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Name: Herbicide 2,4-D ester


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2006-05-24 Mechanical Weed Control 5-24-2006 Sprayed for weeds on the main site treatment 2, all replications, reps. 2, 3, 5, 4, 1, and 6. 2, 4-D LV4 (2,4-D Ester) was applied at 1 pt/A (1.2 L/ha), Roundup original Max (glyphosate) was applied at 22 oz/A (1.6 L/ha), and AMS (ammonium sulfate) was applied at 17 lbs/100 gals of water. A total of 2 gals (7.6 L) of 2,4-D was used, and a total of 2.5 gals (9.5 L) of Roundup was applied on 14.82 acres (6 hectares). A total of 51 lbs. of AMS was used in 300 gals of water. Weather Conditions: at 8:30 a.m. Sunny with air temperature 59 degrees F. Relative Humidity was 53%. Wind was out of the northwest at 0-5 mph's averaging 2 mph's. Weather Conditions: at 10:30 a.m. Sunny with air temperature 70 degrees F. Relative Humidity was 36%. Wind was out of the west-southwest at 2-10 mph's averaging 7 mph's. Time of application was between 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Equipment Used: JD 5220 tractor traveling 4.0-5.0 mph (gear C1, 1300-1600 rpm) with a pull type Top Air Sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump and a Raven 440 automatic carrier control unit. Turbo TeeJet 11003 nozzles were used, spaced 15 inches apart with a total boom length of 30 feet. 20-30 psi was used. Water applied at 20 gals/A, (187L/ha), was used as the carrier. Purpose of Application: Burndown for no-till soybeans Control of annual broadleaves weeds, grass weeds, and perennial weeds. Sprayed preplant.
1997-05-07 Mechanical Weed Control Apply Roundup (2 quarts/acre) and 2,4-D Ester (1 quart/acre) with 17 lb/acre ammonium sulfate as a burn-down treatment for perennial control. Mainly, quackgrass and dock control. [T3]
1989-07-03 Mechanical Weed Control Broadcasted 1 pt/a (1 l/ha) 2,4-D (post-emergence) ester, 20 gpa carrier [T2]
1988-05-19 Mechanical Weed Control Glen Harris and Dana Barclay sprayed the appropriate plots of Dana's new Hairy Vetch Mgt study in the Ancillary site to kill the alfalfa. (Hesterman's students) 1.25 quarts/acre 2,4-D Ester; 25 gallons/acre water.
1988-05-19 Mechanical Weed Control {{PL: Jim B. also sprayed the one group of plots in the Rotation study that required it. These plots are to have no-till soybeans and the alfalfa was killed as follows: 1.25 quarts/acre 2,4-D Ester; 25 gallons/acre water. }}
2008-06-11 Mechanical Weed Control Sprayed the LTER Main Site, Treatment 5, replications 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 for weed control. Roundup OriginalMax (glyphosate) was applied at 1 quart/acre (2.3 L/ha) with 2,4-D ester (2,4-D) at 1 pt/acre (1.17 L/ha) and Ammonium Sulfate 17 lbs / 100 gallons (3.4 lbs/acre; 3.82 kg/ha). Weather conditions: Partly cloudy with air temperature of 75 degrees F (23.9°C). Relative Humidity was 59%. Wind was from the west at 5 mph. Time of application was 4:00 p.m. Equipment Used: JD 5320 tractor traveling 5 mph (gear C1, 1650 rpm) with a 3-point mounted sprayer with a rolling pump (Dempco). Turbo TeeJet 8002 nozzles were used, spaced 15 inches apart with a total boom length of 15 feet. 30 psi was used. Water applied at 20 gallons/acre (187L/ha) was used as the carrier. Purpose of application: Burn down of grasses, broadleaves and poplar tree growth.
2008-05-09 Herbicide Application Sprayed for the LTER Main Site, Treatment 8, corn, crop area only for weeds. Roundup Original Max 5.5L (glyphosate) was applied at 22 oz/A (1.6 L/ha) with 2,4-D ester (2,4-D) at 1 pt/acre (1.17 L/ha) and AMS (ammonium sulfate) 17 lbs/100 gals of water (3.4 lbs/acre; 3.82 kgha)were applied. Weather Conditions: at 10:00 a.m. Partly cloudy with air temperature of 49 degrees F (9.4°C). Relative Humidity was 46%. Wind was out of the northeast at 6 mph's averaging 6 mph's. Time of application was 10:00 a.m. Equipment Used: JD 5320 tractor traveling 5 mph(gear C1, 1650 rpm) with a 3-point mounted sprayer with a rolling pump (Dempco). Turbo TeeeJet 8002 nozzles were used, spaced 15 inches apart with a total boom length of 15 feet. 30 psi was used. Water applied at 20 gals/A, (187L/ha), was used as the carrier. Purpose of Application: Burndown of grasses and broadleaves in crop area.
2009-05-12 Mechanical Weed Control Sprayed the GLBRC main site, treatment G1 replications 1-5 for weed burndown and preemergence weed control. Roundup Original Max 5.5L (gyphosate) was applied at 1 quart/acre (3.87 L/ha); 2,4-D ester at 16 ounces/acre (1.98 L/ha) and Lexar (S-metolachlor (+ safener) + atrazine + mesotrione) was applied at 3 qts/acre with 17 lbs / 100 gallons ammonium sulfate. Weather conditions: Sunny with air temperature of 66 degrees F (19°C). Relative Humidity was 28%. Wind was from ESE at 5 mph. Time of application was 3:30 p.m. Equipment Used: JD 5220 tractor traveling 4.8 mph (gear C1, 1550 rpm) with a pull type Top Air Sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump and a Raven 440 automatic carrier control unit. Turbo TeeJet 11003 nozzles were used, spaced 15 inches apart with a total boom length of 30 feet. 20-30 psi were used. Water applied at 20 gals/A, (187 L/ha), was used as the carrier.
