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Name: Fertilizer 0-0-60 potash fertilizer

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2005-04-16 Fertilizer Application Applied 0-0-60, potash fertilizer, at 50 lbs/A (56.14 kg/ha) to treatment 1, replications 6, 1, 5, 2, 3, and 4, and treatment 2, replications 1, 6, 2, 3, 4, and 5. The 50 lbs/A provided 30 lbs/A of K20 to the plots. The fertilizer was applied with the JD 7400 tractor traveling at 5 mph and Gandy Orbit-Air with a 15 ft boom.
2005-04-19 Fertilizer Application Applied 0-0-60, potash fertilizer, at 50 lbs/A (56.14 kg/ha) to treatment 3, replications 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1, The 50 lbs/A provided 30 lbs/A of K20 to the plots. The fertilizer was applied with the JD 7400 tractor traveling at 5 mph and Gandy Orbit-Air with a 15 ft boom.
2005-04-19 Fertilizer Application Applied 0-0-60, potash fertilizer, at 50 lbs/A (56.14 kg/ha) to the European Corn Borer Study (ECB) area. The 50 lbs/A provided 30 lbs/A of K20 to the plots. The fertilizer was applied with the JD 7400 tractor traveling at 5 mph and Gandy Orbit-Air with a 15 ft boom.
2005-04-19 Fertilizer Application Applied 0-0-60, potash fertilizer, at 50 lbs/A (56.14 kg/ha) to the Nitrogen Rate Study area. The 50 lbs/A provided 30 lbs/A of K20 to the plots. The fertilizer was applied with the JD 7400 tractor traveling at 5 mph and Gandy Orbit-Air with a 15 ft boom.
2002-04-20 Fertilizer Application Applied Potash (0-0-60) at 125 lbs/A on main site treatment 1 all reps, treatment 2 all reps, and treatment 3 all reps. Potash was applied using a pull type fertilizer spreader with spinners on the back of the spreader. Not sure which tractor was used: JD 6400, JD 7400, or JD 7600 tractor was used; I would guess that the JD 7400 tractor was used.
1998-06-02 Fertilizer Application (first entry) Broadcasted 170 lb K/a (52 kg K/ha) K2O (0-0-60); rep 5 only; broadcasted 240 lb K/a (74 kg K/ha) K2O (0-0-60); rep 6 only [T6]
1998-06-02 Fertilizer Application (second entry) Broadcasted 170 lb K/a (52 kg K/ha) K2O (0-0-60); rep 5 only; broadcasted 240 lb K/a (74 kg K/ha) K2O (0-0-60); rep 6 only [T6]
1996-03-07 Fertilizer Application Applied 100 lb K/acre (112 kg K/ha) K20 as Potash (0-0-60) across all six replicates using bulk spreader [T3]
1993-04-27 Fertilizer Application Broadcasted K2O (0-0-60) at 80 lbs K/a (90 kg K/ha); reps 1-5 only [T1, T2, T3]
2011-05-03 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site Fertilized Gradient Study and the LTER Main Site Irrigated Fertility Gradient Study, all treatments and all replications (blocks 8, 6, 7, 5, 4, 2, 3, 1) with 0-0-60 Potash at 70 lbs/A. The 70 lbs/A provided 42 lbs/A K2O to the plots. The fertilizer was applied with the JD 7420(a) tractor traveling at approximately 4.0 mph (gear B3 at 1600 rpms) and Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator with a 30 ft boom, connected to a Raven 6000 monitor which controlled and monitored the application. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 70 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4” diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22”; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 11 p.s.i.
1993-05-28 Fertilizer Application Broadcasted K2O (0-0-60) 257 lbs K/a (288 kg K/ha); rep 6 only [T6]
1992-06-03 Fertilizer Application Broadcasted K2O (0-0-60) at 100 lbs K/a (112 kg K/ha) [T6]
1991-06-12 Fertilizer Application Broadcasted K2O 0-0-60 at 350 lbs K/a [T6]
2003-04-26 Fertilizer Application Spread fertilizer on trt 2 reps 6, 1, 4, 3, 2, & 5, and trt 1 reps 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, & 6. The fertilizer was spread with JD 7400 C4 1600 rpm = 7.0 mph with a Willmar 5 ton pull type spinner spreader. Fertilizer recommendations were for 50 lbs/A of 11-52-0 and 100 lbs/A of 0-0-60. The fertilizers were blended together and applied at the same time. Actual amounts applied were 1,750 lbs of 11-52-0 on 29.64 acres (12 ha) and 3,730 lbs of 0-0-60 were applied on 29.64 acres (12 ha).
2003-09-10 Fertilizer Application Applied fertilizer to main site treatment 6 replications 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1. 0-46-0 fertilizer was applied at 170 lbs/A. 0-0-60 fertilizer was applied at 420 lbs/A. Boron was at 3.3 lbs/A. Fertilizer was blended together and applied using the JD 6400 with a pull type Willmar, 5 ton PTO driven spinner spreader.
1993-05-28 Fertilizer Application Broadcasted K2O (0-0-60) 195 lbs K/a (218 kg K/ha); reps 1-5 only [T6]
1997-06-12 Fertilizer Application Based on fall 1996 soil tests, fertilizers were broadcasted after first cutting at the following rates. Lime (IT/A) (350 lb/A pelleted Lime), 300 lb K as potash (K2O) (0-0-60), and 2 /b/A Boron (B). Replicates 4, 5, and 6 only. [T6] [Boron, K2O]
1997-06-13 Fertilizer Application Based on fall 1996 soil tests, fertilizers were broadcasted after first cutting at the following rates. Lime (IT/A) (350 lb/A pelleted Lime), 300 lb K as potash (K2O) (0-0-60), and 2 /b/A Boron (B). Replicates 1, 2, and 3 only. [T6] [Boron, K2O] [T6]
1996-06-13 Fertilizer Application Based on fall 1995 soil tests, K20 and Boron (B) was broadcast after first cutting was chopped. Fertilizers included 250 lb K/acre (280 kg K/ha) K20 as Potash (0-0-60) and Boron (B) at 2 lb B/acre (2.24 kg /ha). Both nutrients were premixed in a dry granular formulation. Replicates 1-6 [Boron, K2O] [T6]
1995-06-02 Fertilizer Application (first entry) Broadcasted 170 lb K/a (52 kg K/ha) K2O (0-0-60); rep 5 only; broadcasted 240 lb K/a (74 kg K/ha) K2O (0-0-60); rep 6 only; [T6]
1995-06-02 Fertilizer Application (second entry) Broadcasted 170 lb K/a (52 kg K/ha) K2O (0-0-60); rep 5 only; broadcasted 240 lb K/a (74 kg K/ha) K2O (0-0-60); rep 6 only; [T6]
1996-03-04 Fertilizer Application {{PL: Applied 100 lb/A K20 (166.67 lb potash from Climax F B) spread onto the Gene Transfer Study Area where the Plots will be for a student continuing a corn trial in this area in 1996.}}
1996-03-04 Fertilizer Application Applied 100 LB K/acre (112 kg K/ha) K20 as Potash (0-0-60) Replicates 1,3,4,5, and 6, only [T2] Applied 100 lb K/acre (112 kg K/ha) K20 as Potash (0-0-60) [T1] {{PL: spreader; observations}} This should be 166 lb of 0-0-60, originally keyed in as 100 lb of 0-0-60 (sven)
2012-04-10 Fertilizer Application applied 79 lb K2O per acre as 0-0-62 [from Jim Bronson field log email]
2014-04-18 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T1, and T2, all replications with potash (0-0-60) at 70 lbs/A. The 70 lbs/A potash provided 42 lbs/A K2O to the plots. Average speed while spreading was 4.5 mph (C2, 1350 rpm) with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 68 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 10 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Weather condtions at the start (8:30 a.m.) were sunny, 44 degrees F, 92% humidity, with calm N wind. At the end of application (3:30 p.m.) it was mostly sunny, 60 degrees F, 45% humidity, with N, NW winds of 5-7 mph.
