three sides, behind brown house and the old productivity study) and the outside fallow 30 feet on the south and east perimeter bait crop and first 2 plots in from the west in rep 6 with Roundup Powermax and AMS. AMS applied at 3.4 lbs/A, Roundup Powermax applied at 1 qt/A. Weather conditions at the beginning 12:10 p.m. partly cloudy, 77.3 degrees F, 6-7 mph north east wind, 59.5 % humidity. Conditions at the end 2:15 p.m., partly cloudy 79.7 degrees F, 5-8 mph north east wind, 52.3 % humidity.

2020-08-21 Harvest Baled the switchgrass from all the T6 plots.

2020-04-28 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER Main Site treatment 2 all replications (north west corner micro plot only), CE1, CE2, CE3 plots all replications, T8nt plots all replications, GLBRC perimeter bait crop, old productivity study, and behind the brown house. Sprayed with AMS, Roundup Powermax and cornbelt 2,4-D ester 4lb. AMS applied at 3.4 lbs/A, Roundup Powermax applied at 1 qt/A, 2,4-D ester applied at 1 pint/A. Weather conditions at the beginning 11:40 a.m. partly cloudy, 56.9 degrees F, 5-7 mph south wind, 88.4 % humidity. Conditions at the end 2:40 p.m. partly cloudy, 65 degrees F, 4-6 mph south wind, 62.4 % humidity.

2020-05-04 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site N-Rate Study, CE1, CE2, CE3 plots, Lysimeter field from east to west only 1 pass past the start of T2 plot (ran out), T8nt plots, with potash (0-0-60) at 100 lbs/A. 100 lbs/A of potash 0-0-60 equals 60 lbs/A K2O. Entire plots were fertilized.

2019-12-05 Harvest Harvested Switchgrass at Lux Arbor. Switchgrass Field: Loads we recorded number of bales and weight: 1. 30 bales, gross wt. 49,200, tare wt. 19,480, net wt. 29,720 (lbs). 2. 24.25 bales (part of a bale was on top of this load, most likely the first bale of the field), gross wt. 43,900, tare wt. 19,480, net wt. 24,420 (lbs). 3. 24 bales, gross wt. 42,840, tare wt. 19,440, net wt. 23,400 (lbs). 4. 24 bales, gross wt. 42,960, tare wt. 19,440, net wt. 23,520 (lbs). 5. 24 bales, gross wt. 42,400, tare wt. 19,440, net wt. 22,960 (lbs). 6. 22 bales, gross wt. 41,220, tare wt. 19,440, net wt. 21,780 (lbs). Field Total: 148.25 bales, 145,800 (lbs), 72.9 (tons).

2019-12-06 Harvest Harvested Prairie at Lux Arbor. Prairie Field: Loads we recorded number of bales and weight: 1. 24 bales, gross wt. 42,860, tare wt. 19,440, net wt. 23,480 (lbs). 2. 12 bales, gross wt. 31,020, tare wt. 19,400, net wt. 11,620 (lbs). 3. 24 bales, gross wt. 41,720, tare wt. 19,420, net wt. 22,300 (lbs). 4. 20 bales, gross wt. 38,260, tare wt. 19,440, net wt. 18,820 (lbs). 5. 24 bales, gross wt. 41,760, tare wt. 19,440, net wt. 22,320 (lbs). Field Total: 104 bales, 98,480 (lbs), 49.24 (tons).

2019-12-06 Harvest Harvested Switchgrass at Marshall Farm. Switchgrass Field: Loads we recorded number of bales and weight (lbs): 1. 24 bales, gross wt 41,220, tare wt 19,340, net wt. 21,880 (lbs) 2. 29 bales, gross wt 45,740, tare wt 19,360, net wt. 26,380 (lbs) 3. 28 bales gross wt. 44,540 tare wt. 19,320, net wt. 25,220 (lbs). 4. 36 bales, gross wt 70,060, tare wt 36,840, net wt. 33,220 (lbs) 5. 46 bales, gross wt 77,920, tare wt 36,840, net wt. 41,080 (lbs) 6. 46 bales gross wt. 78,000 tare wt. 36,840, net wt. 41,160 (lbs). Field Totals: 209 bales 188,940 (lbs) 94.47 (tons).

2019-12-07 Harvest Harvested Prairie at Marshall Farm (M2). Prairie Field: Loads we recorded number of bales and weight (lbs): 1. 24 bales, gross wt. 41,040, tare wt. 19,020, net wt. 22,020 (lbs). 2. 46 bales, gross wt. 80,220, tare wt. 36,360, net wt. 43,860 (lbs). 3. 10 bales (wagon), gross wt. 15,600, tare wt. 6,340, net wt. 9,260 (lbs). Field Totals: 80 bales, 75,140 (lbs), 37.57 (tons).

2020-05-21 Fertilizer Application Sprayed fertilizer in the GLBRC Main Site Treatments G5, G6, G7, and G9, all replications. All treatments were fertilized with 50 lbs N/A applied as 28% N fertilizer. 28% fertilizer weighs 10.67 lbs /gallon so the 50 lbs N/A worked out to 16.7 gal 28%/A. Each treatment plot was divided into two areas, an unfertilzed microplot area 15' wide located on the west side of all the plots and the fertilized area which was the remaining 76.86' on the east side of the plot. The unfertilized 15' microplot received NO fertilizer. The fertilized 76.86' was fertilized at 50 lbs N/A. Conditions: 12:40 p.m. overcast 66.3 degrees F, 60.4% humidity, 4-6 mph East wind. Conditions at 3:00 p.m. overcast 69.6 degrees F 60.7 % humidity, 9-11 mph East wind.

2020-05-21 Fertilizer Application Sprayed fertilizer in the GLBRC Main Site Treatment G10, MICROPLOT area only, all replications. Treatment G10 microplots were fertilized with 50 lbs N/A applied as 28% N fertilizer (CAS #57-13-6 Urea, #6484-52-5 Ammonium Nitrate). 28% fertilizer weighs 10.67 lbs / gallon so the 50 lbs N/A worked out to 16.7 gal 28%/A. Each treatment plot was divided into two areas: fertilized microplot areas 15' wide located on the west side of treatment plots [G10R2, G10R3, G10R4, and G10R5] and located on the east side of the treatment plot G10R1; unfertilized areas which were the remaining 76.86' on the east side of the plots [G10R2, G10R3, G10R4, and G10R5] and located on the west side of treatment plot G10R1. The fertilized 15' microplot received 50 lbs N/A. The unfertilized 76.86' was NOT fertilized. Conditions: 12:40 p.m. overcast 66.3 degrees F, 60.4% humidity, 4-6 mph East wind. Conditions at 3:00 p.m. overcast 69.6 degrees F 60.7 % humidity, 9-11 mph East wind.

2020-05-22 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site Switchgrass Fertility Study (SWF: N-rate), all treatments and all replications. Fertilizer applied as 28-0-0 which supplied 28% nitrogen in the form of Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) (CAS #57-13-6 Urea, #6484-52-5 Ammonium Nitrate). The amounts of nitrogen applied were as follows: SWF1 = 0 lbs/A (108, 201, 307, 408); SWF2 = 25 lbs N/A (8.4 gal/A) (104, 206, 308, 407); SWF3 = 50 lbs N/A (16.7 gal/A) (102, 202, 302, 406); SWF4 = 75 lbs N/A (25.1 gal/A) (105, 208, 305, 405); SWF5 = 100 lbs N/A (33.5 gal/A) (101, 205, 304, 404); SWF6 = 125 lbs N/A (41.8 gal/A) (107, 207, 301, 403); SWF7 = 150 lbs N/A (50.2 gal/A) (106, 204, 306, 402); SWF8 = 175 lbs N/A (58.6 gal/A) (103, 203, 303, 401). Weather Conditions: 10:12 a.m. over cast, heavy drizzle 59.5 degrees F, 1-2 mph, E winds, 96.8 % humidity. A single pass of a boom type sprayer was used to broadcast apply the correct amount of fertilizer. The sprayer was controlled by a John Deere Rate Controller.

2020-05-22 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the LTER Main Site treatment T6 all replications (5, 3, 4, 2, 1, 6) with 28% nitrogen. Applied at 16.7 gallons per acre equaling 50 lbs/A of nitrogen. Weight per gallon of 28% fertilizer is 10.67 lbs/gallon. The two 30ft by 30ft micro plots in the north west corner of each plot did not receive fertilizer. Weather conditions at the start 12:20 p.m. overcast 64.7 degrees F, 3-5 mph East wind, 85.8 % humidity. Conditions at the end 2:10 p.m. overcast 67.2 degrees F, 4-6 mph South East wind, 74.8 % humidity.

2020-05-23 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER CE1, CE2 plots, T8nt plots, Irrigated and non irrigated fertility study, lysimeter field, GLBRC perimeter bait crop ( outside 30' on north edge, inside 30' on south and east edge) far east plot in rep 6, and G1 all replications (5, 4, 3, 2, 1) for pre-emergence weed control where corn was planted. Sprayed with Roundup Powermax at a rate of 1 qt/A , ammonium sulfate at 3.4 lbs/A and Acuron at 3 qts/A. Weather conditions at the start 8:50 a.m. were cloudy/ fog, 59.4degrees F, 98.9% humidity with 1-2 mph south east winds. Conditions at the end 11:45 a.m. were partly cloudy, 70.2 degrees F, 68.9 % humidity, and 6-7 mph winds out of the south east.

2020-05-28 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER Main Site treatment T3 all replications (5, 4, 2, 3, 1, 6) for pre-emergence weed control where corn was planted. Sprayed with Dual II Magnum at a rate of 1.33 pts/A. Weather conditions at the start 9:50 a.m. were cloudy overcast 72.1degrees F, 84.3% humidity with 5-6 mph south winds. Conditions at the end 11:10 a.m. were cloudy overcast, 71.3 degrees F, 84.9% humidity, and 6-7 mph south.

2020-05-28 Herbicide Application Sprayed GLBRC Main Site G2 and second from the east in rep 6 where sorghum is planted. Plots sprayed with Dual II Magnum at 1.33 pints/A, Roundup Powermax at 2 qt/A and methylated soybean seed oil at 1.6 pt/A. Pre emergence application. Weather conditions 11:40 a.m. overcast/light rain 72.2 degrees F 83.9 % humidity, 7-8 mph south wind. Weather conditions 12:50 p.m. overcast/light rain 70.7 degrees F, 91.7 % humidity, 8-9 mph south wind.

2020-05-30 Herbicide Application Sprayed GLBRC Main Site G2 and second from the east in rep 6 where sorghum is planted. Plots sprayed with sharpen at 2 oz/A fpr a pre emergence burndown application. Weather conditions 9:25 a.m. sunny 59.4 degrees F 67.9 % humidity, 7-8 mph north west wind. Weather conditions 10:30 a.m. sunny 60 degrees F, 65.6 % humidity, 9-11 mph north west wind.

2020-06-04 Herbicide Application Sprayed GLBRC Main Site G3 and third from the east in rep 6 where sorghum is planted. Plots sprayed with Dual II Magnum at 1.33 pints/A, Roundup Powermax at 1 qt/A and methylated soybean seed oil at 1.6 pt/A, and sharpen at 2 oz/A. Pre emergence application. Weather conditions 10:10 a.m. sunny 75.4 degrees F 70.9 % humidity, 5-6 mph south west wind. Weather conditions 10:50 a.m. sunny 77.8 degrees F, 68.5 % humidity, 3-4 mph south west wind.

2020-06-04 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER CE 3 plots, GLBRC productivity study, behind brown house, and perimeter bait crop where soybeans were planted with Valor and Roundup Powermax. Valor was applied at 3.5 oz/A Roundup Powermax applied at 1 qt/A. Weather conditions: At the start 1:00 p.m. sunny 81.1 degrees F, humidity was 56.6 % with 5-6 mph north west. End of application 2:15 p.m. sunny, 82 degrees F, humidity 55.9 %, with 4-5 mph west winds.