2009-05-12 Mechanical Weed Control Sprayed the GLBRC main site, treatment G4 replications 1-5 for weed burndown and preemergence weed control. Roundup Original Max 5.5L (gyphosate) was applied at 1 quart/acre (3.87 L/ha); 2,4-D ester at 16 ounces/acre (1.98 L/ha) and Lexar (S-metolachlor (+ safener) + atrazine + mesotrione) was applied at 3 qts/acre with 17 lbs / 100 gallons ammonium sulfate. Weather conditions: Sunny with air temperature of 66 degrees F (19°C). Relative Humidity was 28%. Wind was from ESE at 5 mph. Time of application was 3:30 p.m. Equipment Used: JD 5220 tractor traveling 4.8 mph (gear C1, 1550 rpm) with a pull type Top Air Sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump and a Raven 440 automatic carrier control unit. Turbo TeeJet 11003 nozzles were used, spaced 15 inches apart with a total boom length of 30 feet. 20-30 psi were used. Water applied at 20 gals/A, (187 L/ha), was used as the carrier.
2010-04-14 Mechanical Weed Control Sprayed LTER Main Site Fertility Gradient (N-rate) Study, including irrigated and dry-land areas, all replications, for post emergence weed control in winter wheat. Plots sprayed with Affinity BroadSpec herbicide at 1.0 oz/A, 2,4-D LV4 herbicide at 12 oz/A and Preference non-ionic surfactant and anti-foaming agent at 0.125% v/v (1 pt/100 gal carrier). Time of application was 3:00-5:00 p.m. Weather conditions were sunny, temperature was 53°F at start and 61°F at end, 39% relative humidity, winds out of southeast at 6-10 mph with 10 minute average of 8 mph. Equipment used: JD 5220 tractor traveling 4.8 mph (gear C1, 1550 rpm) with a pull type Top Air Sprayer equipped with a a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump and a Raven 440 automatic carrier control unit. Turbo TeeJet 11003 nozzles were used, spaced 15 inches apart with a total boom length of 30 feet. 20-30 psi was used. Water applied at 20 gals/A (187 L/Ha) was used as the carrier.
2010-04-14 Mechanical Weed Control Sprayed LTER Main Site Lysimeter Area, for post emergence weed control in winter wheat. Plots sprayed with Affinity BroadSpec herbicide at 1.0 oz/A, 2,4-D LV4 herbicide at 12 oz/A and Preference non-ionic surfactant and anti-foaming agent at 0.125% v/v (1 pt/100 gal carrier). Time of application was 3:00-5:00 p.m. Weather conditions were sunny, temperature was 53°F at start and 61°F at end, 39% relative humidity, winds out of southeast at 6-10 mph with 10 minute average of 8 mph. Equipment used: JD 5220 tractor traveling 4.8 mph (gear C1, 1550 rpm) with a pull type Top Air Sprayer equipped with a a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump and a Raven 440 automatic carrier control unit. Turbo TeeJet 11003 nozzles were used, spaced 15 inches apart with a total boom length of 30 feet. 20-30 psi was used. Water applied at 20 gals/A (187 L/Ha) was used as the carrier.
2010-04-12 Mechanical Weed Control Sprayed LTER Main Site Treatment T2 all replications for post emergence weed control in winter wheat. Plots sprayed with Affinity BroadSpec herbicide at 1.0 oz/A, 2,4-D LV4 herbicide at 12 oz/A and Preference non-ionic surfactant and anti-foaming agent at 0.125% v/v (1 pt/100 gal carrier). Time of application was 3:00-5:00 p.m. Weather conditions were cloudy, temperature was 63F, 26% relative humidity, winds out of southeast at 7-10 mph. Equipment used: JD 5220 tractor traveling 4.8 mph (gear C1, 1550 rpm) with a pull type Top Air Sprayer equipped with a a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump and a Raven 440 automatic carrier control unit. Turbo TeeJet 11003 nozzles were used, spaced 15 inches apart with a total boom length of 30 feet. 20-30 psi was used. Water applied at 20 gals/A (187 L/Ha) was used as the carrier.
2010-04-14 Mechanical Weed Control Sprayed LTER Main Site Treatment T1 all replications, for post emergence weed control in winter wheat. Plots sprayed with Affinity BroadSpec herbicide at 0.8 oz/A, 2,4-D LV4 herbicide at 12 oz/A and Preference non-ionic surfactant and anti-foaming agent at 0.125% v/v (1 pt/100 gal carrier). Time of application was 5:00-7:00 p.m. Weather conditions were sunny, temperature was 71°F at start and 72°F at end, 32/33% relative humidity, winds out of southeast at 7-10 mph with 10 minute average of 8 mph. Equipment used: JD 5220 tractor traveling 4.8 mph (gear C1, 1550 rpm) with a pull type Top Air Sprayer equipped with a a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump and a Raven 440 automatic carrier control unit. Turbo TeeJet 11003 nozzles were used, spaced 15 inches apart with a total boom length of 30 feet. 20-30 psi was used. Water applied at 20 gals/A (187 L/Ha) was used as the carrier.
2011-05-13 Mechanical Weed Control Sprayed the GLBRC Main Site Ancillary Plot Area (”Replicate 6” plots) and southern trap crop area for weed burn down. Sprayed with Roundup Power Max (Glyphosate EPA 524-549) at 44 oz/A, 2,4-D LV4 (ester of 2,4-D, EPA 1381-102) at 16 oz/A, and Ammonium Sulfate (CAS number: 7783-20-2) at 3.4 pound/A in 20 gallons/A of water. Weather conditions: Partly sunny with air temperature of 81 degrees F (27.2 degrees C). Relative Humidity was 63%. Wind was from N at 6 mph. Time of application was 2:45 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. Equipment Used: JD 5220 tractor traveling 5.0 mph (gear C1, 1600 rpm) with a pull type Top Air Sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump and a Raven 440 automatic carrier control unit. Turbo TeeJet 11003 nozzles were used, spaced 15 inches apart with a total boom length of 30 feet. 20 psi were used. Water applied at 20 gals/A, (187 L/ha), was used as the carrier.