1994-05-02 Fertilizer Application {{PL: (entry 1) Applied potash (K20) on Lysimeter field and 2,4-D study at rates of 150 and 200 lbs/acre reps. }}
1994-07-27 Fertilizer Application K2O (0-0-60) 135 lbs K/a (151 kg K/ha) [T6] {{PL: Applied fertilizer to LTER main site treatment 6 for all reps. Used bulk spreader to apply 140 lbs/a of K20 (0-0-60). }}
1997-04-10 Fertilizer Application Fertilize for K and P. Fertilizer applications recommended were 100 lb K/acre as potash (K2O) (0-0-60) and 40 lb P/acre as P2O5 applied with bulk spreader (pre-plant). Nitrogen: none. Applied mix of 100 lb K2O/A and 20 lb P2O5 = 168 lb potash (0-0-60) plus 40 lb P2O5. Mix gave 41 lb/A K plus 20 lb P/A [Phosphorus, K2O] [T3]
1994-05-02 Fertilizer Application {{PL: (entry 2) Applied potash (K20) on Lysimeter field and 2,4-D study at rates of 150 and 200 lbs/acre reps. }}
1997-04-10 Fertilizer Application Fertilized with potassium and phosphorus. Applied a mixture of K20 and P205 to equal 50 bu/A soybean yield goal: 100 lb K/acre as Potash K20 (0-0-60) and 40 lb P as P205 (spread pre-plant). Nitrogen: none [T1]
1997-04-10 Fertilizer Application Applied K and P in accordance to MSU recommendations. Applied 100 lb K/acre as Potash K2O (0-0-60) and 40 lb P as P2O5/A. Nitrogen: none. [T2]
2009-05-18 Fertilizer Application Applied 0-0-60, potash fertilizer, at 120 lbs/A (83.08 kg/ha) to LTER main site, Nitrogen rate study (fertility gradient), and to Lysimeter field. The 120 lbs/A provided 72 lbs/A of K20 to the plots. The fertilizer was applied with the JD 7420(a) tractor traveling at 5 mph and Gandy Orbit-Air 62DS16C-S with a 30 ft boom.
2009-05-18 Fertilizer Application Applied 0-0-60, potash fertilizer, at 120 lbs/A (83.08 kg/ha) to LTER main site, Nitrogen rate study (fertility gradient), and to Lysimeter field. The 120 lbs/A provided 72 lbs/A of K20 to the plots. The fertilizer was applied with the JD 7420(a) tractor traveling at 5 mph and Gandy Orbit-Air 62DS16C-S with a 30 ft boom.
2011-03-30 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site Treatment T1, all replications (reps 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6) with 0-0-60 Potash at 65 lbs/A. The 65 lbs/A provided 39 lbs/A K2O to the plots. No fertilizer was applied to the no-fertilizer, no-herbicide microplots located in the northwest corner of each plot: 5 meters (16.6 feet) from the north and 40 meters (133.3 feet) from the west. The fertilizer was applied with the JD 7420(a) tractor traveling at approximately 4.5 mph and Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator with a 30 ft boom, connected to a Raven 6000 monitor which controlled and monitored the application. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 70 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4” diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22”; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 12 p.s.i.
2009-05-14 Fertilizer Application Applied 0-0-60, potash fertilizer, at 120 lbs/A (83.08 kg/ha) to treatment 1, replication 5 only. The 120 lbs/A provided 72 lbs/A of K20 to the plots. The fertilizer was applied with the JD 7420(a) tractor traveling at 5 mph and Gandy Orbit-Air 62DS16C-S with a 30 ft boom. For T1 and T2 plots, the fertilizer microplot in the northwest corner (5M deep north to south x 40M long east to west) was not fertilized.
2009-05-18 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER main site, Cellulosic Ethanol (biofuels) Study (CES) treatments C1, C2 & C3, replications 1-4. Applied 0-0-60, potash fertilizer, at 120 lbs/A (83.08 kg/ha). The 120 lbs/A provided 72 lbs/A of K20 to the plots. The fertilizer was applied with the JD 7420(a) tractor traveling at 5 mph and Gandy Orbit-Air 62DS16C-S with a 30 ft boom.
2009-05-15 Fertilizer Application Applied 0-0-60, potash fertilizer, at 120 lbs/A (83.08 kg/ha) to treatment 1, replication 1-4, 6 only. The 120 lbs/A provided 72 lbs/A of K20 to the plots. The fertilizer was applied with the JD 7420(a) tractor traveling at 5 mph and Gandy Orbit-Air 62DS16C-S with a 30 ft boom. For T1 and T2 plots, the fertilizer microplot in the northwest corner (5M deep north to south x 40M long east to west) was not fertilized.
2009-05-15 Fertilizer Application Applied 0-0-60, potash fertilizer, at 120 lbs/A (83.08 kg/ha) to treatment T2 (replications 1-6). The 120 lbs/A provided 72 lbs/A of K20 to the plots. The fertilizer was applied with the JD 7420(a) tractor traveling at 5 mph and Gandy Orbit-Air 62DS16C-S with a 30 ft boom. For T2 plots, the fertilizer microplot in the northwest corner (5M deep north to south x 40M long east to west) was not fertilized.
2009-05-15 Fertilizer Application Applied 0-0-60, potash fertilizer, at 120 lbs/A (83.08 kg/ha) to treatment T3 (replications 1-6). The 120 lbs/A provided 72 lbs/A of K20 to the plots. The fertilizer was applied with the JD 7420(a) tractor traveling at 5 mph and Gandy Orbit-Air 62DS16C-S with a 30 ft boom.
2011-03-30 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site Treatment T3, all replications (reps 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6) with 0-0-60 Potash at 65 lbs/A. The 65 lbs/A provided 39 lbs/A K2O to the plots. The fertilizer was applied with the JD 7420(a) tractor traveling at approximately 4.5 mph and Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator with a 30 ft boom, connected to a Raven 6000 monitor which controlled and monitored the application. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 70 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4” diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22”; meter cal number 199; air pressure at 12 p.s.i.
2011-04-01 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site Treatment G1, replications 3, 2, 5, and 1 only (NOT replication 4) with 0-0-60 Potash at 335 lbs/A (376 kg/Ha). The 335 lbs/A provided 201 lbs/A (226 kg/Ha) K2O to the plots. The fertilizer was applied with the JD 7420(a) tractor traveling at approximately 2-2.2 mph (B1 1500 rpm) and Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator with a 30 ft boom, connected to a Raven 6000 monitor which controlled and monitored the application. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 70 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4” diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22”; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 11-12 p.s.i.; boom height approximately 36”. Weather conditions: sunny, 32-42°F, negligible wind.
