Name: John Deere 6140R

2018-05-08 Fertilizer Application Fertilizedwith urea(152 lb/a), 70 lb/A Nitrogen. A Gandy 6212 broadcast spreader was used to spread the urea evenly over surface of plot. The urea used has a stabilizer in it to protect from ammonia volatilization, denitrification and nitrate leaching(brand: SUPERU). two passes of 20 feet were made north to south in each replication, traveling at 3 mph. Teknic stepper motor on Gandy set to 68 rpm.

2018-05-14 Fertilizer Application Fertilized all plus Nitrogen split plots with urea(109 lb/a), 50 lb/A Nitrogen. A Gandy broadcast spreader was used to spread the urea evenly over surface of plot. The urea used has a stabilizer in it to protect from ammonia volatilization, denitrification and nitrate leaching(brand: SUPERU).

2018-05-15 Fertilizer Application Fertilized all plus Nitrogen split plots with urea(109 lb/a), 50 lb/A Nitrogen. A Gandy broadcast spreader was used to spread the urea evenly over surface of plot. The urea used has a stabilizer in it to protect from ammonia volatilization, denitrification and nitrate leaching(brand: SUPERU).

2018-05-16 Fertilizer Application Fertilized all plus Nitrogen split plots with polymer coated urea(114 lb/a), 50 lb/A Nitrogen. A Gandy broadcast spreader was used to spread the urea evenly over surface of plot. ESN® SMART NITROGEN is a urea granule comprised of 44% nitrogen, contained within a flexible polymer coating. This coating protects the nitrogen from loss mechanisms and releases nitrogen in response to soil temperature. one pass made per plot with 20 foot boom. Teknic stepper motor on Gandy set at 50(?) rpm, ground speed 3 mph.

2018-05-16 Fertilizer Application Fertilized all plus Nitrogen split plots with polymer coated urea(114 lb/a), 50 lb/A Nitrogen. A Gandy broadcast spreader was used to spread the urea evenly over surface of plot. ESN® SMART NITROGEN is a urea granule comprised of 44% nitrogen, contained within a flexible polymer coating. This coating protects the nitrogen from loss mechanisms and releases nitrogen in response to soil temperature. one pass made per plot with 20 foot boom. Teknic stepper motor on Gandy set at 53(?) rpm, ground speed 3 mph.

2018-05-16 Fertilizer Application Fertilized all plus Nitrogen split plots with polymer coated urea(114 lb/a), 50 lb/A Nitrogen. A Gandy broadcast spreader was used to spread the urea evenly over surface of plot. ESN® SMART NITROGEN is a urea granule comprised of 44% nitrogen, contained within a flexible polymer coating. This coating protects the nitrogen from loss mechanisms and releases nitrogen in response to soil temperature. Treatment 11, Rep 4 had to many trees (4-7 feet tall) to fertilize with a tractor, so this plot was fertilized by hand. one pass made per plot with 20 foot boom. Teknic stepper motor on Gandy set at 53(?) rpm, ground speed 3 mph.

2018-05-31 Fertilizer Application The switchgrass was fertilized with 50 lbs/A nitrogen, at 16.67 gal/acre 28% UAN using the tractors Auto Trac and the sprayers rate controller. John Deere 6140R tractor with a Top-Air 3 point sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump. The sprayer was controlled by a Ag Leader/Raven Rate Controller. StreamJet SJ7 Fertilizer Spray Nozzles(0.3 gpm) are spaced 20 inches apart along the 45 foot boom. Weather conditions: sunny, mid 70's, with light winds(4mph)

2018-06-01 Fertilizer Application The switchgrass was fertilized with 50 lbs/A nitrogen, at 16.67 gal/acre 28% UAN using the tractors Auto Trac and the sprayers rate controller. John Deere 6140R tractor with a Top-Air 3 point sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump. The sprayer was controlled by a Ag Leader/Raven Rate Controller. StreamJet SJ7 Fertilizer Spray Nozzles(0.3 gpm) are spaced 20 inches apart along the 45 foot boom. Weather conditions: sunny, mid 70's, with light winds(<4mph)

