Name: John Deere 1590 15' no-till drill

2009-06-23 Planting Planted alfalfa in LTER main plot treatment 6. Planted replications 5, 4, and 2 Tuesday June 23, 2009. Planted replications 1 and 3 Wednesday June 24, 2009. Planted replication 6 Thursday June 25, 2009. Variety of alfalfa planted: WL347LH Alfalfa. Seeding rate: 18 lbs/A. Seeding Depth: 1/2”. Tillage: none, treatment 6 alfalfa was no-tilled. Planted with JD 7420a tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill (15 ft drill). In 2008 WL347LH alfalfa seed cost $155.00 per 50 lb bag. In 2009 WL347LH alfalfa seed cost $190.00 per 50 lb bag.

2012-11-20 Planting Planted winter wheat into all 16 of the interaction plots. Wheat was soft red winter wheat, Pioneer 25R39, treated seed. All plots were planted at the same time due to soil conditions and consistency of planting depth between the two types of plots. Seeding rate was roughly 1,625,000 seeds/A. Are goal was to plant 2,000,000 seeds/A. Seed was planted with the JD1590 no-till drill set on population setting (41) at a depth of 1/4” to 3/4” pulled by JD 7420a tractor. Average planting speed was 3.5mph. All plots were planted in six passes.

2012-11-26 Planting No-till seeded red clover at 13.3 lbs/A (14.9 kg/ha) in the LTER Biodiversity study, treatments B3 (111, 203, 306, 403), B6 (107, 207, 317, 406), B15 (112, 213, 301,415). Clover was seeded slightly heavy due to late planting and soil conditions. Variety of clover was a certified organic medium red clover obtained from DKB Farms & Services LLC located out of Columbiaville MI. Product ID: 11449 stated it had 98.4% pure seed, .59% inert matter and a germination rate of 91%. Planting depth was 1/4 inch deep and seeding population on seeding box was set at 5. Planted with the JD7420a tractor and JD1590 15ft no-till drill. We did not have a count of the number of seed that each pound of the red clover contained, therefore we can not say how many seeds were planted per acre.

2012-11-26 Planting No-till planted cereal rye at 144 lbs/A (161kg/ha) in the LTER Biodiversity study, treatments B3 (111, 203, 306, 403), B5 (114, 217, 312, 405), and B16 (101, 210, 308, and 416). Rye variety was not stated on the tag. Seed was obtained from the CISCO companies, Indianapolis, IN, Lot # WGB11432. Stated germination rate was 88%. Planting depth was 1/4 - 3/4 inch deep and drill population setting was #36. Planted with the JD7420a tractor and JD1590 15ft no-till drill. We did not have a count of the number of seed that each pound of the rye contained, therefore we can not say how many seeds were planted per acre. However, the 144 lbs/A (since 56 lbs seed/A = 1 bushel) works out to 2.6 bu/A.

2012-11-20 Planting Planted winter wheat into the T8-NT plots. Wheat was soft red winter wheat, Pioneer 25R39, treated seed. The four plots were drilled using a JD1590 no-till drill at a depth of 1/4” to 3/4” pulled by JD 7420a tractor. Seeding rate was 1,625,000 seeds per acre (setting #41 on the drill). All plots were planted in three passes.

2012-11-21 Planting Planted winter wheat into lysimeter field. Wheat was soft red winter wheat, Pioneer 25R39, untreated seed. A total of 7.7 acres were planted using 1179 lbs of seed. Pioneer 25R39 (untreated seed) has 12,000 seeds/lbs. Seeding rate worked out to be 1,837,400 seeds/A. Population rate on planter was set at 41 and wheat was planted at a depth of 1/4” to 3/4”. Planted by JD 1590 no-till drill pulled by JD 7420a tractor. Average planting speed was 4 mph.

2012-11-21 Planting Seeded Soft Red Winter Wheat into Biodiversity treatments B4 (104, 220, 307, 404), B7 (105, 219, 305, 407), B10 (117, 209, 320, 410), B17 (116, 211, 302, 417), and B20 (120, 215, 318, 420). Plots in rep 4 were planted the day before on 11/20 to get drill depth set up. Seeding rate was roughly 1,625,000 seeds/A. Our goal was 2,000,000 seeds/A Planting depth was 1/4” to 3/4” deep with a speed of 3-3.5 mph. Seeded with JD7420a tractor and the JD1590 no-till drill. Seeding rate was calculated from planting the interaction plots, T8-NT plots and these 20 plots in the Biodiversity Study. All three studies added up to 7.5 acres. 1400 lbs of seed (28 bags) were put in the drill with 292 lbs being left over at the end of planting. This gave us a total of 1108 lbs of seed planted within 7.5A working out to equal 1,625,000 seeds/A.

2012-11-09 Planting Planted winter wheat in N-rate studies, non-irrigated and irrigated. Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R39, which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was treated. Pioneer 25R39 (treated seed) had 11,000 seeds/lbs. Seeding rate worked out to be 1,801,250 seeds/A. Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1790 no-till drill.

2009-06-11 Planting

2009-06-09 Planting

2012-04-05 Planting Old grass and legume seed planted. Seeding rate a guess. Seeding bare portion of NW corner of field which was abandoned last year due to erosion. Several drill passes at high seeding rate to get sod for erosion control.

2013-10-15 Planting Planted Winter Pea cover crop over rye in GLBRC Main Site G3 plots all replications (5, 1, 4, 3, 2). Peas were calibrated to be planted 60 lbs/A, but were actually planted at 57 lbs/ A. Planting depth was around and inch.

2013-10-15 Planting Planted wheeler rye cover crop in GLBRC Main Stie treatment G3 all replications (5, 4, 3, 2, 1). Rye was calibrated to be planted at 84 lbs/A, but was actually seeded at 78 lbs/A. Planting depth was around 3/4" to 1". Calibration weight was 57 grams.

2013-10-30 Planting Planted wheeler rye cover crop in GLBRC Main Stie treatment G2 & G4 all replications. Rye was seeded at 96.6 lbs/A (1.725 bu/A). Planting depth was around 3/4" to 1". Drill was set at 33 and the calibration weight was 64 grams.

2013-10-29 Planting Planted Winter Pea cover crop over rye in GLBRC Main Site G2 and G4 plots all replications. Peas were calibrated to be planted 60 lbs/A, but were actually planted at ? lbs/ A. Planting depth was around and inch.

2013-11-13 Planting No-till planted wheeler rye in the LTER Biodiversity study, treatments B4 (104, 220, 307, 404), B5 (114, 217, 312, 405),and B16 (101, 210, 308, 416). Replications 1 & 2 were planted with a rye variety that is a wheeler rye from Moore Seed Farm out of Elsie MI and is the same variety planted in GLBRC in 2013. Replication 3&4 have a bag of rye from 2012 that was from the CISCO companies out of Indianapolis, IN Lot # WGB11432 added into the drill with the (2013 Rye). Target population was 2.5 bu/a or 140 lbs/A. 164 lbs were loaded into the drill total and there was 32 lbs that was taken out of the drill after planting .9 acres. The final seeding rate works out to be 146.6 lbs/A. Planting depth was 1/2 - 3/4 inch deep and the drill population setting was set at 39.