2011-04-01 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site Treatment G2, replications 3, 2, 4, and 1 only (NOT replication 5) with 0-0-60 Potash at 335 lbs/A (376 kg/Ha). The 335 lbs/A provided 201 lbs/A (226 kg/Ha) K2O to the plots. The fertilizer was applied with the JD 7420(a) tractor traveling at approximately 2-2.2 mph (B1 1500 rpm) and Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator with a 30 ft boom, connected to a Raven 6000 monitor which controlled and monitored the application. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 70 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4” diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22”; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 11-12 p.s.i.; boom height approximately 36”. Weather conditions: sunny, 32-42°F, negligible wind.
2011-04-01 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site Treatment G3, replications 2, 1, 4, and 3 only (NOT replication 5) with 0-0-60 Potash at 135 lbs/A (152 kg/Ha). The 135 lbs/A provided 81 lbs/A (91 kg/Ha) K2O to the plots. The fertilizer was applied with the JD 7420(a) tractor traveling at approximately 3.2 mph (B4 1200 rpm) and Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator with a 30 ft boom, connected to a Raven 6000 monitor which controlled and monitored the application. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 70 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4” diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22”; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 11-12 p.s.i.; boom height approximately 36”. Weather conditions: sunny, 32-42°F, negligible wind.
2011-04-01 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site Treatment G4, replications 1, 2, 4, 5 and 3 with 0-0-60 Potash at 85 lbs/A (95 kg/Ha). The 85 lbs/A provided 51 lbs/A (57 kg/Ha) K2O to the plots. The fertilizer was applied with the JD 7420(a) tractor traveling at approximately 3.2 mph (B4 1200 rpm) and Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator with a 30 ft boom, connected to a Raven 6000 monitor which controlled and monitored the application. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 70 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4” diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22”; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 11-12 p.s.i.; boom height approximately 36”. Weather conditions: sunny, 32-42°F, negligible wind.
1993-04-27 Fertilizer Application Broadcasted K2O (0-0-60) 150 lbs K/a (168 kg K/ha); rep 6 only [T1, T2, T3]
2011-03-30 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site Treatment T2, all replications (reps 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6) with 0-0-60 Potash at 70 lbs/A. The 70 lbs/A provided 42 lbs/A K2O to the plots. No fertilizer was applied to the no-fertilizer, no-herbicide microplots located in the northwest corner of each plot: 5 meters (16.6 feet) from the north and 40 meters (133.3 feet) from the west. The fertilizer was applied with the JD 7420(a) tractor traveling at approximately 4.5 mph and Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator with a 30 ft boom, connected to a Raven 6000 monitor which controlled and monitored the application. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 70 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4” diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22”; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 12 p.s.i.
2011-03-30 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site Treatment T6, all replications (reps 6, 5, 3, 2, 4, 1) with 0-0-60 Potash at 230 lbs/A. The 230 lbs/A provided 138 lbs/A K2O to the plots. This is designed to be the first half of a two part application to reach 460 lbs/A of potash. The fertilizer was applied with the JD 7420(a) tractor traveling at approximately 2.3 mph and Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator with a 30 ft boom, connected to a Raven 6000 monitor which controlled and monitored the application. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 70 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4” diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22”; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 12 p.s.i.
2011-04-05 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site Treatment T6, all replications (reps 5, 6, 3, 4, 1 and 2) with 0-0-60 Potash at 230 lbs/A and boron (as sodium borate, Na2B4O7·5H2O with 14.3% boron) at 3 lbs/A. The 230 lbs/A potash provided 138 lbs/A K2O to the plots. The 3 lbs/A borate provided 0.43 lbs/A B. This was the second half of a two part application to reach 460 lbs/A of potash. The fertilizer was applied with the JD 7420(a) tractor traveling at approximately 2.3 mph, 1400 rpm travelling in gear B2; Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator with a 30 ft boom, connected to a Raven 6000 monitor which controlled and monitored the application. Feed rate was approximately 36 lbs/minute (2.25 lbs/min per tube). For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 70 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4” diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22”; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 11 p.s.i. Weather conditions: partly sunny, temperatures 37-44 degrees F, winds 7-10 mph from west.
2012-04-13 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T2, all replications (reps. 1, 4, 3, 6, 2 and 5) with potash (0-0-60) at 92 lbs/A. The 92 lbs/A potash provided 55.2 lbs/A K2O to the plots. The fertilizer was applied with the JD 7420(a) tractor traveling at approximately 4.8 mph, 1650 rpm travelling in gear C2; Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 monitor which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 70 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4” diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22”; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 12 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above the ground level. Weather conditions: sunny, temperatures 61 degrees F, winds 4 mph from south (10 minute average of 5 mph), 32% relative humidity, application time 2:30-4:30 p.m.
2012-04-17 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T3, all replications (reps. 6, 1, 3, 2, 4, and 5) with potash (0-0-60) at 92 lbs/A. The 92 lbs/A potash provided 55.2 lbs/A K2O to the plots. The fertilizer was applied with the JD 7420(a) tractor traveling at approximately 4.8 mph, 1650 rpm travelling in gear C2; Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 70 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4” diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22”; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 12 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above the ground level. Weather conditions: mostly sunny, temperatures 55 degrees F, winds 4 mph from northwest (10 minute average of 5 mph), 46% relative humidity, application time 2:00-4:30 p.m.
2012-04-17 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T1, all replications (reps. 1, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 6) with potash (0-0-60) at 92 lbs/A. The 92 lbs/A potash provided 55.2 lbs/A K2O to the plots. The fertilizer was applied with the JD 7420(a) tractor traveling at approximately 4.8 mph, 1650 rpm travelling in gear C2 and a Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 70 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4” diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22”; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 12 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above the ground level. Weather conditions: mostly sunny, temperatures 44-55 degrees F, winds 3-4 mph from north to northwest (10 minute average of 4 mph), 65% relative humidity at start to 46% at end, application time 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
2012-04-18 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site treatment G4, all replications (reps. 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1) with potash (0-0-60) at 150 lbs/A. The 150 lbs/A potash provided 90 lbs/A K2O to the plots. The fertilizer was applied with the JD 7420(a) tractor traveling at approximately 4.7 mph, 1600 rpm travelling in gear C2 and a Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 70 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4” diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22”; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 12-14 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above the ground level. Weather conditions: sunny, temperatures 52 degrees F, winds 6 mph from southeast (10 minute average of 8 mph), 60% relative humidity, application time 11:00-11:59 a.m.
2012-04-18 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site treatment G1, all replications (reps. 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1) with potash (0-0-60). The potash was applied at different rates in different plots according to soil sample analysis. Main plot areas were fertilized according to the following schedule (weights in pounds/A): rep 1 - 250; rep 2 - 250; rep 3 - 275; rep 4 - 250; and rep 5 - 250. Microplot areas were fertilized according to the following schedule (weights in pounds/A): rep 1 - 250; rep 2 - 275; rep 3 - 275; rep 4 - 50; and rep 5 - 250. When potash was applied at 250 lbs/A it provided 150 lbs/A K2O to the plots [275 lbs/A potash equated to 165 lbs/A K20; 50 lbs/A potash equated to 30 lbs/A K2O]. The fertilizer was applied with the JD 7420(a) tractor traveling at variable speeds so that no more than 2.2 lbs/minute/nozzle was applied. The Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator was controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 70 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4” diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22”; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 12-14 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above the ground level. Weather conditions: sunny, temperatures 51 degrees F, winds 7 mph from southeast (10 minute average of 6 mph), 62% relative humidity, application time 9:00-10:30 a.m.
