Name: John Deere 726 15'9" soil finisher

2005-05-03 Soil Preparation Soil finished the main site treatment 1 all replications. Soil finished with the JD 7520 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher. Because of cloddy soil conditions all replications were soil finished twice.

2005-05-05 Soil Preparation Jimmy soil finished all reps of Treatments 3 and 4 on the LTER main site. Jimmy soil finished with JD 7520 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher.

2005-05-06 Soil Preparation Because of cloddy soil conditions all replications of treatments 3 and 4 were soil finished twice, once on May 5, 2005 and the second time on May 6, 2005. Jimmy soil finished all reps of Treatments 3 and 4 on the LTER main site. Jimmy soil finished with JD 7520 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher.

2005-05-24 Soil Preparation Soil finished the ECB corn study area. Soil finished with the JD 7520 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher.

2003-05-19 Soil Preparation (second entry) Chisel plowed the ECB study. Soil finished the ECB study and both N-rate studies. JD 7520 with 7 shank chisel plow was used and to soil finish the JD 7520 with JD soil finisher was used.

2003-05-19 Soil Preparation (third entry) Chisel plowed the ECB study. Soil finished the ECB study and both N-rate studies. JD 7520 with 7 shank chisel plow was used and to soil finish the JD 7520 with JD soil finisher was used.

2002-04-20 Soil Preparation Soil finished main site treatment 3; Please see notes below for specific dates plots were soil finished; April 19, 2002 soil finished T3, reps: 1 and 2; April 20, 2002 soil finished T3, reps: 3, 6, 4, and 5; Each plot was taking about 30 minutes to soil finish each plot (the 30 minutes did not include a headland pass on each end of each plot); Did not do the headland pass because we plan to soil finish these plots again before planting; Working depth: about 4 inches.

2004-04-28 Soil Preparation Scott Kokx soil finished, twice, both N-rate study areas, irrigated and non-irrigated. The N-rate study area is the area just inside the LTER south main gate on the west side of the drive. Soil finished with the JD7520 tractor and JD726 soil finisher. Working depth was 5 inches (12.7 cm).

2005-05-24 Soil Preparation Soil finished all spring tilled biodiversity treatments. All spring tilled treatments include spring fallow, corn, soybean, and continuous fallow plots. Soil finished with the JD 7520 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher. Soil finished treatments B2, B4, B5, B7, B8, B10, B11, B12, B13, B14, B15, B16, B18, B19, B21. Spring fallow plots: B2: 102, 206, 316, 402. Treatments and plots planted to corn: B4: 104, 220, 307, 404; B7: 105, 219, 305, 407; B10: 117, 209, 320, 410; B13: 113, 212, 319, 413; B15: 112, 213, 301, 415; B18: 108, 208, 311, 418. Treatments and plots planted to soybeans: B5: 114, 217, 312, 405; B8: 118, 214, 310, 408; B11: 110, 216, 309, 411; B12: 109, 202, 313, 412; B14: 115, 204, 304, 414; B16: 101, 210, 308, 416; B19: 103, 218, 315, 419. Continuous Fallow: B21: 100, 200, 300, 400.

2005-06-23 Soil Preparation Jimmy soil finished treatment B21 in the biodiversity study. Soil finished with the JD 7520 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher.

2002-05-08 Soil Preparation Soil finished T1 plots; Please see notes below for specific dates each plot was soil finished; May 6, 2002 soil finished T1, rep 6 only, It started to rain (0.2") today so we stopped all field work; May 8, 2002 soil finished T1, reps, 3, 2, and 4, It started to rain (0.45") today so we stopped all field work. May 10, 2002 soil finished T1, reps, 5 and 1; The soil finisher was set at a working depth of 4 inches.

2004-04-22 Soil Preparation Soil finished treatment B21 plots in the biodiversity study. Plot numbers 100, 200, 300, & 400. Soil finished with the JD7520 tractor and JD726 soil finisher. Working depth was 5 inches (12.7 cm), front disk were all the way down.

2003-05-28 Soil Preparation Gala soil finished on the main site T4 reps 6, 1, 4, 2, 3, & 5. We used the JD 7810 and JD soil finisher. The soil finisher had the loose soil removed from it before using it on any T4 plot.

2002-04-25 Soil Preparation Soil finished main site treatments 3 & 4 rep 6 only. Soil finished European Corn Borer Study and 2,4-D studies.

2002-05-01 Soil Preparation Soil finished the nitrogen rate study, all corn, soybean, and spring fallow plots in the biodiversity study (trt's B2, B4, B5, B7, B8, B10, B11, B12, B13, B15, B16, B18, and B19).

2006-05-26 Soil Preparation 5-26-06 Soil finished the main site treatments 3 and 4, all replications, T3 reps 1, 6, 5, 4, 2, and 3, T4 reps 6, 4, 5, 3, 2, and 1. Nicole Beeching was learning how to soil finish so Gala soil finished T3 reps 1 and 6 will Nicole rode with him. Nicole soil finished T3 reps 5, 4, and 2 will Gala rode along with her. I soil finished T3 rep 3 while Nicole was eating lunch. By herself Nichole soil finished T4 reps 6, 4, 5, 3, and 2. I soil finished T4 rep 1 at the end of the day after Nicole went home. Soil finished with the JD7520 tractor and JD726 soil finisher. Soil finished at 4 inches (10.2 cm) deep.

2006-05-26 Soil Preparation 5-26-06 Soil finished the main site treatments 3 and 4, all replications, T3 reps 1, 6, 5, 4, 2, and 3, T4 reps 6, 4, 5, 3, 2, and 1. Nicole Beeching was learning how to soil finish so Gala soil finished T3 reps 1 and 6 will Nicole rode with him. Nicole soil finished T3 reps 5, 4, and 2 will Gala rode along with her. I soil finished T3 rep 3 while Nicole was eating lunch. By herself Nichole soil finished T4 reps 6, 4, 5, 3, and 2. I soil finished T4 rep 1 at the end of the day after Nicole went home. Soil finished with the JD7520 tractor and JD726 soil finisher. Soil finished at 4 inches (10.2 cm) deep.

2006-05-26 Soil Preparation 5-26-06 Soil finished the main site treatments 3 and 4, all replications, T3 reps 1, 6, 5, 4, 2, and 3, T4 reps 6, 4, 5, 3, 2, and 1. Nicole Beeching was learning how to soil finish so Gala soil finished T3 reps 1 and 6 will Nicole rode with him. Nicole soil finished T3 reps 5, 4, and 2 will Gala rode along with her. I soil finished T3 rep 3 while Nicole was eating lunch. By herself Nichole soil finished T4 reps 6, 4, 5, 3, and 2. I soil finished T4 rep 1 at the end of the day after Nicole went home. Soil finished with the JD7520 tractor and JD726 soil finisher. Soil finished at 4 inches (10.2 cm) deep.

2010-04-02 Planting Planted grass in all GLBRC main site interior alleyways. Alleys were prepared by working up with JD 726 15' soil finisher connected to JD7520 tractor: 2 passes (in opposite directions) were used on all areas to loosen and smooth soil surfaces. Alleys were worked to within 4-6 inches of the edge of the research plots. Following soil work-up, alleys were seeded using a Brillion SureStand 12' (Seeder SS12). Two passes were used in all areas: passes were in opposite directions to ensure uniformity of seeding. Seeding was to within 2-4 inches of the edge of plots. All East-West alleys were worked first on 3/31 and 4/1 and seeded at 660 lbs grass / acre (15 lbs/1000 sq ft). Following East-West alley seeding, North-South alleys were worked as described and seeded, starting on 4/1 and finishing on 4/2. Seeding was again conducted using two passes of the Brillion seeder but the seeding rate was lowered to 310 lbs grass / acre (7.1 lbs/1000 sq ft). A higher seeding rate on the E/W alleys were thought to help promote quick establishment to allow plot planting, without damage to the alleys, later this spring. Seed was obtained through Winfield Solutions LLc, St. Paul MN and was Tradename EARTHCARPET GREEN RESISTOR TURFGRASS BLEND, which is a mixture of Oregon Certified Seed of SR8650 Tall Fescue (49.89%), Grande II Tall Fescue (24.91%) and SR8550 Tall Fescue (24.83%) [inert matter 0.37%]. Approximately 8,500 lbs of seed was used to plant the approximately 15.25 acres of alleys. Weather conditions were mostly sunny, temperatures varying from 60s to 80°F, winds varying from calm to gusts of 20+ mph. Following planting on 4/2, 0.25 inch of rain was received on the night of 4/2-4/3.