2014-10-27 Planting Seeded Soft Red Winter Wheat into the LTER Biodiversity Study, treatments and plots that were planted were: B5 (114, 217, 312, 405), B8 (118, 214, 310, 408), B11 (110, 216, 309, 411), B17 (116, 211, 302, 417), B20 (120, 215, 318, 420). Seeding rate was roughly 1,960,000 seeds/A, our goal was 2,000,000 seeds/A. Planting depth was 3/4”- 1" deep with a speed of 4 mph. Seed used was Pioneer 25R34 Soft Red Winter (Treated) and equipment used was the JD7420b tractor and the JD1590 no-till drill.

2014-10-27 Planting Planted wheeler rye cover crop in GLBRC Main Stie treatment G4 all replications (5, 4, 3, 2, 1). Rye was calibrated to be planted at 112 lbs/A (2 Bu/A) and was seeded at 112 lbs/A. Planting depth was 3/4" to 1". Drill Setting on the 1590 John Deere No-till drill was 36.

2014-10-27 Planting Planted Winter Pea cover crop over rye in GLBRC Main Site G4 plots all replications (5, 1, 2, 4, 3). Winter Lynx peas were calibrated to be planted at 100 lbs/A and were actually seeded at 101 pounds/A. Planting depth was 3/4" and the drill setting on the 1590 John Deere No-till drill was on the lower side of 27.

2014-11-03 Planting Planted wheeler rye cover crop in GLBRC Main Stie treatments G2 and G3 all replications ( 4, 5, 3, 2, 1). Rye was calibrated to be planted at 112 lbs/A (2 Bu/A) and was seeded at 113 lbs/A. Planting depth was 1" to 1-1/2". Drill Setting on the 1590 John Deere No-till drill was 36.

2014-11-03 Planting Planted Winter Pea cover crop over rye in GLBRC Main Site G2 and G3 treatments all replications (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). Winter Lynx peas were calibrated to be planted at 100 lbs/A and were actually planted at 108 lbs/A. Planting depth was 3/4" to 1" and the drill setting on the 1590 John Deere No-till drill was on the lower side of 26. Do to running short on seed G3 Rep 5 only had 2 passes planted on 11/3 (starting from the west side) and the remaining 4 passes were planted on 11/5.

2014-11-03 Planting Planted wheeler rye in the GLBRC bait crop. Rye was planted on the entire east side outer perimeter of the bait crop, as well as one 15' pass on the north side bait crop (inner most pass to the plots - planted into corn residue). Rye was planted at 113 lbs/A at a depth of 1 to 1-1/2".

2014-11-07 Planting No-till planted wheeler rye in the LTER Main Site Treatment T3, all replications (Reps 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 6). Rye was planted with a target rate of 3 bu/A or 168 lbs/A. Rye was actually seeded at 2.9 bu/A or 164 lbs/A. Planting depth was 1 to 1-1/2 inches deep and setting on drill was #53.

2014-11-07 Planting No-till planted organic cereal rye in the LTER Main Site Treatment T4, all replications (Reps 5, 1, 6, 2, 3, 4). Rye was planted with a target rate of 2.5 bu/A or 140 lbs/A. Rye was actually seeded at 2.4 bu/A or 134 lbs/A. Planting depth was 1 to 1-1/2 inches deep and setting on drill was #35.5.

2014-11-10 Planting No-till planted organic cereal rye in the LTER Biodiversity Study treaments B3 plots (111, 203, 306, 403), B4 plots (104, 220, 307, 404), B16 plots (101, 210, 308, 416). Rye was planted with a target rate of 2.5 bu/A or 140 lbs/A. Rye was actually seeded at 2.4 bu/A or 134 lbs/A. Planting depth was 1 to 1-1/2 inches deep and setting on drill was #35.5.

2009-06-09 Planting Planting Soybeans in first year of GLBRC Scaleup

2009-06-10 Planting Planting soybeans in first year of GLBRC scaleup

2009-06-11 Planting Planting soybeans in first year of GLBRC Scaleup

2009-07-13 Planting Planted soybeans in grass waterways

2015-10-02 Planting Planted winter wheat in T2, all reps: 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R40 which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was treated. Pioneer 25R40 (treated seed) had 10,000 seeds/lb (90% germ) at 150 lbs/A. Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4 mph.

2015-10-06 Planting Planted winter wheat in T1, rep 6 on 10/03/15 and reps 1-5 on 10/06/15 (first 2 passes on the west side in rep 1 were planted 10/05/15). Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R40 which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was treated. Pioneer 25R40 (treated seed) had 10,000 seeds/lbs (90% germ) at 150 lbs/A. Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4 mph.

2015-10-07 Planting Planted winter wheat in T3 Reps (6,3,1,4,5) reps 6,3, and 12 passes from west to east in rep 1 were planted with (10,000 seeds/lb 90% germ at 150 lbs/A (6.1A)), reps 1, 4, and 6 passes west to east in rep 5 were planted with (10,500 seeds/lb 90% germ 143 lbs/A (6.1A)), the rest of rep 5 was planted with (11,000 seeds/lb 80% germ 150 lbs/A (1.6A)). Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R40 which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was treated. Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4 mph.

2015-10-09 Planting Planted winter wheat in the LTER fertility gradient both non-irrigated and irrigated. Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R40 (11,000 seeds/lb with 80% germ target rate of 150 lbs/A) which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was treated. Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4 mph.

2015-10-09 Planting Planted winter wheat in the Main Site LTER treatment T6 all reps (6,5, and 9 passes from west to east in rep 4 (6.1A) were planted with 11,000 seeds/lb (80% germ) at 150 lbs/A), reps (remaining 9 passes in rep 4, 3, 2, and rep 1 (8.6 A) were planted with 10,000 seeds/lb (80% germ) at a target rate of 163 lbs/A. Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R40 (11,000 seeds/lb and 10,000 seeds/lb with 80% germ) which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was treated. Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4 mph.

2015-10-09 Planting Planted winter wheat in the Main Site LTER lysimeter field (10,000 seeds/lb (80% germ)) at a target rate of 163 lbs/A. Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R40 (10,000 seeds/lb with 80% germ) which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was treated. Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4 mph.

2015-10-20 Planting Planted winter wheat in the T8nt plots all replications (10,000 seeds/lb (80% germ)) at a target rate of 163 lbs/A. Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R40 (10,000 seeds/lb with 80% germ) which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was treated. Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4 mph.

2015-10-23 Planting Planted winter wheat in the T4 plots all replications (10,500 seeds/lb (85% germ)) at 200 lbs/A. Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R40 (10,500 seeds/lb with 85% germ) which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was untreated. Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4 mph.

2015-11-03 Planting Planted winter wheat in the LTER Main Site Biodiversity Study treatments B4 (104, 220, 307, 404), B7 (105, 219, 305, 407), B10 (117, 209, 320, 410), B14 (115, 204, 304, 414), B17 (116, 211, 302, 417), B20 (120, 215, 318, 420) (10,500 seeds/lb (85% germ)) at 200 lbs/A. Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R40 (10,500 seeds/lb with 85% germ) which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was untreated. Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4 mph.