2012-04-19 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site trap crop area with potash (0-0-60) at 200 lbs/A. The potash provided 120 lbs/A of K2O to the planting areas. All trap areas (east, west, north and south) were fertilized at the same rate in a single pass. The fertilizer was applied with the JD 7420(a) tractor traveling at approximately 2.5 mph, and a Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 70 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4” diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22”; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 12-14 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above the ground level. Weather conditions: partly cloudy, temperatures 57 degrees F, winds calm from southwest, 70% relative humidity, application time 8:30 - 11:00 a.m.
2012-04-18 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site treatment G2, all replications (reps. 4, 1, 5, 2, and 3) with potash (0-0-60). Plots and microplots were fertilized at different rates based on soil testing from 2011. All the main plots were fertilized at 250 lbs/A potash which provided 150 lbs/A K2O. The following amounts of K2O were supplied to the microplots (weights in lbs/A): rep 1, 2, 4, and 5 - 250; rep 3 only - 50 (50 lbs/A potash supplied 30 lbs/A of K2O). The fertilizer was applied with the JD 7420(a) tractor traveling at approximately 2.5 mph and a Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 70 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4” diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22”; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 12-14 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above the ground level. Weather conditions: sunny, temperatures 59 degrees F, winds 7 mph from south southwest (10 minute average of 9 mph), 48% relative humidity, application time 3:00 - 4:30 p.m.
2012-04-18 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site treatment G3, all replications (reps. 5, 3, 2, 4, and 1) with potash (0-0-60). Plots were fertilized at different rates based on soil testing from 2011. The plots (both main plot area and microplot area) were fertilized according to the following schedule (weights in lbs/A): rep 1 - 275; rep 2 - 300; and reps 3, 4, and 5 - 250. The following amounts of K2O were supplied to the the plots (weights in lbs/A): rep 1 - 165; rep 2 - 180; reps 3, 4, and 5 - 150. The fertilizer was applied with the JD 7420(a) tractor traveling at approximately 2.5 mph, and a Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 70 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4” diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22”; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 12-14 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above the ground level. Weather conditions: sunny, temperatures 59 degrees F, winds 7 mph from south southwest (10 minute average of 9 mph), 48% relative humidity, application time 1:30-3:00 p.m.
1996-03-07 Fertilizer Application Applied 100 LB K/acre (112 kg K/ha) K20 as Potash (0-0-60) Replicate 2, only [T2] This should be 200 lb/acre of 0-0-60 = 100 lb/acre K2O (sven)
2013-07-13 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the LTER Main Site treatment T6 alfalfa, all replications (reps 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6) with potash. A total of 270 pounds /A of product (0-0-60) which supplied 162 lbs/A of K2O. Applied in a single application of using the John Deere 7420b tractor traveling 2.2 mph and a Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 68 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4” diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22”; meter cal number 204; air pressure was 11 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 16-24 inches above the ground level. Replications 1 and 2 were done on Friday 7-16, reps 3,4,5, and 6 were done on Saturday. Rep 6 last 45 feet to the East had to be finished on Monday. LTER Main Site treatment T6 only got partial application of potash and that was 270 lbs/A potash (0-0-60) on July 13, 2013. Due to time restraints we were unable to get the remaining 230 lbs/A of potash on the alfalfa. Protocol was to apply 288 lbs/A K2O, however the 270 lbs/A of potash (0-0-60) put on in July supplied 162 lbs/A K2O out of the 300 lbs/A K2O that the protocol called for. Also (NO boron was added in 2013). Protocol had Boron being applied at 2 lbs/A.
2008-05-12 Fertilizer Application Applied 0-0-60, potash fertilizer, at ? lbs/A (? kg/ha) to the T8nt plots, N-rate studies (both irrigated and non-irrigated) The ? lbs/A provided ? lbs/A of K20 to the plots. The fertilizer was applied with the JD ? tractor traveling at ? mph and Gandy Orbit-Air with a 30 ft boom.
2014-05-04 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site fertility gradient study both irrigated and non-irrigated with potash (0-0-60) at 150 lbs/A. The 150 lbs/A potash provided 90 lbs/A K2O to the plots. Average speed while spreading was 2.7 mph. (B3, 1300 rpm) with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 68 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 10 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Weather Conditions at the start 8:15 a.m. were 48 degrees F, 62% humidity, with 10 mph. WWNW winds. Conditions at the end of application (12:30) p.m. were 52 degrees F, 42% humidity, with 10 mph. NW winds.
2014-04-23 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site Treatments G4, all replications (1-5) with potash (0-0-60) at 150 lbs/A. The 150 lbs/A potash provided 90 lbs/A K2O to the plots. Average speed while spreading 150 lbs/A potash was 2.5 mph (B2, 1350 rpm) with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 68 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 11.5 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Weather conditions at the start (9:45 a.m.) were sunny, 40 degrees F, 62 % humidity, with 10 mph. N winds. Conditions at the end (5:50 p.m.) were partly sunny 56 degrees F, 27 % humidity, with Calm. N winds.
2014-04-24 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER T8NT plots (4 plots) with potash (0-0-60) at 70 lbs/A. The 70 lbs/A potash provided 42 lbs/A K2O to the plots. Average speed while spreading 70 lbs/A potash was 2.7 mph (B3, 1350 rpm) with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 68 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 11.5 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Weather conditions at the start (10:00 a.m.) were overcast, 48 degrees F, 46 % humidity, with 8 mph. SE winds. Conditions at the end (4:00 p.m.) were overcast, 57 degrees F, 27 % humidity, with 11 mph. ESE winds.
2014-04-24 Fertilizer Application Fertilized 8 Interaction plots (16, 15, 14, 10, 12, 7, 1, 5) with potash (0-0-60) at 70 lbs/A. The 70 lbs/A potash provided 42 lbs/A K2O to the plots. Average speed while spreading 70 lbs/A potash was 2.7 mph (B3, 1350 rpm) with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 68 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 11.5 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Weather conditions at the start (10:00 a.m.) were overcast, 48 degrees F, 46 % humidity, with 8 mph. SE winds. Conditions at the end (4:00 p.m.) were overcast, 57 degrees F, 27 % humidity, with 11 mph. ESE winds.
2014-04-25 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site Bait Crop with potash at 150 lbs/A. The 150 lbs/A of potash provided 90 lbs/A K2O to the plots. The 5 plots in rep 6 were fertilized, behind the brown house, then the perimeter around the GLBRC. Average speed while spreading 150 lbs/A potash was 2.5 mph (B2, 1350 rpm) with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 68 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 11.5 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Weather conditions at the start (10:00 a.m.) were overcast, 48 degrees F, 46 % humidity, with 8 mph. SE winds. Conditions at the end (4:00 p.m.) were overcast, 57 degrees F, 27 % humidity, with 11 mph. ESE winds.
2014-04-21 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T6, all replications (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) with potash (0-0-60) at 500 lbs/A. The 500 lbs/A potash provided 300 lbs/A K2O to the plots. The 500 lbs/A of potash was applied in two separate applications where 250 lbs/A of potash was applied at each application. First application of 250 lbs/A of potash was applied to reps 1-4 on April 21, 2014 and reps 5 and 6 were fertilized on April 22, 2014. Second application of 250 lbs/A of potash was applied to reps 1-4 on April 22, 2014 and reps 5 and 6 were fertilized on April 23, 2014. Average speed while spreading was 1.4 mph (A3, 1350 rpm) with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 68 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 11.5 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Weather conditions at the start (7:40 a.m.) partly sunny, 44 degrees F, 79 % humidity, with 9 mph. NNW winds. Conditions at the end (3:00 p.m.) were partly sunny 50 degrees F, 58 % humidity, with 15 mph. NW winds.
