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Name: Atrazine

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2013-05-09 Mechanical Weed Control narrowed boom to spray 10' by blocking out nozzles to make it an equal 4 passes with sprayer. sprayed driving North - South.
2013-07-22 Mechanical Weed Control Sprayed miscanthus plots for quackgrass regrowth, small weeds, and a very tall, thick stand of horsenettle. Sprayed a high rate of 2, 4-D ester to target the horsenettle. The Quinclorac and Atrazine was applied to target the grass weeds and quackgrass. applied with boom sprayer with 20 gal/A water as carrier.
2013-06-05 Mechanical Weed Control Used Quinclorac as a substitute for Paramount or Drive over the 4 Miscanthus plots. 6.5 ozs / acre mixed with 60 gallons water /acre and Atrazine 4L 2.5 lbs/acre. Area size was .4 acres and used about 2.6 ozs of product. The protocol called for 5.3 oz ma
2018-07-11 Herbicide Application Sprayed sorghum planted in GLBRC rep 6 (1 plot) with Huskie and Atrazine 4F. Huskie was applied at 16 oz/A and Atrazine 4F was applied at 1qt/A (1 lb a.i.). Sorghum was right at the 12 inch labeled height for atrazine. Weather conditions: At the start 9:40 a.m. sunny 73 degrees F, humidity was 52.6 % with 4-6 mph East winds. End of application 10:40 a.m. sunny, 75 degrees F, humidity 46 %, with 5-7 mph East winds.
2024-05-29 Herbicide Application Hannah Johnson from Erin Burns lab sprayed plots of corn with herbicide and insecticide for research purposes
2024-05-31 Planting Fill in rest of field with DKC55-53 and MN13 corn. Spray residual herbicide program on corn. Wind 6.4 mph SE, 75.8F.
2024-06-12 Herbicide Application Sprayed Sorghum Nitrogen Rate trial North with tank mix of 17 lbs/100 gal AMS, Roundup PowerMax 44 oz/A, Dual II Magnum at 1.33 pints/A, and Atrazine at 1 quart/A.

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