2015-11-17 Planting No-till planted wheeler rye in the LTER Biodiversity study, treatments B3 (111, 203, 306, 403), B5 (114, 217, 312, 405),and B16 (101, 210, 308, 416). Seed was a rye variety that is a wheeler rye from Moore Seed Farm out of Elsie MI. Target population was 2.5 bu/a or 140 lbs/A. 224 lbs was loaded into the drill total and there was 78 lbs that was taken out of the drill after planting 1.0 acres. The final seeding rate works out to be 146 lbs/A (2.6 bu/A). Planting depth was 1.0 inch deep. Drill population setting was set at 39.

2016-06-30 Planting Brook Wilke planted soybeans in the area to the north of the GLBRC drive (just as you drive in the main gate). I planted the soybeans in the GLBRC plots with Dairyland DS-2110, with the 1590 drill (6155R tractor). The population was at 210K / acre, and I set the drill for 1.75" deep.

2016-08-03 Planting No-till seeded red clover at 10.5 lbs/A pure live seed (clover was planted at 20 lbs/A to achieve 10.5 lbs/A pure live seed giving coating material and germination percent) in the LTER Main Site T3 plots all replications (5, 4, 2, 1, 6, 3). Reps 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 4 passes of rep 3 were planted on 8-3-2016, the remaining passes in rep 3 were planted on 8-4-2016. To prevent weed pressure in the spring T3 plots were sprayed sprayed and it was decided red clover would be seeded following harvest. Plots were sprayed with a pre-plant burn down to control the post harvest weed flush. Clover planted 1/4 inch into the ground.

2016-08-26 Planting Planted roundup ready alfalfa (Pioneer 55VR06) in the LTER Main Site T6 plots, all replications: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and 6. Seeding Rate: Alfalfa was planted at 20 lbs/A pure live seed (alfalfa was planted at 25 lbs/A to achieve 20 lbs/A pure live seed given the seed coating material and germination percent). Tillage: No-till. Variety: Pioneer 55VR06-N221 P14F10 Roundup Ready Alfalfa Seed. Planting Depth: Alfalfa was planted 3/4 inch into the ground. Plots were sprayed with a pre-plant burn down to control the weed flush after wheat harvest.

2016-10-11 Planting Planted wheeler rye and winter pea cover crop in GLBRC Main Site treatments G2 and G3 all replications. Rye was calibrated to be planted at 112 lbs/A (2 Bu/A) and was seeded at ? lbs/A. Peas were calibrated to be planted at 120 lbs/A (2 bu/A) and was seeded at ? lbs/A. Planting depth was 1" to 1-1/2". Drill Setting on the 1590 John Deere No-till drill was ?.

2016-11-08 Planting No-till planted wheeler rye in the LTER Biodiversity study, treatments B4 (104, 220, 307, 403), B5 (114, 217, 312, 405),and B16 (101, 210, 308, 416). Seed was a rye variety that is a wheeler rye from Moore Seed Farm out of Elsie MI. Target population was 2.5 bu/a or 140 lbs/A. 224 lbs was loaded into the drill total and there was 81 lbs that was taken out of the drill after planting .9 acres. The final seeding rate works out to be 159 lbs/A (2.8 bu/A). Planting depth was 1.0 inch deep. Drill population setting was set at 38.5.

2016-11-09 Planting Planted winter wheat in the LTER Main Site Biodiversity Study treatments B3: 111, 203, 306, 403; B6: 107, 207, 317, 406; B9: 119, 205, 314, 409; B17: 116, 211, 302, 417; B20: 120, 215, 318, 420. Pioneer 25R40 (12,500 seeds/lb with 90% germ) which is a soft red winter wheat. Wheat was planted at 2,033,333 seeds per acre. Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4 mph.

2017-04-19 Planting Replanted roundup ready alfalfa (Pioneer 55VR06) in the LTER Main Site T6 plots, all replications: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and 6. Fall seeded alfalfa had poor stand due to excessive amounts of biomass from the previous wheat crop. There were areas that came up great and then there were scattered bare spots. It was decided not to kill off original fall seeding but to replant in between the rows with a lower rate. Seeding Rate: Alfalfa was planted at 13.2 lbs/A pure live seed (alfalfa was planted at 16.2 lbs/A to achieve 13.1 lbs/A pure live seed given the seed coating material and germination percent). Tillage: No-till. Variety: Pioneer 55VR06-N221 P14F10 Roundup Ready Alfalfa Seed. Planting Depth: Alfalfa was planted 3/4 inch into the ground. While planting rep 6 it started raining with 5 passes to go. Finished planting the plot but the water caused the drill to become plugged. This was not known until the drill was cleaned out. After looking at alfalfa seedlings as they came up there was a difference in stand from where it had started raining. It was decided to replant that area again so 8 passes were planted in rep 6 on April 26, 2017 from the east side of the plot going west. This came out to be exactly 1 acre and seeding population was the same as the initial replant.

2017-11-01 Planting No-till planted wheeler rye in the LTER Main Site Treatment T4, all replications (Reps 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 6). Rye was planted with a target rate of 2.8 bu/A or 158lbs/A. Rye was actually seeded at 2.7 bu/A or 149 lbs/A. Planting depth was 1 to 1-1/2 inches deep and setting on drill was #39.

2017-11-08 Planting No-till planted wheeler rye in the LTER Main Site Treatment T3, all replications (Reps 5, 4, 2, 3, 1, 6). Rye was planted with a target rate of 2.8 bu/A or 158lbs/A. Rye was actually seeded at 2.7 bu/A or 149 lbs/A. Planting depth was 1 to 1-1/2 inches deep and setting on drill was #39.

2017-12-01 Planting No-till planted wheeler rye in the LTER Biodiversity study treatments B3 (111, 203, 306, 409), B4 (104, 220, 307, 404), B16 (101, 210, 308, 416). Plots B3 (111, 203,306, 403), B16 (101, and half of 210) were planted on November 14, 2017 but conditions were to wet to plant any more so all other plots were planted on December 1, 2017. Rye was planted with a target rate of 2.8 bu/A or 157lbs/A. Rye was actually seeded at 2.7 bu/A or 149 lbs/A. Planting depth was 1 to 1-1/2 inches deep and setting on drill was #39.

2017-12-01 Planting Planted winter wheat in the LTER Biodiversity Study treatments: B5 (114, 217, 312, 405), B8 (118, 214, 310, 408), B11 (110, 216, 309, 411), B14 (115, 204, 304, 414), B17 (116, 211, 302, 417), B20 (120, 215, 318, 420).

2018-03-19 Planting March 19, 2018 planted cover crops in G3 and G4 plots (reps 2-5 only), and the north half of the old 'Productivity Study' the plot area between the Burger house and the GLBRC drive coming off 40th St. March 22, 2018 planted cover crop in G3 and G4 (rep 1 only), and 1 of the plots in 'rep 6' area March 30, 2018 planted cover crop in 2 plots of the 'rep 6' area and in the corn stubble of the bait crop area. Seed mixture included 1/3 Jerry Oats and 2/3 Byron Seeds Spring Triticale (no seed treatments included). Seeding Rate: Total seeding rate was 85 lbs per acre. Equipment Used: Planted with the JD 6155M tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill.