2014-04-21 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T3, all replications (1, 3, 2, 4, 5, 6) with potash (0-0-60) at 70 lbs/A. The 70 lbs/A potash provided 42 lbs/A K2O to the plots. (MICRO - PLOTS were not fertilized at this time.) Average speed while spreading was 4.5 mph (C2, 1350 rpm) with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 68 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 10 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Weather conditions at the start (7:40 a.m.) overcast, 54 degrees F, 50 % humidity, with calm SW winds. Conditions at the end (3:15 p.m.) were overcast, 75 degrees F, 30 % humidity, with calm SW winds.
2014-05-04 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site Lysimeter field with potash (0-0-60) at 150 lbs/A. The 150 lbs/A potash provided 90 lbs/A K2O to the plots. Average speed while spreading was 2.7 mph. (B3, 1300 rpm) with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 68 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 10 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Weather Conditions at the start 8:15 a.m. were 48 degrees F, 62% humidity, with 10 mph. WWNW winds. Conditions at the end of application (12:30) p.m. were 52 degrees F, 42% humidity, with 10 mph. NW winds.
2014-08-27 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the LTER Main Site treatment T6 alfalfa, all replications (reps 5, 3, 4, 2, 1, 6) with potash and boron. A total of 527 pounds of product was applied: 512 lbs/A of 0-0-60 potash which supplied 307 lbs/A of K2O and 15 lbs/A of 14% boron which supplied 2.1 lbs/A of B. The total amount of product was applied in two applications each being 263.5 lbs/A. Applications were made using a John Deere 7420 B traveling at 1.6 mph (A4 1300 rpm) and a Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 64 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22"; meter cal number 206; air pressure 13 p.s.i. Boom length 30ft, nozzles 16-24 inches above the ground level. The first application across all replications was on Monday August 25, 2014 as well as the second application for reps (5, 3,). The second application for reps (4, 2, 1, 6) was completed on Tuesday August 26, 2014. Weather conditions on 8/25/14 at 8:10 a.m. 69 degrees F, 95 % humidity, winds calm out of the south east (end application 3:15 p.m.) Weather conditions on 8/26/14 at 9:30 a.m. were 74 degrees F, 86% humidity, winds 5 mph avg. out of the south. End application 2:20 p.m. 77 degrees F, 73% humidity, 8 mph avg out of the Northwest.
2015-04-06 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T1, T2 and T3 all replications with potash (0-0-60) at 150 lbs/A. The 150 lbs/A potash provided 90 lbs/A K2O to the plots. T1's and T2's were fertilized 4-6-15 and T3 was fertilized on 4-7-15. Average speed while spreading was 3-3.5 mph with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 68 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 13 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level.
2015-04-07 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER T8nt all replications with potash (0-0-60) at 250 lbs/A. The 250 lbs/A potash provided 150 lbs/A K2O to the plots. Average speed while spreading was 2 mph with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 68 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 13 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level.
2015-04-07 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER CE Study treatments C1, C2, and C3 all replications with potash (0-0-60) at 150 lbs/A. The 150 lbs/A potash provided 90 lbs/A K2O to the plots. Average speed while spreading was 3 mph with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 68 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 13 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level.
2015-04-17 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site treatment G1 Rep (2, 3, 4, 5), G2 (All Reps), G4 (All Reps) with potash (0-0-60) at 300 lbs/A. The 300 lbs/A potash provided 180 lbs/A K2O to the plots. Average speed while spreading was 1.7 mph with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 180; air pressure was 13 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Weather Conditions at 1:00 p.m. Sunny 72 degrees F. 35% humidity, 2 mph West wind. Weather Conditions at 6:35 p.m. Sunny, 73 degrees F. 27% humidity, 5 mph West wind.
2015-04-17 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site treatment G3 (All Reps) with potash (0-0-60) at 150 lbs/A. The 150 lbs/A potash provided 90 lbs/A K2O to the plots. Average speed while spreading was 2.4 mph with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 180; air pressure was 13 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Weather Conditions at 1:00 p.m. Sunny 72 degrees F. 35% humidity, 2 mph West wind. Weather Conditions at 6:35 p.m. Sunny, 73 degrees F. 27% humidity, 5 mph West wind.
2015-04-17 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Bait Crop, behind the brown house and the 5 plots in rep 6 with potash (0-0-60) at 200 lbs/A. The 200 lbs/A potash provided 120 lbs/A K2O to the plots. Average speed while spreading was 2.4 mph with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 180; air pressure was 13 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Weather Conditions at 1:00 p.m. Sunny 72 degrees F. 35% humidity, 2 mph West wind. Weather Conditions at 6:35 p.m. Sunny, 73 degrees F. 27% humidity, 5 mph West wind.
2015-04-17 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the LTER N-Rate Fertility Study with potash (0-0-60) at 200 lbs/A. The 200 lbs/A potash provided 120 lbs/A K2O to the plots. Average speed while spreading was 2.4 mph with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 180; air pressure was 13 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Weather Conditions at 1:00 p.m. Sunny 72 degrees F. 35% humidity, 2 mph West wind. Weather Conditions at 6:35 p.m. Sunny, 73 degrees F. 27% humidity, 5 mph West wind.
2015-04-24 Fertilizer Application April 24, 2015 - Fertilized the ECB Study with potash (0-0-60) and boron (10%). A total of 100 lbs/A was applied: 88.23 lbs/A potash which provided 53 lbs/A K2O; and 11.76 lbs/A of 10% boron which supplied 1.176 lbs/A of Boron to the plots. Average speed while spreading was 3.1 mph with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 180; air pressure was 13 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Weather Conditions at 8:00 a.m. Sunny 31 degrees F. 76% humidity, calm North East wind. Weather Conditions at 3:00 p.m. Sunny, 55 degrees F. 28% humidity, calm South East Wind.
2015-04-23 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the LTER Main Site treatment T6 all replications with a total of 300 lbs/A of potash (0-0-60) and 20 lbs/A of (20%) boron (B). Applied in split application: first application was potash only and second application was potash with boron. Please see Following Notes: April 23, 2015 - Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T6 all replicaitons (5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 6) with potash (0-0-60) at 150 lbs/A. The 150 lbs/A potash provided 90 lbs/A K2O to the plots. Average speed while spreading was 3.4 mph with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 180; air pressure was 13 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Weather Conditions at 8:00 a.m. Cloudy 33 degrees F. 79% humidity, 7 mph North West wind. Weather Conditions at 12:15 p.m. cloudy, 36 degrees F. 57% humidity, 13 mph North West wind. April 24, 2015 - Fertilized the LTER Main Site treatment T6 all replications(6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1) with potash (0-0-60) and boron (10%). A total of 170 lbs/A was applied: 150 lbs/A potash which provided 90 lbs/A K2O; and 20 lbs/A of 10% boron which supplied 2 lbs/A of Boron to the plots. Average speed while spreading was 3.1 mph with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 180; air pressure was 13 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Weather Conditions at 8:00 a.m. Sunny 31 degrees F. 76% humidity, calm North East wind. Weather Conditions at 3:00 p.m. Sunny, 55 degrees F. 28% humidity, calm South East Wind.
