Show Observation

User: Justin Mezo

Created on: 2019-05-17

Observation Date 2019-05-17

Fertilized GLBRC Main Site Switchgrass Fertility Study (SWF: N-rate), all treatments and all replications. Fertilizer applied as 28-0-0 which supplied 28% nitrogen in the form of Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) (CAS #57-13-6 Urea, #6484-52-5 Ammonium Nitrate). The amounts of nitrogen applied were as follows: SWF1 = 0 lbs/A (108, 201, 307, 408); SWF2 = 25 lbs N/A (8.4 gal/A) (104, 206, 308, 407); SWF3 = 50 lbs N/A (16.7 gal/A) (102, 202, 302, 406); SWF4 = 75 lbs N/A (25.1 gal/A) (105, 208, 305, 405); SWF5 = 100 lbs N/A (33.5 gal/A) (101, 205, 304, 404); SWF6 = 125 lbs N/A (41.8 gal/A) (107, 207, 301, 403); SWF7 = 150 lbs N/A (50.2 gal/A) (106, 204, 306, 402); SWF8 = 175 lbs N/A (58.6 gal/A) (103, 203, 303, 401). Weather Conditions: 9:50 a.m. over cast 58.4 degrees F, 8-9 mph, NE winds, 76.1 % humidity. Conditions at end 11:00 a.m. Overcast 60.7 degrees F, 7-8 mph NE winds, 69.5 % humidity. A single pass of a boom type sprayer was used to broadcast apply the correct amount of fertilizer. The sprayer was controlled by a John Deere Rate Controller.


Observation Type:
Fertilizer Application


Worker: Justin Mezo
Equipment: Chafer Stream Bars
Equipment: Top Air Sprayer • Material: Fertilizer 28% UAN (28-0-0) @ gallon per acre
Equipment: John Deere 7420b Tractor (14.9 R 46 back tire size)


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