2018-05-30 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site Switchgrass Fertility Study (SWF: N-rate), all treatments and all replications. Fertilizer applied as 28-0-0 which supplied 28% nitrogen in the form of Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) (CAS #57-13-6 Urea, #6484-52-5 Ammonium Nitrate). The amounts of nitrogen applied were as follows: SWF1 = 0 lbs/A (108, 201, 307, 408); SWF2 = 25 lbs N/A (8.4 gal/A) (104, 206, 308, 407); SWF3 = 50 lbs N/A (16.7 gal/A) (102, 202, 302, 406); SWF4 = 75 lbs N/A (25.1 gal/A) (105, 208, 305, 405); SWF5 = 100 lbs N/A (33.5 gal/A) (101, 205, 304, 404); SWF6 = 125 lbs N/A (41.8 gal/A) (107, 207, 301, 403); SWF7 = 150 lbs N/A (50.2 gal/A) (106, 204, 306, 402); SWF8 = 175 lbs N/A (58.6 gal/A) (103, 203, 303, 401). Weather Conditions: mid 80's, 5-6 mph winds, sunny. Equipment used: John Deere 6140R tractor with a Top-Air 3 point sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump. A single pass of a boom type sprayer was used to broadcast apply the correct amount of fertilizer. The sprayer was controlled by a Ag Leader/Raven Rate Controller. StreamJet SJ7 Fertilizer Spray Nozzles(0.3 gpm) were spaced 20 inches apart along the 13.3 foot section of boom length in the center of each plot. The tractor was driven down between each plot to avoid running over yield area, and the sprayer extended off to the right side of the sprayer; 8 nozzles were used on the boom. The Ag Leader Rate controller was used to apply the different rates. The Ag Leader rate controller was set up for a 13.3 foot boom, and application rates entered for each treatment. speed was changed so that output of gallons per minute were within the range of the spray tips. Ground speed was manually entered into the rate controller, then the tractor was set to drive that speed. SWF2(8.4gpa - 6mph), SWF3(16.7gpa - 4mph), SWF4(25.1gpa - 3mph), SWF5(33.5gpa - 2.5mph), SWF6(41.8gpa - 2.0mph), SWF7(50.2gpa - 1.8mph), SWF8(58.6gpa - 1.5mph) SWF4 was set to incorrect higher speed, so a second pass was made to make up difference (6.2gpa - 6mph)

2018-05-23 Fertilizer Application Sprayed fertilizer in the GLBRC Main Site Treatments G5, G6, G7, and G9, all replications. All treatments were fertilized with 50 lbs N/A applied as 28% N fertilizer. 28% fertilizer weighs 10.67 lbs /gallon so the 50 lbs N/A worked out to 17 gal 28%/A. Each treatment plot was divided into two areas, an unfertilzed microplot area 15' wide located on the west side of all the plots and the fertilized area which was the remaining 76.86' on the east side of the plot. The unfertilized 15' microplot received NO fertilizer. The fertilized 76.86' was fertilized at 50 lbs N/A applied in 2 passes of the sprayer. Treatment G10 was fertilized on only 15' on west side of plot. Conditions: 2:30 p.m. sunny 76 degrees F, 41% humidity, 2-6 mph north wind. Conditions at 4:00 p.m. sunny 79 degrees F 28 % humidity, 0-5 mph north wind. Equipment Used: John Deere 6140R tractor with a three point mounted Top Air sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump and Ag Leader Rate Controller. StreamJet SJ7 Fertilizer Spray Nozzles(0.3 gpm) were used, spaced 20 inches apart with a total boom length of 45 feet. Purpose of Application: Supply nitrogen to the treatment plots.

2018-05-31 Fertilizer Application The Prairie was fertilized with 50 lbs/A nitrogen, at 16.67 gal/acre 28% UAN using the tractors Auto Trac and the sprayers rate controller. John Deere 6140R tractor with a Top-Air 3 point sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump. The sprayer was controlled by a Ag Leader/Raven Rate Controller. StreamJet SJ7 Fertilizer Spray Nozzles(0.3 gpm) are spaced 20 inches apart along the 45 foot boom. Weather conditions: sunny, mid 70's, with light winds(4mph). Fertilized only west half of field, plus one pass as shown on attached map.

2018-06-05 Fertilizer Application The switchgrass was fertilized with 50 lbs/A nitrogen, at 16.67 gal/acre 28% UAN using the tractors Auto Trac and the sprayers rate controller. John Deere 6140R tractor with a Top-Air 3 point sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump. The sprayer was controlled by a Ag Leader/Raven Rate Controller. StreamJet SJ7 Fertilizer Spray Nozzles(0.3 gpm) are spaced 20 inches apart along the 45 foot boom. Three subplots created with Zero nitrogen applied, at locations indicated on attached map. These are marked with 5' fiberglass posts, and will have GPS cordinates saved.

2018-06-05 Fertilizer Application The East side of the field was finished fertilizing. The switchgrass was fertilized with 50 lbs/A nitrogen, at 16.67 gal/acre 28% UAN using the tractors Auto Trac and the sprayers rate controller. John Deere 6140R tractor with a Top-Air 3 point sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump. The sprayer was controlled by a Ag Leader/Raven Rate Controller. StreamJet SJ7 Fertilizer Spray Nozzles(0.3 gpm) are spaced 20 inches apart along the 45 foot boom. Three subplots created with Zero nitrogen applied, at locations indicated on attached map. These are marked with 5' fiberglass posts, and will have GPS cordinates saved. The zero rate subplots are only on the East side of field.

