Show Observation

User: Jarrod Rhoades

Created on: 2024-05-03

Observation Date 2024-05-02

Planted soybeans in the LTER Main Site treatments T2, reps: 5,2,3,4,1 and 6. Equipment used: Planted with the JD 7420a tractor and JD 1590 drill. Drill was set on 25 with the cups in the D setting which is the 2nd notch from the top. It was planted at 4 mph. Variety: Planted Pioneer P18A73E Enlist E3 soybeans (untreated seed). The P18A73E soybeans contained 3,246 seeds/lb. Seeding Rate: 150,000 seeds/A. Planting depth: 1 inch. Row spacing: 15 inches (Every other row was plugged on the drill and planted with the back gang only.) There was a slight error noticed on Rep 1 where the drill was only engaging half the time due to engagement wheel having one of the pegs out of place. It was corrected and continued to plant. Weather Conditions at 9:30 a.m on 5/2/24: Temperature: 59.8° F; Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 10.18 mph Wind Direction: East Relative Humidity: 59.1%


Observation Type:


Worker: Jarrod Rhoades
Equipment: John Deere 7420a Tractor
Equipment: John Deere 1590 15' no-till drill • Material: Pioneer P18A73E Untreated Soybean Seed @ 150000.0 seeds per acre


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