Show Observation

User: Justin Mezo

Created on: 2019-05-07

Observation Date 2019-05-06

Fertilized LTER N-rate study (Irrigated and Non-irrigated fertility gradient study) winter wheat plots. Fertilizer applications were with 28-0-0 which supplied 28% nitrogen in the form of Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (UAN). A single pass of a boom type sprayer was used to broadcast spray and apply the correct amount of fertilizer. Plots F2 and up already were applied with 7 gal/A of 28-0-0 supplying 20 lbs of N/A. This application started at treatment F3 to apply the remaining nitrogen. The amounts of remaining nitrogen applied were as follows: F1 (101, 203, 309, 404, 501, 603, 709, 804) 0 lbs/A; F2 (102, 202, 304, 406, 502, 602, 704, 806) 0 lbs N/A (0 gal/A); F3 (103, 205, 302, 407, 503, 605, 702, 807) 20 lbs N/A (7 gal/A); F4 (104, 208, 305, 403, 504, 608, 705, 803) 40 lbs N/A (13.4 gal/A); F5 (105, 204, 306, 401, 505, 604, 706, 801) 60 lbs N/A (20 gal/A); F6 (106, 209, 308, 402, 506, 609, 708, 802) 80 lbs N/A (26.8 gal/A); F7 (107, 201, 307, 408, 507, 601, 707, 808) 100 lbs N/A (33.5 gal/A); F8 (108, 207, 303, 405, 508, 607, 703, 805) 120 lbs N/A (40 gal/A); F9 (109, 206, 301, 409, 509, 606, 701, 809) 140 lbs N/A (46.9 gal/A). Guard plots were sprayed at rates comparable to adjacent treatment plots. 1.0 orifices were used f3-f9 just variation in speed and pressure to get desired rate. Time of application was between 10:30 a.m. and 12:50 p.m. Conditions at 11:45 a.m. were sunny temperature was 69.6 F, 50.7% relative humidity with 6-8 mph West wind. Conditions at 12:50 p.m. were partly cloudy 70.4 degrees F, 46.1 % humidity, with 9-10 mph West wind.

Resource_Gradient-Irrigated Resource_Gradient_Non-Irrigated

Observation Type:
Fertilizer Application


Worker: Justin Mezo
Equipment: Chafer Stream Bars
Equipment: Top Air Sprayer • Material: Fertilizer 28% UAN (28-0-0) @ gallon per acre
Equipment: John Deere 7420b Tractor (14.9 R 46 back tire size)


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