2018-03-30 Planting Planted cover/bait crop in the GLBRC on the outside perimeter. The inner 30 ft on the North side and the outer 30 ft on both the East and South side perimeter were planted with a cover/bait crop. Cover/bait crop consisted of a mixture of oats (45 lbs/A), annual ryegrass (15 lbs/A), crimson clover treated (15 lbs/A), Kale (1 lb/A) and forage turnips (1.5 lbs/A). Mixture was seeded at 73 lbs/A (target was 77.5).

2018-06-26 Planting Planted cover crop of 35 lbs/acre sorghum sudan, 25 lbs per acre soybeans and a small amount of oats / triticale in GLBRC trap crop area, G3, G4, three plots of rep 6 and half of plots along 40th St.

2018-10-10 Planting Planted winter wheat in T2, Reps (6, 1, 4) Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R40 which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was treated. Pioneer 25R40 (treated seed) had 11,500 seeds/lb (90% germ) planted at 163.6 lbs/A (1,881,400 seeds per acre). Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4.4 mph.

2018-10-17 Planting Planted winter wheat in T2, Reps (2, 3, 5) Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R40 which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was treated. Pioneer 25R40 (treated seed) had 11,500 seeds/lb (90% germ) planted at 157 lbs/A. Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4.4 mph.

2018-10-17 Planting Planted winter wheat in LTER T8nt plots all replications, LTER irrigated and non irrigated N-Rate Study, and LTER Lysimeter field (from east to west up to T2 plot). Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R40 which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was treated. Pioneer 25R40 (treated seed) had 11,500 seeds/lb (90% germ) planted at 163.6 lbs/A (1,881,400 seeds per acre). Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4.4 mph.

2018-10-19 Planting Planted winter wheat in T1, Reps (6, 3, 4, 2, 1, 5) Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R40 which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was treated. Pioneer 25R40 (treated seed) had 11,500 seeds/lb (90% germ) planted at 163.6 lbs/A (1,881,400 seeds per acre). Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4.4 mph.

2018-10-19 Planting Planted winter wheat in T3, Reps (3) Due to rain planting was stopped. Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R40 which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was treated. Pioneer 25R40 (treated seed) had 11,500 seeds/lb (90% germ) planted at 163.6 lbs/A (1,881,400 seeds per acre). Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4.4 mph.

2018-10-27 Soil Preparation Soil finished T4, all reps: 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1. Plots were soil finished one time in the north south direction across the field. Two 'headland' passes were soil finished E-W on the north and south edges of each plot. Equipment Used: JD 7330 tractor and JD 726 soil finisher (15' 9").

2018-10-26 Planting Planted winter wheat in T3, Reps (5, 4, 2, 1, 6) Rep 3 was planted 10-19-2018 but delayed due to rain.Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R40 which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was treated. Pioneer 25R40 (treated seed) had 11,500 seeds/lb (90% germ) planted at 163.6 lbs/A (1,881,400 seeds per acre). Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4.4 mph.

2018-10-27 Planting Planted winter wheat in T4 plots all treatments (R6, R5, R4, R3, R2, R1). Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R40 which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was not treated. Pioneer 25R40 (untreated seed) had 12,500 seeds/lb (90% germ) planted at 163.6 lbs/A (2,045,000 seeds per acre). Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4.4 mph.

2019-04-24 Planting Planted oats in the LTER Biodiversity Study treatments (should be winter wheat, never had time to plant so being prepared for oats) plots. : B4 (104, 220, 307, 404), B7 (105,219, 305, 407), B10 (117, 209, 320, 410), B17 (116, 211, 302, 417), B20 (120, 215, 318, 420). Oats Planted at 108 lbs/A.

2019-05-21 Planting Planted GLBRC Main Plots G3 and G4 with a mix of winter wheat and red clover. This mixture is a cover crop just to keep ground cover and suppress weeds.

2019-05-21 Planting Planted GLBRC Bait Crop with a cover crop mixture of winter wheat, red clover, winter peas, and grain sorghum. This was planted around the perimeter (north side was the inner half, south and east side was the middle 30' section), also planted around the brown house, and 3 plots in rep 6.

2019-06-28 Planting Planted switchgrass in LTER main site treatment T6 all replications (5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4). Switchgrass was planted at 7.8 lbs/A pure live seed or (9.25 lbs/A bulk seed) because bulk seed was 84.3% pure live seed. Planted at 1/4 inch deep.

2019-08-28 Planting No-till planted medium red clover and wheeler rye in the LTER Biodiversity study treatment B4 (104, 220, 307, 404). Clover was planted with a target of 12 lbs pure live seed (21.5 total lbs/A seeded). Clover was seeded at 11 lbs pure live seed (equaling around 19.5 lbs per acre seeded). Rye was planted with a target rate of 2.6 bu/A or 157lbs/A. Rye was actually seeded at 2.7 bu/A or 149 lbs/A. Planting depth was 1 inch, drill setting for rye was #40. Clover had to be no-tilled in this year because wheat never got planted in the fall so oats were seeded in the spring so there was no frost seeded clover.

2019-08-28 Planting No-till planted medium red clover in the LTER Biodiversity study treatment B7 (105, 219, 305, 407). Clover was planted with a target of 12 lbs pure live seed (21.5 total lbs/A seeded). Clover was seeded at 11 lbs pure live seed (equaling around 19.5 lbs per acre seeded). Clover had to be no-tilled in this year because wheat never got planted in the fall so oats were seeded in the spring so there was no frost seeded clover.

2019-08-22 Planting No-till seeded red clover at 11 lbs/A pure live seed (clover was planted at 19.5 lbs/A to achieve 11 lbs/A pure live seed giving coating material and germination percent) in the LTER Main Site T3 plots all replications (5,2,3,1,4,6). Original target rate was 12lbs/A. After planting and weighing left over clover the actual planting rate was 11lbs/A pure live seed at a rate of 19.5lbs/A. To prevent weed pressure in the spring, T3 plots were sprayed and it was decided red clover would be seeded following harvest. Plots were sprayed with a pre-plant burn down to control the post harvest weed flush. Clover planted 1/4 inch into the ground.

2019-10-25 Planting Planted wheeler rye in GLBRC Main Site treatment G3 plots all replications (3, 5, 4, 1, 2). Seeding rate: 128 lbs/A. Planting depth: 0.75 inches.

2019-11-05 Planting Planted rye cover crop in the northwest corner micro-plot areas. Equipment Used: JD 7420a tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill.

2020-07-23 Planting Seeded LTER Biodiversity Study to hybrid sorghum sudangrass. Seed came from Alta seeds and variety was ADVS6505. Seeded at 43.3 lbs/A (736,100 seeds/A) at 3/4 of an inch deep. Used JD 1590 drill so row spacing was 7.5 inches apart.

2019-11-26 Planting Planted Rye cover crop in Biodiversity (Treatment B5: 114,217,312,406/ Treatment B16: 101,210,308,416). Rye was planted at 114lbs/acre. Rye was seeded at 1" depth.