2011-05-13 Mechanical Weed Control Sprayed the GLBRC Main Site Ancillary Plot Area ”Brook House Field” for weed burn down. Sprayed with Roundup Power Max (Glyphosate EPA 524-549) at 44 oz/A, 2,4-D LV4 (ester of 2,4-D, EPA 1381-102) at 16 oz/A, and Ammonium Sulfate (CAS number: 7783-20-2) at 3.4 pound/A in 20 gallons/A of water. Weather conditions: Partly sunny with air temperature of 81 degrees F (27.2 degrees C). Relative Humidity was 63%. Wind was from N at 6 mph. Time of application was 2:45 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. Equipment Used: JD 5220 tractor traveling 5.0 mph (gear C1, 1600 rpm) with a pull type Top Air Sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump and a Raven 440 automatic carrier control unit. Turbo TeeJet 11003 nozzles were used, spaced 15 inches apart with a total boom length of 30 feet. 20 psi were used. Water applied at 20 gals/A, (187 L/ha), was used as the carrier.
2012-04-27 Mechanical Weed Control Sprayed the GLBRC Main Site Treatment G1, all replications (reps. 1, 3, 2, 5 and 4) for preplant burndown weed control using a tank mix of Roundup PowerMax, 2,4-D LV4, and ammonium sulfate. Roundup Power Max (EPA Reg. No. 524-549) (Glyphosate: N-(phosphonomethyl) glycine, in the form of its potassium salt, 48.7%) was applied at 1 qt/acre, 2,4-D LV4 (EPA Reg. No. 1381-102) (2-ethylhexyl ester of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid 66.2%) was applied at 1 pt/acre, and Ammonium Sulfate (sprayable, CAS #7783-20-2) was applied at 3.4 lbs/acre. Weather conditions: Sunny with air temperature of 42 degrees F (5.6 degrees C). Relative Humidity was 50%. Wind was from north at 2 mph. Time of application was 10:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Equipment Used: JD 5220 tractor traveling 5.0 mph (gear C1, 1600 rpm) with a pull type Top Air Sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump and a Raven 440 automatic carrier control unit. Turbo TeeJet 11003 nozzles were used, spaced 15 inches apart with a total boom length of 30 feet. 20 psi were used. Water applied at 20 gals/A, (187 L/ha), was used as the carrier.
2012-04-27 Mechanical Weed Control Sprayed the GLBRC Main Site Treatment G2, all replications (reps. 1, 4, 3, 2, and 5) for preplant burndown weed control using a tank mix of Roundup PowerMax, 2,4-D LV4, and ammonium sulfate. Roundup Power Max (EPA Reg. No. 524-549) (Glyphosate: N-(phosphonomethyl) glycine, in the form of its potassium salt, 48.7%) was applied at 1 qt/acre, 2,4-D LV4 (EPA Reg. No. 1381-102) (2-ethylhexyl ester of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid 66.2%) was applied at 1 pt/acre, and Ammonium Sulfate (sprayable, CAS #7783-20-2) was applied at 3.4 lbs/acre. Weather conditions: Sunny with air temperature of 42 degrees F (5.6 degrees C). Relative Humidity was 50%. Wind was from north at 2 mph. Time of application was 10:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Equipment Used: JD 5220 tractor traveling 5.0 mph (gear C1, 1600 rpm) with a pull type Top Air Sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump and a Raven 440 automatic carrier control unit. Turbo TeeJet 11003 nozzles were used, spaced 15 inches apart with a total boom length of 30 feet. 20 psi were used. Water applied at 20 gals/A, (187 L/ha), was used as the carrier.
2012-04-27 Mechanical Weed Control Sprayed the GLBRC Main Site Treatment G3, all replications (reps. 1, 4, 2, 3, and 5) for preplant burndown weed control using a tank mix of Roundup PowerMax, 2,4-D LV4, and ammonium sulfate. Roundup Power Max (EPA Reg. No. 524-549) (Glyphosate: N-(phosphonomethyl) glycine, in the form of its potassium salt, 48.7%) was applied at 1 qt/acre, 2,4-D LV4 (EPA Reg. No. 1381-102) (2-ethylhexyl ester of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid 66.2%) was applied at 1 pt/acre, and Ammonium Sulfate (sprayable, CAS #7783-20-2) was applied at 3.4 lbs/acre. Weather conditions: Sunny with air temperature of 42 degrees F (5.6 degrees C). Relative Humidity was 50%. Wind was from north at 2 mph. Time of application was 10:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Equipment Used: JD 5220 tractor traveling 5.0 mph (gear C1, 1600 rpm) with a pull type Top Air Sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump and a Raven 440 automatic carrier control unit. Turbo TeeJet 11003 nozzles were used, spaced 15 inches apart with a total boom length of 30 feet. 20 psi were used. Water applied at 20 gals/A, (187 L/ha), was used as the carrier.
2012-04-27 Mechanical Weed Control Sprayed the GLBRC Main Site trap crop area (east, north, west and east) for preplant burndown weed control using a tank mix of Roundup PowerMax, 2,4-D LV4, and ammonium sulfate. Roundup Power Max (EPA Reg. No. 524-549) (Glyphosate: N-(phosphonomethyl) glycine, in the form of its potassium salt, 48.7%) was applied at 1 qt/acre, 2,4-D LV4 (EPA Reg. No. 1381-102) (2-ethylhexyl ester of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid 66.2%) was applied at 1 pt/acre, and Ammonium Sulfate (sprayable, CAS #7783-20-2) was applied at 3.4 lbs/acre. Weather conditions: Sunny with air temperature of 42 degrees F (5.6 degrees C). Relative Humidity was 50%. Wind was from north at 2 mph. Time of application was 10:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Equipment Used: JD 5220 tractor traveling 5.0 mph (gear C1, 1600 rpm) with a pull type Top Air Sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump and a Raven 440 automatic carrier control unit. Turbo TeeJet 11003 nozzles were used, spaced 15 inches apart with a total boom length of 30 feet. 20 psi were used. Water applied at 20 gals/A, (187 L/ha), was used as the carrier.