2020-06-11 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER N-rate study (Irrigated and Non-irrigated fertility gradient study) Corn plots. Fertilizer applications were with 28-0-0 which supplied 28% nitrogen in the form of Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (UAN). A single pass of a 28% applicator was used to knife in the correct amount of fertilizer. The 28% applicator has seven coulters where the 5 inside coulters apply a full target rate and the 2 outside coulters apply half of the target rate. The applicator is controlled by a rate controller as well as inline orifices. Fertilizer was knifed roughly 5-6 inches into the ground. A reminder that 30 lbs of N/A was applied at planting so total N/A applied will include the 30 lbs N/A applied at planting time (planting date was May 13, 2020). The amounts of nitrogen applied were as follows: F1 (101, 203, 309, 404, 501, 603, 709, 804) 0 lbs N/A; F2 (102, 202, 304, 406, 502, 602, 704, 806) 0 lbs N/A; F3 (103, 205, 302, 407, 503, 605, 702, 807) 30 lbs N/A (10 gal/A); F4 (104, 208, 305, 403, 504, 608, 705, 803) 60 lbs N/A (20 gal/A); F5 (105, 204, 306, 401, 505, 604, 706, 801) 90 lbs N/A (30 gal/A); F6 (106, 209, 308, 402, 506, 609, 708, 802) 120 lbs N/A (40 gal/A); F7 (107, 201, 307, 408, 507, 601, 707, 808) 150 lbs N/A (50 gal/A); F8 (108, 207, 303, 405, 508, 607, 703, 805) 190 lbs N/A (64 gal/A); F9 (109, 206, 301, 409, 509, 606, 701, 809) 230 lbs N/A (77 gal/A). Equipment used: JD 7420b tractor and liquid fertilizer applicator that was built by the FSC that was equipped with a rate controller and inline orifices. Orifices were changed accordingly with the application rate and treatments. Weather conditions at 11:10 a.m. were mostly sunny 66.8 degrees F, 55.9% humidity with 11-12 mph winds out of the west. Conditions at the end 2:15 p.m. sunny, 70.8 degrees F, 8-9 mph west wind, 42.7 % humidity.

2020-06-18 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the LTER Main Site T1 and T2 plots all replications with 28-0-0 liquid fertilizer. Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (28-0-0) was applied at a total rate of 41 gal/A. Since 28% fertilizer weighs 10.65 lbs/gal, the 41 gal/A equals 122 lbs N/A. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator at a depth of 2-6 inches. Equipment used: JD7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with a John Deere Rate Controller and an Ace pump, The 28% applicator has seven coulters where the 5 inside coulters apply a full target rate and the 2 outside coulters apply half of the target rate. The applicator is controlled by a rate controller as well as inline orifices. Application speed around 4.5 mph. Weather conditions at 11:20 a.m. sunny, 80.0 degrees F, 3-4 mph East wind, 45.4% humidity. Conditions at end 7:30 p.m. 84.3 degrees F, 4-5 mph East wind, 42.4 % humidity.

2020-06-25 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER Main Site treatment T3 all replications for post-emergence weed control where corn was planted. Sprayed with AMS and Roundup Powermax. AMS applied at 3.4 lbs/A and Roundup Powermax 1qt/A. Weather conditions at the start 8:50 a.m. sunny 66.3 degrees F, 76% humidity with 6-7 mph north west winds. Conditions at the end 11:40 a.m. were sunny, 71.5 degrees F, 58.2% humidity, and 4-6 mph west.

2020-06-25 Herbicide Application Sprayed GLBRC perimeter bait crop ( outside 30 feet on the south and east side) and the 2 plots from the west in rep 6 for burndown application. Sprayed with AMS, Roundup Powermax and cornbelt 2,4-D ester 4lb. AMS applied at 3.4 lbs/A, Roundup Powermax applied at 1 qt/A, 2,4-D ester applied at 2 pint/A. Weather conditions at the beginning 3:00 p.m. sunny, 76 degrees F, 8-9 mph north west wind, 42.7 % humidity. Conditions at the end 4:00 p.m. sunny, 77.1 degrees F, 7-8 mph west wind, 38.8 % humidity.

2020-06-24 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER main site treatment T1 and T2 Alison's micro plots (plus nitrogen plots only). Applied 23.5 gallons of 28% liquid nitrogen. 28% liquid nitrogen fertilizer weighs 10.67 lbs/gallon. This equals 70 lbs of N/A. Set applicator up into a 4 row configuration using 5 knives. the middle 3 applied full rate and the outer 2 were half rate. Fertilizer was knifed 4-6 inches into the ground between the corn rows.

2020-11-18 Planting Planted wheeler rye in GLBRC Main Site treatment G3 plots all replications (3, 1, 4, 5, 2). Seeding rate: 104.6 lbs/A. Bushel/ Acre= 1.87 Planting depth: 0.75 inches. Drill Setting was 32.5

2020-11-19 Harvest Ryan Anthony flail mowed corn stover in G1 main plots: Reps 5, 4, 1, 2, & 3. Corn stover was mowed into windrows so that they could be bailed. The 6 rows (15 ft) in the west micro-plots of each rep were not mowed. Equipment Used: JD 7420a tractor and Loftness 15 ft Draper Windrower Shredder. Howard Straub III (from the KBS Dairy Center) baled the corn stover on November 19, 2020. Equipment Used: JD 6175M tractor and NH 450 Cropcutter round baler. Equipment Used: JD 7420b tractor (with loader) was used to move/load bales. Equipment Used: Dodge truck and gooseneck trailer was used to move bales. Bales were taken to KBS Dairy Center to be used for bedding for the cows.

2020-11-16 Planting Planted wheeler rye in LTER Main Site treatment T3 plots all replications. Seeding rate: 104.6 lbs/A. Bushel/ Acre= 1.87 Planting depth: 0.75 inches. Drill Setting was 32.5

2020-11-16 Planting Planted untreated wheeler rye in LTER Main Site treatment T4 plots all replications. Seeding rate: 104.6 lbs/A. Bushel/ Acre= 1.87 Planting depth: 0.75 inches. Drill Setting was 32.5

2021-03-22 Harvest Mowed and baled corn stover at Marshall Farm corn field (M1). See attachment for yield. Stover was to wet in the fall of 2020 to mow and bale so we waited until spring of 2021 to mow and bale the corn stover from Marshall Farm. 60 bales were removed from the field.

2021-04-27 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T2 reps: (5, 2, 4, 1) with potash (0-0-60) at 150 lbs/A. Reps 3 and 6 were fertilized at different rates so separate ag-log entries were created for rep 3 and 6 applications respectfully. 150 lbs/A of potash 0-0-60 equals 90 lbs/A K2O. Entire plot areas were fertilized.

2021-04-27 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T2 rep 6 with potash (0-0-60) at 163 lbs/A. 163 lbs/A of potash 0-0-60 equals 97.8 lbs/A K2O. Entire plot area was fertilized. We did not change the metercal setting (197) on the Raven controller/monitor to apply the 160 lbs/A. We used the same metercal setting (197) we just change the rate per acre from 150 lbs/A to 160 lbs/A. We used the same metercal (197) and calibration settings used to apply the 150 lbs/A to T2 reps 1, 2, 4, and 5. For calibration numbers see the ag-log entry for April 27, 2021 T2 reps 1, 2, 4, and 5.

2021-04-27 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T2 rep (3) with potash (0-0-60) at 100 lbs/A. 100 lbs/A of potash 0-0-60 equals 60 lbs/A K2O. Entire plot area was fertilized.

2021-04-30 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T1 reps: (5,1,4,2) with potash (0-0-60) at 150 lbs/A. Reps 3 and 6 were fertilized at different rates so separate ag-log entries were created for rep 3 and 6 applications respectfully. 150 lbs/A of potash 0-0-60 equals 90 lbs/A K2O. Entire plot areas were fertilized. Meter calibration setting was 197.

2021-04-30 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T1 rep (3) with potash (0-0-60) at 110 lbs/A. 110 lbs/A of potash 0-0-60 equals 66 lbs/A K2O. Entire plot area was fertilized. Meter calibration setting was 197.

2021-04-30 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T1 rep (6) with potash (0-0-60) at 200 lbs/A. 200 lbs/A of potash 0-0-60 equals 120 lbs/A K2O. Entire plot area was fertilized. Meter calibration setting was 201.

2021-04-30 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T3 reps: (5,4,2,1) with potash (0-0-60) at 150 lbs/A. Reps 3 and 6 were fertilized at different rates so separate ag-log entries were created for rep 3 and 6 applications respectfully. 150 lbs/A of potash 0-0-60 equals 90 lbs/A K2O. Entire plot areas were fertilized including prairie strip. Meter calibration setting was 197.

2021-04-30 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T3 rep (3) with potash (0-0-60) at 80 lbs/A. 80 lbs/A of potash 0-0-60 equals 48 lbs/A K2O. Entire plot area was fertilized including prairie strip. Meter calibration setting was 197.

2021-04-30 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T3 rep (6) with potash (0-0-60) at 165 lbs/A. 165 lbs/A of potash 0-0-60 equals 99 lbs/A K2O. Entire plot area was fertilized including prairie strip. Meter calibration setting was 197.

2021-05-05 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC perimeter bait crop with 200 lbs/A of potash equaling 120 lbs/A of K2O. North and first 2 east passes applied on 05/05/21 and applied the rest of the east pass and south passes 05/05/21.

2021-05-05 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site treatments G3 all reps (5,4,1,3,2) sorghum plots. Fertilized GLBRC Main Site G3 with 350 lbs/A of potash equaling 210 lb/A of K2O. Gandy applicator metercal number set to (201) at 350 lb/A.

2021-05-05 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Rep 6 with 300 lbs/A of potash equaling 180 lb/A of K2O. Five blocks in total starting from the second block east of the brown house applying west end to east end in north south direction.

2021-05-05 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC G1 Rep 2. G1 Rep 2 was fertilized with 250 lbs/A of potash equaling 150 lb/A of K2O. Equipment used was: JD 7420b and Gandy 30' forced air spreader. Gandy applicator metercal number set to (201) at 250 lb/A. West 15' microplot was fertilized at 75lbs/ A with a metercal setting of 197 on applicator.

2021-05-05 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC G1 Rep 3. G1 Rep 3 was fertilized with 100 lbs/A of potash equaling 60 lb/A of K2O. Equipment used was: JD 7420b and Gandy 30' forced air spreader. Gandy applicator metercal number set to (197) at 100 lb/A. West 15' microplot was fertilized at 50lbs/ A with a metercal setting of 197 on applicator.

2021-05-05 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC G2 all reps (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). GLBRC G2 all reps were fertilized at 300 lbs/A of potash equaling 180 lb/A of K2O. Equipment used was: JD 7420b and Gandy 30' forced air spreader. Gandy applicator metercal number set to (201) at 300 lb/A. West 15' microplot was fertilized at 50lbs/ A with a metercal setting of 197 on applicator. All G2 microplots accept G2R5 were fertilized at the same rate as the main plot (300lbs/A) G2R5 microplot was fertilized at 100lb/A.

2021-05-06 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site T8nt plots all reps with potash (0-0-60) at 250 lbs/A. 250 lbs/A of potash 0-0-60 equals 150 lbs/A K2O. Equipment used: JD 7420b and Gandy 30' forced air spreader. Metercal setting was 201 at 250lb rate. Entire plots were fertilized.

2021-05-07 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site Lysimeter field with potash (0-0-60) at 200 lbs/A. 200 lbs/A of potash 0-0-60 equals 120 lbs/A K2O. Entire plot area was fertilized.

2021-05-07 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Resource Gradient Experiment with potash (0-0-60) at 150 lbs/A. 150 lbs/A of potash 0-0-60 equals 90 lbs/A K2O. (F1 101 ) received 250 lbs/A equipment rate error. Entire plot area was fertilized.

2021-05-07 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Cellulosic Biofuel Diversity Experiment 4 reps of CE1, CE2, and CE3 with potash (0-0-60) at 200 lbs/A. 200 lbs/A of potash 0-0-60 equals 120 lbs/A K2O.

2021-05-10 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T1 rep (4) with phosphate (0-46-0) at 80 lbs/A. Entire plot area was fertilized.

2021-05-10 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T1 rep (5,1,2) with phosphate (0-46-0) at 120 lbs/A. Entire plot area was fertilized.

2021-05-10 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T2 rep (5) with phosphate (0-46-0) at 120 lbs/A. Entire plot area was fertilized.

2021-05-10 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T2 rep (2) with phosphate (0-46-0) at 80 lbs/A. Entire plot area was fertilized.

2021-05-10 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T3 rep (3,6) with phosphate (0-46-0) at 80 lbs/A. Entire plot area was fertilized.

2021-05-10 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T3 rep (5,4,1) with phosphate (0-46-0) at 120 lbs/A. Entire plot area was fertilized.

2021-05-12 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC G2 (3,2,1,5,4). GLBRC G2 all reps were fertilized at 160 lbs/A of 0-46-0 Phosphorus Equipment used was: JD 7420b and Gandy 30' forced air spreader. Gandy applicator metercal number set to (201) at 160 lb/A. All G2 microplots where fertilized at the same rate as the main plot (160lbs/A)

2021-05-12 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC G1 Reps (4, 5, 2, 3). G1R1 did not recieve any 0-46-0 fertilizer in 2021 the amount applied to G1R1 was 0 lbs/A (based on the MSU Soil Testing Lab G1R1 did not need any P fertilizer in 2021). GLBRC G1 reps: 4, 5, 2, & 3 were fertilized at 160 lbs/A of 0-46-0 Phosphorus fertilizer. Equipment used was: JD 7420b and Gandy 30' forced air spreader. Gandy applicator metercal number set to (201) at 160 lb/A. G1 R4 microplot was not fertilized (0lbs/A) All other microplots were fertilized at (160 lbs/A).