2005-05-26 Soil Preparation Soil finished the annually tilled micro-plot area in all replications of treatment 7, reps 2, 4, 3, 5, 1, and 6. Soil finsihed with the JD 7520 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher.

2006-05-26 Soil Preparation 5-26-06 Soil finished (two times) all spring tilled biodiversity treatments. All spring tilled treatments include spring fallow, corn, soybean, and continuous fallow plots, all replications. Treatments include: B2, B3, B4, B6, B7, B9, B10, B12, B13, B15, B16, B18, B19, and B21. Soil finished with the JD7520 tractor and JD726 soil finisher. Soil finished at 4 inches (10.2 cm) deep. Spring fallow plots: B2: 102, 206, 316, and 402. Treatments and plots planted to corn in 2006: B3: 111, 203, 306, 403; B6: 107, 207, 317, 406; B9: 119, 205, 314, 409; B12: 109, 202, 313, 412; B15: 112, 213, 301, 415; B18: 108, 208, 311, 418. Treatments and plots planted to soybeans in 2006: B4: 104, 220, 307, 404; B7: 105, 219, 305, 407; B10: 117, 209, 320, 410; B13: 113, 212, 319, 413; B16: 101, 210, 308, 416; B19: 103, 218, 315, 419. Continuous Fallow plots: B21: 100, 200, 300, and 421.

2007-11-02 Soil Preparation Soil finished (one time) Biodiversity Study treatments B1, B3, B6, B9, B14, B17, and B20. Soil finished with JD 7520 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher. Treatment B1 is fall fallow, B1 plots: 106, 201, 303, and 401. Treatments B3, B6, B9, B14, B17, and B20 will have winter wheat planted into them in fall of 2007. B3 plots: (111, 203, 306, and 403); B6 plots: (107, 207, 317, and 406); B9 plots: (119, 205, 314 and 409); B14 plots: (115, 204, 304, and 414); B17 plots: (116, 211, 302, and 417); B20 plots: (120, 215, 318, and 420).

2007-11-04 Soil Preparation Soil finished (one time) Biodiversity Study treatments B1, B3, B6, B9, B14, B17, and B20. Soil finished with JD 7520 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher. Treatment B1 is fall fallow, B1 plots: (106, 201, 303, and 401). Treatments B3, B6, B9, B14, B17, and B20 will have winter wheat planted into them in fall of 2007. B3 plots: (111, 203, 306, and 403); B6 plots: (107, 207, 317, and 406); B9 plots: (119, 205, 314 and 409); B14 plots: (115, 204, 304, and 414); B17 plots: (116, 211, 302, and 417); B20 plots: (120, 215, 318, and 420).

2008-05-19 Soil Preparation Jim Stoneburner soil finished G6 plots, all reps. Soil finished with the JD 7520 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher.

2008-05-05 Soil Preparation Jim Stoneburner soil finished G1, G2, and G9 plots, all reps. Soil finished with the JD 7520 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher. Soil finished G1 and G9 plots on May 5, 2008. Soil finished G2 plots on May 6, 2008.

2008-05-23 Soil Preparation Jim Stoneburner soil finished G3 plots, all reps. Soil finished with the JD 7520 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher. I soil finished the bait crop area, around the edge of field 98, for the soybeans on May 24, 2008 with the same equipment.

2008-05-30 Soil Preparation To control weeds Jim Stoneburner soil finished G4, G5, G7, and G10 plots, all reps. Soil finished with the JD 7520 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher.

2008-06-18 Soil Preparation Jim Stoneburner soil finished GLBRC treatments: G5, G7, and G10 plots, all reps. Soil finished with the JD 7520 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher.

2008-06-12 Soil Preparation 6-12-08 Soil finished all spring tilled biodiversity treatments. All spring tilled treatments include spring fallow, corn, soybean, and continuous fallow plots, all replications. Treatments include: B2, B4, B5, B7, B8, B10, B11, B12, B13, B15, B16, B18, B19, and B21. Soil finished with the JD 7520 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher. Soil finished at 4 inches (10.2 cm) deep. Spring fallow plots: B2: 102, 206, 316, and 402. Treatments and plots planted to corn in 2008: B4: 104, 220, 307, 404; B7: 105, 219, 305, 407; B10: 117, 209, 320, 410; B12: 109, 202, 313, 412; B15: 112, 213, 301, 415; B18: 108, 208, 311, 418. Treatments and plots planted to soybeans in 2008: B5: 114, 217, 312, 405; B8: 118, 214, 310, 408; B11: 110, 216, 309, 411; B13: 113, 212, 319, 413; B16: 101, 210, 308, 416; B19: 103, 218, 315, 419. Continuous Fallow plots: B21: 100, 200, 300, and 421.

2009-11-10 Soil Preparation Soil finished the LTER main site treatment T3, all replications, going over each plot with one pass with the JD7520 tractor and the JD726 soil finisher. Goals were to control winter annual weeds and prepare the plots for planting winter wheat. Because of wetter than desired conditions, all plots were finished to a 3-4” depth (soil finisher at ”A” setting). Speed was 4-5.5 mph.

2008-05-09 Soil Preparation Jim Stoneburner soil finished the LTER main site treatment T1 with the JD7520 tractor and the JD726 soil finisher

2008-05-16 Soil Preparation Jim Stoneburner soil finished (twice) the LTER main site treatment T3 reps: 6, 1, 3, 2, 4, and 5, going over each plot with two passes with the JD7520 tractor and the JD726 soil finisher.

2008-06-12 Soil Preparation Jim Stoneburner soil finished the LTER main site European Corn Borer study with the JD7520 tractor and the JD726 soil finisher

2008-04-30 Soil Preparation Jim Stoneburner soil finished GLBRC main site treatment G8 Poplar plots replications 1-5 with John Deere 7520 tractor and JD726 15' soil finisher.

2008-06-24 Soil Preparation Jim Stoneburner soil finished LTER European Corn Borer study all treatments with the JD7520 tractor and JD726 soil finisher.

2009-05-20 Soil Preparation Jim Stoneburner soil finished LTER main site treatment T1 with JD7420(a) tractor and JD726 soil finisher

2008-06-04 Planting Hand planted miscanthus in the GLBRC. We had extra miscanthus rhizomes so we planted what would have been the G6R6 plot area (the southwest corner of intensive field site). The rep 6 area would have been the south part of the field but we decided to have that area for other studies, not 6 reps of the main site treatments. We planted the miscanthus for two reasons: 1. we will have a nursery of miscanthus if we need replacement plants for the intensive plots. 2. we will have an area to conduct other experiments on miscanthus that we can not conduct in the intensive plots without interfering with the integrity of the plots. Row spacing: 30 inches. Spacing within row: 30 inches. Total rows within each plot: 36. Total rootstock within each row: 52. Planting depth: 4”. Before planting Jim Stoneburner soil finished this plot area with JD 7520 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher.

2009-05-19 Soil Preparation Jim Stoneburner soil finished GLBRC ancillary plots Switchgrass variety trial, switchgrass productivity trial, Illinois study with JD7520 tractor and JD726 soil finisher

2009-05-31 Soil Preparation LTER main site, T3, all replications, soil finished with JD7520 tractor and JD726 soil finisher in preparation of planting. Peter Hudy soil finished reps 2, 4, and 5. Joe Simmons soil finished reps 3, 1, and 6.

