Show Observation

User: Peter Hudy

Created on: 2009-06-19

Observation Date 2008-05-09

Sprayed for the LTER Main Site, Treatment 8, corn, crop area only for weeds. Roundup Original Max 5.5L (glyphosate) was applied at 22 oz/A (1.6 L/ha) with 2,4-D ester (2,4-D) at 1 pt/acre (1.17 L/ha) and AMS (ammonium sulfate) 17 lbs/100 gals of water (3.4 lbs/acre; 3.82 kgha)were applied. Weather Conditions: at 10:00 a.m. Partly cloudy with air temperature of 49 degrees F (9.4°C). Relative Humidity was 46%. Wind was out of the northeast at 6 mph's averaging 6 mph's. Time of application was 10:00 a.m. Equipment Used: JD 5320 tractor traveling 5 mph(gear C1, 1650 rpm) with a 3-point mounted sprayer with a rolling pump (Dempco). Turbo TeeeJet 8002 nozzles were used, spaced 15 inches apart with a total boom length of 15 feet. 30 psi was used. Water applied at 20 gals/A, (187L/ha), was used as the carrier. Purpose of Application: Burndown of grasses and broadleaves in crop area.

LYSIMETER_FIELD Resource_Gradient-Irrigated Resource_Gradient_Non-Irrigated T8nt

Observation Type:
Herbicide Application


Worker: Greg Parker
Equipment: John Deere 5320 Tractor • Material: Herbicide Roundup (glyphosate) @ 22.0 ounce per acre • Material: Herbicide 2,4-D ester @ 1.0 pint per acre • Material: Ammonium sulfate (AMS) @ 3.4 pound per acre
Equipment: Demco 3-point mounted sprayer
Equipment: 8002 Flat Fan Nozzles


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