2021-05-12 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC G3 (5,3,2,1,4). GLBRC G3 all reps were fertilized at 160 lbs/A of 0-46-0 Phosphorus Equipment used was: JD 7420b and Gandy 30' forced air spreader. Gandy applicator metercal number set to (201) at 160 lb/A. All G3 microplots where fertilized at the same rate as the main plot (160lbs/A)

2021-05-18 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER Main Site treatment T2 all replications (5, 2, 3, 4, 1, 6) for pre-emergence weed control where corn was planted. Sprayed with Roundup Powermax at a rate of 1 qt/A , ammonium sulfate at 3.4 lbs/A and Acuron at 3 qts/A. Weather conditions at the start 12:50 p.m. were partly sunny, 73.1 degrees F,60.6 % humidity with 7-8 mph south east winds. Conditions at the end 2:50 p.m. were partly sunny, 74.9 degrees F, 56.6 % humidity, and 7-8 mph winds out of the south east. REI: 48 hours.

2021-05-26 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Cellulsic Biofuels Experiment (CE Study) treatment CE4 and CE6, all replications. Treatments CE4: (plots 110, 203, 302, 404); and CE6: (plots 111, 204, 310, 406). Plots received 50 lbs N/A with 16.7 gallons/A 28% N liquid fertilizer. 28% fertilizer weighs 10.67 lbs /gallon so the 50 lbs N/A worked out to 16.7 gal 28%/A. Weather: 74.4 degrees F/ 12.28mph wind speed/ Northwest Wind/ 41.6% relative humidity.

2021-05-26 Fertilizer Application Fertilized Interaction plots (1, 5, 7, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16). These plots historically are the fertilized plots. Plots fertilized with 28% fertilizer at 16.7 gallons per acre. 28% weighs 10.67 lbs per gallon so around 50 lbs of actual N/A. Weather: 73.8 degrees F/ 11.99 wind speed/ Northwest Wind/ 42.8% relative humidity.

2021-05-27 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the LTER Main Site treatment T6 all replications (5, 3, 4, 2, 1, 6) with 28% nitrogen. Applied at 16.7 gallons per acre equaling 50 lbs/A of nitrogen. Weight per gallon of 28% fertilizer is 10.67 lbs/gallon. The first 30ft micro plot (bromegrass) in northwest corner was not fertilized. The first 15ft of the second micro plot in northwest corner was not fertilized. The second 15ft of the second micro plot in northwest corner was fertilized. All reps were fertilized this way. We realized after applying fertilizer this way that we should not have fertilized the second 30ft micro plot at all (see aglog for 2020 fertilizer application. In 2020 in order to get a fertilized micro plot sample at harvest, we measured 15ft passed the second microplot into the main plot and harvest with JD 7330 and kemper head. Weather conditions at the start 9:00am partly cloudy 50 degrees F, 6.31mph northeast wind, 58.6 % humidity. Conditions at the end 11:25am partly cloudy 57 degrees F, 3.27 east wind, 39.7 % humidity.

2021-05-27 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site Switchgrass Fertility Study (SWF: N-rate), all treatments and all replications. Fertilizer applied as 28-0-0 which supplied 28% nitrogen in the form of Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) (CAS #57-13-6 Urea, #6484-52-5 Ammonium Nitrate). The amounts of nitrogen applied were as follows: SWF1 = 0 lbs/A (108, 201, 307, 408); SWF2 = 25 lbs N/A (8.4 gal/A) (104, 206, 308, 407); ***Rep 104 received 25.1gal/A on accident. 206,308,407 received 8.4gal/A SWF3 = 50 lbs N/A (16.7 gal/A) (102, 202, 302, 406); SWF4 = 75 lbs N/A (25.1 gal/A) (105, 208, 305, 405); SWF5 = 100 lbs N/A (33.5 gal/A) (101, 205, 304, 404); SWF6 = 125 lbs N/A (41.8 gal/A) (107, 207, 301, 403); SWF7 = 150 lbs N/A (50.2 gal/A) (106, 204, 306, 402); SWF8 = 175 lbs N/A (58.6 gal/A) (103, 203, 303, 401). Weather Conditions: 1:00pm, partly cloudy, 61.8 degrees F, 6.35mph east wind, 37.6% humidity. A single pass from 30' top air sprayer using chafer stream bars was used. Half of sprayer was turned off to get 15'. The sprayer was controlled by a John Deere Rate Controller.

2021-05-25 Herbicide Application Sprayed G1 all replications (5, 4, 2, 3, 1) for pre-emergence weed control where corn was planted. Sprayed with Roundup Powermax at a rate of 53 oz/A, ammonium sulfate at 3.4 lbs/A, and Acuron at 3 qts/A. Weather conditions at the start 12:00 noon were mostly sunny, 82.9 degrees F, 45.3% humidity with 9.3 mph southwest winds. Conditions at the end 1:00 p.m. were mostly sunny, 84.6 degrees F, 39.2 % humidity, and 8.5 mph winds out of the southwest. GLBRC perimeter bait crop ( outside 30' on north edge, inside 30' on south and east edge) far east plot in rep 6, and G1 all replications (5, 4, 3, 2, 1) for pre-emergence weed control where corn was planted. Sprayed with Roundup Powermax at a rate of 1 qt/A , ammonium sulfate at 3.4 lbs/A and Acuron at 3 qts/A.

2021-05-25 Herbicide Application Sprayed GLBRC Main Site G2 and ? in rep 6 where sorghum is planted. Plots sprayed with Dual II Magnum at 1.33 pints/A. Weather conditions 7:30 a.m. ? degrees F, ? humidity, ? mph ? wind. Weather conditions 8:30 a.m. ? degrees F, ? % humidity, ? mph ? wind.

2021-05-25 Herbicide Application Sprayed GLBRC Main Site G3 and third from the east in rep 6 where sorghum is planted. Plots sprayed with Dual II Magnum at 1.33 pints/A, Roundup Powermax at 1 qt/A, and sharpen at 2 oz/A. Pre emergence application. Weather conditions ? a.m. sunny ? degrees F, ? % humidity, ? mph ? wind. Weather conditions ? a.m. ? degrees F, ? % humidity, ? mph ? wind.

2021-06-03 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER main site Irrigated and Non-Irrigated Fertility Study, a portion of Lysimeter Field starting from the west, and a 30' section of T2R2 for post-emergence weed control. Sprayed with Enlist at 2 pints/acre, Roundup Powermax at 44 ounces/acre, Warrant at 48 ounces/acre, Ammonium Sulfate at 2.4lbs/acre, and a small amount of de-foaming agent. Rate of spray was 20gal/acre on JD rate controller. Weather conditions at the end: 80.3 degrees F, 5.52mph northeast wind, 30.7% relative humidity, and mostly sunny. REI: 48 hours.

2021-06-09 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER main site CE soybean plots (112, 210, 312, 402), finished the Lysimeter Field starting from the west, and all the T8NT plots. Sprayed with Enlist at 2 pints/acre, Roundup Powermax at 44 ounces/acre, Warrant at 48 ounces/acre, Ammonium Sulfate at 2.4lbs/acre, and a small amount of de-foaming agent. Rate of spray was 20gal/acre on JD rate controller. Weather conditions at the beginning 10:00am: 79.2 degrees F, 3.68mph southeast wind, 79.7% relative humidity, and sunny. Weather conditions at the end 1:00pm: 87.3 degrees F, 5.2mph east wind, 53.6% relative humidity, and partly sunny. REI: 48 hours.

2021-06-10 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER main site CE corn plots (105, 108, 202, 207, 301, 304, 401, and 403). Sprayed with Roundup Powermax at 44 ounces/acre, Acuron at 88 ounces/ acre, and Ammonium Sulfate at 2.4lbs/acre, and a small amount of de-foaming agent. Rate of spray was 20gal/acre on JD rate controller. Weather conditions at the beginning 10:00am: 78.3 degrees F, 3.9mph southeast wind, 79.9% relative humidity, and partly cloudy. Weather conditions at the end 12:00pm: 82.4 degrees F, 6.34mph southeast wind, 62.6% relative humidity, and partly sunny. REI: 24 hours.

2021-06-16 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER main site T2 reps 5,4,3,1,6,5. Sprayed with Enlist at 2 pints/acre, Roundup Powermax at 42.7 ounces/acre, Ammonium Sulfate at 2.4lbs/acre, and a small amount of de-foaming agent. Rate of spray was 20gal/acre on JD rate controller. Weather conditions at the beginning 1:00pm: 73 degrees F, 4.7mph west wind, 34% relative humidity, and sunny. Weather conditions at the end 5:45pm: 76.9 degrees F, 5.2mph wind unknown direction, 27.5% relative humidity, and sunny. REI: 48 hours.

2021-06-17 Mechanical Weed Control Sprayed LTER main site CE 2 reps (112,210,312,402) Sprayed with Enlist at 2 pints/acre, Roundup Powermax at 42.7 ounces/acre, Ammonium Sulfate at 2.4lbs/acre, and a small amount of de-foaming agent. Rate of spray was 20gal/acre on JD rate controller. Weather conditions at the beginning 8:00am: unknown Weather conditions at the end 8:15am: unknown REI: 48 hours.

2021-06-17 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER Main Site treatment T1 all replications (1,2,3,4,5,6) for post-emergence weed control. Sprayed with Roundup Powermax at a rate of 32 oz/A , ammonium sulfate at 3.4 lbs/A and Warrant at 3 pts/A. Weather conditions at the start 10:00 a.m. were sunny, 71.8 degrees F,42.5 % humidity with 3-4 mph southwest winds. Conditions at the end 1:00 p.m. were sunny, 79.6 degrees F, 20.1 % humidity, and 4-5 mph winds out of the west. 48 hr rei.

2021-06-22 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site G1 plots, CE1, CE3, rep 6 and bait crop corn with 41 gallons per acre of 28% nitrogen. This blend supplied 122 lbs/A of Nitrogen. Weather was 63 degrees, with wind 5 mph out of the south west, 50.5 % humidity and cloudy.

2021-06-24 Herbicide Application Sprayed GLBRC main site G1 all reps (5,1,2,3,4). Sprayed LTER main site T3 all reps (4,5,2,1,3,6). Sprayed LTER main site CE1 and CE3. Sprayed Roundup Powermax at 32 ounces/acre, Ammonium Sulfate at 3.4lbs/acre, and a small amount of de-foaming agent. Rate of spray was 20gal/acre on JD rate controller. Weather conditions at the beginning 8:00am: 64 degrees F, 10mph south wind, 63% Relative Humidity, Sunny. Weather conditions at the end 12:30pm: 75 degrees F, 11mph south wind, 57% Relative Humidity, Cloudy REI: 24 hours.

2021-07-02 Mechanical Weed Control Row cultivated the LTER Main Site T4 soybean plots all replications. Rep 5,3,4,6,1 and 2 Speed was 3 to 3.5 mph. Cultivation was started on north west side of all plots. Plots were alternated to accommodate insect trap collection, keeping pass directions consistent.

2021-07-06 Mechanical Weed Control Row cultivated the LTER Main Site T4 soybean plots all replications. Rep 5,3,4,1,2 and 6 Speed was 3 to 3.5 mph. Cultivation was started on south west side of all plots. Plots were alternated to accommodate insect trap collection, keeping pass directions consistent.

2021-07-03 Herbicide Application Sprayed G2 and G3 plots, all reps. Sprayed: Huskie: 15 oz/A Huskie. Atrazine: 0.5 lbs a.i./A. Water 20 gals/A.

2021-07-26 Mechanical Weed Control Sprayed LTER main site T3 all reps (5,4,1,2,3,6). Sprayed Roundup Powermax at 32 ounces/acre, Ammonium Sulfate at 3.4lbs/acre, and a small amount of de-foaming agent. Rate of spray was 20gal/acre on JD rate controller. Weather conditions at the beginning 1:00pm: 84 degrees F, 3-4mph west wind, 49.1% Relative Humidity, Sunny. Weather conditions at the end 4:00pm: 86.2 degrees F, 6-7mph northwest wind, 35.5% Relative Humidity, Sunny REI: 24 hours.

2021-07-27 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER main site T1, T2 edges at 32oz/acre round up all reps. Sprayed old micro plots in northwest corners at 44oz/acre; all reps. Sprayed CE Study CE2 reps: 112, 210, 312, & 402. Sprayed T8nt all reps. Sprayed Lysimeter field east side. Sprayed Roundup Powermax at 32 ounces/acre, Ammonium Sulfate at 3.4lbs/acre, and a small amount of de-foaming agent. Rate of spray was 20gal/acre on JD rate controller. Weather conditions at the beginning , Sunny. Weather conditions at the end 4:00pm: Did not record REI: 24 hours.