2009-05-31 Soil Preparation LTER main site, T4 (replications 1-6). Soil finished with JD7520 tractor and JD726 soil finisher in preparation of planting.

2008-06-06 Soil Preparation Jim Stoneburner disked and soil finished all spring tilled biodiversity plots. The LTER main site Biodiversity study treatments B2, B4, B5, B7, B8, B10, B11, B12, B13, B15, B16, B18, and B19 with the JD7520 tractor and the JD726 soil finisher.

2009-06-03 Soil Preparation Jim Stoneburner soil finished LTER main site, T4 (replications 1-6). Soil finished with JD7520 tractor and JD726 soil finisher in preparation of planting soybeans.

2010-10-05 Soil Preparation Soil Finished LTER Main Site Lysimeter catch area in preparation to planting turf grass. Passes were made in multiple directions as needed to most effectively loosen the soil all around the access hatch and the weather station. On the south end, when we finished the lysimeter catch area, the alley way between the lysimeter area and the N-rate (fertilizer gradient study) was worked up from east to west.

2009-06-09 Soil Preparation Soil Finished European Corn Borer study with JD7520 tractor and JD726 soil finisher in preparation of planting.

2010-09-21 Planting Seeded the alleyways in GLBRC Main Site around the Switchgrass_Variety, Switchgrass_Productivity and the Illinios Study Areas with turfgrass. Variety used was Earthcarpet Green Resistor Trufgrass Blend, Lot number B28M-9-911 composed of SR8650 Tall Fescue (49.89%) Grande II Tall Fescue (24.91 percent) and SR8550 Tall Fescue (24.83%). Planted with the JD6420 tractor and the Brillion seeder at 330#/A seed. Settings on Brillion seeder were 4.25 (right) and 3.2 (left). Seeded in 2 passes over entire area. Crossing alleyway areas were seeded in 4 passes (2 in each perpendicular direction). T alleyways were seeded into the T first, then soil finished, then the top part of the T was seeded. Brillion seeder was set so the track eliminators completely removed the track and the full weight of the seeder was resting on the packers.

2010-09-20 Soil Preparation Chisel plow and soil finished the alley ways in the GLBRC Main Site Switchgrass productivity, Switchgrass variety and Illinois Study areas. Chisel plowed with the JD7520 tractor and JD714 chisel plow. Soil finished with the JD7520 tractor and the JD726 soil finisher.

2011-05-06 Soil Preparation Soil finished the LTER main site treatment T1, all replications (reps 1, 5, 3, 2, 4, and 6). A single pass with the JD7520 tractor and the JD726 soil finisher was made over all areas of the plot, and then the plots were finished with two passes of the soil finisher (E to W) on both headland areas (N and S). Soil finisher settings were C for the discs and D for the shovels. Speed was 4-5.5 mph depending on the soil conditons.

2011-05-24 Soil Preparation Soil Finished the LTER Main Site Treatment T3, all replications (reps. 4, 5, 3, 2, 1 and 6). A single pass with the JD7520 tractor and the JD726 soil finisher was made over all areas of the plot, and then the plots were finished with two passes of the soil finisher (E to W) on both headland areas (N and S). Soil finisher settings were D-E for the discs and B for the shovels. Speed was 4-5.5 mph depending on the soil conditons.

2011-06-02 Soil Preparation Soil Finished the LTER Main Site Treatment T4, replications 1 and 6 only. Settings on the soil finisher were F for the discs and B/C for the shovels. Plots soil finished in S / N direction, finishing with two headland passes in E / W direction on both the north and south sides of the plot. Soil finished with the JD7520 tractor and the JD726 15' soil finisher.

2011-06-04 Soil Preparation Soil finished LTER Main Site Treatment T4 replications R2, R3, R4, R5, and R6. This was the second soil finishing for all of these plots and was conducted to break up the clods of earth a little better than after the first pass. Soil finished with the JD7520 tractor and the JD726 15' soil finisher.

2011-06-03 Soil Preparation Soil finished LTER Main Site Treatment T4 replications: R1, R2, R3, R4, and R5. Soil finished with the JD7520 tractor and the JD726 15' soil finisher.

2011-11-07 Soil Preparation Soil finished LTER Biodiversity Study treatments B1, B5, B8, B11, B14, B17, B20 and B21. Treatment B5, B8, B11, B14, B17, and B20 were soil finished in preparation for winter wheat planting. Treatment B1 is fall fallow so B1 was soil finished after it's once a year chisel plowing practice. Treatment B21 is continuous fallow so B21 plots were soil finished to remove weeds growing in the plots. Soil finished with JD 7520 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher. Soil finished 5 inches deep. Treatments and plots soil finished were: B1: 106, 201, 303, 401; B5: 114, 217, 312, 405; B8:118, 214, 310, 408; B11: 110, 216, 309, 411; B14: 115, 204, 304, 414; B17: 116, 211, 302, 417; B20: 120, 215, 318, 420; and B21: 100, 200, 300, 421. Treatment and plots soil finished twice were: B1: 106, 201, 303, 401; B17: 116, 211, 302, 417; B20: 120, 215, 318, 420; and B21: 100, 200, 300, 421. Plots were soil finished twice because biomass (red clover and weeds) growing within the plots needed more tillage to level the plots.

2012-05-18 Soil Preparation Soil finished the LTER main site treatments T3 and T4, all replications. T3, (reps: 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5), and T4 (reps: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6). Soil finisher was power washed prior to entering organic plots. All plots had a single pass with the JD7520 tractor and the JD726 soil finisher. Plots were soil finished N-S with a single headland pass going E-W on both north and south side of each plot. Soil finisher settings were D for the discs and C for the shovels. Speed was 4.5-5.5 mph depending on the soil conditions. Soil finished at 6 inches (15.24 cm) deep. Field time for each treatment was around 4-4.5 hours. That 4-4.5 hours does not include equipment maintenance i.e. greasing, fueling, cleaning...

2012-05-17 Soil Preparation Soil finished the LTER main site treatment T1, all replications (reps 3, 2, 4, 1, 5, and 6). A single pass with the JD7520 tractor and the JD726 soil finisher. Plots were soil finished N-S with a single headland pass going E-W on both north and south side of each plot. Soil finisher settings were D for the discs and C for the shovels. Speed was 4.5-5.5 mph depending on the soil conditions. Soil finished at 6 inches (15.24 cm) deep. Field time for soil finishing T1 plots was as around 4-4.5 hours. That 4-4.5 hours does not include equipment maintenance i.e. greasing, fueling, cleaning...

2012-05-21 Soil Preparation Soil finished the LTER Interaction Study, conventional tillage plots only (plots 1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 13, 14, and 16). Soil finished with JD 7520 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher.

2012-05-25 Soil Preparation Soil finished LTER Biodiversity Study: spring fallow treatment, continuous fallow treatment, and all corn and soybean treatments, no cover crop and with cover crop. Soil finished treatments: B2 (102, 206, 316, 402), B3 (111, 203, 306, 403), B4 (104, 220, 307, 404), B6 (107, 207, 317, 406), B7 (105, 219, 305, 407), B9 (119, 205, 314, 409), B10 (117, 209, 320, 410), B12 (109, 202, 313, 412), B13 (113, 212, 319, 413), B15 (112, 213, 301, 415), B16 (101, 210, 308, 416), B18 (108, 208, 311, 418), B19 (103, 218, 315, 419), and B21 (100, 200, 300, 421). Soil finished with JD 7520 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher.

2012-05-24 Soil Preparation Chisel plowed, soil finished, and cultimulched the field area for the LTER soybean variety trail, first planting date was planted on the west side of the old ECB study area.

