Name: John Deere 5225 Tractor

2009-05-04 Mechanical Weed Control Sprayed the GLBRC Main Site, Treatment G8 replications 1-5. Prowl H2O (pendimethalin) was applied at 2.1 quarts /acre (4.9 L/ha) for pre-emergence control of grasses and broadleaves in poplar plots. Prowl was applied to the sprayed areas of the field, by applying it in 36” bands. Weather conditions: Partly cloudy with air temperature of 64 degrees F (17.8°C). Relative Humidity was 33%. Wind was from east northeast at 3/10 mph with an average speed of 7 mph. Time of application was 2:30 p.m. Equipment Used: JD 5225 tractor traveling 3 mph with a front 3-point mounted custom-built sprayer with a rolling pump (Dempco). O.C. 04 nozzles were used, spaced 6 feet apart to spray outside the width of the tractor. 30 psi was used. Water applied at 19 gallons/acre (177L/ha) was used as the carrier. Purpose of application: Pre-emergence control of grasses and broadleaves in poplar.

2022-05-11 Herbicide Application Spray planting green T3 early termination

2008-05-06 Herbicide Application Band sprayed the trees in the GLBRC Main Site G8 plots, all reps. Applied Prowl H2O (pendimethalin) at the rate of 2.1 qts/A (4.9 L/ha) for pre-emergence control of grasses and broadleaves in the poplar trees. Todd used the JD 5225 tractor with a spray tank on the back three point hitch with the spray boom attached to the tractors front three point hitch. I think we applied a 36” band. Weather conditions: ? with air temperature of ? degrees F (? °C). Relative Humidity was ?%. Wind was from ? at ? mph with an average speed of ? mph. Time of application was ?. Equipment Used: JD 5225 tractor traveling 3 mph with a front 3-point mounted custom-built sprayer with a rolling pump (Dempco). O.C. 04 nozzles were used, spaced 6 feet apart to spray outside the width of the tractor. 30 psi was used. Water applied at 19 gallons/acre (177L/ha) was used as the carrier. Purpose of application: Pre-emergence control of grasses and broadleaves in poplar.

2008-05-19 Planting Planted oats between the poplar tree columns (rows) at 3 bu/A. Todd Martin planted with JD 5225 and 4 ft wide Great Plains drill.

2022-05-11 Herbicide Application Burn down plus residual herbicide on ASP2, IP4, 27-1-2 planting green T2, and clean out on east half of A3-east.

2021-05-10 Fertilizer Application Apply Biochar: T2,3,4 113.5 lbs. per plot. T5,6,7 345.7 lbs. per plot.

2021-05-14 Fertilizer Application Apply poultry manure.

2021-05-18 Soil Preparation Planting Green: Roller crimp T5 Rye. Roll down T6 rye with cultipacker. Spray T4,5,6 with 32 oz./acre Roundup Power Max. Spray T2 with 16 oz. Roundup Power Max and 6 oz. Zidua Pro per acre.

2021-05-18 Soil Preparation Roller crimp rye ahead of planting. Spray herbicide after planting.

2021-05-20 Planting Hemp: Fertilize entire field with urea AMS blend. Roller crimp T3,4. Erin Burns Sprayed herbicide. Plant 47.5 lbs./acre bailobreskie industrial hemp with no till drill, 1/2" deep.

2021-05-25 Fertilizer Application Fertilize corn with urea AMS blend.

2021-05-27 Herbicide Application Spray black bean field after it was roller crimped and planted.

2021-06-02 Planting Plant MSU Soy bean Variety Trial at 180,000 seeds per acre in the west end of G1. Plant the rest of the fields with Blue river 21F3 soy beans at 140,000 seeds per acre.

2021-06-02 Planting Plant Blue River 38G54 corn at 28000 seed per acre.

2021-06-03 Soil Preparation Planting green: biomass sample T7,8 rye. Cultipack T8. Spray T7,8.

2021-06-17 Herbicide Application Spray corn to control curly dock, pig weed, and lambs quarter.

2021-07-02 Mechanical Weed Control Cultivate corn: 82-1, 27-3-2, A1. Cultivate soybeans: G1 twice and H1 once.

2021-07-02 Mechanical Weed Control Rotary hoe corn at 7mph.

2021-07-07 Mechanical Weed Control Cultivate corn twice.

2021-07-12 Mechanical Weed Control Cultivate soybeans twice.

2021-07-20 Mechanical Weed Control Cultivate corn.

2021-07-27 Soil Preparation fertilize, soil finish, and plant cover crop trial.