2021-08-23 Harvest Baled the switchgrass from all the T6 plots, reps: 5, 4, 2, 3, 1, and 6. Raked switchgrass prior to baling. (Kuhn rotary rake MSU Dairy)

2022-05-09 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site winter wheat T2 Reps 4,1,6, with super phosphate (0-46-0), at 170 lbs/A. Super phosphate was applied at 170 lbs/A providing 78.2 lbs/A of P2O5. Raven controller metercal set to 201.

2022-05-10 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site winter wheat T1 Reps 5,1,4,3,6 with super phosphate (0-46-0), at 170 lbs/A. Super phosphate was applied at 170 lbs/A providing 78.2 lbs/A of P2O5. Raven controller metercal set to 201 Temperature 67.8° RH 57.9% wind speed (3m) 10.37 mph at 10:00 am

2022-05-10 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site winter wheat T3 Reps 5,2,4,3,1,6 with super phosphate (0-46-0), at 170 lbs/A. Super phosphate was applied at 170 lbs/A providing 78.2 lbs/A of P2O5. Raven controller metercal set to 201 Temperature 67.8° RH 57.9% wind speed (3m) 10.37 mph at 10:00 am

2022-05-10 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC G1 and G3 all Reps (1,2,3,4,5), were fertilized at 130 lbs/A of 0-46-0 Phosphorus fertilizer. Raven controller metercal set to 201.

2022-05-10 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC G2 all Reps (1,2,3,4,5), were fertilized at 200 lbs/A of 0-46-0 Phosphorus fertilizer. Raven controller metercal set to 201.

2022-05-11 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Cellulosic Biofuel Diversity Experiment 4 reps of CE1, CE2, and CE3 with phosphorus fertilizer (0-46-0) at 130 lb/A. Raven Controller metercal set to 201 Weather at 9:30 am 73.3° F, RH 80.7%, wind speed (3m) 1.02 MPH wind direction South East. Operations began at 8:30am and ended at 9:45am

2022-05-12 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T1 and T2 all reps (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) with potash (0-0-60) at 70 lb/A. T1R5, T2R5, T1R6, and T2R2 were fertilized on the afternoon of 05/11/22. Weather at noon on 05/12, Temperature: 81.6° F; RH 29.8%; Wind Speed: (3m) 7.41 MPH; Wind Direction: South.

2022-05-12 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Cellulosic Biofuel Diversity Experiment 4 reps of CE1, CE2, and CE3 with potash (0-0-60) at 150 lbs/A. 150 lbs/A of potash 0-0-60 equals 90 lbs/A K2O. Weather at noon on 05/12, temperature 81.6° F, RH 29.8% wind speed (3m) 7.41 MPH wind direction South

2022-05-12 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site T8nt plots all reps with potash (0-0-60) at 150 lbs/A. Weather at noon on 05/12, temperature 81.6° F, RH 29.8% wind speed (3m) 7.41 MPH wind direction South

2022-05-10 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site T8nt plots all reps with phosphorous fertilizer (0-46-0) at 170 lbs/A. Weather at 10:00 am 67.8°F, RH 57.9%, wind speed (3m) 10.37 MPH, wind direction South.

2022-05-12 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site treatments G1 and G3 with potash all reps (1,2,3,4,5) at 150 lbs/A.

2022-05-12 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site treatment G3 all reps (1,2,3,4,5) with potash (0-0-60) at 500 lbs/A. The Gandy applicator was unable to flow sufficient product at the 500 lbs/A rate, consequently two passes of 250 lbs/A were made per plot. While fertilizing G2R3 several nozzles clogged on each of the five passes. The first pass at 500 lbs/A caused two nozzles to clog. Each of the subsequent four passes done at 250 lbs/A rate caused one nozzle to clog, no further issues were encountered on the other four reps. Weather at 7:00 pm was 82°F, RH 23.3%, wind speed (3m) 6.01 MPH wind direction South.

2022-03-21 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER winter wheat N-Rate Study treatments 2-9. Plots were fertilized with 28% U.A.N. nitrogen fertilizer at the following rates. F1 at 0 gal/A =0 lb N, F2 at 6.7 gal/A = 20 lb N, F3 at 13.4 gal/A = 40 lb N, F4 to F9 at 20.1 gal/A = 60 lb N, Applied with Top Air Sprayer equipped with chafer streamer bars with 1.0 orifice. Do to low volume only half the boom was on and every 15 foot plot was covered individually. Conditions starting at 1 p.m. clear, 62.2 degrees F 39.9% humidity 8-9 mph Southeast winds. Conditions at the end were 69.9 degrees F 29.3% humidity 5-10 mph Northwest winds. Application was completed using the John Deere 7420B Tractor and the Top Air 30ft sprayer.

2022-05-17 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site winter wheat treatment T3 all replications (5, 4 ,2, 1, 3 and 6), Plots were fertilized with a dry fertilizer blend of potash and sulfur (0-0-44.2-22.4). Application rate for the mixed fertilizer was 95 lbs/A. With individual rates of 70 lbs/A potash and 25 lbs/A sulfur Application began at 10:00 am and ended at 1:00 pm. Weather conditions at 10:00 am were clear 56°F RH 54.8 % Wind Speed (3m) 4.85 MPH Wind Direction North

2022-05-17 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site Lysimeter field with potash sulfur mix fertilizer (0-0-44.2-22.4) at 95 lbs/A. Individual rates were 70 lbs/A potash and 25 lbs/A sulfur Entire plot area was fertilized beginning at 2:00 pm until 3:15 pm. Weather conditions at 2:00 pm were clear: Temperature 65°F RH 40.0% Wind Speed (3m) 11.08 MPH Wind Direction North West

2022-05-17 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site winter wheat N-Rate study, with potash and sulfur mix fertilizer (0-0-44.2-22.4) at 95 lbs/A. Individually, application rates were 70 lbs/A potash and 25 lbs/A Sulfur. All plots, irrigated and rainfed were fertilized. Weather conditions at 10:00 am were clear 56°F RH 54.8 % Wind Speed (3m) 4.85 MPH Wind Direction North

2022-05-20 Soil Preparation Soil finished the annually tilled micro-plot area in the LTER Main Site Treatment T7 Early Successional, Reps; (4,5,2,3,1 and 6) plots. Micro-plots were soil finished from south to north in pass one and north to south in pass two. Headlands were soil finished twice going east to west on each north and south end of the plots. Two passes were required to break up large soil chunks. Equipment used was the JD7420B tractor and the JD960 10' field cultivator. Weather conditions on 05, 20 Sunny 83.8 degrees F, Winds 12.4 mph out of the South 59.5% Relative Humidity

2022-05-24 Fertilizer Application Applied fertilizer to the G2 plots. 16.7 gallons per acre was applied equaling 50 lbs on nitrogen. 0 gallons were applied to the No fertilizer sub plots. Weather was 62.4 degrees F, wind was 8 mph out of the East. Humidity was 37.4% Application was made with the John Deere 7420b and the 15ft 28% applicator.

2022-05-24 Fertilizer Application Applied fertilizer to the G1 plots. 54 gallons per acre was applied equaling 161.7 lbs on nitrogen. Weather was 62.4 degrees F, wind was 8 mph out of the East. Humidity was 37.4% Application was made with the John Deere 7420b and the FSC 15ft 28% applicator in two passes at 27 gallons per pass. N was applied in two passes so that we would not blow the lines on the applicator. We did not have large enough tips to allow all 54 gallons out on one pass.

2022-06-08 Fertilizer Application Applied fertilizer to the GLBRC Bait Crop corn and un-planted sections slated for soybeans. 54 gallons per acre was applied in two passes of 27 gallons each. This application represents 161.7 lbs of nitrogen. Weather was 58.0 °F, Wind was 1 mph out of the North East. Humidity was 98.2% Application was made with the John Deere 7420b and the 15ft 28% applicator.

2022-06-08 Fertilizer Application Applied fertilizer to CE study 108, 112, 202, 210, 304, 312, 401, and 402. 54 gallons per acre was applied in two passes of 27 gallons each. This application applied 161.7 lbs of nitrogen. Weather was 58.0 °F, Wind was 1 mph out of the North East. Humidity was 98.2% Application was made with the John Deere 7420b and the 15ft 28% applicator.

2021-10-18 Planting Planted winter wheat in T2, Reps (5,2,3,6,1and 4) Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R40 which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was treated. Pioneer 25R40 (treated seed) had 11,000 seeds/lb (90% germ) planted at projected 164.74 lbs/A. Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4.5 mph. Seed drill was set to 41 using the second door notch, Seed rate was 1,812,140 seeds per acre.

2021-11-07 Planting Planted winter wheat in T3, Reps (5,4,2,3,1 and 6) Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R40 which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was treated. Pioneer 25R40 (treated seed) had 11,000 seeds/lb (90% germ) planted at 164.74 lbs/A. Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4.5 mph. Seed drill was set to 41 using the second door notch, Seed rate was 1,812,140 seeds per acre.

2021-11-07 Planting Planted winter wheat in The Resource Gradient Experiment. Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R40 which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was treated. Pioneer 25R40 (treated seed) had 11,000 seeds/lb (90% germ) planted at 164.74 lbs/A. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4.5 mph. Seed drill was set to 41 using the second door notch, Seed rate was 1,812,140 seeds per acre. Depth was set to 1" but drill down pressure was not maintained in the plot. Actual seed depth varied from .25" to 1"

2021-11-09 Planting Planted winter wheat in T1, Reps (4,2,3,1,5 and 6) Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R40 which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was treated. Pioneer 25R40 (treated seed) had 11,000 seeds/lb (90% germ) planted at 174.94 lbs/A. Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4.5 mph. Seed drill was set to 43 using the second door notch, Seed rate was 2,099,280 seeds per acre.

2021-11-08 Planting Planted winter wheat in T4, Reps (5,3,4,2,1and 6) Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R40 which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was untreated. Pioneer 25R40 ( untreated seed) had 12,000 seeds/lb (90% germ) planted at 187.63 lbs/A. Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4.5 mph. Seed drill was set to 42 using the second door notch, Seed rate was 2,251,560 seeds per acre.

2021-11-11 Planting Planted wheeler rye in GLBRC Main Site treatment G3 plots all replications (3, 5, 4, 1, 2). Seeding rate: 105.3 lbs/A. Bushel/ Acre= 1.88 Drill setting 32.5 2nd door notch

2021-11-11 Harvest Ryan Anthony flail mowed corn stover in G1 main plots: Reps 5, 4, 2, 3, & 1. Corn stover was mowed into windrows so that they could be bailed. The 6 rows (15 ft) in the west micro-plots of each rep were not mowed. Equipment Used: JD 7420a tractor and Loftness 15 ft Draper Windrower Shredder. Joe Simmons bailed corn stover with Krone 1270 square baler. Equipment Used: JD 7520 tractor with Krone 1270 square baler. Equipment Used: JD 7420b tractor (with loader) was used to move/load bales. Equipment Used: Dodge truck and gooseneck trailer were used to move and weigh bales. Portable scale was put on the rear of gooseneck and bales were place on scale to obtain weight. Bales were taken to KBS Dairy Center to be used for bedding for the cows.

2021-11-09 Planting Planted winter wheat in T8NT all reps Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R40 which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was treated. Pioneer 25R40 (treated seed) had 11,000 seeds/lb (90% germ) planted at 174.94 lbs/A. Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4.5 mph. Seed drill was set to 43 using the second door notch, Seed rate was 2,099,280 seeds per acre.

2021-12-14 Harvest Harvested Prairie at Marshall Farm. For each load we recorded number of bales and weight: see attached.

2022-03-17 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site winter wheat treatment T2 all replications (5,2,3,4,1,and 6), Plots were fertilized with 20 gallons per acre of (28-0-0). 28-0-0 weighs 10.67 lbs/gallon so 59.75 lbs of N/A was applied. Weather conditions 2:40 p.m. were sunny 69.5 degrees F, 40.8% humidity 8-10 mph West wind. Conditions 6:15 p.m. clear, 69.4 degrees F 37.1% humidity 9-10 mph West winds Application was completed using the John Deere 7420b Tractor and the Top Air 30ft sprayer. The sprayer was fitted with Chafer stream bars set to 1.0 orifice setting.

2022-03-21 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site winter wheat treatment T3 all replications (5,4,2,1,5, and 6), Plots were fertilized with 10 gallons per acre of (28-0-0). 28-0-0 weighs 10.67 lbs/gallon so 30 lbs of N/A was applied. Weather conditions 10 a.m. were sunny 44.6 degrees F, 75.1% humidity 1 mph Southeast wind. Conditions 1 p.m. clear, 62.2 degrees F 39.9% humidity 8-9 mph Southeast winds Application was completed using the John Deere 7420b Tractor and the Top Air 30ft sprayer. The sprayer was fitted with Chafer stream bars set to 1.0 orifice setting.

