Name: Demco 3pt 100 gallon, 45' boom sprayer

2022-06-10 Herbicide Application Post emergent control of weeds in soybeans.

2022-06-10 Herbicide Application Post emerge weed control in BAU1 and C1 with 25 oz glyphosate per acre and 18 oz Armezon Pro. D1 received 16 oz Buccaneer plus, 16 oz Armezon Pro, and 32 oz Liberty 280 SL.

2022-06-20 Herbicide Application Post emergent control of weeds.

2022-06-20 Herbicide Application Post emergent weed control in soybeans.

2022-06-20 Herbicide Application Post emergant burn down and residual herbicide in soybeans.

2022-06-28 Herbicide Application Spray weed in planted green soybeans. Some areas received no Liberty 280 SL to observe mare's tail. From the west edge of 27-1-2, 75' with Liberty, 20' no Liberty, 30' ally, 25' no Liberty, 75' with Liberty. The soybeans in the old switchgrass were also sprayed to try and kill the switchgrass.

2022-07-22 Herbicide Application Spray weeds in soybeans.

2022-08-02 Herbicide Application Spray weeds in wheat stubble to prep for planting cover crops. B1: south portion only.

2022-08-05 Herbicide Application Post-harvest burndown in preparation of planting cover crop.

2022-08-16 Herbicide Application Burndown ASP 4 plots in preparation for planting forage crop. B0 burndown for cover crop. 27-1-3 soybeans in old Lowry switchgrass sprayed to kill switchgrass.

2022-09-23 Fertilizer Application Spray fields to fertilize canola crop and kill weeds.

2022-10-05 Fertilizer Application Only a small area (45 by 250 ft.) in ASP2F1 was sprayed. This is fertilizer and weed control for wheat.

2022-10-11 Fertilizer Application Fertilize wheat with 6 gallons 28% UAN per acre. IP 4 was west half only.

2022-11-09 Herbicide Application Spray wheat, barley, and rye to control weeds.

2023-03-28 Fertilizer Application Apply 28% UAN fertilizer to wheat, canola, barley, and rye with Chafer stream bars.

2023-04-07 Herbicide Application Spray winter kill treatment and north border of A3W in Anderson Cover Crop Termination and Vole Damage Trial. Wind 6 mph for east. 46 degrees Fahrenheit. REI end 4/7/6:00 PM.

2023-04-14 Herbicide Application Spray canola to kill weeds.

2023-04-14 Herbicide Application Spray treatment 2 of vole cover crop termination project.

2023-04-26 Fertilizer Application Fertilize wheat with UAN ATS solutions using stream bars.

2023-04-27 Fertilizer Application Fertilize canola with 15 gallons UAN ATS solution and 1.5 pints Borosol 10 per acre.

2023-04-27 Fertilizer Application Fertilize wheat with 10.5 gallons of UAN ATS solution and 1 pint Borosol 10 per acre using stream bars.

2023-04-27 Fertilizer Application Fertilize wheat with 10.5 gallons of UAN ATS solution and 1 pt Borosol 10 per acre.

2023-04-27 Fertilizer Application Fertilize wheat and rye with 20 gallons of UAN ATS and 1 quart Borosol 10 per acre using stream bars.

2023-04-27 Fertilizer Application Fertilize Canola with 12 gallons of UAN ATS solution and 1.2 pints Borosol 10 per acre using stream bars.

2023-05-04 Herbicide Application Spray T3, and south boarder of A2, of soybean vole project to terminate cover crop. Wind 5 mph from southwest, 61 F. REI ends 5/4 6pm.

2023-05-04 Herbicide Application Burn down of old forage treatment in preparation for corn planting. Wind west at 4 mph, 62 F. REI ends 5/6/23 4pm. The application on the NE corner of rep 1 was lite due to mixing insufficient product. But should be adequate with addition of rinsate.

2023-05-09 Herbicide Application Spray soybean plots in preparation for planting. Wind 6 mph for NE, 68 F. 12 hour REI end 5/10 3 am.