2018-10-24 Harvest Used Kemper harvester/weigh system to take yields. One pass per each plot(7.5'), Plot weight recorded, and subsample taken for moisture correction. Cut height, 6 inches

2018-10-22 Harvest Used Kemper harvester/weigh system to take yields on treatments G5, G6, G7, G9, G10. One pass per each split plot(7.5'), half pass for G5, plus N and no N, Plot weight recorded, and subsample taken for moisture correction and lab analysis. G5, G6, G7, G9, G10 plots cleared off with Kemper harvester. Cut height, 6 inches.

2018-10-16 Harvest Used Kemper harvester/weigh system to take yields on treatments G5, G6, G7, G9, G10. One pass per each split plot(7.5'), half pass for G5, plus N and no N, Plot weight recorded, and subsample taken for moisture correction and lab analysis. G5, G6, G7, G9, G10 plots cleared off with Kemper harvester. Cut height, 6 inches.

2018-10-26 Harvest Used Kemper harvester/weigh system to take yields on treatments G5, G6, G7, G9, G10. One pass per each split plot(7.5'), half pass for G5, plus N and no N, Plot weight recorded, and subsample taken for moisture correction and lab analysis. G5, G6, G7, G9, G10 plots cleared off with Kemper harvester. Cut height, 6 inches.

2018-11-08 Harvest Used Kemper harvester/weigh system to take yields on treatments G5, G6, G7, G9, G10. One pass per each split plot(7.5'), half pass for G5, plus N and no N, Plot weight recorded, and subsample taken for moisture correction and lab analysis. G5, G6, G7, G9, G10 plots cleared off with Kemper harvester. Cut height, 6 inches.

2018-11-12 Harvest Used Kemper harvester/weigh system to take yields on treatments G5, G6, G7, G9, G10. One pass per each split plot(7.5'), half pass for G5, plus N and no N, Plot weight recorded, and subsample taken for moisture correction and lab analysis. G5, G6, G7, G9, G10 plots cleared off with Kemper harvester. Cut height, 6 inches.

2018-11-13 Harvest Used Kemper harvester/weigh system to take yields on treatments G5, G6, G7, G9, G10. One pass per each split plot(7.5'), plot weight recorded, and subsample taken for moisture correction and lab analysis. G5, G6, G7, G9, G10 plots cleared off with Kemper harvester. Cut height, 6 inches.

2019-04-10 Fertilizer Application Applied pelletized limestone to all treatments with Gandy orbit air applicator, 10 foot wide boom with 10 inch nozzle spacing. see notes for rates and lime analysis.

2019-05-11 Mechanical Weed Control Preparation for planting poplar trees, broadcast applied 30 gal/A of mix of 3 lb/A a.i. Glyphosate(brand: Cornerstone Plus) with 17 lb/100 gal ammonium sulfate and water (as a carrier).

2019-05-14 Fertilizer Application Applied 109 lb/A(50 lb/A Nitrogen) SuperU(see attachment) to all switchgrass plots. Applied ESN(see attachment) to miscanthus N study(see attachment).

2019-05-16 Fertilizer Application Applied Nitrogen fertilizer to fertilized split of all plots except G8. Used ESN(see attachment) at 114 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Nitrogen. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader. Moved the rainout shelters just prior to fertilizing, and moved them back in place after fertilizer application. 30" spacing, 3mph, stepper motor setting 59

2019-05-29 Mechanical Weed Control Preparation for planting poplar trees, broadcast applied 30 gal/A of mix of 2 lb/A a.i. Glyphosate(brand: Cornerstone Plus) with 17 lb/100 gal ammonium sulfate and water (as a carrier).

2019-06-04 Mechanical Weed Control Preparation for planting poplar trees, broadcast applied 30 gal/A of mix of 2 lb/A a.i. Glyphosate(brand: Cornerstone Plus) with 17 lb/100 gal ammonium sulfate and water (as a carrier).

2019-06-06 Mechanical Weed Control Preparation for planting poplar trees, broadcast applied 30 gal/A of mix of 3 lb/A a.i. Glyphosate(brand: Cornerstone Plus) with 17 lb/100 gal ammonium sulfate and water (as a carrier).

2019-05-30 Mechanical Weed Control Applied pre-emergence herbicide to poplar trees with tractor and 30 foot boom sprayer. Sprayed 3 quart per acre Prowl H2O and 5.6 ounce per acre Sceptor 70DG. Applied spray at 30 gal per acre solution.