2019-12-17 Harvest test

2020-11-18 Planting Planted wheeler rye in GLBRC Main Site treatment G3 plots all replications (3, 1, 4, 5, 2). Seeding rate: 104.6 lbs/A. Bushel/ Acre= 1.87 Planting depth: 0.75 inches. Drill Setting was 32.5

2020-11-16 Planting Planted wheeler rye in LTER Main Site treatment T3 plots all replications. Seeding rate: 104.6 lbs/A. Bushel/ Acre= 1.87 Planting depth: 0.75 inches. Drill Setting was 32.5

2020-11-16 Planting Planted untreated wheeler rye in LTER Main Site treatment T4 plots all replications. Seeding rate: 104.6 lbs/A. Bushel/ Acre= 1.87 Planting depth: 0.75 inches. Drill Setting was 32.5

2021-06-14 Planting BCSE, Plot 601: Planted switchgrass "Cave-in-Rock" at 9 lbs/acre with 15 foot no-till drill. shallowest depth setting, 100 psi down pressure.

2021-06-24 Planting planted switchgrass variety trial

2021-06-25 Planting planted switchgrass "Cave in Rock" with no-till drill. used shallowest setting and light down pressure.

2021-07-28 Planting Planted cover crops after wheat/barley harvest. Left small area unplanted where oats were still growing. Hydraulic line connecting tractor and drill broke in middle of field and approximately 2 gallons of hydraulic fluid sprayed onto the field.

2021-07-28 Planting Filled in area around cover crop plots with annual ryegrass and some old sun hemp and sorghum Sudan seed.

2021-08-05 Planting Plant Renner Kravchenko winter kill and winter hardy cover crop mixes.

2022-05-10 Planting No till Planted soybeans with grain drill in 7.5" rows in LTAR and FSC fields. Seeds were planted 1" deep.

2022-05-10 Planting Planted soybeans in LTAR BAU fields and plots with grain drill in 7.5" rows. Seeds planted 1" deep in tilled soil.

2022-05-11 Planting Planted soybeans with grain drill in 7.5" rows, 1" deep

2022-05-11 Planting No till planted soybeans in FSC fields in 7.5" rows, 1" deep. Planted into green cover crops.

2022-05-12 Planting Planted no till soybeans for Biochar study. Planted in 7.5 inch rows at 1" deep with drill.

2022-05-17 Planting Planted prairie mixture and cover crop blend in LTAR prairie areas. Planted in 7.5" rows using shallowest setting on grain drill.

2022-05-20 Soil Preparation Cultimulched and planted prairie mixture in six LTAR aspirational fields. Planted seeds as shallow (~1/4") as drill would plant with low down pressure, into tilled and cultipacked soil.

2022-05-24 Planting Planted soybeans in 7.5" rows with drill in research plots and areas. Planted 1" deep.

2022-06-03 Planting Planted soybeans in 7.5" rows, 1" deep with John Deere no till drill

2021-09-16 Soil Preparation Disk north-south strips leaving untilled strips. Drill east-west: Canola at 4 lbs/acre 1" deep, Whale winter wheat at 1 million seed (70lbs)/acre 1" deep, Peas at 120 lbs/acre 2" deep, Peas/canola in alternating rows 50/50 rate 1" deep, wheat/canola alternating 6 rows 1" deep, wheat and peas blended in same furrow 1" deep, and peas at 120 lbs/ace ~3" deep (max drill depth)

2021-10-18 Planting Planted winter wheat in T2, Reps (5,2,3,6,1and 4) Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R40 which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was treated. Pioneer 25R40 (treated seed) had 11,000 seeds/lb (90% germ) planted at projected 164.74 lbs/A. Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4.5 mph. Seed drill was set to 41 using the second door notch, Seed rate was 1,812,140 seeds per acre.

2021-10-20 Planting Planted wheat in FSC fields, including equipment research trial for Dennis Pennington in 27-1-3.

2021-11-08 Planting Planted wheat in A2 and the south 1/3 of 27-1-3. Planted 1" deep.

2021-11-07 Planting Planted winter wheat in T3, Reps (5,4,2,3,1 and 6) Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R40 which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was treated. Pioneer 25R40 (treated seed) had 11,000 seeds/lb (90% germ) planted at 164.74 lbs/A. Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4.5 mph. Seed drill was set to 41 using the second door notch, Seed rate was 1,812,140 seeds per acre.

2021-11-07 Planting Planted winter wheat in The Resource Gradient Experiment. Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R40 which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was treated. Pioneer 25R40 (treated seed) had 11,000 seeds/lb (90% germ) planted at 164.74 lbs/A. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4.5 mph. Seed drill was set to 41 using the second door notch, Seed rate was 1,812,140 seeds per acre. Depth was set to 1" but drill down pressure was not maintained in the plot. Actual seed depth varied from .25" to 1"

2021-11-09 Planting Planted winter wheat in T1, Reps (4,2,3,1,5 and 6) Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R40 which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was treated. Pioneer 25R40 (treated seed) had 11,000 seeds/lb (90% germ) planted at 174.94 lbs/A. Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4.5 mph. Seed drill was set to 43 using the second door notch, Seed rate was 2,099,280 seeds per acre.

2021-11-08 Planting Planted winter wheat in T4, Reps (5,3,4,2,1and 6) Wheat variety: Pioneer 25R40 which is a soft red winter wheat, the seed was untreated. Pioneer 25R40 ( untreated seed) had 12,000 seeds/lb (90% germ) planted at 187.63 lbs/A. Planting depth:1”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1590 no-till drill. Average planting speed was 4.5 mph. Seed drill was set to 42 using the second door notch, Seed rate was 2,251,560 seeds per acre.

2021-11-11 Planting Planted wheeler rye in GLBRC Main Site treatment G3 plots all replications (3, 5, 4, 1, 2). Seeding rate: 105.3 lbs/A. Bushel/ Acre= 1.88 Drill setting 32.5 2nd door notch

2022-04-11 Planting Planted soft white spring wheat in LTAR ACSE ASP3 fields and plots. Also included 5 gallons of 10-34-0 fertilizer in furrow. Planted 3/4" deep in 7.5 inch rows, no tilled. In field ASP3F1, the grain drill had a blockage in one of the seed tubes, which resulted in one row not planting for an unknown area. There were also two row units that planted too deep for part of the field - the depth control failed at some point during the course of planting the field. The wheat seed was treated with a fungicide.

2022-04-13 Planting Planted forage mixture in LTAR ASP5 treatment of ACSE experiment. Mixture included three varieties of alfalfa, two varieties of red clover, one variety of forage chicory, two varieties of Italian ryegrass and one variety of oats. Planted 1/4 to 1/2 inch deep in 7.5 inch rows. Drill tube fell off in the middle of planting ASP5F1, so may have one row that didn't have good seed to soil contact for an unknown space.

2022-06-17 Planting Plant Brown Mid-rib KF SugarPro 55ss and GreenSugar TR Sorghum x Sudangrass at 30 lbs. /acre in the mid-June treatments. Brown mid-rib was planted first and determined to be too shallow, including seed on top of ground. So additional seed was planted a half rate. Wheat bailage was harvested from these plots to prepare for planting.