2012-04-25 Fertilizer Application Fertilization and herbicide application was made to the GLBRC switchgrass scale up fields, L2 and M3, at both the Lux Arbor and Marshall Farm locations. Fields were fertilized with 28-0-0 liquid urea-ammonium nitrate. 17 gallons/A was applied. Since 28% fertilizer weighs 10.65 lbs/gallon, this worked out to 50.789 lbs N/A. Agrotain Ultra was applied at 1.5 qt per ton of fertilizer applied. Agrotain Ultra is a nitrogen stabilizer to prevent denitrification and leaching. 2,4-D ester was applied to control broadleaf weeds growing in the switchgrass fields, mostly dandelion at Lux Arbor and (to many to list) broadleafs at Marshall Farm. Weather conditions at 1:20 p.m.: 60 degrees F, wind was 5-7 mph out of the west. Fertilizer was applied by the Climax Farm Bureau using a Hagie Highboy sprayer.
2012-05-23 Mechanical Weed Control Sprayed the ECB (European Corn Borer) field area for burndown weed control using Roundup PowerMax, 2,4-D LV4, and ammonium sulfate. Roundup Power Max (EPA Reg. No. 524-549) (Glyphosate: N-(phosphonomethyl) glycine, in the form of its potassium salt, 48.7%) was applied at 1 qt/acre, 2,4-D LV4 (EPA Reg. No. 1381-102) (2-ethylhexyl ester of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid 66.2%) was applied at 1 qt/acre, and Ammonium Sulfate (sprayable, CAS #7783-20-2) was applied at 3.4 lbs/acre. 2,4-D LV4 was only applied to the last 90' on the east side of the field area adn was not applied on the rest. Weather conditions: Sunny with air temperature of 69 degrees F. Relative Humidity was 68%. Wind was from the southeast at 5 mph. Time of application was 12:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Equipment Used: JD 5220 tractor traveling 3.8 mph (gear B3, 1700 rpm) with a pull type Top Air Sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump and a Raven 440 automatic carrier control unit. Turbo TeeJet 11003 nozzles were used, spaced 15 inches apart with a total boom length of 30 feet. 20 psi were used. Water applied at 20 gals/A, (187 L/ha), was used as the carrier.
2012-05-23 Herbicide Application Sprayed the LTER Main Site Treatement T7 tilled microplot area only, all replications (reps 6, 5, 1, 3, 4, and 2) for weed control using Roundup PowerMax, 2,4-D LV4, and ammonium sulfate. Principal weeds which were to be controlled were dogbane. Roundup Power Max (EPA Reg. No. 524-549) (Glyphosate: N-(phosphonomethyl) glycine, in the form of its potassium salt, 48.7%) was applied at 1 qt/acre, 2,4-D LV4 (EPA Reg. No. 1381-102) (2-ethylhexyl ester of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid 66.2%) was applied at 1 qt/acre, and Ammonium Sulfate (sprayable, CAS #7783-20-2) was applied at 3.4 lbs/acre. Sprayed in two passes (30' each) going south to north finished by a headland pass (10' wide) across north side. Weather conditions: Sunny with air temperature of 74 degrees F. Relative Humidity was 48%. Wind was from the southeast at 5 mph. Time of application was 12:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Equipment Used: JD 5220 tractor traveling 3.8 mph (gear B3, 1700 rpm) with a pull type Top Air Sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump and a Raven 440 automatic carrier control unit. Turbo TeeJet 11003 nozzles were used, spaced 15 inches apart with a total boom length of 30 feet. 20 psi were used. Water applied at 20 gals/A, (187 L/ha), was used as the carrier.
2013-05-07 Mechanical Weed Control Sprayed the GLBRC bait crop areas not yet planted for weed control using Roundup PowerMax, 2, 4-D LV-4 and ammonium sulfate. Roundup Power Max (Glyphosate: N-(phosphonomethyl) glycine, in the form of its potassium salt, 48.7%) was applied at 1 qt/acre, 2, 4-D LV-4 applied at 1 pt/A and Ammonium Sulfate was applied at 3.4 lbs/acre. Weather conditions: Sunny with air temperature of 73 degrees F. Relative Humidity was 47%. Wind was from the south at 1-8 mph. Time of application was 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Equipment Used: JD 5220 tractor traveling 3.8 mph (gear B3, 1700 rpm) with a pull type Top Air Sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump and John Deere Rate Controller. Turbo TeeJet 11003 nozzles were used, spaced 15 inches apart with a total boom length of 30 feet. 20 psi were used. Water applied at 20 gals/A, (187 L/ha), was used as the carrier.
2013-05-07 Mechanical Weed Control Sprayed the LTER Main Site Cellulosic Ethanol Study, treatments CE1 (plots 108, 202, 304, 401), CE2 (plots 112, 210, 312, 402), and CE3 (plots 105, 207, 301, 403) for preplant burndown weed control using Roundup PowerMax, 2,4D-LV-4 and ammonium sulfate. Roundup Power Max (EPA Reg. No. 524-549) (Glyphosate: N-(phosphonomethyl) glycine, in the form of its potassium salt, 48.7%) was applied at 1 qt/acre, 2,4-D LV4 was applied at 1 pt/A and Ammonium Sulfate (sprayable, CAS #7783-20-2) was applied at 3.4 lbs/acre. Weather conditions: Sunny with air temperature of 73 degrees F. Relative Humidity was 41%. Wind was from ENE 1-8 mph with 10 min avg. of 5 mph. Time of application was 1:15 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Equipment Used: JD 5220 tractor traveling 3.8 mph (gear B3, 1700 rpm) with a pull type Top Air Sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump and a John Deere Rate Controller. Turbo TeeJet 11003 nozzles were used, spaced 15 inches apart with a total boom length of 30 feet. 20 psi were used. Water applied at 20 gals/A, (187 L/ha), was used as the carrier.