2015-04-23 Fertilizer Application April 7, 2015 Fertilized LTER lysimeter field with potash (0-0-60) at 200 lbs/A. The 200 lbs/A potash provided 120 lbs/A K2O to the field. Started from the West side and only fertilized to the weather station. Average speed while spreading was 3 mph with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 68 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 13 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. April 23, 2015 Fertilized the LTER Lysimeter field from the weather station to the East with potash (0-0-60) at 150 lbs/A. This side received only 150 lbs/A instead of 200 lbs/A due to running short (plan to go back over with 50 lbs/A). The 150 lbs/A potash provided 90 lbs/A K2O to the field. Average speed while spreading was 3.4 mph with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 180; air pressure was 13 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Weather Conditions at 8:00 a.m. Cloudy 33 degrees F. 79% humidity, 7 mph North West wind. Weather Conditions at 12:15 p.m. cloudy, 36 degrees F. 57% humidity, 13 mph North West wind. April 24, 2015 Fertlized LTER Lysimeter field (where only 150 lbs/A was applied) with an additional potash (0-0-60) and Boron (10% B) at 50 lbs/A. There was 44 lbs/A potash applied to total 194 lbs/A on this section of the field. The 194 lbs/A potash provided 116.4 lbs/A K2O. There was 5.88 lbs/A of (10%) Boron mixed with the potash which provided .588 lbs/A of actual Boron.
2009-05-27 Fertilizer Application Fertilizer on L3 prior to soybean planting
2014-04-23 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site Treatments G1-G3, all replications (1-5) with potash (0-0-60) at 250 lbs/A. The 250 lbs/A potash provided 150 lbs/A K2O to the plots. Average speed while spreading 250 lbs/A potash was 1.4 mph (A3, 1350 rpm) with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 68 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 11.5 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Weather conditions at the start (9:45 a.m.) were sunny, 40 degrees F, 62 % humidity, with 10 mph. N winds. Conditions at the end (5:50 p.m.) were partly sunny 56 degrees F, 27 % humidity, with Calm. N winds.
2014-04-10 Fertilizer Application Applied potash 0-0-60 to L1 in preparation for corn planting. Transfered from KBS Farm Records
2016-03-30 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T2, all replications (1, 4, 3, 2, 5, 6) with MAP (11-52-0) and potash (0-0-60) blend at 275 lbs/A. MAP was applied at 175 lbs/A providing 19 lbs/A of N, and 91 lbs/A of P2O5. Potash was applied at 100 lbs/A providing 60 lbs/A of K2O. Average speed while spreading was 2.2 mph with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 64 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 201; air pressure was 15 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level.
2016-04-05 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T1, replications (5, 1 on April 5, 2016) conditions got to wet to continue so reps (2, 3, 4, and 6 were fertilized April 14, 2016) with MAP (11-52-0) and potash (0-0-60) blend at 275 lbs/A. MAP was applied at 175 lbs/A providing 19 lbs/A of N, and 91 lbs/A of P2O5. Potash was applied at 100 lbs/A providing 60 lbs/A of K2O. Average speed while spreading was 2.2 mph with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 64 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 201; air pressure was 15 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Due to wet conditions only replications 5 and 1 from T1 were fertilized on this day.
2016-04-15 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T6 all replications (5,6,4,3,2,1), N-Rate Study, and T8nt plots with super phosphate (0-46-0) and potash (0-0-60) blend at 350 lbs/A. Super phosphate was applied at 200 lbs/A providing 92 lbs/A of P2O5. Potash was applied at 150 lbs/A providing 90 lbs/A of K2O. Average speed while spreading was 2.0 mph with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 64 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 175; air pressure was 15 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level.
2016-04-16 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T3 all replications: (5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and 6), and lysimeter field with super phosphate (0-46-0) and potash (0-0-60) blend at 350 lbs/A. Super phosphate was applied at 200 lbs/A providing 92 lbs/A of P2O5. Potash was applied at 150 lbs/A providing 90 lbs/A of K2O. Average speed while spreading was 2.0 mph with JD 7420b tractor and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 64 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 175; air pressure was 18 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level.
2016-05-23 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site treatment G4 all replications (5, 3, 1, 2, 4)with super phosphate (0-46-0) and potash (0-0-60) blend at 350 lbs/A. Super phosphate was applied at 200 lbs/A providing 92 lbs/A of P2O5. Potash was applied at 150 lbs/A providing 90 lbs/A of K2O. Average speed while spreading was 2.0 mph with JD 7420b tractor and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 64 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 175; air pressure was 18 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level.
2016-06-10 Fertilizer Application Applied potash to GLBRC Main Site, treatments G1, G2, and G3, all replications. Rates were applied according to soil sample analysis so they varied by plot. Rates are as follows, G1 R2, R5 applied at 250 lbs/A, G1 R3 280 lbs/A, and G1R4 was 150 lbs/A. G2 R1, R2, R3, R5 applied at 250 lbs/A and G2R4 was 150 lbs/A. G3 R1, R3, R4, R5 applied at 250 lbs/A and G3R2 350 lbs/A.
2014-04-10 Fertilizer Application Applied Dry Fertilizer to M1
2015-11-19 Fertilizer Application CHS Applied Dry Fertilizers at a variable rate based on soil tests. Listed amounts are field averages
2015-11-19 Fertilizer Application CHS Applied dry fertilizers at variable rate based on soil tests. Amounts recorded are field averages
2017-05-08 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T1, T2, T3, all replications, N-Rate Study, and Lysimeter Field (56.8 Acres) with potash (0-0-60). Potash was applied at 80 lbs/A providing 48 lbs/A of K2O. Average speed while spreading was 5.2 mph with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 69 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 15 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level.
2017-05-09 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC G1 plots all replication (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and all bait crop (perimeter edges, behind house, rep 6) with potash (0-0-60). G1 plots were applied at recommendation levels per plot. G1 Rep 1, 2, and 3 applied at 242 lbs/A (providing 145 lbs K2O/A), rep 4 applied at 100 lbs/A (providing 60 lbs K2O/A), rep 5 applied at 67 lbs/A (providing 40 lbs K2O/A). Bait crop was applied at 80 lbs/A (providing 48 lbs K2O/A). Average speed while spreading was 2.4-5.0 mph with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 69 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 15 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level.
2017-05-31 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC G2, G3, G4 all replications. Potash was applied by soil test recommendation to each plot (please refer to attached document for different rates per plot). Average speed while spreading was 2-3 mph. Equipment used: JD 7420b tractor and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 69 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 199; air pressure was 18 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level.
2018-05-24 Fertilizer Application Spread potash on LTER Main Site Treatments T1-Reps (1, 4,5,6), T2-Reps (1,2,3,4,5,6), T3-Reps (1,3,4,5,6). Potash (0-0-60) was applied at 120 lbs/A equaling 72 lbs/A K2O. Fertilizer was applied using Farm Bureaus 8 ton lime/fertilizer spinner spreader. Gate setting was at 1.5 inches density was 66-67 and it through a 50 ft swath. Applied at 4.5 mph.
2018-05-24 Fertilizer Application Spread potash on LTER Main Site N-Rate Fertility Study both irrigated and non irrigated. Potash (0-0-60) was applied at 240 lbs/A equaling 144 lbs/A K2O. Fertilizer was applied using Farm Bureaus 8 ton chandler lime/fertilizer spinner spreader going over plots twice with the (120 lb/A)rate to equal 240 lbs/A Gate setting was at 1.5 inches density was 66-67 and it through a 50 ft swath. Applied at 4.5 mph.