2022-03-21 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER winter wheat N-Rate Study treatments 2-9. Plots were fertilized with 28% U.A.N. nitrogen fertilizer at the following rates. F1 at 0 gal/A =0 lb N, F2 at 6.7 gal/A = 20 lb N, F3 at 13.4 gal/A = 40 lb N, F4 to F9 at 20.1 gal/A = 60 lb N, Applied with Top Air Sprayer equipped with chafer streamer bars with 1.0 orifice. Do to low volume only half the boom was on and every 15 foot plot was covered individually. Conditions starting at 1 p.m. clear, 62.2 degrees F 39.9% humidity 8-9 mph Southeast winds. Conditions at the end were 69.9 degrees F 29.3% humidity 5-10 mph Northwest winds. Application was completed using the John Deere 7420B Tractor and the Top Air 30ft sprayer.

2022-04-27 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site winter wheat N-Rate study, with super phosphate (0-46-0), at 170 lbs/A. Super phosphate was applied at 170 lbs/A providing 78.2 lbs/A of P2O5. Application of RGE started at 5:45 P.M. and ended at 6:25 P.M. Weather during the application was 43.7 degrees F 7-8 mph Northwest winds, 49.1% humidity. Average speed while spreading was 3 mph with JD 7420b tractor and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 68 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 202; air pressure was 19 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level.

2022-05-02 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site winter wheat T2 Reps 5,2,3, with super phosphate (0-46-0), at 170 lbs/A. Super phosphate was applied at 170 lbs/A providing 78.2 lbs/A of P2O5. Application of started at 2:30 P.M. and ended at 3:50 P.M.

2022-07-09 Herbicide Application Applied Herbicide to the GLBRC G1 plots and Rep 6 corn. The border of each plot was sprayed with RoundUp Powermax at 32 oz/A and 3 lb/A AMS. The LTER CE 1 and CE2 were sprayed at the same rate. Weather conditions at the beginning 2:30pm: 80.9 degrees F, 1.42 mph Southwest wind, 65% relative humidity, and mostly sunny. Weather conditions at the end 4:30 pm: 80 degrees F, 1.4 mph northwest wind, 61% relative humidity, and mostly sunny. REI 4 HRS Application was completed using the 30ft top air sprayer and the John Deere 7420 B tractor.

2022-08-05 Herbicide Application Application in T3 Reps 4,5,3,1,6,and 2 as well as the Resource Gradient irrigated and non irrigated plots. Applied Interline (Generic Liberty) at 36 oz/acre, Ammonium Sulfate at 3.4 lbs/acre, and a small amount of de-foaming agent. Rate of spray was 20gal/acre on JD rate controller. Weather conditions at the beginning 1:00pm: 76.5 degrees F, 1 mph east wind, 98.5% relative humidity, and cloudy. Weather conditions at the end 4:55 pm: 85.6 degrees F, 1.21 mph east wind, 64.2% relative humidity, and partly cloudy. REI: 12 hours. Application was completed using the 30ft top air sprayer and the John Deere 7420B tractor.

2022-08-09 Herbicide Application Herbicide application to wheat stubble in Lysimeter field and T8nt plots. Applied Interline (Generic Liberty) at 36 oz/acre, Ammonium Sulfate at 3.4 lbs/acre, and a small amount of de-foaming agent. Rate of spray was 20gal/acre on JD rate controller. Weather conditions at the beginning 10:00pm: 67.7 degrees F, 1 mph North wind, 75.2% relative humidity, and partly cloudy. Weather conditions at the end 4:00 pm: 73.3 degrees F, 1 mph North wind, 58.9% relative humidity, and mostly sunny. REI: 12 hours. Application was completed using the 30ft top air sprayer and the John Deere 7420B tractor.

2022-08-09 Herbicide Application Herbicide application to soybeans in GLBRC Bait Crop and Brown House fields, GLBRC Rep 6, the perimeter of GLBRC G3 plots, and, LTER Cellulosic Biofuel Diversity Study soybeans. G3 plots, all reps, received one 10 foot headland pass around the entire perimeter of the plots, this was done to reduce the pressure of encroaching weeds from the alleyways. Applied Interline (Generic Liberty) at 29 oz/acre, Ammonium Sulfate at 3.4 lbs/acre, and a small amount of de-foaming agent. Rate of spray was 20gal/acre on JD rate controller. Weather conditions at the beginning 10:00pm: 67.7 degrees F, 1 mph North wind, 75.2% relative humidity, and partly cloudy. Weather conditions at the end 4:00 pm: 73.3 degrees F, 1 mph North wind, 58.9% relative humidity, and mostly sunny. REI: 12 hours. Application was completed using the 30ft top air sprayer and the John Deere 7420B tractor.

2022-08-11 Planting No-till seeded red clover at 23.3 lbs/A pure live seed (clover was planted at 23.3 lbs/A to achieve 12 lbs/A pure live seed giving coating material and germination percent) in the LTER Main Site T3 plots all replications (5, 4, 2, 1, 3, 6). Original target rate was 12lbs/A. A total of 333 lbs of seed was planted across all reps. After planting and weighing left over clover the actual planting rate was 11.5 lbs/A pure live seed at a rate of 23.3 lbs/A. To prevent weed pressure in the spring, T3 plots were sprayed and it was decided red clover would be seeded following harvest. Plots were sprayed with a pre-plant burn down to control the post harvest weed flush. Clover planted 1/4 inch into the ground. The East half of all plots were planted first on August 10, the West half of all reps were planted the following day, August 11. Weather conditions on 8/10 at 11:00 am were: Temperature 73.8 F RH 66.8% wind speed 1.00 mph Direction West Weather conditions on 8/10 at 5:30 pm were: Temperature 79.4 F RH 53.3% wind speed 5.68 mph Direction Northwest Weather conditions on 8/11 at 9:00 am were: Temperature 68.3 F RH 62.5% wind speed 1.00 mph Direction Northeast Weather conditions on 8/11 at 4:30 pm were: Temperature 75.6 F RH 41.9% wind speed 6.33 mph Direction North

2022-11-11 Harvest Mowed and baled prairie at Lux Arbor. See attached for yields

2022-12-06 Harvest Mowed and baled prairie at Marshall. See attached for yields

2022-12-07 Harvest flail mowed/windrowed and baled corn stalks at Lux Arbor. See attached for yields

2023-04-11 Harvest Used Loftness flail mower to windrow 12 rows of corn stalks. Baled stalks with Krone baler. picked up bales and took to Kellogg Farm. Material very dry. Scaled weights(1: 19 bales @ 12,100 pounds 2: 19 bales @ 12,500 lbs.) Moisture from 4 grab samples: 8.7%, 6.4%, 8.0%, 6.6%

2023-04-19 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T1 and T2, T1R6, T2R5, T1R5, T2R2 with potash (0-0-60) at 85 lb/A. Application began at 10:15 am and concluded at 2:15 pm. Application was done at 4 mph, Gandy metercal set to 201, density of potash was 70 lbs/cubic ft. Weather at 10:00 am 4/19/23 Temperature: 38.9°F Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 8.48 mph Wind Direction: South East Relative Humidity: 68.7% Weather Conditions at 2:30pm: Temperature: 55.8° F; Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 9.05 mph Wind Direction: South East Relative Humidity: 40.3%

2023-04-20 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Cellulosic Biofuel Diversity Experiment 4 reps of CE1, CE2, and CE3 with potash (0-0-60) at 170 lbs/A. It was applied in 2 applications of 85 lbs/A each. Fertilized the T8nt R2 and R4 (2 plots to the North side) plots with potash (0-0-60) at 170 lbs/A. It was applied in 2 applications of 85 lbs/A each. Fertilized T8nt R1 and R3 (2 plots to the South side) plots with potash (0-0-60) at 170 lbs/A. It was applied in 2 applications of 85 lbs/A each. Completed these 2 plots on 4/24/23 at 2 pm. Started application at 1:00 pm in the CE study and had to stop application of the T8nts at 2 pm due to monitor error. Weather during application at 2:00 pm on 04/20/23, Temperature 68.2° F RH 51.1% Wind speed at (3m) 14.48 MPH Wind direction - South Weather during application at 2:00 pm on 04/24/23, Temperature 46° F RH 40.1% Wind speed at (3m) 5.05 MPH Wind direction - West

2023-04-26 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T1 and T2 (T2R6, T1R3, T2R1, T1R2, T1R4) with potash (0-0-60) at 85 lb/A on 4/26/23. Fertilized site treatment T1 and T2 (T2R4, T2R3, T1R1) with potash (0-0-60) at 85 lb/A on 4/27/23. Application was done at 4 mph, Raven SCS600 metercal set to 201, density of potash was 70 lbs/cubic ft. Weather conditions at 11:00 am 4/26/23 Temperature: 42.5°F Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 7.17 mph Wind Direction: Northwest Relative Humidity: 49.9% Weather Conditions at 9:00 a.m on 4/27/23: Temperature: 43.3° F; Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 3.19 mph Wind Direction: South East Relative Humidity: 72%

2023-04-27 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T3 all reps (R5, R4, R2, R1, R3, R6) with potash (0-0-60) at 85 lb/A. Prairie strips were not fertilized. Application began at 1:30 pm and concluded at 5:00 pm. Application was done at 4 mph, Raven SCS600 metercal set to 201, density of potash was 70 lbs/cubic ft. Weather at 1:30 am 4/27/23 Temperature: 57.2°F Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 10.79 mph Wind Direction: South Relative Humidity: 36.1% Weather Conditions at 5:15 pm: Temperature: 62.5° F; Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 8.48 mph Wind Direction: South East Relative Humidity: 25.8%

2023-05-15 Herbicide Application Herbicide application to T2 plots (reps 5, 3, 1, 4, 6, 2). Round Up Powermax 3 was applied 40 oz per acre , and Ammonium Sulfate at 3.4 lbs per acre were applied as a burndown, per-emergence. REI 12 hours. Sprayer ran out of product in T2R2 with 2 passes left on West side of plot

2023-05-16 Herbicide Application Herbicide application to Resource Gradient Study and GLBRC G1 Plots, and Bait Crop area. Round Up PowerMAX 3 at 40 oz per acre and Ammonium Sulfate at 3.4 lbs per acre were applied as a burndown. Rate of spray was 20gal/acre on JD rate controller. Weather conditions at 8:15 am: Temperature: 50.9°F Wind Speed: 3.3 mph Wind Direction: Southwest Relative Humidity: 43.5% Weather conditions at 1:15 pm: Temperature: 72.8°F Wind Speed: 8.9 mph Wind Direction: Northwest Relative Humidity: 31.5%

2023-05-17 Herbicide Application Herbicide application to T8 NT, CE study Corn and Soybean plots(CE1, CE2, and CE3), Lysimeter Field, and T1 REX plots. Roundup PowerMAX 3 applied at 40 oz per acre with AMS at 3.8 lbs per acre. REX plots in T1R1, R2, R3 and R4 were sprayed only over the REX footprint. They were covered with two headland passes, one from each North and South. Additionally Reps 1, 2, and 4 received a perpendicular pass at the plot edge to kill weeds near the data loggers. Application began at 8:40 am and concluded at 1:30 pm. Weather conditions at 8:30 am: Temperature: 48.6°F Wind Speed: 5.65 mph Wind Direction: East Relative Humidity: 62.4% Weather conditions at 1:45 pm: Temperature: 59.3°F Wind Speed: 7.05 mph Wind Direction: Northeast Relative Humidity: 40.6%

2023-05-18 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site treatment G3 all reps (2,3,5,4,1) with potash (0-0-60) at 350 lbs/A. Fertilizer was applied at 1.5 MPH and completed in one pass over everything. Weather at 4:45 pm was 67.9°F, RH 25%, wind speed (3m) 5.4 MPH wind direction South East.

2023-05-18 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site treatment G2 all reps (3,2,5,1,4) with potash (0-0-60) at 300 lbs/A. Fertilizer was applied at 1.5 MPH and completed in one pass over everything. Weather at 4:45 pm was 67.9°F, RH 25%, wind speed (3m) 5.4 MPH wind direction South East.

2023-05-19 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site treatment G1 reps (2,3) with potash (0-0-60) at 300 lbs/A. Fertilizer was applied with one pass over everything. G1 reps 1,4 and 5 from the same day. Weather at 12:00 pm was 71.1°F, RH 55%, wind speed (3m) 6.22 MPH wind direction South West.

2023-05-19 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site treatment G1 reps (5,4,1) with potash (0-0-60) at 100 lbs/A. Fertilizer was applied with one pass over everything. G1 reps 2 and 3 from the same day. Weather at 12:00 pm was 71.1°F, RH 55%, wind speed (3m) 6.22 MPH wind direction South West.