2013-05-17 Mechanical Weed Control Sprayed (Replication 1) only of the GLBRC switchgrass variety study to control broad leaf weeds. Applied 2,4-D LV-4 at a rate of 1qt/A on all plots. Equipment used was John Deere 5220 tractor pulling a Top Air 300 gallon sprayer with 30' overall boom length controlled by a Green Star Rate Controller. Tee-Jet 11003 nozzles were used spaced 15 inches apart. Started at 10:30 a.m. and ended at 11:30 a.m. Weather conditions were mostly sunny 63 degrees F with 46% Humidity and winds 1-8 mph with a 10 minute average of 4 mph.
2013-05-17 Mechanical Weed Control Sprayed GLBRC switchgrass fertility study to control broad leaf weeds. Applied 2,4-D LV-4 at a rate of 1qt/A on all plots. Equipment used was John Deere 5220 tractor pulling a Top Air 300 gallon sprayer with 30' overall boom length controlled by a Green Star Rate Controller. Tee-Jet 11003 nozzles were used spaced 15 inches apart. Started at 10:30 a.m. and ended at 11:30 a.m. Weather conditions were mostly sunny 63 degrees F with 46% Humidity and winds 1-8 mph with a 10 minute average of 4 mph.
2007-09-29 Herbicide Application Sprayed alfalfa on LTER main site T6 plots, all replications, reps: 6, 5, 3, 4, 2, and 1. Purpose of Application: Remove alfalfa from plots. Weather Conditions: Mostly sunny with air temperature 74 degrees F. Wind was out of the south at 0-6 mph averaging 2 mph at start. Time of application was between 2:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. Equipment Used: JD 5220 tractor traveling 5.0-6.0 mph (gear C1, 1600-1800 rpm) with a pull type Top Air sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump. Turbo TeeJet 11003 nozzles were used, spaced 15 inches apart with a total boom length of 30 feet. Please see attached report for detailed application information.
2007-04-03 Herbicide Application Applied treatments to the 2,4-D study today.
2006-12-19 Herbicide Application Applied herbicide treatments to the 2,4-D study.
2006-11-14 Herbicide Application Between November 13-15, 2006 the LTER alleyways were treated herbicide to control broadleaf weeds. The many weed we were trying to control was dandelion. Dave Orbeck from KBS grounds department sprayed the LTER alleyways. He sprayed the alleyways with the Cushman that grounds owned. I think the only thing sprayed on the alleyways during these dates was 2,4-D ester. I do not have a spray report for this application.
2014-05-05 Herbicide Application Sprayed the GLBRC Main Site G1 treatment all replications for preplant burndown weed control using Roundup PowerMax, 2,4D-LV-4 and ammonium sulfate. Roundup Power Max (EPA Reg. No. 524-549) (Glyphosate: N-(phosphonomethyl) glycine, in the form of its potassium salt, 48.7%) was applied at 1 qt/acre, 2,4-D LV4 was applied at 1 pt/A and Ammonium Sulfate (sprayable, CAS #7783-20-2) was applied at 3.4 lbs/acre. Weather conditions: At the start cloudy with air temperature of 53 degrees F. Relative Humidity was 53 %. Wind was from EENE 1-8 mph with 10 min avg. of 6 mph. End of application 52 degrees F, Humidity 60 %, winds calm out of the east and partly sunny. Time of application was 4:15 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Equipment Used: JD 5220 tractor traveling 4.8 mph (gear C1, 1500 rpm) with a pull type Top Air Sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump and a John Deere Rate Controller. Turbo TeeJet 11003 nozzles were used, spaced 15 inches apart with a total boom length of 30 feet. 20 psi were used. Water applied at 20 gals/A, (187 L/ha), was used as the carrier.
2014-05-05 Herbicide Application Sprayed the Interaction no-till treatment plots for preplant burndown weed control using Roundup PowerMax, 2,4D-LV-4 and ammonium sulfate. Roundup Power Max (EPA Reg. No. 524-549) (Glyphosate: N-(phosphonomethyl) glycine, in the form of its potassium salt, 48.7%) was applied at 1 qt/acre, 2,4-D LV4 was applied at 1 pt/A and Ammonium Sulfate (sprayable, CAS #7783-20-2) was applied at 3.4 lbs/acre. Weather conditions: At the start cloudy with air temperature of 53 degrees F. Relative Humidity was 53 %. Wind was from EENE 1-8 mph with 10 min avg. of 6 mph. End of application 52 degrees F, Humidity 60 %, winds calm out of the east and partly sunny. Time of application was 4:15 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Equipment Used: JD 5220 tractor traveling 4.8 mph (gear C1, 1500 rpm) with a pull type Top Air Sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump and a John Deere Rate Controller. Turbo TeeJet 11003 nozzles were used, spaced 15 inches apart with a total boom length of 30 feet. 20 psi were used. Water applied at 20 gals/A, (187 L/ha), was used as the carrier.
2014-05-05 Herbicide Application Sprayed the LTER T8-NT treatment plots for preplant burndown weed control using Roundup PowerMax, 2,4D-LV-4 and ammonium sulfate. Roundup Power Max (EPA Reg. No. 524-549) (Glyphosate: N-(phosphonomethyl) glycine, in the form of its potassium salt, 48.7%) was applied at 1 qt/acre, 2,4-D LV4 was applied at 1 pt/A and Ammonium Sulfate (sprayable, CAS #7783-20-2) was applied at 3.4 lbs/acre. Weather conditions: At the start cloudy with air temperature of 53 degrees F. Relative Humidity was 53 %. Wind was from EENE 1-8 mph with 10 min avg. of 6 mph. End of application 52 degrees F, Humidity 60 %, winds calm out of the east and partly sunny. Time of application was 4:15 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Equipment Used: JD 5220 tractor traveling 4.8 mph (gear C1, 1500 rpm) with a pull type Top Air Sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump and a John Deere Rate Controller. Turbo TeeJet 11003 nozzles were used, spaced 15 inches apart with a total boom length of 30 feet. 20 psi were used. Water applied at 20 gals/A, (187 L/ha), was used as the carrier.