2023-05-09 Herbicide Application Spray soybean. Soybean were starting to emerge. Carrier: water 20 gallons solution/acre. Wind 4 mph from SE 71 F. 12 hour REI end 4/10 5 am.

2023-05-15 Herbicide Application Spray soybean fields to burn down cover crops/ weeds and provide residual weed prevention. H2 and part of G2 were completed with a small batch of spray solution that did not have Sharpen or Metribuzin. Wind 4.3 mph from the west, 72 F.

2023-05-18 Herbicide Application Burn down and residual herbicide applied to corn. Wind 6mph from SE, 69 F. 24hr REI ends 5/19 7pm.

2023-05-23 Fungicide Application Treat barley variety trial and bulk barley (south portion of field) with fungicide.

2023-05-31 Herbicide Application Spray corn with herbicide to control weeds. Wind 3.6 mph form SE, 85 F. Carrier water, 20 gpa solution applied.

2023-05-31 Herbicide Application Spray soybeans to control weeds. A small area in A2 was sprayed with glyphosate only, to terminate a few cover crops that had survived. Wind 8.3 mph from SE, 87F. 24 hr REI ends 6/1 3pm. Carrier water, 15 gpa solution applied.

2023-06-19 Herbicide Application Spray weeds in soybean plots. Carier, water 15 gpa. Wind 5 mph from NE, 79.2 F.

2023-06-19 Herbicide Application Spray weeds in corn. Wind 8.5 mph from SE, 82.3 F. Carier water at 15 gpa.

2023-06-19 Herbicide Application Spray weeds in soybeans. Wind 8.5 mph from SE, 82.3 F. Carier water at 20 gpa.

2023-07-10 Herbicide Application Spray weeds in soybeans. Also, broader of field 27-1 corn trial was spot sprayed.

2023-07-14 Fertilizer Application Apply 45 lbs. N/ acre to cover crop.

2023-07-18 Herbicide Application Spray A2 and selected edges of field 85 and ASP2F1 where mares tail was growing.

2023-07-18 Herbicide Application Spray weeds in soybeans.

2023-07-20 Planting Plant KF Sugar Pro 55SS, Prime Millet, and Sunn Hemp blend at 24 lbs. per acre. Fertilize with 15 gallons 28% UAN per acre and spray with Liberty 280 SL.

2023-07-31 Herbicide Application Spray weeds in wheat stover to prep for cover crop planting. Spray weeds in soybeans (D1).

2023-08-16 Herbicide Application Spray canola stubble to kill volunteers and weeds in preparation for planting. Clean up weeds in wheat stubble and soybeans.

2023-09-08 Herbicide Application Spray fields to prepare for canola planting.

2023-11-14 Herbicide Application Herbicide application to winter annual weeds in wheat and barley. Wind 7.6 mph from S, 57.9 degrees F.

2023-11-14 Herbicide Application Herbicide application to winter annual weeds in canola. Wind 2 mph from SW, 48.2 degrees F.

2023-11-16 Herbicide Application Herbicide application to winter annual weeds in wheat. Wind 3.9 mph from SW, 48.6 degrees F.

2024-03-25 Fertilizer Application Apply fertilizer solution to wheat, canola, hay, and barley at a rate of 17gallons per acre using chafer stream bars.

2024-04-10 Herbicide Application Spray wheat to kill winter annual weeds. Wind 3.4 mph from south, 63 degrees Fahrenheit.

2024-04-10 Herbicide Application Tread annual ryegrass in reps 2 & 4 of B1 wheat planting study and about one acre of ASP1F2 between the prairie strips; The area where woodchucks destroyed soybeans in 2023. Wind 3.4 mph from S, 64 degrees Fahrenheit.

2024-04-10 Herbicide Application Terminate cover crop. Wind 3.4 mph from S, 65.5 degrees Fahrenheit.

2024-04-10 Fertilizer Application Fertilize wheat with 8 gallons 28% UAN and 7 gallons water per acre using chafer stream bars.

