Show Observation
User: Josh Dykstra
Created on: 2022-06-28
Observation Date 2022-06-28
Spray weed in planted green soybeans. Some areas received no Liberty 280 SL to observe mare's tail. From the west edge of 27-1-2, 75' with Liberty, 20' no Liberty, 30' ally, 25' no Liberty, 75' with Liberty.
The soybeans in the old switchgrass were also sprayed to try and kill the switchgrass.
27-1-2 27-2-1
Observation Type:
Herbicide Application
Worker: Josh Dykstra
Equipment: Demco 3pt 100 gallon, 45' boom sprayer
Material: Ammonium sulfate (AMS)
@ 3.4
pound per acre
Material: AgSaver Glyphosate 53.8%
@ 10.0
ounce per acre
Material: Buccaneer Plus
@ 22.0
ounce per acre
Material: Liberty 280 SL
@ 29.0
ounce per acre
Equipment: John Deere 7420a Tractor