2021-07-30 Planting Plant Christy Spray cover crop plots.

2021-08-03 Soil Preparation Soil finish and plant Blesh cover crop plots.

2021-08-20 Soil Preparation Soil finish north end extra field and plant a blend of organic cover crop seed.

2022-05-10 Fertilizer Application Apply 8.3-14.4-27-8.17 N-P-K-S fertilizer bled at 278 lbs./acre.

2022-05-10 Fertilizer Application Apply 14-20.7-15.2-7.34 N-P-K-S fertilizer bled at 175 lbs./acre.

2022-05-10 Fertilizer Application Fertilize north 2/3 (soybean area) with potash/ammonium sulfate blend.

2022-05-10 Fertilizer Application Fertilize with 8.3-14.4-27-8.17 N-P-K-S bled at 100 lbs. per acre.

2022-05-12 Soil Preparation Cultivate T 7&8 twice to terminate wheat for hemp planting.

2022-05-24 Soil Preparation Soil finish the tilled treatments twice and cultipack to even seed bed. Plant all treatments with 47.5 lbs./acre hemp seed.

2022-05-24 Herbicide Application Burn down and residual herbicide for soybeans.

2022-06-01 Herbicide Application Broadcast sprayed GlyStar Plus (Glyphosate) @ 64 oz/A on treatment 3 to kill weeds in preparation to plant switchgrass.

2022-05-31 Fungicide Application Spray fungicide on winter barley varieties. For management trial (D2), four replicates were sprayed and unsprayed.

2022-06-02 Herbicide Application Spray the NE corner of the plot to control weed. Area 30' wide and 45' long. During the initial herbicide application, the boom was not fully flushed, resulting in mostly water being applied then.

2022-06-02 Planting Plant blue river 24DC3 soybeans at 180.000 seeds per acre. Ten varieties from MSU soybean breeders were planted in the SW corner of B2E in four replicates.

2022-06-03 Fertilizer Application Fertilize hemp with 30 N per acre (urea).

2022-06-09 Herbicide Application Spray planting green soybeans t 7 and 8 and spray Lowry old switchgrass (planted to soybeans). T8 was rolled down with the cultipacker on the 10th.

2021-09-10 Harvest Tedd sudex.

2021-09-14 Harvest Rake sudex in preparation for bailing.

2021-10-20 Planting Fertilize fields at 30 lbs. N, 50 lbs. P, 10 lbs. S per acre with a blend of MAP, AMS, and urea. Plant winter barley trials in D2 and rye trial on north edge of E2.

2021-10-28 Planting Plant winter barley management in passes going east/west. From north to south: 20' Calypso, 20' Teepee, 20' Flavia, and 30' Puffin.

2022-02-28 Planting Frost seed coated organic medium red clover from Byrons seeds at 12 lbs/acre.

2022-03-02 Planting Frost seed tall fescue on LTAR allies at 16 lbs/ acre.

2022-04-05 Fertilizer Application Apply 75-0-60-10 lbs./acre of N-P-K-S to Winter Malting Barley Trial., U. of Minn. barley varieties, Rey variety trial, and winter barley management. The south 15' of F2 were at 2/3 rate because of material shortage and changes to field boundary.

2022-04-12 Soil Preparation South portion of E2 was fertilized at 50-0-40-10 lbs./acre N-P-K-S, then disked and planed with spring barley variety trial. South portion of B0 was fertilized at 70-0-60-15 lbs./acre N-P-K-S, then disked and planed with oat variety trial.

2022-04-15 Soil Preparation Disk north portion of field and plant Reins oats at 80 lbs./acre.

2022-04-21 Fertilizer Application Fertilize ASP3,4,5 plots with fertilizer blend.

2022-04-22 Herbicide Application Planted Green soybean in 27-1-2: spray rye and weeds in no cover treatment plus allies. Spray bait crop to prep for planting forage blend.

2022-04-27 Fertilizer Application Fertilize ASP2 plots and B0 extra oats at 10.5-0-60-12 lbs./acre N-P-K-S.

2022-04-27 Fertilizer Application Fertilize plots with 8.3-14.4-27-8.17 % N-P-K-S (23-40-75-22.7 lbs./A) West half of BAU2R2 accidently received and additional 37-55-40-19.5 lbs. N-P-K-S/acre

2022-04-28 Fertilizer Application Fertilize plots with 14-20.7-15.2-7.34 % N-P-K-S (37-55-40-19.5 lbs./A)

2022-05-17 Herbicide Application Spot spray prairie strips to control curly dock before planting.