2018-06-07 Fertilizer Application Applied 250 lbs/A of potash to G1 and G2 plots. Applied with the John Deere 7420a tractor traveling 2.4 mph and a Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: metering wheel 1 1/4” diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5”; meter cal number 199; air pressure 20 p.s.i.; Boom width 30 feet, nozzles 16-24 inches above ground level, 3 passes per plot. also applied same rate on the two
2019-03-28 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site winter wheat treatment T1, all replications with MAP (11-52-0) and potash (0-0-60) blend at 275 lbs/A. MAP was applied at 175 lbs/A providing 19 lbs/A of N, and 91 lbs/A of P2O5. Potash was applied at 100 lbs/A providing 60 lbs/A of K2O. Average speed while spreading was 2.7 mph with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 64 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 201; air pressure was 19 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Weather conditions at the start: 1:45 p.m. partly cloudy 60.5 degrees F, 6-8 mph west wind, 52.8 % humidity. Conditions at the end: 5:00 p.m. cloudy, 61.9 degrees F, 8-9 mph west, 50.2 % humidity.
2019-03-28 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site winter wheat treatment T2, all replications with MAP (11-52-0) and potash (0-0-60) blend at 275 lbs/A. MAP was applied at 175 lbs/A providing 19 lbs/A of N, and 91 lbs/A of P2O5. Potash was applied at 100 lbs/A providing 60 lbs/A of K2O. Average speed while spreading was 2.7 mph with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 64 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 201; air pressure was 19 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Weather conditions at the start: 10:00 a.m. partly cloudy, 49 degrees F, 9-11 mph south west wind, 76% humidity. Conditions at the end: 1:45 p.m. partly cloudy 60.5 degrees F, 6-8 mph west wind, 52.8 % humidity.
2019-03-28 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site winter wheat treatment T8nt, all replications with MAP (11-52-0) and potash (0-0-60) blend at 275 lbs/A. MAP was applied at 175 lbs/A providing 19 lbs/A of N, and 91 lbs/A of P2O5. Potash was applied at 100 lbs/A providing 60 lbs/A of K2O. Average speed while spreading was 2.7 mph with JD 7420 B and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 64 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 201; air pressure was 19 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level. Weather conditions: 5:00 p.m. cloudy, 61.9 degrees F, 8-9 mph west, 50.2 % humidity.
2019-04-08 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site winter wheat N-Rate study, treatment T3 all replications: (5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and 6), and west half of lysimeter field (weather station to the west that had NO WINTER WHEAT) with super phosphate (0-46-0), potash (0-0-60) and sulfur (0-0-0-85) blend at 355 lbs/A. Super phosphate was applied at 225 lbs/A providing 103.5 lbs/A of P2O5. Potash was applied at 100 lbs/A providing 60 lbs/A of K2O. Sulfur was applied at 30 lbs/A providing 25.5 lbs/A of sulfur. Weather at the start 11:30 a.m. partly cloudy 58.6 degrees F, 5-7 mph west winds, 76.7% humidity. Weather at 4:50 p.m. sunny 67.5 degrees F 5-7 mph west winds, 30 % humidity. Weather at 6:30 p.m. sunny 69.2 degrees F 6-8 mph west winds, 24.2 % humidity. Average speed while spreading was 1.7 mph with JD 7420b tractor and 30' Gandy Orbit-Air fertilizer applicator controlled by a Raven 6000 which monitored the application and automatically adjusted the metering rate for changes in ground speed. For the Gandy/Raven set-up, the following were used: Density 68 lbs/cu ft; metering wheel 1 1/4" diameter (yellow); deflector spacing 22.5"; meter cal number 202; air pressure was 19 p.s.i.; Boom length 30 ft, nozzles 24-30 inches above ground level.
2019-05-24 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site treatment G1 with potash. G1 micro plots (West 15') Reps 2 and 3 received 125 lbs/A of potash equaling 75 lbs/A of K2O. The remaining micro plots reps 1, 4 and 5 received 0 potash. G1 Main plots reps 1, 2, 3 and 5 received 250 lbs/A potash equaling 150 lbs/A of K2O. G1 main plot rep 4 received no potash.
2019-05-24 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site treatment G2 with potash. G2 plots reps 1, 2, 4 and 5 the entire plot received 250 lbs/A of potash equaling 150 lbs/A of K2O. G2 Rep 3 the micro plot (East 15') received 0 potash but the remaining plot area received the 250 lbs/A of potash equaling 150 lbs/A of K2O.
2019-05-28 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site Rep 6 and all perimeter bait crop with 125 lbs/A of potash equaling 75 lbs/A of K2O.
2019-06-12 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T5 poplar plots all replications (5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6) with potash. Applied 300 lbs/A of potash equaling 180 lbs/A of K2O per acre.
2017-04-12 Fertilizer Application Broadcast applied dry fertilizer to M1 field
2023-03-30 Fertilizer Application Apply a fertilizer blend at 300 lbs. per acre to forage crop. Blend was equal parts potash, urea, and AMS.
2023-04-19 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T1 and T2, T1R6, T2R5, T1R5, T2R2 with potash (0-0-60) at 85 lb/A. Application began at 10:15 am and concluded at 2:15 pm. Application was done at 4 mph, Gandy metercal set to 201, density of potash was 70 lbs/cubic ft. Weather at 10:00 am 4/19/23 Temperature: 38.9°F Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 8.48 mph Wind Direction: South East Relative Humidity: 68.7% Weather Conditions at 2:30pm: Temperature: 55.8° F; Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 9.05 mph Wind Direction: South East Relative Humidity: 40.3%
2023-04-26 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T1 and T2 (T2R6, T1R3, T2R1, T1R2, T1R4) with potash (0-0-60) at 85 lb/A on 4/26/23. Fertilized site treatment T1 and T2 (T2R4, T2R3, T1R1) with potash (0-0-60) at 85 lb/A on 4/27/23. Application was done at 4 mph, Raven SCS600 metercal set to 201, density of potash was 70 lbs/cubic ft. Weather conditions at 11:00 am 4/26/23 Temperature: 42.5°F Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 7.17 mph Wind Direction: Northwest Relative Humidity: 49.9% Weather Conditions at 9:00 a.m on 4/27/23: Temperature: 43.3° F; Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 3.19 mph Wind Direction: South East Relative Humidity: 72%
2023-04-27 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T3 all reps (R5, R4, R2, R1, R3, R6) with potash (0-0-60) at 85 lb/A. Prairie strips were not fertilized. Application began at 1:30 pm and concluded at 5:00 pm. Application was done at 4 mph, Raven SCS600 metercal set to 201, density of potash was 70 lbs/cubic ft. Weather at 1:30 am 4/27/23 Temperature: 57.2°F Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 10.79 mph Wind Direction: South Relative Humidity: 36.1% Weather Conditions at 5:15 pm: Temperature: 62.5° F; Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 8.48 mph Wind Direction: South East Relative Humidity: 25.8%
2023-04-10 Fertilizer Application Apply dry fertilizer to plots. 100 lbs. potash, 100 lbs. AMS per acre.
2023-05-16 Fertilizer Application Fertilize no-manure sub-plot to equal first year availability of N and P2O5 and total K2O. Rates are calculated on May 2022 manure sample because 2023 test results are not available yet. 22-34-125 N-P-K lbs. per acre.