2023-05-19 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Resource Gradient Experiment with potash (0-0-60) at 150 lbs/A. Entire plot area was fertilized. Weather at 12:00 pm was 71.1°F, RH 55%, wind speed (3m) 6.22 MPH wind direction South West.

2023-05-24 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T4 all reps (R5, R3, R2, R4, R1, R6) with Compass Minerals Protassium+ Organic Ag Standard Sulfate of Potash 0-0-50 Plus 17% Sulfur. The target rate in Raven controller was 200 lbs per acre. Based on amount leftover of product about 230 lbs per acre was applied. The first T4 fertilizer application in decades. Reps 5,3,2 and 4 were applied on 5/24/23. Reps 1 and 6 were applied on 5/25/23. Prairie strips were not fertilized. Application was done at 2 mph, Raven SCS600 metercal set to 201, density of protassium+ was about 100 lbs/cubic ft. Weather at 5:30 pm 5/24/23. Temperature: 64.4°F Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 11.66 mph Wind Direction: North East Relative Humidity: 30.1% Weather Conditions at 11:30 a.m 5/25/23: Temperature: 53.7° F; Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 10.61 mph Wind Direction: East Relative Humidity: 42.4%

2023-05-25 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T4 all reps (R5, R3, R6, R4, R2, R1) with Organic Granulated Rock Phosphate Fertilizer 0-20-0. The target rate in Raven controller was 265 lbs per acre. Reps 5 and 3 were applied on 5/25/23. Reps 6,4,2 and 1 were applied on 5/26/23. Prairie strips were not fertilized. Application was done at 2 mph, Raven SCS600 metercal set to 145, density of Fertoz was about 85 lbs/cubic ft. Weather at 4:45 pm 5/25/23. Temperature: 66 °F Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 8.95 mph Wind Direction: East Relative Humidity: 24.7% Weather Conditions at 2:30 p.m 5/26/23: Temperature: 70.7° F; Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 7.67 mph Wind Direction: North East Relative Humidity: 22.3%

2023-06-07 Planting Planted GLBRC Main Site G3 sorghum all replications, reps 4,3,2,1 and 5. Variety Planted: Iowa State University HPS5500. Planting Depth: 1.25 to 1.50 inches. Planting Population: 7.3 lbs per acre. Seed Treatment: Iowa State University HPS5500 was treated with Concep III (seed safener), Apron XL (systemic fungicide) and Maxim 4FS (systemic insecticide). No seed tag or label was available with the seed lot that was sent from Iowa State. Planted with John Deere 1590 no-till drill. Half of the rows were blocked to plant in 15 inch rows. Drill setting #9 with feed cups on top setting (closed as much as possible). Down pressure was at 1,000 psi. Gauge wheels were set with 1 notch open on the top left and 2 notches open on the top right. The ground was very hard and dry. We were having trouble getting seed any deeper since gauge wheels couldn't get down to full ground contact. There were some issues with GPS auto steer on reps 2 and 3. There were 2 instances, one in each rep where row width was wider then 15 inches on a pass.

2023-06-08 Planting Planted soybeans in the GLBRC G2 plots reps 5,2,3,1 and 4. Variety: Planted Pioneer P18A73E Enlist E3 untreated soybeans. Planting population: 140,000. Planting depth: 1.00 inch. Soil conditions were dry and hard but we were able to obtain proper depth. Planted with John Deere 1590 no-till drill. Half of the rows were blocked to plant in 15 inch rows. Drill setting #26 with feed cups on D setting. That is one notch down from the top. Feed cup settings in drill manual. Down pressure was at top of green marking on the gauge. Gauge wheels were set with 2 notches open on the top left and 3 notches open on the top right. Planted all plots going South to North to get row spacing correct since only using the back gang on drill.

2023-06-09 Planting Planted soybeans in the LTER CE2 plots reps 112,210,312 and 402. Variety: Planted Pioneer P18A73E Enlist E3 untreated soybeans. Planting population: 140,000. Planting depth: 1.00 inch. Planted with John Deere 1590 no-till drill. Half of the rows were blocked to plant in 15 inch rows. Drill setting #26 with feed cups on D setting. That is one notch down from the top. Feed cup settings in drill manual. Down pressure was at top of green marking on the gauge. Gauge wheels were set with 2 notches open on the top left and 3 notches open on the top right. Planted all plots going South to North to get row spacing correct since only using the back gang on drill.

2023-06-12 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the LTER Main Site T1 and T2 plots all replications with 28-0-0 liquid fertilizer. T1 plot reps 1,4,2 and 3 were done on 6/12/23. T1 plot reps 6 and 5 were done on 6/13/23. T2 plot reps 4,3,6, and 1 were done on 6/13/23. T2 plot reps 2 and 5 were done on 6/14/23. Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (28-0-0) was applied at a total rate of 57 gal/A. Since 28% fertilizer weighs 10.67 lbs/gal, the 57 gal/A equals 170 lbs N/A. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator at a depth of 4-6 inches. Application speed around 3.5 mph. Weather conditions at 4:10 p.m on 6/13/23. Mostly cloudy with light rain starting, 59.3 degrees F, (3m high 5 minute average wind speed was 4.94 mph) wind gust 19.8 mph, from the West, relative humidity 75.6%.

2023-06-14 Mechanical Weed Control Rotary hoe organic corn and soybean fields. 10 MPH for soybeans, 7 MPH for corn.

2023-06-20 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER N-rate study (Irrigated and Non-irrigated fertility gradient study) Corn plots. Fertilizer applications were with 28-0-0 which supplied 28% nitrogen in the form of Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (UAN). A single pass of a 28% applicator was used to knife in the correct amount of fertilizer. The 28% applicator has seven coulters where the 5 inside coulters apply a full target rate and the 2 outside coulters apply half of the target rate. The applicator is controlled by a rate controller as well as inline orifices. Fertilizer was knifed roughly 4 inches into the ground on the rainfed plots and 6-7 inches on the irrigated plots. A reminder that 30 lbs of N/A was applied at planting so total N/A applied will include the 30 lbs N/A applied at planting time (planting date was May 13, 2023). The amounts of nitrogen applied were as follows: F1 (101, 203, 309, 404, 501, 603, 709, 804) 0 lbs N/A; F2 (102, 202, 304, 406, 502, 602, 704, 806) 0 lbs N/A; F3 (103, 205, 302, 407, 503, 605, 702, 807) 30 lbs N/A (10 gal/A); F4 (104, 208, 305, 403, 504, 608, 705, 803) 60 lbs N/A (20 gal/A); F5 (105, 204, 306, 401, 505, 604, 706, 801) 90 lbs N/A (30 gal/A); F6 (106, 209, 308, 402, 506, 609, 708, 802) 130 lbs N/A (43.5 gal/A); This was the first year we changed the F7, F8, & F9 amounts: In past years the amounts were: F7 180 lbs N/A, F8 220 lbs N/A, and F9 260 lbs N/A. In 2023 F7, F8, & F9 were changed to: F7 200 lbs N/A, F8 250 lbs N/A, and F9 300 lbs N/A. We were afraid that we were missing the top yield with the top N so the LTER Executive Committee decided to up the total amount of N applied per acre for the F7, F8, and F9 treatments. F7 (107, 201, 307, 408, 507, 601, 707, 808) 170 lbs N/A (57 gal/A); F8 (108, 207, 303, 405, 508, 607, 703, 805) 220 lbs N/A (73.5 gal/A); F9 (109, 206, 301, 409, 509, 606, 701, 809) 270 lbs N/A (90 gal/A). Equipment used: JD 7420b tractor and liquid fertilizer applicator that was built by the FSC that was equipped with a rate controller and inline orifices. Orifices were changed accordingly with the application rate and treatments. Weather conditions at 10:10 a.m. were mostly sunny 70.6 degrees F, with 8-13 mph Northeast wind, relative humidity 58.3%. Weather conditions at the end 2:30 p.m. sunny, 85 degrees F, with 11-17 mph Southeast wind, relative humidity 43.5%.

2023-06-22 Mechanical Weed Control Rotary Hoed the T4 main plots for weed control. Equipment used: JD 7420 and Yetter 15' Rotary Hoe at a speed of 10 mph. Reps 5, 3, 2, 4 and 1 were started on the Southeast corner heading north on first pass. Rep 6 was done on the afternoon of 6/21/23 and again on 6/22/23 in the opposite direction.

2023-06-27 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site G1 plots, CE1, CE3, T8nt and bait crop corn with 28% nitrogen. G1, CE1, CE3 and bait crop corn were fertilized with 50 gallons of 28% per acre supplying 150 lbs of nitrogen. T8nt plots were fertilized with 57 gallons of 28% per acre supplying 170 lbs of nitrogen. Weather at 11:50 a.m was 64.7 degrees, with 6 mph wind out of the Northwest, 85 % relative humidity and cloudy.

2023-06-28 Planting Planted soybeans in the GLBRC bait crop, 30 ft closest to alley way. Planting population: 140,000 seeds/ac. Planting depth: 1 inch. Row spacing: 15 inches. Drill setting 26 with half rows plugged off to make 15" row spacing.

2023-06-29 Herbicide Application Herbicide application to T1 plots (reps 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 6). RoundUp Power Max 3 at 30 oz per acre and Ammonium Sulfate at 3.4 lbs per acre were applied post-emergence to control grass weeds. Application began at 11:45 am and concluded at 4:00 pm. Rate of spray was 20gal/acre on JD rate controller. John Deere 7420b tractor was used instead of 5220 due to concerns over the current height of the corn. REI is 4 hours, safe re-entry on Thursday June 29 at 8:00 pm. Weather conditions at 11:45 am: Temperature: 78.2°F Wind Direction: Southeast Wind Speed: 8.85 mph Relative Humidity: 61% Weather conditions at 4:00 pm: Temperature: 84.0°F Wind Direction: South Wind Speed: 8.42 mph Relative Humidity: 55.9%

2023-06-30 Herbicide Application Herbicide application to T3 (5, 4, 2, 1, 3, 6) and T2 plots (2, 5, 1, 4, 3, 6) RoundUp Power Max 3 at 30 oz per acre and Ammonium Sulfate at 3.4 lbs per acre were applied post-emergence to control grass weeds. Application in T3 began at 7:30 am and concluded at 10:40 am. Application in T2 began at 12:30 pm and conduced at 4:00 pm. Rate of spray was 20gal/acre on JD rate controller. John Deere 7420b tractor was used instead of 5220 due to concerns over the current height of the corn. REI is 4 hours, safe re-entry on Friday June 30 at 8:00 pm. Weather at 1:10 pm: Temperature: 69.6°F Wind Direction: West Wind Speed: 3.53 mph Relative Humidity: 98.7% Weather at 4:00 pm: Temperature: 86.5°F Wind Direction: West Wind Speed: 6.12 mph Relative Humidity: 52.2%

2023-07-03 Herbicide Application Herbicide application to GLBRC G1 all reps(1, 2, 4, 5, 3), Bait Crop area (corn and soybean), LTER T8nt plots, LTER CE Study corn (CE1 and CE3), and planted area of the Lysimeter field. RoundUp Power Max 3 at 30 oz per acre and Ammonium Sulfate at 3.4 lbs per acre were applied post-emergence to control grass weeds. Application in the GLBRC began at 10:15 am and concluded in LTER at 12:45 pm. Rate of spray was 20gal/acre on JD rate controller. John Deere 7420b tractor was used instead of 5220 due to concerns over the current height of the corn. REI is 4 hours, safe re-entry on Monday July 3 at 4:45 pm. Weather at 10:15 am: Temperature: 70.8°F Wind Direction: Northeast Wind Speed: 5.98 mph Relative Humidity: 90.6% Weather at 12:45 pm: Temperature: 76.5°F Wind Direction: Northwest Wind Speed: 3.83 mph Relative Humidity: 73.0%

2023-07-05 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site Switchgrass Fertility Study (SWF: N-rate), all treatments and all replications. Fertilizer applied as 28-0-0 which supplied 28% nitrogen The amounts of nitrogen applied were as follows: SWF1 = 0 lbs/A (108, 201, 307, 408); SWF2 = 25 lbs N/A (8.2 gal/A) (104, 206, 308, 407); SWF3 = 50 lbs N/A (16.7 gal/A) (102, 202, 302, 406); SWF4 = 75 lbs N/A (25.1 gal/A) (105, 208, 305, 405); SWF5 = 100 lbs N/A (33.5 gal/A) (101, 205, 304, 404); SWF6 = 125 lbs N/A (41.8 gal/A) (107, 207, 301, 403); SWF7 = 150 lbs N/A (50.2 gal/A) (106, 204, 306, 402); SWF8 = 175 lbs N/A (58.6 gal/A) (103, 203, 303, 401). A single pass from 30' top air sprayer using chafer stream bars was used. Half of sprayer was turned off to get 15'. SWF2 plots were applied using the Teejet 015 green SJ3 tips. The sprayer was controlled by a John Deere Rate Controller. Weather Conditions: 2:00 pm: partly cloudy, light shower during end of application 78.4°F 3.6 mph Southwest wind, 75.4% humidity.