2022-08-11 Planting No-till seeded red clover at 23.3 lbs/A pure live seed (clover was planted at 23.3 lbs/A to achieve 12 lbs/A pure live seed giving coating material and germination percent) in the LTER Main Site T3 plots all replications (5, 4, 2, 1, 3, 6). Original target rate was 12lbs/A. A total of 333 lbs of seed was planted across all reps. After planting and weighing left over clover the actual planting rate was 11.5 lbs/A pure live seed at a rate of 23.3 lbs/A. To prevent weed pressure in the spring, T3 plots were sprayed and it was decided red clover would be seeded following harvest. Plots were sprayed with a pre-plant burn down to control the post harvest weed flush. Clover planted 1/4 inch into the ground. The East half of all plots were planted first on August 10, the West half of all reps were planted the following day, August 11. Weather conditions on 8/10 at 11:00 am were: Temperature 73.8 F RH 66.8% wind speed 1.00 mph Direction West Weather conditions on 8/10 at 5:30 pm were: Temperature 79.4 F RH 53.3% wind speed 5.68 mph Direction Northwest Weather conditions on 8/11 at 9:00 am were: Temperature 68.3 F RH 62.5% wind speed 1.00 mph Direction Northeast Weather conditions on 8/11 at 4:30 pm were: Temperature 75.6 F RH 41.9% wind speed 6.33 mph Direction North

2022-08-16 Planting Plant GreenSugar TR sorghum sudangrass at 30 lbs. per acre.

2022-10-03 Planting Planted wheat in planting equipment trial for Patrick Copeland and Dennis Pennington. Trial included multiple types of planters.

2022-10-04 Planting Planted soft red winter wheat (sunburst variety) in LTAR ACSE plots and fields. Planted 1" deep with no till grain drill. Included 10-34-0 liquid fertilizer in furrow with wheat seed. Finished planting ASP2F1 on 10/5/22.

2022-09-30 Planting Planted wheat in FSC Plots, 1.5" deep with liquid fertilizer in furrow.

2022-10-05 Planting Planted wheat in FSC plot, 1" deep no tillage and fertilizer in furrow.

2022-10-06 Planting Planted wheat no-till 1" deep with liquid fertilizer in furrow. Planted plots 101, 102 and west border north and south, but the alley space was too small for it to work effectively. Planted the remainder of the field east and west.

2022-10-06 Planting Planted wheat 1" deep with liquid fertilizer in furrow

2022-10-06 Planting Planted wheat with no-till drill as part of a wheat starter fertilizer trial. The trial includes two rates of in furrow liquid fertilizer and two rates of broadcast dry fertilizer, and one control with no starter fertilizer.

2022-10-10 Planting Planted wheat in LTAR ASP2F2 3/4" deep with no till drill in 7.5 inch rows. Applied fertilizer in furrow with wheat seed.

2022-09-21 Planting Plant forage crop seed in the north and south end of plots at 15 lbs. per acre. The initial planting left thin/bare patches at the start of each pass. This planting was to fill that in.

2022-08-26 Planting Planted forage mixture in LTAR ASP4 treatment of ACSE experiment. Mixture included three varieties of alfalfa, two varieties of red clover, one variety of forage chicory, and Italian ryegrass. Planted 1/2 inch deep in 7.5 inch rows.

2022-09-21 Planting Planted winter canola in LTAR ACSE ASP3 plots and fields. Planted with John Deere no till drill in 15" wide row spacing, 1" deep. Included 10-34-0 liquid fertilizer in furrows at 7.5" row spacing at 8 gallons per acre.

2022-11-09 Planting Drill VNS rye cover crop at one inch depth.

2022-11-10 Planting Drill VNS rye and 3 lbs. camelina cover crop.

2022-04-12 Planting Canola Planting

2022-08-03 Planting Planted sorghum sudan, pearl millet and sunn hemp in the LTAR ASP3 fields with a no-till drill in 7.5" rows. Seeds were placed approximately 1" deep.

2023-04-12 Planting Planted BAU soybeans (asgrow 26xf1 with dana-start seed treatment). Beans were drilled on 7.5" spacing 1.5" deep at a rate of 152,475 seeds per acre notch 13 on the drill.

2023-04-13 Planting Planted BAU soybeans (asgrow 26xf1 with dana-start seed treatment). Beans were drilled on 7.5" spacing 1.5" deep at a rate of 152,475 seeds per acre notch 13 on the drill.

2023-05-15 Planting Drill soybeans into no-till fields at 150k seeds/ acre. H2 and G2 had a few AG26xf1 beans mixed in.

2023-05-18 Planting Drill soybeans into plots with the farm's 15' no-till drill.

2023-06-07 Planting Planted GLBRC Main Site G3 sorghum all replications, reps 4,3,2,1 and 5. Variety Planted: Iowa State University HPS5500. Planting Depth: 1.25 to 1.50 inches. Planting Population: 7.3 lbs per acre. Seed Treatment: Iowa State University HPS5500 was treated with Concep III (seed safener), Apron XL (systemic fungicide) and Maxim 4FS (systemic insecticide). No seed tag or label was available with the seed lot that was sent from Iowa State. Planted with John Deere 1590 no-till drill. Half of the rows were blocked to plant in 15 inch rows. Drill setting #9 with feed cups on top setting (closed as much as possible). Down pressure was at 1,000 psi. Gauge wheels were set with 1 notch open on the top left and 2 notches open on the top right. The ground was very hard and dry. We were having trouble getting seed any deeper since gauge wheels couldn't get down to full ground contact. There were some issues with GPS auto steer on reps 2 and 3. There were 2 instances, one in each rep where row width was wider then 15 inches on a pass.

2023-06-08 Planting Planted soybeans in the GLBRC G2 plots reps 5,2,3,1 and 4. Variety: Planted Pioneer P18A73E Enlist E3 untreated soybeans. Planting population: 140,000. Planting depth: 1.00 inch. Soil conditions were dry and hard but we were able to obtain proper depth. Planted with John Deere 1590 no-till drill. Half of the rows were blocked to plant in 15 inch rows. Drill setting #26 with feed cups on D setting. That is one notch down from the top. Feed cup settings in drill manual. Down pressure was at top of green marking on the gauge. Gauge wheels were set with 2 notches open on the top left and 3 notches open on the top right. Planted all plots going South to North to get row spacing correct since only using the back gang on drill.

2023-06-09 Planting Planted soybeans in the LTER CE2 plots reps 112,210,312 and 402. Variety: Planted Pioneer P18A73E Enlist E3 untreated soybeans. Planting population: 140,000. Planting depth: 1.00 inch. Planted with John Deere 1590 no-till drill. Half of the rows were blocked to plant in 15 inch rows. Drill setting #26 with feed cups on D setting. That is one notch down from the top. Feed cup settings in drill manual. Down pressure was at top of green marking on the gauge. Gauge wheels were set with 2 notches open on the top left and 3 notches open on the top right. Planted all plots going South to North to get row spacing correct since only using the back gang on drill.

2023-06-28 Planting Planted soybeans in the GLBRC bait crop, 30 ft closest to alley way. Planting population: 140,000 seeds/ac. Planting depth: 1 inch. Row spacing: 15 inches. Drill setting 26 with half rows plugged off to make 15" row spacing.