2012-06-06 Soil Preparation Soil finished the LTER T4 plots, all replications (reps 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5). Plots were soil finished twice with opposite passes from N-S to help break up soil clods from prior tillage operations. Soil finished with JD 7520 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher.

2012-06-13 Soil Preparation Soil finished LTER Biodiversity Study: only the soybean treatments. Soil finished treatments: B4 (104, 220, 307, 404), B7 (105, 219, 305, 407), B10 (117, 209, 320, 410), B13 (113, 212, 319, 413), B16 (101, 210, 308, 416), and B19 (103, 218, 315, 419). Soil finished with JD 7520 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher.

2012-06-11 Soil Preparation Soil finished LTER Biodiversity Study: spring fallow treatment, continuous fallow treatment, and all corn and soybean treatments, no cover crop and with cover crop. Soil finished treatments: B2 (102, 206, 316, 402), B3 (111, 203, 306, 403), B4 (104, 220, 307, 404), B6 (107, 207, 317, 406), B7 (105, 219, 305, 407), B9 (119, 205, 314, 409), B10 (117, 209, 320, 410), B12 (109, 202, 313, 412), B13 (113, 212, 319, 413), B15 (112, 213, 301, 415), B16 (101, 210, 308, 416), B18 (108, 208, 311, 418), B19 (103, 218, 315, 419), and B21 (100, 200, 300, 421). Soil finished with JD 7520 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher.

2012-10-29 Soil Preparation Soil finished the LTER main site treatment T3, all replications as follows (5,4,2,3,1,6), going over each plot with one pass with the JD7520 tractor and the JD726 soil finisher. Goals were to control winter annual weeds and prepare the plots for planting winter wheat. All plots were finished to a 5-6” depth (soil finisher at ”B” setting), disc gang was set just above middle setting between D & E. Speed was 6-6.5 mph.

2012-10-29 Soil Preparation Soil finished the LTER main site treatment T4, all replications as follows (5,3,2,4,1,6), going over each plot with one pass with the JD7520 tractor and the JD726 soil finisher. Goals were to control winter annual weeds and prepare the plots for planting winter wheat. All plots were finished to a 5-6” depth (soil finisher at ”B” setting), disc gang was set just below mark between D & E. Speed was 6-6.5 mph.

2012-11-05 Soil Preparation Soil finished the LTER main site treatment T1, all replications as follows (5,4,1,2,3,6), going over each plot with one pass with the JD7520 tractor and the JD726 soil finisher. T1,R5 was soil finished on November 2, 2012 and this was the second pass across that plot due to wet conditions of the previous tillage. Goals were to control winter annual weeds and prepare the plots for planting winter wheat. All plots were finished to a 5-6” depth (soil finisher at ”B” setting), disc gang was set just at C. Speed was 6-6.5 mph.

2012-11-06 Soil Preparation Soil finished the LTER main site treatment T1, replications as follows (1,4,2,3,6) and treatment T3 replications as follows (4,2,1,3,6) going over each plot for the second time with the JD7520 tractor and the JD726 soil finisher. Goals were to gain better control of winter annual weeds and prepare the plots for planting winter wheat. All plots were finished to a 5-6” depth (soil finisher at ”B” setting), disc gang was set at B. Speed was 6-6.5 mph. T1,R5 and T3,R5 were already tilled for a second time on 11/5/12

2012-11-07 Soil Preparation Soil finished the LTER main site treatment T4, all replications as follows (5,3,2,4,1,6) going over each plot for the second time with the JD7520 tractor and the JD726 soil finisher. Goals were to gain better control of winter annual weeds and prepare the plots for planting winter wheat. All plots were finished to a 5-6” depth (soil finisher at ”A” setting), disc gang was set at B. Speed was 6-6.5 mph.

2012-11-19 Soil Preparation Soil finished the CT Interaction plots in this order (4, 16, 7, 11, 2, 1, 16, 14), going over each plot with one pass with the JD7520 tractor and the JD726 soil finisher. Goals were to control winter annual weeds and prepare the plots for planting winter wheat. All plots were finished to a 5-6” depth (soil finisher at ”B” setting), disc gang was set B. Speed was 4-4.5 mph.

2012-11-19 Mechanical Weed Control Soil finish the LTER Main Site Biodiversity Study continuous fallow treatment B21 (100, 200, 300, 421). Going over each plot with JD 7520 tractor and the JD 726 soil finisher a total of four times to gain better coverage and soil distribution. Goals were to work up and kill any weeds that had grown from previous tillage. All plots were finished to a 5-6” depth (depth setting was A) (disc gang set at B) and speed was 3.5 mph.

2012-11-19 Soil Preparation Soil finish the LTER Main Site Biodiversity Study treatments B4 (104, 220, 307,404), B7 (105, 219, 305, 407), B10 (117, 209, 320, 410), B17 (116, 211, 302, 417), B20 (120, 215, 318, 420). Going over each plot with JD7520 tractor and the JD 726 soil finisher a total of four times to gain better coverage and soil distribution. Goals were to control winter annual weeds and prepare the plots for planting winter wheat. All plots were finished to a 5-6” depth (depth setting was at B) (disc gang set at B) and speed was 3.5 mph.

2012-11-19 Mechanical Weed Control Soil finish the LTER Main Site Biodiversity Study fall fallow treatment B1(106, 201, 303, 401). Going over each plot with JD 7520 tractor and the JD 726 soil finisher a total of four times to gain better coverage and soil distribution. Goals were to cover up remaining biomass that had accumulated from previous fallow and to level soil. All plots were finished to a 5-6” depth (depth set at B) (disc gang set at C) and speed was 3.5 mph.

2012-09-07 Mechanical Weed Control Soil Finish LTER Main Site Biodiversity Study, continuous fallow treatment B21:(100, 200, 300, 421). Goal was to work under and kill any weeds that had established from last tillage. A total of four passes were made over each plot to ensure better coverage and soil distribution. This was done using JD 7520 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher.

2008-04-25 Soil Preparation Soil finished field 98 today with JD 7420b tractor and JD 726 soil finisher.

2008-05-23 Soil Preparation Soil finished the LTER main site treatment T4 reps: 6, 1, 4, 2, 3, and 5, with the JD7520 tractor and the JD726 soil finisher. I soil finished T4R6 with the summer intern Leigh. Jim Stoneburner soil finished T4 reps 1, 4, 2, 3, and 5.

2008-06-12 Soil Preparation Soil finished LTER Biofuel plots with the JD 7520 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher.

2008-06-18 Soil Preparation Soil finished LTER Biofuel plots with the JD 7520 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher, all treatments, all reps. To firm up the soil before seeding we used the cultimulcher on LTER CE study, all treatments, all reps. Cultimulched with with the JD 6420 tractor and JD 970 cultimulcher (12 ft). The leveling teeth on the cultimulcher were up, only the packer were being used on the cultimulcher to pack the soil before planting.

2008-06-19 Soil Preparation Soil finished all alleyway areas in the GLBRC intensive site on June 19, 2008. On June 20, 2008 Mark Klok planted oats in all the GLBRC intensive alleyway areas.

2008-07-10 Soil Preparation Soil finished switchgrass fertility/harvest timing study area.

2006-11-06 Soil Preparation Soil finished T3, all reps, reps 4, 5, 2, 1, 3, and 6. Soil finished with JD 7520 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher. Soil finished at 3-4 inches. Jim Stoneburner and Gala Kellam took turns soil finishing the T3 plots.

2006-11-09 Soil Preparation Soil finished T4, all reps. Soil finished with JD 7520 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher. Soil finished at 3-4 inches. Bob Adams and Gala Kellam took turns soil finishing the T3 plots.

2007-05-21 Soil Preparation Soil finished the ECB Study (twice). Soil finished (soil finished all plots twice) Biodiversity Study plots: spring tilled, always tilled, corn and soybean plots.