2023-07-05 Fertilizer Application T6 (4, 3, 2, 1, 5, 6) plots and CE study switchgrass plots CE4 and CE6 (110, 203, 302, 404, 111, 204, 310, 406) were fertilized with 28% U.A.N. nitrogen fertilizer at 16.7 Gallons per Acre, applying 50 lb N per Acre. Bromegrass and unfertilized mircoplots in Northwest corner of plots were avoided. Weather Conditions at 4:25 pm: Partly Cloudy 87.4°F 6.51 mph Southwest wind 49.1% RH

2023-07-06 Herbicide Application Sprayed G2 plots (reps 3, 2, 1, 4, 5), Bait Crop and CE Study CE2 (112, 210, 312, 402) plots with Enlist One and Roundup. REI 48 Hours Safe Re-entry on 7/8 at 5:30 PM Tank mix of Enlist One (2-4D) at 2 pints per acre and Roundup PowerMax 3 (Glyphosate) at 22 oz per acre were applied.

2023-07-07 Herbicide Application Sprayed Brown house Field and GLBRC Bait Crop with Enlist one and Roundup PowerMax 3 tank mix. Round up PowerMax 3 was applied at 22 ounces per acre. Enlist one was applied at 2 pints per acre. There was also Ammonium Sulfate at 17 lbs per 100 gallon of water. It was applied at 20 gallon per acre. REI 48 hours safe re-entry 7/9/23 at 4:30 pm. Weather at 4:20 p.m Temperature: 80.4 degrees Wind speed 5 min average at 3 meters: 5.47 mph Maximum Gust at 10 meters: 7.8 mph Wind direction: West Relative Humidity: 36.1%

2023-07-18 Mechanical Weed Control Flail mowed the former Biodiversity study to control weeds. Mower was run in N S passes on 4 blocks. Equipment used was the 7420 John Deere and the 115 15' flail mower.

2023-11-13 Planting No-till planted wheeler rye in the LTER Main Site Treatment T3, all replications (Reps 5, 4, 2, 6, 3, and 1). Reps 5, 4 and 2 were planted on November 11, 2023. Reps 6, 3, and 1 were planted on November 15, 2023. Rye was planted with a target rate of 2.5 bu/A or 140lbs/A. Rye was actually seeded at 2.49 bu/A or 139 lbs/A. Planting depth was 1 to 1-1/2 inches deep. Drill setting was #39. Cup setting on the drill was on #2. Acre counter was at 14.1 acres after planting all six reps of T3.

2023-11-16 Harvest Jarrod Rhoades mowed corn stover in G1 main plots: Reps 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5. Corn stover was mowed into windrows so that they could be bailed. The 6 rows (15 ft) in the west micro-plots of each rep were not mowed. Equipment Used: JD 7420a tractor and Loftness 15 ft Draper Windrower Shredder. Joe Simmons bailed corn stover with Krone 1270 square baler. Equipment Used: JD 7520 tractor with Krone 1270 square baler. Equipment Used: JD 7420 tractor (with loader) was used to move/load bales. Equipment Used: Dodge truck and gooseneck trailer were used to move and weigh bales. Portable scale was put on the rear of gooseneck and bales were place on scale to obtain weight. Bales were taken to KBS Dairy Center to be used for bedding for the cows.

2023-11-20 Planting No-till planted wheeler rye in the LTER Main Site Treatment T4, all replications (Reps 2,6,1,5,3 and 4). All reps were planted on the same day. Rye was planted with a target rate of 2.5 bu/A or 140lbs/A. Rye was actually seeded at 2.49 bu/A or 139 lbs/A. Planting depth was 1 to 1-1/2 inches deep. Drill setting was #39. Cup setting on drill was on #2. Acre counter was at 13.3 acres after planting all six reps of T4.

2023-12-15 Harvest Mowed and baled switchgrass at Marshall Farm (field M3). Removed bales from field on December 16, 2023.

2024-04-16 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T4 all reps (R2, R3, R4, R5, R1, R6) with Organic Granulated Rock Phosphate Fertilizer 0-20-0. The target rate in John Deere Dry Rate Controller was 250 lbs per acre. Rep 2 was applied on 4/8/24. Reps 3,4,5,1 and 6 were applied on 4/16/24. Prairie strips were not fertilized. Application was done at 2 mph, B1 gear at 1350 engine RPM and Gandy air gauge at 14.5 oz/ square inch. JD Dry Rate Controller CFR was set at 0.0165, density of Fertoz was 85 lbs/cubic ft. Weather 4/8/24 at 11:00 a.m. Temperature: 58.1°F Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 8.64 mph Wind Direction: South Relative Humidity: 59.5% Weather Conditions at 11:00 a.m 4/16/24: Temperature: 57.7° F; Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 8.55 mph Wind Direction: East Relative Humidity: 44.4% Weather Conditions at 3:20 p.m 4/16/24: Temperature: 70.9° F; Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 9.99 mph Wind Direction: East Relative Humidity: 30.8%

2024-04-18 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T4 all reps (R5, R3, R2, R4, R1, R6) with Compass Minerals Protassium+ Organic Ag Granular Sulfate of Potash 0-0-50 Plus 17% Sulfur. The target rate in John Deere Dry Rate Controller was 250 lbs per acre. Prairie strips were not fertilized. Application was done at 2 mph, B1 gear at 1350 engine RPM, fan speed at 15 lb per cubic inch, JD Dry Rate Controller CFR setting at .0160 and density of protassium+ was 85 lbs/cubic ft. Weather at 9:20 a.m 4/18/24. Temperature: 50.1°F Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 7.21 mph Wind Direction: North West Relative Humidity: 71% Weather Conditions at 5:25 p.m 4/18/24: Temperature: 59.3° F; Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 3.04 mph Wind Direction: South East Relative Humidity: 54.2%

2024-04-22 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T1 plots, reps 5,1,4,2,3 and 6 with potash (0-0-60) at 250 lb/A. Reps 1 and 5 were done 4/22/24. Reps 2,3,4 and 6 were done 4/23/24. Application was done at 2 mph, B1 with 1300 engine RPM. JD Dry rate controller CFR was .0160, density of potash was 70 lbs/cubic ft. Gandy air fan was at 15 ounces per square inch. Weather conditions at 1:00 pm 4/22/24. Temperature: 57.2°F Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 9.26 mph Wind Direction: Southwest Relative Humidity: ?% Weather Conditions at 9:00 a.m on 4/23/24: Temperature: 61.7° F; Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 7.2 mph Wind Direction: Southwest Relative Humidity: 26.8%

2024-04-24 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T2 plots, reps 3,5,2,4,1 and 6 with potash (0-0-60) at 250 lb/A. Application was done at 2 mph, B1 with 1300 engine RPM. JD Dry rate controller CFR was .0160, density of potash was 70 lbs/cubic ft. Gandy air fan was at 15 ounces per square inch. Weather conditions at 9:10 am 4/24/24. Temperature: 37.5°F Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 7.96 mph Wind Direction: North Relative Humidity: 76.1% Weather Conditions at 2:40 p.m on 4/24/24: Temperature: 41.4° F; Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 6.1 mph Wind Direction: Northeast Relative Humidity: 68.4%

2024-04-24 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T3 plots, reps 5,4,6,3,2 and 1 with potash (0-0-60) at 250 lb/A. Reps 4 and 5 were done 4/24/24. Reps 1,2,3, and 6 were done 4/25/24. Prairie strips were not fertilized. Application was done at 2 mph, B1 with 1300 engine RPM. JD Dry rate controller CFR was .0160, density of potash was 70 lbs/cubic ft. Gandy air fan was at 15 ounces per square inch. Weather conditions at 3:00 pm 4/24/24. Temperature: 42.6°F Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 5.32 mph Wind Direction: Northwest Relative Humidity: 66.6% Weather Conditions at 8:30 a.m on 4/25/24: Temperature: 37.1° F; Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 4.1 mph Wind Direction: East Relative Humidity: 82.7%

2024-04-25 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Resource Gradient Experiment with potash (0-0-60) at 250 lbs/A. Entire plot area was fertilized. Application was done at 2 mph, B1 with 1300 engine RPM. JD Dry rate controller CFR was .0160, density of potash was 70 lbs/cubic ft. Gandy air fan was at 15 ounces per square inch. Weather at 2:10 pm was 52.4°F, RH 34.6%, wind speed (3m) 4.05 MPH wind direction East.

2024-04-25 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the T8nt Reps 1,2,3 and 4 plots with potash (0-0-60) at 250 lbs/A. Application was done at 2 mph, B1 with 1300 engine RPM. JD Dry rate controller CFR was .0160, density of potash was 70 lbs/cubic ft. Gandy air fan was at 15 ounces per square inch. Weather conditions at 4:40 pm 4/25/24. Temperature: 57.8°F Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 5.02 mph Wind Direction: Northeast Relative Humidity: 29.4%

2024-04-26 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site treatment G1 and G2 reps (1,2,3,4 and 5) with potash (0-0-60) at 250 lbs/A. Application was done at 2 mph, B1 with 1300 engine RPM. JD Dry rate controller CFR was .0160, density of potash was 70 lbs/cubic ft. Gandy air fan was at 15 ounces per square inch. Weather at 10:30 a.m was 50.6°F, RH 52.7%, wind speed (3m) 12.19 MPH wind direction South East.

2024-04-26 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site treatment G3 reps (1,2,3,4 and 5) with potash (0-0-60) at 275 lbs/A. Rep 6 plots on the south end were also fertilized with 250 lbs/A of 0-0-60 potash. Plots 3, 4 and 6 (the only ones with nothing planted in them). Application was done at 2 mph, B1 with 1300 engine RPM. JD Dry rate controller CFR was .0160, density of potash was 70 lbs/cubic ft. Gandy air fan was at 15 ounces per square inch. Weather at 3:40 p.m was 62.6°F, RH 25.8%, wind speed (3m) 11.76 MPH wind direction South East.

2024-04-30 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site T2 plots pre-plant all reps (6, 5, 3, 2, 4, 1) with Triple Super Phosphate (0-46-0), at 150 lbs/A. Super phosphate was applied at 150 lbs/A providing 69 lbs/A of P2O5. Application of started at 11:43 A.M. and ended at 4:30 P.M. Application in T2 was done at 3.8 mph in C2 with 1300 engine RPM. JD Dry rate controller CFR was .0155, density of TSP was 60 lbs/cubic ft. Gandy air fan was at 13-15 ounces per square inch. Weather conditions at 11:30 am: Temperature: 60.1°F Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 8.66 mph Wind Direction: West Relative Humidity: 56.3% Weather Conditions at 4:10 p.m: Temperature: 63.7° F; Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 11.81 mph Wind Direction: West Relative Humidity: 46.5%

2024-05-01 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T1 plots (5, 1, 4, 2, 3, and 6) and T3 plots (5, 4, 2, 1, 3, 6) with Triple Super Phosphate (0-46-0) at 150 lb/A, providing 69 lbs of P2O5. Application in T1 was done at 3 mph in C1 with 1300 engine RPM, and in T3 at 3.8 mph in C2 with 1300 engine RPM. JD Dry rate controller CFR was .0155, density of TSP was 60 lbs/cubic ft. Gandy air fan was at 14 ounces per square inch. Weather conditions at 9:00 am 5/1/24. Temperature: 66.5°F Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 7.34 mph Wind Direction: SouthWest Relative Humidity: 63.6% Weather Conditions at 5:00 p.m on 5/1/24: Temperature: 71.3° F; Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 8.92 mph Wind Direction: West Relative Humidity: 27.3%

2024-05-02 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER CE Study corn and soybeans (CE1, CE2, and CE3), and T8nt plots with Triple Super Phosphate (0-46-0), at 150 lbs/A. Super phosphate was applied at 150 lbs/A providing 69 lbs/A of P2O5. Fertilized LTER N-Rate Study (Irrigated and Rainfed) with Triple Super Phosphate (0-46-0) at 200 lbs/A, providing 92 lbs/A of P2O5. Application of started at 10:00 A.M. and ended at 11:50 A.M. Application in done at 3.8 mph in C2 with 1300 engine RPM. JD Dry rate controller CFR was .0155, density of TSP was 60 lbs/cubic ft. Gandy air fan was at 13-15 ounces per square inch. Weather conditions at 10:00 am: Temperature: 61.9°F Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 5.75 mph Wind Direction: East Relative Humidity: 57.5% Weather Conditions at 11:45 p.m: Temperature: 66.3° F; Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 9.74 mph Wind Direction: Southeast Relative Humidity: 44.8%

2024-05-02 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC G1 plots (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) with Triple Super Phosphate (0-46-0), at 255 lbs/A, providing 117 lbs/A of P2O5. Fertilized GLBRC G2 plots (1, 2, 3, 5, 4) with Triple Super Phosphate (0-46-0), at 200 lbs/A, providing 92 lbs/A of P2O5. Fertilized GLBRC G3 plots (5, 3, 2, 4, 5) with Triple Super Phosphate (0-46-0), at 225 lbs/A, providing 103.5 lbs/A of P2O5. Fertilized GLBRC Bait Crop and Rep 6 plots with Triple Super Phosphate (0-46-0), at 200 lbs/A, providing 92 lbs/A of P2O5. Application of started at 1:30 P.M. and ended at 4:45 P.M. Weather conditions at 1:25 pm: Temperature: 71.2°F Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 7.99 mph Wind Direction: Southeast Relative Humidity: 37.1% Weather Conditions at 3:10 p.m: Temperature: 73.9° F; Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 8.73 mph Wind Direction: Southeast Relative Humidity: 37.1%

2024-05-15 Mowing Flail mowed rye cover crop in T3 and T4 plots (all reps) prior to chisel plowing. This was done to promote the decomposition of the biomass and prevent it from interfering with the growth of the soybean crop.

