Show Observation

User: Ethan Rocklin

Created on: 2022-08-11

Observation Date 2022-08-11

No-till seeded red clover at 23.3 lbs/A pure live seed (clover was planted at 23.3 lbs/A to achieve 12 lbs/A pure live seed giving coating material and germination percent) in the LTER Main Site T3 plots all replications (5, 4, 2, 1, 3, 6). Original target rate was 12lbs/A. A total of 333 lbs of seed was planted across all reps. After planting and weighing left over clover the actual planting rate was 11.5 lbs/A pure live seed at a rate of 23.3 lbs/A. To prevent weed pressure in the spring, T3 plots were sprayed and it was decided red clover would be seeded following harvest. Plots were sprayed with a pre-plant burn down to control the post harvest weed flush. Clover planted 1/4 inch into the ground. The East half of all plots were planted first on August 10, the West half of all reps were planted the following day, August 11. Weather conditions on 8/10 at 11:00 am were: Temperature 73.8 F RH 66.8% wind speed 1.00 mph Direction West Weather conditions on 8/10 at 5:30 pm were: Temperature 79.4 F RH 53.3% wind speed 5.68 mph Direction Northwest Weather conditions on 8/11 at 9:00 am were: Temperature 68.3 F RH 62.5% wind speed 1.00 mph Direction Northeast Weather conditions on 8/11 at 4:30 pm were: Temperature 75.6 F RH 41.9% wind speed 6.33 mph Direction North

T3 T3_micro-plots

Observation Type:


Worker: Ethan Rocklin
Equipment: John Deere 1590 15' no-till drill • Material: Seed red clover @ 23.3 pound per acre
Equipment: John Deere 7420b Tractor (14.9 R 46 back tire size)


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