2007-11-05 Soil Preparation Soil finished the old N-rate study area (the area on the west side of the LTER main drive just inside the LTER main gate). The purpose of this field activity was to prepare this field area for planting of crops/treatments for the new LTER Cellulosic Ethanol Study (CE) in the spring of 2008.

2004-04-28 Soil Preparation Scott Kokx soil finished the ECB study area and the extra area east of the 2,4-D study and west of the LTER main drive. Soil finished with the JD7520 tractor and JD726 soil finisher. Working depth was 5 inches (12.7 cm).

2004-05-05 Soil Preparation I soil finished the ECB study area and the extra area east of the 2,4-D study and west of the LTER main drive. Soil finished with the JD7520 tractor and JD726 soil finisher. Working depth was 5 inches (12.7 cm).

2004-07-01 Soil Preparation Soil finish the LTER Main Site Biodiversity Study continuous fallow treatment B21 (plots:100, 200, 300, and 421). Going over each plot twice with JD 7520 tractor and the JD 726 soil finisher. Goals were to work up and kill any weeds that had grown from previous tillage. All plots were finished to a 4-6” depth.

2004-08-21 Soil Preparation Soil finish the LTER Main Site Biodiversity Study continuous fallow treatment B21 (100, 200, 300, 421). Going over each plot with JD 7520 tractor and the JD 726 soil finisher a total of three times to gain better coverage, soil distribution, and removal of weeds. Goals were to work up and kill any weeds that had grown from previous tillage. All plots were finished to a 4-6” depth.

2014-05-05 Soil Preparation Soil finished the LTER main site treatment T1, all replications as follows (6,3,2,4,5,1) with a single pass with the JD7520 tractor and the JD726 soil finisher. Plots were soil finished N-S with a single headland pass going E-W on both north and south side of each plot. All plots were finished to a 5-6” depth (soil finisher at ”C” setting), disc gang was set just at D. Speed was 6-7 mph depending on soil conditions.

2014-05-12 Soil Preparation Soil finished the LTER main site treatment T1, all replications as follows (6,5,1,4,2,3) with a single pass with the JD7520 tractor and the JD726 soil finisher. Plots were soil finished N-S with 2 headland passes going E-W on both north and south side of each plot. All plots were finished to a 4-5” depth (soil finisher at ”B-C” setting), disc gang was set just at C. Speed was 6.5-7 mph depending on soil conditions.

2014-05-12 Soil Preparation Soil finished (twice) the LTER Main Site Treatment T7 Early successional plot, tilled microplot areas only in the order of (5,1,3,4,2,6). Microplots were soil finished from S to N twice. Equipment used was the JD7520 tractor and the JD726 15'9" Soil Finisher. Headlands were soil finished twice going east to west on only the north end. Equipment used for the headland was the JD7420a tractor and the JD960 10' field cultivator (small soil finisher). Plots were soil finished twice to remove the dirt clots.

2014-05-14 Soil Preparation Soil finished the LTER Interaction Study, conventional tillage plots only (plots 1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 13, 14, and 16). Plots were soil finished north to south with one headland pass E to W on both the north and south ends. Equipment used to soil finish was the JD 7520 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher.

2014-05-19 Soil Preparation Soil finished the LTER Interaction Study, conventional tillage plots only (1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 13, 14, and 16). Plots were soil finished north to south with one headland pass E to W on both the north and south ends. Equipment used to soil finish was the JD 7520 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher.

2002-04-19 Soil Preparation Soil finished main site treatment 1 and 4; Please see notes below for specific dates plots were soil finished; April 19, 2002 soil finished T1, reps: 6, 1, 5, 2, 3, and 4; April 19, 2002 soil finished T4, reps: 6, 1, 4, and 2; April 20, 2002 soil finished T4, reps: 3 and 5; Each plot was taking about 30 minutes to soil finish each plot (the 30 minutes did not include a headland pass on each end of each plot); Did not do the headland pass because we plan to soil finish these plots again before planting; Working depth: about 4 inches.

2002-04-25 Soil Preparation Chisel plowed and soil finished the micro plots in all reps of main site treatment 7.

2002-05-07 Soil Preparation Soil finished and planted corn in the N-rate study; The variety of corn planted was Pioneer 35Y54; Seeding rate was 28K seeds/A; The insecticide Lorsban (chlorpyrifos) was applied at planting; Most of the time Lorsban was put on at 8 - 8.7 lbs/A; Not sure if we put 19-17-0 on at planting to all treatments except the zero nitrogen treatment?

2014-05-23 Soil Preparation (1st Time)Soil finished the LTER main site treatment T3, all replications as follows (5,4,2,1,3,6) with a single pass with the JD7520 tractor and the JD726 soil finisher. Plots were soil finished on an angle to the NW-SE with 1 headland pass going E-W on both north and south side of each plot. All plots were finished to a 6” depth (soil finisher at ”C” setting), disc gang was set just at F. Speed was 5.5-6 mph depending on soil conditions. These plots were soil finished twice in order to break up the large clumps left from chisel plowing.

2014-05-23 Soil Preparation (2nd Time)Soil finished the LTER main site treatment T3, all replications as follows (5,4,2,3,1,6) with a single pass with the JD7520 tractor and the JD726 soil finisher. Plots were soil finished N-S with 1 headland pass going E-W on both north and south side of each plot. All plots were finished to a 4-5” depth (soil finisher at ”B” setting), disc gang was set just at C-D with a speed of 7 mph. These plots were soil finished twice in order to break up the large clumps left from chisel plowing.

2014-05-29 Soil Preparation Soil finished the LTER main site treatment T4, all replications as follows (6, 5, 3, 2, 4, 1) with a single pass with the JD7520 tractor and the JD726 soil finisher. Plots were soil finished on an angle to the NE-SW with 1 headland pass going E-W on both north and south side of each plot. All plots were finished to a 6” depth (soil finisher at ”C” setting), disc gang was set just at F. Speed was 5-5.5 mph depending on soil conditions. The tractor and soil finisher were both washed prior to entering the field to comply with the organic regulations.

2014-05-30 Soil Preparation Soil finished the LTER main site treatment T4, all replications as follows (6, 5, 3, 2, 1, 4) with a single pass with the JD7520 tractor and the JD726 soil finisher. Plots were soil finished on an angle to the NW-SE with 1 headland pass going E-W on both north and south side of each plot. All plots were finished to a 3-4” depth (soil finisher at ”B” setting), disc gang was set just at D. Speed was 7 mph depending on soil conditions. Reason for soil finishing a second time was to break up the soil clumps that were left from the previous soil finishing.

2014-06-02 Soil Preparation Soil finished the LTER Biodiversity Study treatments B2 (102, 206, 316, 402), B4 (104, 220, 307, 404), B5 (114, 217, 312, 405), B7 (105, 219, 305, 407), B8 (118, 214, 310, 408), B10 (117, 209, 320, 410), B11 (110, 216, 309, 411), B12 (109, 202, 313, 412), B13 (113, 212, 319, 413), ( B15 (112, 213, 301, 415), B16 (101, 210, 308, 416), B18 (108, 208, 311, 418), B19 (103, 218, 315, 419), B21 (100, 200, 300, 421). Soil finished spring fallow treatment, continuous fallow treatment, and all corn and soybeans treatments.

2014-06-03 Soil Preparation Soil finished the LTER Biodiversity Study treatments B4 (104, 220, 307, 404), B5 (114, 217, 312, 405), B7 (105, 219, 305, 407), B8 (118, 214, 310, 408), B10 (117, 209, 320, 410), B11 (110, 216, 309, 411), B12 (109, 202, 313, 412), B13 (113, 212, 319, 413), B15 (112, 213, 301, 415), B16 (101, 210, 308, 416), B18 (108, 208, 311, 418), B19 (103, 218, 315, 419), . Soil finished all corn and soybeans treatments. Some plots were gone over more than others depending on soil conditions.