2024-05-16 Herbicide Application Sprayed pre-emergence herbicide on all replications of treatments 1. Dual II Magnum (S-metolachlor (+ safener)) was applied at 1.33 pts/A, for 2.5 gallons per 300 gallons Water was used as the carrier applied at 20 gals/A; Time of application was between 1:30 PM and 4:45 PM. REI of product is 24 Hours, safe reentry on Friday May 17 at 4:45 PM. Weather at 1:05 pm: Temperature: 72.8°F Wind Speed: 5.66 mph Wind Direction: South Relative Humidity: 49.0% Weather at 4:15 pm: Temperature: 72.1°F Wind Speed: 9.46 mph Wind Direction: South Relative Humidity: 54.5%

2024-05-17 Herbicide Application Herbicide application to T2 plots (5, 3, 2, 6, 1, and 4) and LTER N-Rate Study. A tank mix of Dual II Magnum at 1.33 pint per acre and RoundUp Power Max 3 at 22 oz per acre in T2 and 32 oz per acre in the N-Rate and Ammonium Sulfate at 3.4 lbs per acre were applied pre emergence to control grass weeds. Application in T2 began at 10:00 am and concluded at 2:00 pm. Application in LTER N-Rate Study began at 3:00 pm and conduced at 4:45 pm. Rate of spray was 20gal/acre on JD rate controller. REI is 24 hours, safe re-entry on Saturday May 18 at 4:45 PM. Weather at 10:00 am: Temperature: 68.0°F Wind Direction: Southwest Wind Speed: 4.38 mph Relative Humidity: 87.1% Weather at 4:45 pm: Temperature: 77.1°F Wind Direction: West Wind Speed: 5.43 mph Relative Humidity: 55.4%

2024-05-17 Herbicide Application Herbicide application to GLBRC Bait Crop, Rep 6, and Brown House field. A tank mix of Dual II Magnum at 1.33 pint per acre and RoundUp Power Max 3 at 32 oz per acre and Ammonium Sulfate at 3.4 lbs per acre were applied pre emergence to control grass weeds. Application in 5:00 pm and concluded at 7:00 pm. Rate of spray was 20gal/acre on JD rate controller. REI is 24 hours, safe re-entry on Saturday May 18 at 7:00 PM.

2024-05-21 Herbicide Application Sprayed GLBRC G2 plots (5, 4, 1, 2, and 3), Rep 6 plots (2 of them), and Brown House field with Liberty. Spray rate was 20 gal/A with Liberty rate at 40 oz/A and 3 lbs/A Ammonium Sulfate. Application began at 10:45 am and concluded at 12:45 pm. REI for Liberty Herbicide is 12 hours. Safe reentry on Wednesday May 22 at 12:45 AM. Weather at 10:45 am: Temperature: 70.2°F Wind Direction: South Wind Speed: 1.67 MPH Relative Humidity: 95.0% Weather at 12:45 am: Temperature: 77.6°F Wind Direction: South Wind Speed: 4.46 MPH Relative Humidity: 65.4%

2024-05-23 Herbicide Application Sprayed GLBRC G1, G2 and G3 plots (all Reps) with herbicide tank mix containing Dual II Magnum and Acuron. G3 Soybeans (reps 2, 3, 5, 4, and 1) sprayed with tank mix of Liberty at 32 oz/A and Dual II Magnum at 1.33 pints/A. G2 Sorghum (1, 4, 5, 2, and 3) sprayed with tank mix of Liberty at 32 oz/A, Dual II Magnum at 1.33 pints/A, and Atrazine at 1 quart/A. G1 Corn (1, 5, 4, 2, and 3) sprayed with tank mix of Liberty at 32 oz/A, Dual II Magnum at 1.33 pints/A, Atrazine at 1 quart/A, and Acuron at 2.5 quarts/A. REI is 24 hours. Safe Reentry on Friday May 24 at 7:00 PM. Application began at 3:00 pm and concluded at 7:00 pm. Weather conditions at 3:00 pm: 75.5°F Wind: 6.72 mph from West 29.0% RH Weather conditions at 7:00 pm 75.5°F Wind: 5.78 mph from Northwest 26.7% RH

2024-05-23 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site treatments G2 (5, 3, 2, 1, and 4) sorghum plots. Knifed in 30 gallons/A of 28% liquid fertilizer. 28% fertilizer weighs 10.67 lbs per gallon so this equals about 90 lbs of actual N/A per pass. Knifed on 30 inch centers 6-8 inches deep, in two passes for the 15 inch rows. Both passes mistakenly made at 30 Gallons/A of 28%, meaning each plot was fertilized with 160 lbs of actual Nitrogen. The no Nitrogen Micro-plots were also mistakenly fertilized at the same rate as the rest of the plot.

2024-05-10 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site Lysimeter Field with Potash 0-0-60 at 250 lb per acre. GLBRC Bait/Trap Crop area was fertilized with the same amount. The Gandy Orbit Air broke on the far east side of the Lysimeter field with a couple passes left unfertilized.

2024-05-24 Fertilizer Application T6 (1, 2, 4, 3, 5, 6) plots and CE study switchgrass plots CE4 and CE6 (110, 203, 302, 404, 111, 204, 310, 406) were fertilized with 28% U.A.N. nitrogen fertilizer at 17 Gallons per Acre, applying 50 lb N per Acre. Bromegrass and unfertilized mircoplots in Northwest corner of T6 plots were avoided. Application began 1:00 pm and concluded at 4:00 pm. Weather at 1:00 pm: 79.1°F Wind 7.22 mph from the South 31.8% RH Weather at 1:00 pm: 80.5°F Wind 5.09 mph from the South 33.3% RH

2024-06-04 Mechanical Weed Control Rotary Hoed the T4 plots (5, 3, 2, 4, 1, and 6) for weed control. Equipment used: JD 7420b and Yetter 15' Rotary Hoe at a speed of 10 mph in Reps 1 and 6, others were done at 7 mph.

2024-06-07 Herbicide Application Herbicide application to Soybean Variety Trial. Dual II Magnum at 1.33 pints per acre pre emergence to control weeds. Application in 8:45 am and concluded at 10:00 am Rate of spray was 20gal/acre on JD rate controller. REI is 24 hours, safe re-entry on Saturday June, 8 at 10:00 am. Application done early in the day to avoid windy conditions, Corral-Poly drift reducing adjuvant added to tank.

2024-06-11 Fertilizer Application Fertilized Sorghum Nitrogen Rate Experiment Fertilizer applications were with 28-0-0 which supplied 28% nitrogen in the form of Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (UAN). A single pass of a 28% applicator was used to knife in the correct amount of fertilizer. The 28% applicator has seven coulters where the 5 inside coulters apply a full target rate and the 2 outside coulters apply half of the target rate. The applicator is controlled by a rate controller as well as inline orifices. Fertilizer was knifed roughly 5-6 inches into the ground. The amounts of nitrogen applied were as follows: T1 (101, 205, 303, 407) 0 lbs N/A; T2 (102, 203, 307, 403) 25 lbs N/A (8.4 gal/A); T3 (103, 201, 306, 406) 50 lbs N/A (16.7 gal/A); T4 (104, 207, 308, 408) 75 lbs N/A (25.1 gal/A); T5 (105, 204, 301, 402) 100 lbs N/A (41.8 gal/A); T6 (106, 206, 304, 404) 125 lbs N/A (41.8 gal/A); T7 (107, 208, 305, 401) 150 lbs N/A (50.2 gal/A); T8 (108, 202, 302, 405) 175 lbs N/A (58.5 gal/A); Equipment used: JD 7420b tractor and liquid fertilizer applicator that was built by the FSC that was equipped with a rate controller and inline orifices. Orifices were changed to a smaller set to achieve the rates for T2 and T3.

2024-06-14 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER CE study (CE1, CE2 and CE3 plots), T8nt plots, and Lysimeter Field with Liberty. Spray rate was 20 gal/A with Liberty rate at 43 oz/A and 3 lbs/A Ammonium Sulfate. Application began at 9:30 am and concluded at 11:45 am. REI for Liberty Herbicide is 12 hours. Safe reentry on Friday June 14 at 11:45 PM Liberty herbicide used to control marestail. Weather at 9:30 am: Temperature: 70.3°F Wind Direction: East Wind Speed: 6.58 mph Relative Humidity: 73.2% Weather at 11:45 am: Temperature: 56.7°F Wind Direction: Northeast Wind Speed: 6.30 MPH Relative Humidity: 56.7%

2024-06-20 Herbicide Application Sprayed Roundup in GLBRC G1 (reps 1, 4, 2, 3, and 5) and G3 plots (reps 2, 1, 3, 5, and 4), and bait crop, Brown house field. G1 plots were sprayed with Roundup PowerMax 3 at 22 oz/A. For the remainder the tank was spiked to reach a 30 oz/A rate. Spraying ended at 4:15 pm on 6/20/24. REI is 4 hours safe re-entry at 8:15 pm on 6/20/24

2024-06-21 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER T2 plots (reps 5, 6, 2, 4, 3, and 1) with tank mix of Enlist One and Roundup PowerMax 3. Enlist One was sprayed at 2 pints/ A and Roundup PowerMax 3 was sprayed at 21.3 oz/A. Re-entry interval for Enlist One is 48 hours. Safe Re-entry on Sunday June 23, 2024 at 12:45 PM.

2024-06-24 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER T1 plots with Round Up Power max 3. The 38 Ounce higher rate was because the weeds were taller. The REI is 4 hours so plots can be entered at 7:30 p.m.

2024-06-24 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER T3 plots (6, 3, 1, 2, 4, and 5) with Round Up Power max 3. Rate was 30 oz/A in post emergence soybeans. The REI is 4 hours Safe for re-entry at 10:00 pm

2024-06-28 Mechanical Weed Control Row cultivated the soybeans in the LTER T4, all reps, reps 5,3,2,4,1 and 6. Started cultivating in the Southwest corner of the plots. Speed was 3.5 mph.

2024-07-02 Mechanical Weed Control Row cultivated the soybeans in the LTER T4, all reps, reps 5,3,2,4,1 and 6. Started cultivating in the Northwest corner of the plots to alternate from the previous cultivation. Speed was 3.8 mph.

2024-07-01 Mechanical Weed Control Row cultivated the soybeans in the FSC F2 Soybean Variety Trial Field. Started cultivating in the Southwest corner of the plots. Speed was 3.5 mph.

2024-07-08 Mechanical Weed Control Row cultivated the soybeans in the LTER T4, all reps, reps 5, 3, 2, 4, 1 and 6. The cultivator passes (6 rows) of all plots containing T posts with insect sticky traps were avoided, the cultivation was done with T posts still in place. These posts are generally located near sampling stations. These rows were planned to be cultivated the next day, but due to an unexpectedly heavy rain they could not be worked. Started cultivating in the Southwest corner of the plots to alternate from the previous cultivation. Speed varied between 4.5 and 5 mph, depending on the height of the beans.

2024-07-19 Mechanical Weed Control Row cultivated the soybeans in the LTER T4, all reps, reps 5, 3, 2, 4, 1 and 6. Started cultivating in the Northwest corner of the plots to alternate from the previous cultivation. Speed was 5.5 mph.

2024-08-30 Mechanical Weed Control Used Organic Weed Puller to remove foxtail seed heads from T4 plots (5, 6, 4, 3, 2, and 1). Removal was done over the course of a week beginning on 8/26 and concluding on 9/3.