2023-07-14 Planting planted cover crop in ASP2 plots after wheat harvest. Planted seed mixture with no till drill about 3/4 inch deep. Reps 1 and 2 needed to be covered twice because the first pass with the drill the meters weren't turning consistently, so after a fix and replant, there may be some spots that were double planted in those two reps.

2023-07-17 Planting Plant T3 of sorghum planting date trial. Spray and fertilize T1-3.

2023-07-18 Planting Plant sudex planting date trial T1 (GreenSugar TR Sorghum x Sudangrass at 30 lbs./ acre) and T2 (HPS5500 Energy Sorghum at 14.3 lbs./ acre)

2023-07-20 Planting Plant KF Sugar Pro 55SS, Prime Millet, and Sunn Hemp blend at 24 lbs. per acre. Fertilize with 15 gallons 28% UAN per acre and spray with Liberty 280 SL.

2023-08-01 Planting Plant sudex planting date trial T4 (GreenSugar TR Sorghum x Sudangrass at 30 lbs./ acre) and T5 (HPS5500 Energy Sorghum at 14.3 lbs./ acre)

2023-08-01 Planting Plant coated medium red clover at 14.4 lbs./acre in row (8.0 lbs. PLS) and nitro radish at 7 lbs./acre in row. The radish were planted on 30" rows 0.5" deep with three rows of red clover between planted 0.25" deep. There are two rows of clover on the west edge of the plot and on the east.

2023-08-01 Planting Drill coated medium red clover at 14.4 lbs./acre (8.0 lbs. PLS) 0.25" deep into cover crop split plots. The frost seeded clover had not survived.

2023-08-16 Planting Planted perennial forage mixture in LTAR ASP3 fields and plots. Planted seed 1/4 inch deep using a no-till grain drill. Row spacing was 7.5" wide. Setting on small box on drill was 8.5. Volunteer canola and some weeds were still green in the field at planting time. A couple of seed tubes were plugged in ASP3R4, and also one time in ASP3F2 from residue in the seed mix. Red clover and alfalfa seeds were coated with a mineral based material that enhances water uptake and rhizobium innoculated.

2023-08-16 Planting Plant sudex planting date trial T6 (GreenSugar TR Sorghum x Sudangrass at 30 lbs./ acre) and T7 (HPS5500 Energy Sorghum at 14.3 lbs./ acre). Extra field space was filled with GreenSugar TR sudex.

2023-10-03 Planting Replant two small areas in the field that had slug damage. 15" row spacing and half inch depth. Area one near NW corner of field. Area two between prairie strip and east edge of the field one third of the way from the north edge to the south edge.

2023-10-11 Planting Plant wheat in Plots and start planting Field 1. Seeding depth was 3/4".

2023-10-24 Planting Drill Mila barley at 105 lbs. per area. North 60' is new seed and south 45' is old seed.

2023-10-24 Planting Drill Sunburst wheat in south 60' of D1 and west half of 85. Rest of field had been broadcast with ISF 780 wheat. Ran out of seed on west edge of 85.

2023-11-13 Planting No-till planted wheeler rye in the LTER Main Site Treatment T3, all replications (Reps 5, 4, 2, 6, 3, and 1). Reps 5, 4 and 2 were planted on November 11, 2023. Reps 6, 3, and 1 were planted on November 15, 2023. Rye was planted with a target rate of 2.5 bu/A or 140lbs/A. Rye was actually seeded at 2.49 bu/A or 139 lbs/A. Planting depth was 1 to 1-1/2 inches deep. Drill setting was #39. Cup setting on the drill was on #2. Acre counter was at 14.1 acres after planting all six reps of T3.

2023-11-20 Planting No-till planted wheeler rye in the LTER Main Site Treatment T4, all replications (Reps 2,6,1,5,3 and 4). All reps were planted on the same day. Rye was planted with a target rate of 2.5 bu/A or 140lbs/A. Rye was actually seeded at 2.49 bu/A or 139 lbs/A. Planting depth was 1 to 1-1/2 inches deep. Drill setting was #39. Cup setting on drill was on #2. Acre counter was at 13.3 acres after planting all six reps of T4.

2024-03-21 Soil Preparation Soil finish fields and plant Hayden oats at 90 lbs./acre at a depth of one inch. Target rate is 1.15 million plants per acre. The north 15' of G2 was left for Gazelle rye.

2024-04-10 Planting Planted Gazelle Spring Rye in one pass on the north side of FSC G2. Planted 1 inch deep.

2024-04-22 Planting Plant spring Oat and Barley trial at a rate of 1.2 million live seeds per acre and a depth of one inch. Barley varieties: LCS Odyssey, Hudson NY, Esma. Oat varieties: Rushmore, AAC Basil, AAC Reid, RC Amaze. 100 ft on the east end of AAC Reid rep 2 was double planted because some rows had run out. There was inadequate room in the field for a full planter width at the north edge of the field (LCS Odyssey).

2024-05-02 Planting Planted soybeans in the LTER Main Site treatments T2, reps: 5,2,3,4,1 and 6. Equipment used: Planted with the JD 7420a tractor and JD 1590 drill. Drill was set on 25 with the cups in the D setting which is the 2nd notch from the top. It was planted at 4 mph. Variety: Planted Pioneer P18A73E Enlist E3 soybeans (untreated seed). The P18A73E soybeans contained 3,246 seeds/lb. Seeding Rate: 150,000 seeds/A. Planting depth: 1 inch. Row spacing: 15 inches (Every other row was plugged on the drill and planted with the back gang only.) There was a slight error noticed on Rep 1 where the drill was only engaging half the time due to engagement wheel having one of the pegs out of place. It was corrected and continued to plant. Weather Conditions at 9:30 a.m on 5/2/24: Temperature: 59.8° F; Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 10.18 mph Wind Direction: East Relative Humidity: 59.1%

2024-05-07 Planting Planted soybeans in the LTER Main Site Resource Gradient Irrigated and Non Irrigated all plots. Equipment used: Planted with the JD 7420a tractor and JD 1590 drill. Drill was set on 25 with the cups in the D setting which is the 2nd notch from the top. It was planted at 3.5 mph. Variety: Planted Pioneer P18A73E Enlist E3 soybeans (untreated seed). The P18A73E soybeans contained 3,246 seeds/lb. Seeding Rate: 165,000 seeds/A. Soybean seed was 90% germination to achieve a stand of 150,000 plants per acre. Planting depth: 1 inch. Row spacing: 15 inches (Every other row was plugged on the drill and planted with the back gang only.) Weather Conditions: (Weather data was not updating from weather station.) Temperature: ? Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : ? mph Wind Direction: ? Relative Humidity: ?

2024-05-07 Planting Planted soybeans in the GLBRC G3 plots, (Reps 5,3,2,1 and 4), Equipment Used: Planted with the JD 7420a tractor and JD 1590 no till drill. Variety: Planted Pioneer P18A73E Enlist E3 soybeans. Drill was set on 25 with the cups in the D setting which is the 2nd notch from the top. It was planted at 3.5 mph. Variety: Planted Pioneer P18A73E Enlist E3 soybeans (untreated seed). The P18A73E soybeans contained 3,246 seeds/lb. Seeding Rate: 150,000 seeds/A Planting depth: 1 inch. Row spacing: 15 inches (Every other row was plugged on the drill and planted with the back gang only.)