2014-10-27 Soil Preparation Soil Finished the plots in the Biodiversity Study that will be seeded to winter wheat this fall. Biodiversity treatments and plots that were tilled were: B5 (114, 217, 312, 405), B8 (118, 214, 310, 408), B11 (110, 216, 309, 411), B17 (116, 211, 302, 417), B20 (120, 215, 318, 420). Plots were soil finished 2 times. Equipment used was the JD 7520 and the JD 726 15'9" soil finisher.

2015-05-18 Soil Preparation Soil finished the LTER main site treatment T1, all replications as follows (6,5,1,4,3,2) with a single pass with the JD 7520 tractor and the JD 726 soil finisher. Plots were soil finished N-S with 2 headland passes going E-W on both north and south side of each plot. All plots were finished to a 4” depth (soil finisher at ”A-B” setting), disc gang was set all the way down. Speed was 5.0 - 5.5 mph depending on soil conditions.

2015-05-22 Soil Preparation Soil finished the LTER main site treatment T3, all replications, (3, 4, 5, 2, 1, and 6) with a single pass with the JD 7520 tractor and the JD 726 soil finisher. Plots were soil finished N-S with 2 headland passes going E-W on both north and south side of each plot. All plots were finished to a 5-6” depth (soil finisher at ”C-D” setting), disc gang was set all the way down. Speed was 5.0 - 5.5 mph depending on soil conditions.

2015-06-03 Soil Preparation Soil finished the LTER main site treatment T4, all replications, with a single pass with the JD 7520 tractor and the JD 726 soil finisher. Replications 6, 1, and 5 were soil finished by Joe Simmons on May 3, 2015. Replications 2, 3, and 4 were soil finished by Justin Mezo on June 4, 2015. Plots were soil finished N-S with 2 headland passes going E-W on both north and south side of each plot. All plots were finished to a 5-6” depth (soil finisher at ”C-D” setting), disc gang was set all the way down. Speed was 5.0 - 5.5 mph depending on soil conditions.

2015-10-05 Soil Preparation Soil finished the LTER main site treatment T1, all replications, reps 6, 5, 1, 4, 2, and 3. Rep 6 was soil finished twice on October 2, 2015. Rep 3 was soil finished once on October 2, 2015. Rep 5 was soil finished on October 3, 2015. Reps 1, 4, and 2 were soil finished on October 5, 2015. Rep 3 was soil finished on October 6, 2015 (after rep 3 was chisel plowed)(please look at ag-log entry for chisel plowing T1 plots dated October 3, 2015). A single pass was made across the plots with the soil finisher. Equipment used JD 7520 tractor and the JD 726 soil finisher. Plots were soil finished N-S with 2 headland passes going E-W on both north and south side of each plot. All plots were finished to a 4” depth (soil finisher at ”A-B” setting), disc gang was set all the way down. Speed was 5.5 - 6.0 mph.

2015-10-06 Soil Preparation Soil finished the LTER main site treatment T3, all replications, reps 5, 4, 2, 3, 1, and 6. Reps 5 and 4 was soil finished twice on October 5, 2015. Reps 2, 3, 1, and 6 were soil finished once on October 6, 2015. A single pass was made across the plots with the soil finisher. Equipment used JD 7520 tractor and the JD 726 soil finisher. Plots were soil finished N-S with 2 headland passes going E-W on both north and south side of each plot. All plots were finished to a 4” depth (soil finisher at ”A-B” setting), disc gang was set all the way down. Speed was 5.5 - 6.0 mph.

2015-10-22 Soil Preparation Soil finished the LTER main site treatment T4, all replications, reps 6, 1, 2, 3, 1, and 6. Reps 6 and 1 was soil finished twice on October 22, 2015. Reps 2, 3, 4, and 5 were soil finished once on October 23, 2015. A single pass was made across the plots with the soil finisher. Equipment used JD 7520 tractor and the JD 726 soil finisher. Plots were soil finished N-S with 2 headland passes going E-W on both north and south side of each plot. All plots were finished to a 4” depth (soil finisher at ”A-B” setting), disc gang was set all the way down. Speed was 5.5 - 6.0 mph.

2016-06-08 Soil Preparation Soil Finished the LTER Biodiversity Study treatments: B3: (111, 203, 306, 403), B5: (114, 217, 312, 405), B6: (107, 207, 317, 406), B8: (118, 214, 310, 408), B9: (119, 205, 314, 409), B11: (110, 216, 309, 411), B12: (109, 202, 313, 412), B13: (113, 212, 319, 413), B15: (112, 213, 301, 415), B16: (101, 210, 308, 416), B18: (108, 208, 311, 418), B19: (103, 218, 315, 419). Soil finished each plot twice to work soil clumps down.

2016-06-20 Soil Preparation Soil finished Main Site LTER Biodiversity Study treatments: Continuous Fallow B21 (100, 200, 300, 421). Each plot was gone over three times.

2017-04-27 Soil Preparation Soil finished the LTER main site treatment T1, all replications, reps 5, 1, 4, 2, 3 and 6. A single pass was made across the plots with the soil finisher. Equipment used JD 7520 tractor and the JD 726 soil finisher. Plots were soil finished N-S with 2 headland passes going E-W on both north and south side of each plot. All plots were finished to a 5” depth (soil finisher at ”B” setting), disc gang was set between c and d. Speed was 5.5 - 6.0 mph.

2017-05-09 Soil Preparation Soil finished 3/4 of the T1R1 plot before we decided to stop because of the soil was to wet.

2017-05-15 Soil Preparation Soil finished the LTER main site treatment T1, all replications, reps 5, 1, 4, 2, 3, 6. Rep 4 was gone over twice due to the amount of grass in the plot, rep 3 the center low area was gone over twice due to large soil clumps. Equipment used JD 7520 tractor and the JD 726 soil finisher. Plots were soil finished N-S with 2 headland passes going E-W on both north and south side of each plot. All plots were finished to a 4” depth (soil finisher at ”A-B” setting), disc gang was set between c&d Speed was 6.0 - 7.0 mph.

2017-05-18 Soil Preparation Soil finished the LTER main site treatment T3, Replications 1, 2, 4, 5 were soil finished May 18, 2017, by Justin Mezo. Replications 3 and 6 were soil finished on May 19, 2017, by Josh Dykstra. All plots were gone over twice to help break up the soil clods and sod/root clumps. Equipment used JD 7520 tractor and the JD 726 soil finisher. Plots were soil finished N-S with 2 headland passes going E-W on both north and south side of each plot. All plots were finished to a 4” depth (soil finisher at ”A-B” setting), disc gang was set between C & D Speed was 6.0 - 7.5 mph.

2017-06-02 Soil Preparation Soil finished the LTER main site treatment T4, Replications 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 All plots were gone over twice to help break up the soil clods and sod/root clumps. Equipment used JD 7520 tractor and the JD 726 soil finisher. Plots were soil finished N-S with 2 headland passes going E-W on both north and south side of each plot. All plots were finished to a 4” depth (soil finisher at ”A-B” setting), disc gang was set between C & D Speed was 6.0 - 7.0 mph.

2017-06-02 Soil Preparation Soil finished LTER Biodiversity Study Plots: B4 (104, 220, 307, 404), B5 (114, 217, 312, 405), B7 (105, 219, 305, 407), B8 (118, 214, 310, 408), B10: (117, 209, 320, 410), B11: (110, 216, 309, 411), B12: (109, 202, 313, 412), B13: (113, 212, 319, 413), B14: (115, 204, 304, 414), B15 (112, 213, 301, 415), B16 (101, 210, 308, 416). B18: (108, 208, 311, 418), B19: (103, 218, 315, 419). All plots were gone over twice to help break up the soil clods and sod/root clumps. Equipment used JD 7520 tractor and the JD 726 soil finisher. Plots were soil finished N-S. All plots were finished to a 4” depth (soil finisher at ”A-B” setting), disc gang was set between C & D Speed was 6.0 - 7.0 mph.