2014-05-05 Herbicide Application Sprayed the LTER Main Site Fertility Gradient both irrigated and non irrigated plots for preplant burndown weed control using Roundup PowerMax, 2,4D-LV-4 and ammonium sulfate. Roundup Power Max (EPA Reg. No. 524-549) (Glyphosate: N-(phosphonomethyl) glycine, in the form of its potassium salt, 48.7%) was applied at 1 qt/acre, 2,4-D LV4 was applied at 1 pt/A and Ammonium Sulfate (sprayable, CAS #7783-20-2) was applied at 3.4 lbs/acre. Weather conditions: At the start cloudy with air temperature of 53 degrees F. Relative Humidity was 53 %. Wind was from EENE 1-8 mph with 10 min avg. of 6 mph. End of application 52 degrees F, Humidity 60 %, winds calm out of the east and partly sunny. Time of application was 4:15 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Equipment Used: JD 5220 tractor traveling 4.8 mph (gear C1, 1500 rpm) with a pull type Top Air Sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump and a John Deere Rate Controller. Turbo TeeJet 11003 nozzles were used, spaced 15 inches apart with a total boom length of 30 feet. 20 psi were used. Water applied at 20 gals/A, (187 L/ha), was used as the carrier.
2014-05-05 Herbicide Application Sprayed the LTER Main Site Lysimeter field for preplant burndown weed control using Roundup PowerMax, 2,4D-LV-4 and ammonium sulfate. Roundup Power Max (EPA Reg. No. 524-549) (Glyphosate: N-(phosphonomethyl) glycine, in the form of its potassium salt, 48.7%) was applied at 1 qt/acre, 2,4-D LV4 was applied at 1 pt/A and Ammonium Sulfate (sprayable, CAS #7783-20-2) was applied at 3.4 lbs/acre. Weather conditions: At the start cloudy with air temperature of 53 degrees F. Relative Humidity was 53 %. Wind was from EENE 1-8 mph with 10 min avg. of 6 mph. End of application 52 degrees F, Humidity 60 %, winds calm out of the east and partly sunny. Time of application was 4:15 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Equipment Used: JD 5220 tractor traveling 4.8 mph (gear C1, 1500 rpm) with a pull type Top Air Sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump and a John Deere Rate Controller. Turbo TeeJet 11003 nozzles were used, spaced 15 inches apart with a total boom length of 30 feet. 20 psi were used. Water applied at 20 gals/A, (187 L/ha), was used as the carrier.
2007-09-22 Herbicide Application Sprayed wheat stubble on LTER main site T1 plots, all replications, reps: 6, 3, 5, 2, 1, and 4. Weather Conditions: Mostly sunny with air temperature 72 degrees F. Wind was out of the northwest at 2-8 mph averaging 6 mph at start. Time of application was between 3:15 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Equipment Used: JD 5220 tractor traveling (gear C1, 1600 rpm) with a pull type Top Air sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump. Turbo TeeJet 11003 nozzles were used, spaced 15 inches apart with a total boom length of 30 feet. Purpose of Application: Control annual and perennial weeds. Please see attached report for detailed application information.
2000-08-03 Herbicide Application Applied 2,4-D to the 2,4-D study. Used a water can to apply the 2,4-D to the plots.
2007-04-21 Herbicide Application Sprayed winter wheat in Lysimeter Field. Purpose of application: control of annual broadleave weeds. Please see attached report for detailed application information.
2007-09-29 Herbicide Application Sprayed wheat stubble on LTER T8nt plots, N-rate (irrigated and non-irrigated studies), and Lysimeter Field. Purpose of Application: Control annual and perennial weeds. Weather Conditions: Mostly sunny with air temperature 72 degrees F. Wind was out of the south-southeast at 0-4 mph averaging 2 mph at start. Time of application was between 5:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Equipment Used: JD 5220 tractor traveling 5.0-6.0 mph (gear C1, 1600-1800 rpm) with a pull type Top Air sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump. Turbo TeeJet 11003 nozzles were used, spaced 15 inches apart with a total boom length of 30 feet. Please see attached report for detailed application information.
2015-08-21 Herbicide Application Sprayed the LTER Main Site treatment T6, all replications for burn down using an application of Roundup PowerMax, ammonium sulfate, and 2,4-D LV4. Roundup Power Max (EPA Reg. No. 524-549) was applied at 44 oz/A and Ammonium Sulfate (sprayable, CAS #7783-20-2) was applied at 17 lbs/100 gallons of carrier, and 2,4-D LV4 was applied at 1 qt/A. Alfalfa stand was thin so it will be planted to winter wheat fall of 2015 and then reseeded to alfalfa the following fall (2016). Weather conditions: At the start 12:40 p.m. sunny, 74 degrees F, humidity was 58 % with 2-4 mph west south west winds. End of application 3:00 p.m. sunny, 77 degrees F, humidity 53 %, with 2-8 mph south west winds.
2016-08-29 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER Main Site T1 plots all replication for post harvest burn down. All replications sprayed in this order (5, 1, 4, 2, 3, 6) with RoundUp Power Max at 44 oz/A, 2,4-D Ester at 1 qt/A and Ammonium Sulfate at 17 lbs/ 100 gal of carrier, and anti-foaming agent at 1 oz/ 100 gal of carrier. Time of application was 12:50 p.m. with weather conditions mostly sunny 80 degrees F, 68% humidity with winds 4-7 mph out of the south west. End time of application was 3:00 with weather conditions mostly sunny 82 degrees F, 63% humidity with winds 4-6 mph of the south west.