2022-06-20 Fertilizer Application Fertilize sorghum sudangrass plots.

2022-06-23 Planting Interseed corn with blend of 150 lbs. Crimson Clover, 100 lbs. Nitro Radish, and 50 lbs. Dwarf Essex Rape at 5.3 lbs. per acre (target rate was 6 lbs. per acre). ASP1F2 and C1 were not seeded until 6/24.

2022-06-27 Mechanical Weed Control Cultivate corn (6 row) and soybeans (4 row).

2022-07-08 Mechanical Weed Control Cultivate corn with 6 row cultivator and soybeans with 4 row cultivator.

2022-07-18 Herbicide Application Applied 8 oz per Acre Quinclorac plus 2 pint/A methylated seed oil(adjuvant) to control grass weeds in new planting of Cedar Creek (treatment 3)

2022-10-03 Planting Plant winter malting barley trial south of the wheat trial. 46 varieties of barley and two of rye. plot 101 is in the SE corner of the trial.

2022-10-04 Planting Plant rye trial in the south half of A3-E.

2022-10-06 Fertilizer Application Apply dry fertilizer to wheat starter fertilizer trial at two rates.

2022-10-10 Soil Preparation Soil finish field south of the barley trial and plant Flavia barley at 105 lbs. per acre and 1.25 inches deep.

2022-10-21 Soil Preparation Disk fields twice. plant wheat trial in C2 with great plains drill / cone seeder. Fill in rest on fields with whale wheat at 155 lbs./acre. equipment was clean before use.

2022-12-07 Planting Plant prairie seed in strips and plots to augment initial planting. 1 lb. PLS prairie blend and 14 lbs. oats and annual rye grass per acre.

2022-05-20 Fertilizer Application Fertilize no manure micro plot to equal first year availability of manure. 29.5-33-132 lbs. per acre N-P-K.

2021-05-04 Herbicide Application T2 & T3 planting green soy beans in rye.

2023-03-20 Planting Frost seed certified organic red clover in B2W and cover crop plots of biochar field (T4,7,8).

2023-05-12 Planting Soybean Planting Equipment trial. Plant soybeans at 130k on 30" rows and 15" rows (5/11). Drill on 7.5" rows as 130k (5/11). Broadcast with shallow incorporation at 130k and 160k seeds per acre (5/12).

2023-05-16 Fertilizer Application Fertilize no-manure sub-plot to equal first year availability of N and P2O5 and total K2O. Rates are calculated on May 2022 manure sample because 2023 test results are not available yet. 22-34-125 N-P-K lbs. per acre.

2023-05-18 Herbicide Application Spray a strip approximately 15 feet by 500 feet on the south edge of ASP5F1. This area was not burning down with the rest of the field from initial herbicide application probably because an equipment malfunction resulted in under application. Wind 9.2 mph from SE, 58 F. 24hr REI ends 5/19 at 11:45 am.

2023-05-17 Planting Plant open pollinated corn variety trial on the south portion of the field, population 24k. Brook Drove the tractor and Josh dumped seed packets into the planter. Patrick planted the corn population trial on the north portion of the field with an Almaco four row planter and New Holland tractor, populations 16k, 22k, 28k, 34k. A malfunction prevented Patric from planting P17R7 and this was filled in by Josh with the Monosem planter.

2023-04-12 Fertilizer Application Fertilize north half of field, including wheat variety trial, with 2000 lbs./acre 18F non-GMO soybean meal. Meal is 47% protean ~ 85 lbs. N per acre.

2023-05-24 Soil Preparation Soil finish fields and plant corn. Soil finisher was washed with hose. Monosem covers were taken off to remove and treated seed.

2023-05-30 Soil Preparation Fertilize the west part of the field at 100 lbs. N and 36 lbs. S per acre; soil finish to incorporate. Plant hemp variety trial seed: Brook drove, and Josh loaded seed packets into the cone seeder. The area was then sprayed with Sonalan.

2023-06-22 Mechanical Weed Control Cultivate corn to terminate some of the weeds not controlled by herbicide.

2023-06-28 Mechanical Weed Control Cultivate corn.

2023-06-28 Planting Replant corn at 29,000 seeds/acre. Variety. O.84-95UP.

2023-06-30 Mechanical Weed Control Cultivate soybeans and corn.

2023-07-10 Planting Interseed cover crops in corn at 6 lbs. seed per acre. Corn was at V6 growth stage. 3,2,1 lbs. each of Crimson Clover, Nitro Radish, and Dwarf Essex Rape.