2017-06-05 Soil Preparation Soil finished Main Site LTER Biodiversity Study treatments: Continuous Fallow B21 (100, 200, 300, 421). Each plot was gone over two times.

2017-07-24 Mechanical Weed Control Soil finished Main Site LTER Biodiversity Study treatments: Continuous Fallow B21 (100, 200, 300, 421). Each plot was gone over three times.

2018-05-25 Soil Preparation Soil finished T1 reps: 3, 6, 4, 2, 1 and 5. Reps: 3, 6, 4, and 2 were soil finished on May 25, 2018. Reps 1 and 5 were soil finished on May 26, 2018. Equipment Used: JD 7520 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher (15' 9").

2018-05-29 Soil Preparation Soil finished LTER T3 plots Reps 5, 4, 2, 1, 3, 6. Equipment Used: JD 7520 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher (15' 9").

2018-06-06 Soil Preparation Soil finished LTER T4 plots Reps 6, 1, and half of 2 were soil finished 5-29-2018. The other half of rep 2 and rep 4 were soil finished 6-5-2018, and reps 3 and 5 were done 6-6-2018. Soil finished at different dates due to pop up storm dumping 2 inches of rain. Equipment Used: JD 7520 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher (15' 9").

2018-06-14 Soil Preparation Soil finished LTER T4 plots Reps 5, 4, 2, 1, 3, 6. Equipment Used: JD 7520 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher (15' 9").

2018-06-14 Soil Preparation Soil finished the LTER Biodiversity Study treatments: B3:(111, 203, 306, 403), B4:(104, 220, 307, 404), B6:(107, 207, 317, 406), B7:(105, 219, 305, 407), B9:(119, 205, 314, 409), B10:(117, 209, 320, 410), B12:(109, 202, 313, 412), B13:(113, 212, 319, 413), B15:(112, 213, 301, 415), B16:(101, 210, 308, 416), B18:(108, 208, 311, 418), B19:(103, 218, 315, 419), B21:(100, 200, 300, 421). Soil finished all corn and soybean plots cover and no cover crops as well as continuous fallow. All plots gone over twice to level soil. Soil finished with JD 7520 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher.

2018-07-19 Mechanical Weed Control Soil finished continuous fallow B21 plots in LTER Biodiversity Study. Soil finished each plot twice.

2018-08-03 Mechanical Weed Control Soil finished continuous fallow B21 plots in LTER Biodiversity Study. Soil finished each plot twice.

2018-10-18 Soil Preparation Soil finished T1 all reps. Justin Mezo soil finished reps: 6, 3, and 4 on October 18, 2018. Joe Simmons soil finished reps: 2, 1, and 5 on October 19, 2018. Plots were soil finished one time in the north south direction across the field. One 'headland' pass was soil finished E-W on the north and south edges of each plot. Equipment Used: JD 7330 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher (15' 9").

2018-10-19 Soil Preparation Brook Wilke soil finished T3 reps: 3, 5, and 4 on October 19, 2018. Started to rain so we could not finish soil finishing the remaining plots. Soil finished reps: 5, 4, 2, 1, and 6 on October 26, 2018. Plots were soil finished one time in the north south direction across the field. One 'headland' pass was soil finished E-W on the north and south edges of each plot. Equipment Used: JD 7330 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher (15' 9").

2018-10-26 Soil Preparation Soil finished T3 reps: 5, 4, 2, 1, and 6 on October 26, 2018. Soil finished T3 rep 3 on October 19, 2018 (T3R3 was planted to wheat on October 19, 2018). Plots were soil finished one time in the north south direction across the field. One 'headland' pass was soil finished E-W on the north and south edges of each plot. Equipment Used: JD 7330 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher (15' 9").

2019-06-07 Soil Preparation Soil finished biodiversity study treatments, B3 (111, 203, 306, 403), B5 (114, 217, 312, 405), B6 (107, 207, 317, 406), B8 (118, 214, 310, 408), B9 (119, 205, 314, 409), B11 (110, 216, 309, 411), B12 (109, 202, 313, 412), B13 (113, 212, 319, 413), B14 (114, 204, 304, 414), B15 (112, 213, 301, 415), B16 (101, 210, 308, 416), B18 (108, 208, 311, 418), B19 (103, 218, 315, 419). Four passes made in each plot. Some plots were soil finished on 6-8-2019.

2019-06-07 Soil Preparation Soil Finished Biodiversity treatment B21 continuous fallow plots.

2020-05-05 Soil Preparation Soil finished T1 all reps (5,1,4,2,3 and 6) Plots were soil finished one time alternating in the north south direction across the field. Two 'headland' passes were made in E-W or W-E direction on the north and south edges of each plot. An additional 'headland' pass was made on the south edge of the cover crop micro plot on the north edge of all reps. Equipment Used: JD 7520 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher (15' 9"). Because of soil clods we also soil finished T1 plots on May 6, 2020.

2020-07-23 Soil Preparation Soil finished the biodiversity study (all reps). Made one head land pass east to west at the beginning. Soil finished in a north south direction. Made a second head land pass east to west to finish.

2020-05-07 Soil Preparation Soil finished the annually tilled micro-plot area in the LTER Main Site Treatment T7 (5,1,3,4,2 and 6) plots, Early Successional plots. Micro-plots were soil finished from south to north. Headlands were soil finished once going east to west on each north and south end of the plots. Equipment used was the JD7520 tractor and the JD726 15'9" field cultivator.

2020-05-23 Soil Preparation Soil finished T3 and T4 all reps. T3 reps (4, 5, 2, 3, 1, and 6). T4 reps (6, 1, 4, 2, 3, and 5). Plots were soil finished one time on a slight angle in the north-south direction across the field. No 'headland' pass was completed this time during soil finishing. Plots will need to be soil finished again before planting so we will complete a 'headland' pass the next time we soil finish these plots. Equipment Used: JD 7330 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher (15' 9").

2020-05-26 Soil Preparation Soil finished T3 reps: 5, 4, 2, 3, 1, and 6. Soil finished around Allison's cover crop micro-plots. (we did not soil finish the cover crop micro-plots). Plots were soil finished one time in the north south direction across the field. One 'headland' pass was soil finished E-W on the north and south edges of each plot. Equipment Used: JD 7530 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher (15' 9").

2020-05-28 Soil Preparation Soil finished T4 reps: 6,1,4,2,3, and 5. Soil finished around Allison's cover crop micro-plots. (we did not soil finish the cover crop micro-plots). Because of soil clods plots were soil finished twice in the north south direction across the field. Two 'headland' passes were soil finished E-W on the north and south edges of each plot. Equipment Used: JD 7520 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher (15' 9").

2020-05-30 Soil Preparation Soil finished T4 reps: 5, 3, 2, 4, 1, and 6. Soil finished around Allison's cover crop micro-plots. (we did not soil finish the cover crop micro-plots). Plots were soil finished one time in the north south direction across the field. Plots were soil finished to break up remaining soil clumps that were softened by previous days rainfall. Two 'headland' passes were soil finished E-W on the north and south edges of each plot. Equipment Used: JD 7520 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher (15' 9").

2020-06-01 Soil Preparation Soil finished T4 reps: 5, 3, 2, 4, 1, and 6. Soil finished around Allison's cover crop micro-plots. (we did not soil finish the cover crop micro-plots). Plots were soil finished one time in the north south direction across the field. Plots were soil finished to inhibit any weed germination prior to planting. Two 'headland' passes were soil finished E-W on the north and south edges of each plot. Equipment Used: JD 7520 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher (15' 9").