2016-09-01 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER Main Site T2 plots reps (5, 2, 3, 4, 2, 6) and lysimeter field for post harvest burndown. Plots sprayed with RoundUp Power Max at 44 oz/A, 2,4-D Ester at 1 qt/A and Ammonium Sulfate at 17 lbs/ 100 gal of carrier, and anti-foaming agent at 1 oz/ 100 gal of carrier. Time of application was 10:00 a.m. with weather conditions sunny 62 degrees F, 86% humidity with winds 3-6 mph out of the north east. End time of application was 2:20 p.m. with weather conditions sunny 73 degrees F, 58% humidity with winds 6-10 mph of the north west/north east.
2016-09-01 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER Main Site T2 plots reps (5, 2, 3, 4, 2, 6) and lysimeter field for post harvest burndown. Plots sprayed with RoundUp Power Max at 44 oz/A, 2,4-D Ester at 1 qt/A and Ammonium Sulfate at 17 lbs/ 100 gal of carrier, and anti-foaming agent at 1 oz/ 100 gal of carrier. Time of application was 10:00 a.m. with weather conditions sunny 62 degrees F, 86% humidity with winds 3-6 mph out of the north east. End time of application was 2:20 p.m. with weather conditions sunny 73 degrees F, 58% humidity with winds 6-10 mph of the north west/north east.
2016-04-23 Herbicide Application Burndown herbicide prior to corn planting
2016-04-22 Herbicide Application Burndown herbicide application
2017-04-24 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER Main Site T2 plots reps (6, 5, 1, 4, 3, 2), T8nt plots, CE1, CE2, CE3, and lysimeter field for pre-plant burndown. Plots sprayed with RoundUp Power Max at 1 qt/A, 2,4-D Ester at 1 pt/A and Ammonium Sulfate at 17 lbs/ 100 gal of carrier, and anti-foaming agent at 1 oz/ 100 gal of carrier. Time of application was 11:36 a.m. with weather conditions sunny 63 degrees F, 26% humidity with winds 4-8 mph out of the east. End time of application was 4:30 p.m. with weather conditions sunny 71 degrees F, 14% humidity with winds 8-11 mph of the east south east.
2017-04-25 Herbicide Application Sprayed GLBRC main site perimeter bait crop, rep 6, behind the house, 4 treatments along 40th north of the drive and G1 all replications (5, 4, 3, 2, 1) for pre-plant burndown. Plots sprayed with RoundUp Power Max at 1 qt/A, 2,4-D Ester at 1 pt/A and Ammonium Sulfate at 17 lbs/ 100 gal of carrier, and anti-foaming agent at 1 oz/ 100 gal of carrier. Time of application was 9:45 a.m. with weather conditions sunny 59 degrees F, 69% humidity with winds 8-10 mph out of the south east. End time of application was 12:55 p.m. with weather conditions sunny 67 degrees F, 70% humidity with winds 5-10 mph of the south east.
2017-04-25 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER main site Fertility Study both irrigated and non irrigated for pre-plant burndown. Plots sprayed with RoundUp Power Max at 22 oz/A, 2,4-D Ester at 1 pt/A and Ammonium Sulfate at 17 lbs/ 100 gal of carrier, and anti-foaming agent at 1 oz/ 100 gal of carrier. Start of application was 12:55 p.m. with weather conditions sunny 67 degrees F, 70% humidity with winds 5-10 mph of the south east. End of application was 2:15 p.m. with weather conditions sunny 69 degrees F, 53% humidity with winds 8-10.5 mph out of the south.
2018-05-08 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER T2, T8nt plots, CE 3 and pesticide pad with Roundup Powermax, 2,4-D est Lv4 and AMS. Roundup Powermax applied at 22oz/A, 2,4-D lv4 ester at 1 pint/A and Ammonium Sulfate (sprayable, CAS #7783-20-2) was applied at 17 lbs/100 gallons of carrier. Weather conditions: At the start 8:50 a.m. sunny 59 degrees F, humidity was 58.4 % with 5-9 mph south west. End of application 11:40 p.m. sunny, 68 degrees F, humidity 39.6 %, with 5-9 mph south west winds.
2018-05-08 Herbicide Application Sprayed GLBRC G2 plot 1 plot in rep 6, LTER N-Rate Study and Lysimeter field with Roundup Powermax, 2,4-D est Lv4 and AMS. Roundup Powermax applied at 22oz/A, 2,4-D lv4 ester at 1 pint/A and Ammonium Sulfate (sprayable, CAS #7783-20-2) was applied at 17 lbs/100 gallons of carrier. Weather conditions: At the start 11:40 p.m. sunny, 68 degrees F, humidity 39.6 %, with 5-9 mph south west winds. End of application 3:10 p.m. sunny, 77 degrees F, humidity 28.9 %, with 5-9 mph north west winds.
2018-05-08 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER T6 plots with Liberty 280 SL and 2,4-D est Lv4 and AMS. Liberty 280 SL applied at 1qt/A, 2,4-D lv4 ester at 1qt/A and Ammonium Sulfate (sprayable, CAS #7783-20-2) was applied at 17 lbs/100 gallons of carrier. Weather conditions: At the start 3:45 p.m. sunny, 78 degrees F, humidity 27.5 %, with 3-9 mph west winds. End of application 6:10 p.m. sunny, 79 degrees F, humidity 26.3 %, with 3-6 mph north west winds.
2018-06-25 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER Main Site treatment T6 with Liberty 280SL and 2,4-D LV4 Ester. Liberty 280SL was applied at 22 oz/A 2,4-D LV4 Ester was applied at 1 pt/A. Weather conditions: At the start 1:00 p.m. mostly sunny 68 degrees F, humidity was 67.2 % with 8-10 mph east. End of application 3:00 p.m. mostly sunny, 74 degrees F, humidity 61 %, with 8-10 mph east winds.