2024-04-10 Fertilizer Application Fertilize canola with 15 gallons of 28% UAN per acre using chafer stream bars.

2024-04-16 Fertilizer Application Apply second round of fertilizer to wheat and barley. Make first application on oats.

2024-04-16 Fertilizer Application Make second application of fertilizer to canola/rye intercrop.

2024-04-18 Fertilizer Application Fertilize wheat and oats with second application of nitrogen.

2024-04-24 Fertilizer Application Apply second round of fertilizer to wheat using chafer stream bars.

2024-04-25 Herbicide Application Terminate cover crop and weed in preparation for corn planting. Wind 7.3 mph from NE, 56.8 F.

2024-04-25 Herbicide Application Terminate weeds in pre emergent oats and barley. Wind 3.8 mph E 53F.

2024-04-26 Herbicide Application Apply herbicide to suppress annual rye grass in wheat and barley. Only the south edge of A3W was treated. Wind 11.4 mph from SE, 47.4 F.

2024-05-01 Fertilizer Application Apply 28% UAN ahead of corn planting bringing total nitrogen to 150 lbs. per acre.

2024-05-02 Herbicide Application Apply preemergent burndown and residual herbicide to soybeans in BAU2, ASP5, IP4, A1 south, B1 south, and B0. Wind 9 mph from SE, 72.2 F. Cleanout was done in IP4.

2024-05-02 Herbicide Application Spray wheat, oats, and rye to suppress mayweed chamomile and other weeds. Wind 6.7 mph from SE, 75.8 F.

2024-05-16 Fungicide Application Apply fungicide to barley. Wind 3.4 mph from SW 71.4 F.

2024-05-16 Herbicide Application Apply herbicide to weeds in oats and spring barley. Wind 6.9 mph from SW, 75 F.

2024-05-16 Herbicide Application The product was old, and after mixing, determined to be unfit for use on research plots. So, it was applied to bulk corn at a half rate. Application was begun at the south edge of the field and about half the field was treated. Wind 9.6 mph from S, 64.9 F.

2024-05-21 Fungicide Application Apply fungicide to wheat.

2024-05-17 Herbicide Application Spray residual herbicide on open pollenated corn. Glyphosate was only used on A3e. Wind 4.4 mph from SW, 68F.

2024-05-17 Fertilizer Application Fertilize corn using stream bars.

2024-05-30 Herbicide Application Post emergent treatment of weeds in corn. C1 was borders only. Wind 2.0 mph NW, 72F.

2024-05-30 Herbicide Application Apply herbicide to weeds in soybeans. Wind 1.3 mph SE, 73.6F.

2024-05-31 Planting Fill in rest of field with DKC55-53 and MN13 corn. Spray residual herbicide program on corn. Wind 6.4 mph SE, 75.8F.

2024-05-31 Fungicide Application Treat oats for cereal leaf beetle and fungus. Wind 2.8 mph S, 77.1 F.

2024-06-11 Herbicide Application Apply herbicide in soybeans. Wind 4.4 mph from W, 71.9F.

2024-06-19 Fungicide Application Apply fungicide to oat and spring barley plots. Wind 5.1 mph from S, 90.2F.

2024-06-19 Herbicide Application Treat weeds in soybeans. Wind 4.8 mph from SW, 90.5F.

2024-07-02 Herbicide Application Treat weeds in soybeans. Wind 10.5 mph SE, 74.7F.

2024-07-15 Fertilizer Application Fertilize cover crop and apply herbicide to weeds before crop emerges. Wind 5.2 mph from SW, 85F.

2024-07-15 Herbicide Application Apply herbicide to weeds in soybeans.

2024-08-13 Herbicide Application Apply herbicide to weeds in soybeans (F1) and pre-emergent cover crop.

2024-08-13 Herbicide Application Apply herbicide in preparation for planting ASP2 forage and for cover crop plantings.

2024-08-22 Fertilizer Application Apply fertilizer and herbicide to pre emergent cover crop.

2024-08-22 Fertilizer Application Fertilize cover crop using stream bars.