2023-05-18 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site treatment G3 all reps (2,3,5,4,1) with potash (0-0-60) at 350 lbs/A. Fertilizer was applied at 1.5 MPH and completed in one pass over everything. Weather at 4:45 pm was 67.9°F, RH 25%, wind speed (3m) 5.4 MPH wind direction South East.
2023-05-18 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site treatment G2 all reps (3,2,5,1,4) with potash (0-0-60) at 300 lbs/A. Fertilizer was applied at 1.5 MPH and completed in one pass over everything. Weather at 4:45 pm was 67.9°F, RH 25%, wind speed (3m) 5.4 MPH wind direction South East.
2023-05-19 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site treatment G1 reps (2,3) with potash (0-0-60) at 300 lbs/A. Fertilizer was applied with one pass over everything. G1 reps 1,4 and 5 from the same day. Weather at 12:00 pm was 71.1°F, RH 55%, wind speed (3m) 6.22 MPH wind direction South West.
2023-05-19 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site treatment G1 reps (5,4,1) with potash (0-0-60) at 100 lbs/A. Fertilizer was applied with one pass over everything. G1 reps 2 and 3 from the same day. Weather at 12:00 pm was 71.1°F, RH 55%, wind speed (3m) 6.22 MPH wind direction South West.
2023-05-19 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Resource Gradient Experiment with potash (0-0-60) at 150 lbs/A. Entire plot area was fertilized. Weather at 12:00 pm was 71.1°F, RH 55%, wind speed (3m) 6.22 MPH wind direction South West.
2023-09-13 Fertilizer Application Apply dry fertilizer blend at 250 lbs. per acre to canola and wheat planting. 34.3-32-60-15.2 lbs. N-P-K-S.
2023-09-14 Fertilizer Application Fertilize ASP wheat planting and other wheat and canola ground with a blend of dry fertilizer at 250 lbs. per acre.
2023-11-03 Fertilizer Application Fertilize aspirational wheat along with other wheat and barley with dry fertilizer blend at 250 lbs./acre.
2024-04-09 Fertilizer Application Apply potash fertilizer at prescription rates to hay, corn, and soy plots. Expressed as lbs./acre: ASP3R1 400, ASP3R2 425, ASP3R3 335, ASP3R4 450, ASP4R1-4 100, ASP5R1 225, ASP5R2 125, ASP5R3 140, ASP5R4 225, BAU1R1 325, BAU1R2 225, BAU1R3 240, BAU1R4 140, BAU2R1 225, BAU2R2 200, BAU2R3 240, BAU2R4 300. Average rate was 231 lbs. per acre.
2024-04-09 Fertilizer Application broadcast potash on plots at 100 lbs. per acre. Only the south part of B1, with no wheat, was fertilized. The east end of C1, forage plots, were not fertilized.
2024-04-16 Fertilizer Application Fertilize no-manure micro-plots to first year availability of manure N-P-K. The rate is based on an average of 2022 and 2023 analysis because 2024 results were not available yet.
2024-04-24 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T2 plots, reps 3,5,2,4,1 and 6 with potash (0-0-60) at 250 lb/A. Application was done at 2 mph, B1 with 1300 engine RPM. JD Dry rate controller CFR was .0160, density of potash was 70 lbs/cubic ft. Gandy air fan was at 15 ounces per square inch. Weather conditions at 9:10 am 4/24/24. Temperature: 37.5°F Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 7.96 mph Wind Direction: North Relative Humidity: 76.1% Weather Conditions at 2:40 p.m on 4/24/24: Temperature: 41.4° F; Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 6.1 mph Wind Direction: Northeast Relative Humidity: 68.4%
2024-04-22 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T1 plots, reps 5,1,4,2,3 and 6 with potash (0-0-60) at 250 lb/A. Reps 1 and 5 were done 4/22/24. Reps 2,3,4 and 6 were done 4/23/24. Application was done at 2 mph, B1 with 1300 engine RPM. JD Dry rate controller CFR was .0160, density of potash was 70 lbs/cubic ft. Gandy air fan was at 15 ounces per square inch. Weather conditions at 1:00 pm 4/22/24. Temperature: 57.2°F Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 9.26 mph Wind Direction: Southwest Relative Humidity: ?% Weather Conditions at 9:00 a.m on 4/23/24: Temperature: 61.7° F; Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 7.2 mph Wind Direction: Southwest Relative Humidity: 26.8%
2024-04-24 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T3 plots, reps 5,4,6,3,2 and 1 with potash (0-0-60) at 250 lb/A. Reps 4 and 5 were done 4/24/24. Reps 1,2,3, and 6 were done 4/25/24. Prairie strips were not fertilized. Application was done at 2 mph, B1 with 1300 engine RPM. JD Dry rate controller CFR was .0160, density of potash was 70 lbs/cubic ft. Gandy air fan was at 15 ounces per square inch. Weather conditions at 3:00 pm 4/24/24. Temperature: 42.6°F Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 5.32 mph Wind Direction: Northwest Relative Humidity: 66.6% Weather Conditions at 8:30 a.m on 4/25/24: Temperature: 37.1° F; Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 4.1 mph Wind Direction: East Relative Humidity: 82.7%
2024-04-25 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Resource Gradient Experiment with potash (0-0-60) at 250 lbs/A. Entire plot area was fertilized. Application was done at 2 mph, B1 with 1300 engine RPM. JD Dry rate controller CFR was .0160, density of potash was 70 lbs/cubic ft. Gandy air fan was at 15 ounces per square inch. Weather at 2:10 pm was 52.4°F, RH 34.6%, wind speed (3m) 4.05 MPH wind direction East.
2024-04-25 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the T8nt Reps 1,2,3 and 4 plots with potash (0-0-60) at 250 lbs/A. Application was done at 2 mph, B1 with 1300 engine RPM. JD Dry rate controller CFR was .0160, density of potash was 70 lbs/cubic ft. Gandy air fan was at 15 ounces per square inch. Weather conditions at 4:40 pm 4/25/24. Temperature: 57.8°F Wind Speed (5 minute at 3m) : 5.02 mph Wind Direction: Northeast Relative Humidity: 29.4%
2024-04-26 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site treatment G1 and G2 reps (1,2,3,4 and 5) with potash (0-0-60) at 250 lbs/A. Application was done at 2 mph, B1 with 1300 engine RPM. JD Dry rate controller CFR was .0160, density of potash was 70 lbs/cubic ft. Gandy air fan was at 15 ounces per square inch. Weather at 10:30 a.m was 50.6°F, RH 52.7%, wind speed (3m) 12.19 MPH wind direction South East.
2024-04-26 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site treatment G3 reps (1,2,3,4 and 5) with potash (0-0-60) at 275 lbs/A. Rep 6 plots on the south end were also fertilized with 250 lbs/A of 0-0-60 potash. Plots 3, 4 and 6 (the only ones with nothing planted in them). Application was done at 2 mph, B1 with 1300 engine RPM. JD Dry rate controller CFR was .0160, density of potash was 70 lbs/cubic ft. Gandy air fan was at 15 ounces per square inch. Weather at 3:40 p.m was 62.6°F, RH 25.8%, wind speed (3m) 11.76 MPH wind direction South East.
2024-05-10 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site Lysimeter Field with Potash 0-0-60 at 250 lb per acre. GLBRC Bait/Trap Crop area was fertilized with the same amount. The Gandy Orbit Air broke on the far east side of the Lysimeter field with a couple passes left unfertilized.

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