2018-10-09 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER T6 Plots with Roundup Powermax, 2,4-D ester Lv4 and AMS. Roundup Powermax applied at 2 qts/A, 2,4-D lv4 ester at 1 qt/A and Ammonium Sulfate (sprayable, CAS #7783-20-2) was applied at 17 lbs/100 gallons of carrier. Weather conditions: At the start 12:40 p.m. sunny, 81 degrees F, humidity 66.5 %, with 6-9 mph south west winds. End of application 3:15 p.m. partly cloudy, 84 degrees F, humidity 57.7 %, with 8-11 mph South winds.
2019-04-24 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER CE plots (CE1, CE2, CE3) all replications, lysimeter field with no winter wheat), GLBRC Main Site G1, G2, G3, G4, Rep 6, piece around brown house and productivity study with Roundup Powermax, 2,4-D ester Lv4 and AMS. Roundup Powermax applied at 22 oz/A, 2,4-D lv4 ester at 1 pt/A and Ammonium Sulfate (sprayable, CAS #7783-20-2) was applied at 17 lbs/100 gallons of carrier. Weather conditions: At the start 10:30 a.m. sunny, 48 degrees F, humidity 57.7 %, with 4-5 mph East winds. End of application 3:08 p.m. partly cloudy, 61.3 degrees F, humidity 28.7 %, with 3-5 mph North East winds.
2019-04-24 Herbicide Application Sprayed GLBRC perimeter Bait Crop with Roundup Powermax, 2,4-D ester Lv4 and AMS. Roundup Powermax applied at 32 oz/A, 2,4-D lv4 ester at 1 pt/A and Ammonium Sulfate (sprayable, CAS #7783-20-2) was applied at 17 lbs/100 gallons of carrier. Weather conditions: At the start 3:08 p.m. sunny, 60.5 degrees F, humidity 27 %, with 6-8 mph East winds. End of application 4:10 p.m. partly cloudy, 61.3 degrees F, humidity 28.7 %, with 3-5 mph North East winds.
2019-06-07 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER Main Site treatment T6 all replications (5, 3, 4, 2, 1, 6) with AMS, roundup powermax and 2,4-D ester 4lb. AMS applied at 3.4 lbs/A, Roundup applied at 3 qt/A, 2,4-D applied at 1 pt/A. Weather conditions 3:00 p.m. sunny 78.9 degrees F, 50.4 % humidity, 9-11 mph East North East wind. 4:50 p.m. Sunny 80 degrees F, 40.6 % humidity 9-11 East North East wind.
2019-07-22 Herbicide Application Sprayed GLBRC G4 treatment all replications, behind the brown house, and perimeter bait crop (north half of north side, and middle 30 ft of south and east side). Sprayed 2,4-D 4lb lovol ester at 1 qt per acre. There is a cover crop mixture planted in the areas that were sprayed of wheat and clover but due to high numbers of horse weed (marestail) it was decided to spray to control from going to seed.
2009-05-08 Mechanical Weed Control Burndown (5/8/09): Dual II Magnum (24 oz/ac) , 2,4-D Ester (8oz/ac), , Honcho Plus (24 oz/ac)
2009-06-26 Mechanical Weed Control post-emerge (6/26/09): 2,4-D ester (3pts ac-1)
2008-06-10 Herbicide Application pre-emerge: Dual II Magnum 1.5 pt/ac 5/21/2008 broadleaf-post: 2,4-D ester at 8oz/ac 7/3/2008 -> 1/10 ton of biomass at time of application
2010-09-29 Herbicide Application Applied herbicide to the LTER Main Site 2,4-D Study (Gene Transfer Plots). Total volume applied to each plot area was 5 liters. The 5L solution of 2,4-D and water was applied using a sprinkle (watering) canister at the study concentrations. The solutions were applied starting in the middle of the plots and going to the north side of the plot until all the solution was finished. A total of four concentrations were used, per protocol: control (0x), (1x), (10x), and (100x) solutions. Weather at the time of application was 72 degrees F, 45% humidity, wind was out of the south-southwest at 0-4 mph averaging 2 mph. Time of application was 4:00 pm
2019-10-18 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER Main Site treatment T2, all replications (6, 5, 2, 3, 4, 1), and T8nt plots all replications with AMS, and Roundup Powermax and 2,4-d ester. AMS applied at 3.4 lbs/A, Roundup Powermax applied at 1 qt/A, 2,4-D ester applied at 1 pt/A. Weather conditions at start 2:55 p.m. sunny, 53.5 degrees F, 5-7 mph South East winds, 54.8 % humidity. Conditions at end 5:22 p.m. sunny, 55.9 degrees F, 5-7 mph South winds 48.8 % humidity.
2019-10-18 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER Main Site N-Rate study and wheat stubble in the lysimeter field with AMS, and Roundup Powermax and 2,4-d ester. AMS applied at 3.4 lbs/A, Roundup Powermax applied at 1 qt/A, 2,4-D ester applied at 1 pt/A. Weather conditions at start 5:40 p.m. partly cloudy 56.1 degrees F, 6-7 mph South winds, 48.2 % humidity. Conditions at end 7:00 p.m. dusk, 54.9 degrees F, 4-5 mph South winds 52.2 % humidity.
2008-11-01 Herbicide Application Sprayed the LTER Main Site, Treatment 5 replications 1-6. Roundup (glyphosate) was applied at ? ounces/acre (? L/ha) with Ammonium Sulfate 17 lbs / 100 gallons (3.4 lbs/acre; 3.82 kg/ha). Weather conditions: ? with air temperature of ? degrees F (? °C). Relative Humidity was ?. Wind was ?. Time of application was ? Equipment Used: JD 5320 tractor traveling ? mph (gear ?, ? rpm) with a 3-point mounted sprayer with a rolling pump (Dempco). Turbo TeeJet ? nozzles were used, spaced 15 inches apart with a total boom length of 15 feet. ? psi was used. Water applied at ? gallons/acre (? L/ha) was used as the carrier. Purpose of application: Burn down of grasses and broadleaves.
2004-09-30 Herbicide Application Sprayed all east - west alleyways in the LTER. The alleyways were uneven and rough so we wanted to till them up and level them off. Not sure what date we planted grass?

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