2021-05-10 Soil Preparation Soil finished T1 all reps (6,3,4,2,1, and 5) Plots were soil finished one time alternating in the north south direction across the field. Two 'headland' passes were made in E-W or W-E direction on the north and south edges of each plot. Equipment Used: JD 7520 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher (15' 9"). Because of soil clods this was the second time we soil finished T1 plots in 2021. T1 plots were also soil finished on 05,11, 2021.

2021-05-19 Soil Preparation Soil finished T3 all reps (5,4,3,2,1, and 6) Plots were soil finished one time alternating in the north south direction across the field. Two 'headland' passes were made in E-W or W-E direction on the north and south edges of each plot. Equipment Used: JD 7520 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher (15' 9").

2021-05-21 Soil Preparation Soil finished T4 all reps (5,4,3,2,1, and 6) Reps 5,4,&3 completed by Ryan Anthony and reps 2,1,&6 completed by Leon Thelen Plots were soil finished one time alternating in the north south direction across the field. Two 'headland' passes were made in E-W or W-E direction on the north and south edges of each plot. Equipment Used: JD 7520 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher (15' 9").

2021-05-21 Soil Preparation Soil finished T3 all reps (5,4,2,1, and 6) Plots were soil finished one time alternating in the north south direction across the field. Two 'headland' passes were made in E-W or W-E direction on the north and south edges of each plot. Equipment Used: JD 7520 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher (15' 9"). Rep 3 was not soil finished because cultipaction was done first by accident.

2021-05-27 Soil Preparation Soil finished T4 all reps (5,,3,2,1,4, and 6) Plots were soil finished two passes alternating in the north south direction across the field. Two 'headland' passes were made in E-W or W-E direction on the north and south edges of each plot. Equipment Used: JD 7520 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher (15' 9").

2021-06-01 Soil Preparation Cultivate fields.

2003-10-13 Soil Preparation Gala soil finished on the main site treatment 3 replictions 3, 1, 2, 4, and 5. Gala used the JD 7520 tractor and JD 16' soil finisher.

2003-10-10 Soil Preparation Gala soil finished on the main site treatment 1 replications 3, 2, 4, 1, 5, and 6, and treatment 3 replication 6. Gala used the JD 7520 tractor and JD 16' soil finisher.

2003-10-09 Soil Preparation Gala and Todd soil finished on the main site treatment 4 replicaltions 1, 4, 2, 3, 5, and 6. To reomove all soil and plant residue the soil finisher was cleaned with high presure water cleaner before use on treatment 4 plots. The JD 7520 tractor and JD 16' soil finisher was used. Author: J. T. Simmons

2021-10-19 Soil Preparation Soil finish fields in preparation for planting.

2021-11-06 Soil Preparation Soil finished T3 and T4 all reps. Plots were soil finished one time on a slight angle in the north-south direction across the field. Two headland passes were made in the east-west direction on the north and south portions of each rep. Equipment Used: JD 7520 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher (15' 9").

2021-11-07 Soil Preparation Soil finished T1 all reps. Headland passes were made in E-W or W-E direction on the north and south edges of each plot. In reps 1-4, additional 'headland' passes were made on the south edge near the micro plots. Equipment Used: JD 7520 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher (15' 9").

2021-11-08 Soil Preparation Soil finished T4 reps 1 & 6 and half of rep 2 east of the prairie strip. Plots were soil finished alternating in the north south direction across the field. Two 'headland' passes were made in E-W or W-E direction on the north and south edges of each plot. Equipment Used: JD 7520 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher (15' 9").

2021-11-09 Soil Preparation Soil Finished twice in G1 and H1, and once in no-cover control plots in 85

2021-11-08 Soil Preparation Soil finished south 1/3 of field in preparation for wheat planting. Did not finish the south 30 feet of field because it was too wet

2022-09-30 Soil Preparation Fertilize with a blend to achieve 30-30-0-10 lbs. per acre of N-P-K-S for small grain trial. Soil finish working east and west except for one no till wheat treatment and one till after broadcasting wheat seed. The south portion of B1 had been disked on 9/13 and 9/23 to kill volunteer canola. A3 east not fertilized/soil finished until 10/3. The broadcast 1.2m and 1.6m seeds per acre and to till after broadcast treatments were soil finished on 10/3 when Peninton wheat planting equipment trial was seeded.

2023-05-13 Soil Preparation Soil finished T1 all reps (3, 2, 4, 1, 5 and 6). Headland passes were made in E-W or W-E direction on the north and south edges of each plot. In reps 1-4, headland passes were made on the north and west sides of the REX plots. Soil moisture conditions were good to get a nice soil finish prior to corn planting.

2023-05-22 Soil Preparation Soil finished T3 all reps (3,1,2,4,5 and 6). Reps 1-4 were done on 5/22/23 and reps 5 and 6 were done on 5/23/23. Plots were soil finished two times alternating in the north south direction across the field. Plots were soil finished twice to bust soil chunks and make a better seed bed. One 'headland' pass was made in E-W or W-E direction on the north and south edges of each plot. Prairie strips were avoided completely except passing over them on the headland pass.

2023-05-24 Soil Preparation Soil finish fields and plant corn. Soil finisher was washed with hose. Monosem covers were taken off to remove and treated seed.

2023-05-26 Soil Preparation Soil finished T4 all reps (5, 3, 2, 4, 1, and 6). Reps 5 and 3 were soil finished two times alternating in the north south direction across the field. Plots were soil finished twice to bust soil chunks and make a better seed bed. One 'headland' pass was made in E-W or W-E direction on the north and south edges of each plot. Prairie strips were avoided completely except passing over them on the headland pass.

2023-05-18 Soil Preparation Soil finished field F2 in the FSC prior to corn planting

2023-06-14 Soil Preparation Soil finished T4 all reps (4,1,2,3,5 and 6). Plots were soil finished with one pass in the north south direction across the field. One 'headland' pass was made in E-W or W-E direction on the north and south edges of each plot. Prairie strips were avoided completely except passing over them on the headland pass.

2024-05-13 Soil Preparation Soil finished T1 plots. Because of soil clods plots were soil finished twice. Headland passes were made in E-W or W-E direction on the north and south edges of each plot. Soil moisture conditions were okay, a little wet but a nice soil finish prior to soybean planting. Jarrod soil finished rep 5. Joe soil finished all other reps.

2024-05-17 Soil Preparation Soil finished T3 all reps (4,5,2,1,3 and 6). Headland passes were not done because the plots will need soil finished again. Prairie strips were avoided completely.

2024-05-20 Soil Preparation Soil finished T3 all reps (5,4,2,1,3 and 6). Headland passes were not done because the plots will need soil finished again. Prairie strips were avoided completely.

2024-05-21 Soil Preparation Soil finished T4 all reps (5,3,2,4,1 and 6). Headland passes were not done because the plots will need soil finished again. Prairie strips were avoided completely.

2024-05-22 Soil Preparation Soil finished T3 all reps (5, 4, 2, 1, 3, and 6) Reps 2, 1, 3, 6 done twice. Final soil finishing done just before planting. Prairie strips were avoided completely.

2024-05-30 Soil Preparation Soil finished T4 all reps (5, 6, 1, 2, 4, 3), all reps done twice. Reps 1, 2, and 4 done in two separate halves, to avoid gas chambers in plots. Prairie strips were avoided completely.

2024-05-31 Soil Preparation Soil finished T4 all reps (4, 5, 2, 3, 6, and 1). Final soil finishing done just before planting, this was done with the soil finisher on a shallow setting primarily break up soil clods and kill any surviving weeds. Prairie strips were avoided completely.

2024-05-23 Soil Preparation Wash soil finisher and finish fields.

2024-08-26 Soil Preparation Soil Finished the LTER Biodiversity Study. The entire study was soil finished East to West starting in the Southeast corner and then headland passes were made North to South on the edges of replications. Tillage was done to disrupt the growth of chickweed. In future tillage will be repeated until the chickweed is satisfactorily controlled.