2023-07-11 Planting Interseed cover crops in corn at 6 lbs. seed per acre. Corn was at V6 growth stage. 3,2,1 lbs. each of Crimson Clover, Nitro Radish, and Dwarf Essex Rape.

2023-07-12 Mechanical Weed Control Cultivate corn and soybeans. Each pass was done in both directions.

2023-07-17 Planting Plant T3 of sorghum planting date trial. Spray and fertilize T1-3.

2023-07-21 Mechanical Weed Control Cultivate corn in both directions. Cultivate soybeans once, in opposite direction of last cultivation.

2023-08-16 Planting Plant sudex planting date trial T6 (GreenSugar TR Sorghum x Sudangrass at 30 lbs./ acre) and T7 (HPS5500 Energy Sorghum at 14.3 lbs./ acre). Extra field space was filled with GreenSugar TR sudex.

2023-08-22 Planting Plant cover crop. 50lbs field pea, 2lbs camelina, 2lbs forage collards per acre.

2023-09-14 Soil Preparation Soil finish field and plant canola variety trial. Half inch seeding depth. Blake drove the tractor and Josh loaded seed into the drill.

2023-09-26 Planting Plant winter barley variety trial. Dean drove the tractor and Josh loaded seed into the drill. Plot 101 in NW corner.

2023-11-16 Planting broadcast rye at 60 lbs./acre into asp corn stubble and into canola in alternating 15' strips starting on the west side of IP1.

2023-11-20 Soil Preparation Disk fields twice and plant MCIA 357 wheat at 100 lbs./acre. 15826 seeds per lb. Disk can drill were clean.

2024-03-12 Planting Broadcast coated Renegade Red Clover at 12 lbs. per acre on wheat trial.

2024-04-16 Fertilizer Application Apply fertilizer to south portion of field to prep for soybean planting.

2024-04-16 Fertilizer Application Fertilize no-manure micro-plots to first year availability of manure N-P-K. The rate is based on an average of 2022 and 2023 analysis because 2024 results were not available yet.

2024-04-16 Fertilizer Application Apply leftover portions of several old fertilizer blends to bait crop at 550 lbs. per acre. The material applied consisted of, in descending prevalence: potash, MAP, AMS, and urea.

2024-05-02 Planting Plant Pioneer corn at 28600 seeds per acre in potato herbicide project per instructions from Nash and Hannah. there are 15 rows N of the dead furrow and 14 rows South.

2024-05-15 Soil Preparation Soil finish fields in preparation for planting. Josh and Brook planted Open Pollinated corn variety trial in A2 @24k seeds/acre. Josh planted Oaxacan Green corn in A3east.

2024-05-23 Fertilizer Application Apply potash to T1 of swine manure fields.

2024-05-31 Planting Fill in rest of field with DKC55-53 and MN13 corn. Spray residual herbicide program on corn. Wind 6.4 mph SE, 75.8F.

2024-05-31 Planting Plant O.84-95UP corn at 29,400 PLS per acre. Depth was 1.75 inches.

2024-05-31 Planting Plant BR 2155N soybeans at 180k seeds per acre and a depth of 1.25 inches.

2024-06-10 Planting Fill in unplanted portions around research projects using MN 13 corn at 24k seeds per acre. In the OP rate trial planting errors resulted in unplanted plots which were filled in: Pass 14 Range 10, P24 R4 (north half of plot), P24 R5-6. To the east of Manni's plots, 20' were filled in.

2024-06-10 Fertilizer Application Apply 50 lbs. urea per acre to buckwheat in the west portion of the field.

2024-06-12 Herbicide Application Sprayed Sorghum Nitrogen Rate trial North with tank mix of 17 lbs/100 gal AMS, Roundup PowerMax 44 oz/A, Dual II Magnum at 1.33 pints/A, and Atrazine at 1 quart/A.

2024-06-19 Mechanical Weed Control Cultivate corn and soybeans.

2024-06-25 Planting Inter seed Nitro Radish into corn at 5 lbs. per acre.

2024-06-27 Mechanical Weed Control Cultivate corn and soybeans.

2024-07-17 Harvest Tedd hay.

2024-07-18 Fertilizer Application Fertilize t 1-3 of sorghum plant date trial (50 lbs. N /acre) and apply herbicide to weeds.

2024-07-29 Mechanical Weed Control Cultivate soybeans.

2024-08-14 Planting Plant t6,7 of sorghum planting date trial. Spray weeds and fertilize.

2024-09-04 Planting Plant canola variety trial. Fill in with Plurax CL. Seeding depth was 0.75". Chuck drove the tractor and Josh loaded packet into the cone seeder.