2024-05-13 Planting Planted soybeans in the LTER Main Site treatments T1, reps: 5,6,2,3,4 and 1. Equipment used: Planted with the JD 7420a tractor and JD 1590 drill. Drill was set on 25 with the cups in the D setting which is the 2nd notch from the top. It was planted at 4 mph. Variety: Planted Pioneer P18A73E Enlist E3 soybeans (untreated seed). The P18A73E soybeans contained 3,246 seeds/lb. Seeding Rate: 150,000 seeds/A. Planting depth: 1.25 inches. Row spacing: 15 inches (Every other row was plugged on the drill and planted with the back gang only.) Rep 1 was finished after a light rain passed and had a couple row plugs that were cleaned out to finish. Weather Conditions at 12:40 p.m on 5/13/24: Temperature: 78° F; Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 9.68 mph Wind Direction: SouthWest Relative Humidity: 38.7%

2024-05-16 Planting planted soybeans into switchgrass variety trial with John Deere 1590 no-till drill with 15 inch rows.

2024-05-22 Planting Planted soybeans in the LTER Main Site treatments T3, reps: 5,4,2,1,3 and 6. Equipment used: Planted with the JD 7420a tractor and JD 1590 drill. Drill was set on 25 with the cups in the D setting which is the 2nd notch from the top. It was planted at 4 mph. Variety: Planted Pioneer P18A73E Enlist E3 soybeans (untreated seed). The P18A73E soybeans contained 3,246 seeds/lb. Seeding Rate: 150,000 seeds/A. Planting depth: 1.25 inches. Row spacing: 15 inches (Every other row was plugged on the drill and planted with the back gang only.) Weather Conditions at 3:45 p.m on 5/22/24: Temperature: 76° F; Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 11.97 mph Wind Direction: West Relative Humidity: 45.5%

2024-05-23 Planting Planted GLBRC Main Site G2 sorghum all replications, reps 5,2,3,1 and 4. Variety Planted: Iowa State University HPS5500. Planting Depth: 1.25 to 1.50 inches. Planting Population: 6.45 lbs per acre. Seed Treatment: Iowa State University HPS5500 was treated with Concep III (seed safener), Apron XL (systemic fungicide) and Maxim 4FS (systemic insecticide). No seed tag or label was available with the seed lot that was sent from Iowa State. Planted with John Deere 1590 no-till drill. Half of the rows were blocked to plant in 15 inch rows. Drill setting #8.5 with feed cups on top setting (closed as much as possible). Down pressure was at 1,000 psi. Gauge wheels were set with 4 notches open on each side below the set point.

2024-05-24 Planting Planted soybeans in the T8nt plots and the south side of the GLBRC Trap Crop Area. Equipment Used: Planted with the JD 7420a tractor and JD 1590 no till drill. Variety: Planted Pioneer P18A73E Enlist E3 soybeans. Drill was set on 25 with the cups in the D setting which is the 2nd notch from the top. It was planted at 3.5 mph. Variety: Planted Pioneer P18A73E Enlist E3 soybeans (untreated seed). The P18A73E soybeans contained 3,246 seeds/lb. Seeding Rate: 150,000 seeds/A Planting depth: 1.25 inch. Row spacing: 15 inches (Every other row was plugged on the drill and planted with the back gang only.)

2024-05-31 Planting Planted soybeans in the LTER Main Site treatments T4, reps: 4,5,3,2,1 and 6. Equipment used: Planted with the JD 7420a tractor and JD 1590 drill. Drill was set on 50 with the cups in the D setting which is the 2nd notch from the top. It was planted at 4 mph. Variety: Planted Organic Blue River 2155N brand soybeans (untreated seed). The Blue River 2155N soybeans contained 2,849 seeds/lb. Seeding Rate: 150,000 seeds/A. Planting depth: 1.25 inches. Row spacing: 30 inches (Planted with back gang only and plugged every other row to get to 30 inch spacing. Drill setting in monitor was 15 ft track spacing with a 12 inch offset to the left. Weather Conditions at 12:05 p.m on 5/31/24: Temperature: 71.5° F; Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 3.82 mph Wind Direction: South West Relative Humidity: 37.7%

2024-06-04 Planting Planted soybean variety trial on the east side of the FSC F2 field. Treatment list: Trt 1 Pioneer P18A73E Enlist E3 Soybean seed; Trt 2 LTAR BAU Soybean seed; Trt 3 LTAR ASP Soybean seed; Trt 4 Blue River 2155N Organic Soybean seed. Border Rows are P18A73E Enlist E3 Soybean seed. Target Planting Population was 150,000 plants per acre. Planted in 30 inch row spacing with drill set on 50. Plots were soil finished with 10 ft soil finisher twice before planting.

2024-06-11 Planting Planted GLBRC Sorghum Nitrogen Rate Experiment. Planted 2 passes East and West to make plot 30 ft wide and 510 ft long. Variety Planted: Iowa State University HPS5500. Planting Depth: 1.50 inches. Planting Population: 6.50 lbs per acre. Seed Treatment: Iowa State University HPS5500 was treated with Concep III (seed safener), Apron XL (systemic fungicide) and Maxim 4FS (systemic insecticide). No seed tag or label was available with the seed lot that was sent from Iowa State. Planted with John Deere 1590 no-till drill. Half of the rows were blocked to plant in 15 inch rows. Drill setting #9 with feed cups on top setting (closed as much as possible). Down pressure was at 1,000 psi. Gauge wheels were set with 4 notches open on each side below the set point.

2024-06-20 Planting Planted soybeans in the GLBRC Trap Crop Area North side and east side north of shelters. New sorghum nitrogen rate south study, two rep 6 plots, brown house field and lysimeter field were also planted. Equipment Used: Planted with the JD 7420a tractor and JD 1590 no till drill. Variety: Planted Pioneer P18A73E Enlist E3 soybeans. Drill was set on 30 with the cups in the D setting which is the 2nd notch from the top. It was planted at 4 mph. Variety: Planted Pioneer P18A73E Enlist E3 soybeans (untreated seed). The P18A73E soybeans contained 3,246 seeds/lb. Seeding Rate: 200,000 seeds/A Planting depth: 1.25 inch. Row spacing: 15 inches (Every other row was plugged on the drill and planted with the back gang only.)

2024-07-13 Planting Planted cover crop after wheat in ASP1 fields and plots. Seeds planted in 7.5" row spacing with John Deere drill, about 3/4" deep. All seeds were untreated.

2024-08-12 Planting Plant cover crop at about 120 lbs. per acre using a blend of old seed.

2024-08-14 Planting Plant forage crop at 15.25 lbs./acre and a depth of 1/4-1/2".

2024-08-20 Planting Plant t1&2 of cover crop grazing project with a custom blend of sudangass, cereal rye, annual ryegrass, crimson clover, medium rec clover, dwarf essex rape, and daikon radish at 24.5 lbs. per acre. Seeding depth was 1/2 to 3/4 inch.

2024-08-21 Planting Plant cover crop using a blend of old seed.