2019-06-05 Mechanical Weed Control Applied pre-emergence herbicide to poplar trees with tractor and 30 foot boom sprayer. Sprayed 3 quart per acre Prowl H2O and 5.6 ounce per acre Sceptor 70DG. Applied spray at 30 gal per acre solution.

2019-05-30 Fertilizer Application Applied Nitrogen fertilizer to fertilized split of all plots except G8. Used ESN(see attachment) at 114 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Nitrogen. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader. 30" spacing, 3mph, stepper motor setting 59

2019-05-21 Fertilizer Application Applied Nitrogen fertilizer to fertilized split of all plots except G8. Used ESN(see attachment) at 114 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Nitrogen. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader. Moved the rainout shelters just prior to fertilizing, and moved them back in place after fertilizer application. 30" spacing, 3mph, stepper motor setting 59

2019-06-05 Fertilizer Application Applied Nitrogen fertilizer to fertilized split of all plots except G8. Used ESN(see attachment) at 114 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Nitrogen. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader. Moved the rainout shelters just prior to fertilizing, and moved them back in place after fertilizer application. 30" spacing, 3mph, stepper motor setting 59

2019-06-06 Fertilizer Application Applied Nitrogen fertilizer to fertilized split of all plots except G8. Used ESN(see attachment) at 114 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Nitrogen. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader. Moved the rainout shelters just prior to fertilizing, and moved them back in place after fertilizer application. 30" spacing, 3mph, stepper motor setting 59

2019-05-30 Fertilizer Application Applied pelletized limestone to G5 & G6 with Gandy orbit air applicator, 10 foot wide boom with 10 inch nozzle spacing. See notes for lime analysis. G5 - 1 ton/A, G6 - 0.5 ton/A

2019-06-06 Fertilizer Application Applied pelletized limestone to G8 4 ton/A with Gandy orbit air applicator, 10 foot wide boom with 10 inch nozzle spacing. See notes for lime analysis

2019-06-19 Fertilizer Application The switchgrass was fertilized with 50 lbs/A nitrogen, at 16.67 gal/acre 28% UAN using the tractors Auto Trac and the sprayers rate controller. John Deere 6140R tractor with a Top-Air 3 point sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump. The sprayer was controlled by a Ag Leader/Raven Rate Controller. StreamJet SJ7 Fertilizer Spray Nozzles(0.3 gpm) are spaced 20 inches apart along the 45 foot boom.

2019-06-19 Mechanical Weed Control Applied broadleaf herbicide Crossbow @ 2 qt/acre with 28 gal/acre solution. Made one pass on west side of plot to get 30 feet, then drove outside the plot to get the other 10 feet.

2020-05-11 Fertilizer Application The switchgrass was fertilized with 50 lbs/A nitrogen, at 17 gal/acre 28% UAN using the tractors Auto Trac and the sprayers rate controller. John Deere 6140R tractor with a Top-Air 3 point sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump. The sprayer was controlled by a Ag Leader/Raven Rate Controller. StreamJet SJ7 Fertilizer Spray Nozzles(0.3 gpm) are spaced 20 inches apart along the 45 foot boom.

2020-05-12 Fertilizer Application Fertilized L3 with Super TriplePhosphate(0-46-0) with bulk spinner spreader with 40 foot spread width at the lowest setting on spreader(setting 1.5) with target rate of 90 lb/A material. Used 4000 lb on 35 acres.

2020-05-12 Fertilizer Application Applied 114 lb/A(50 lb/A Nitrogen) ESN Urea(see attachment) to all switchgrass plots. Applied ESN(see attachment) to miscanthus N study(see attachment).

2020-05-30 Fertilizer Application Applied Phosphorus fertilizer(0-46-0) to all plots except Zero Nitrogen split of treatment 11. Used 87 lbs/A of super triplephosphate for a total of 40 lbs/A of phosphorus. Gandy setting: 30" spacing, 3.0 mph, stepper motor setting 31. Hand applied 8.2 pounds per plot of treatment 8.

2020-05-29 Fertilizer Application Applied Nitrogen fertilizer to fertilized split of all plots except G8. Used ESN(see attachment) at 114 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Nitrogen. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader. 30" spacing, 3mph, stepper motor setting 59

2020-05-04 Fertilizer Application Applied Nitrogen fertilizer to fertilized split of all plots except G8. Used ESN(see attachment) at 114 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Nitrogen. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader. 30" spacing, 3mph, stepper motor setting 59

2020-05-04 Fertilizer Application Applied 30 lb/A Potassium fertilizer(0-0-62) to all plots except G8 and Zero Nitrogen split of treatment 11. Used Potash at 48 lbs/A for a total of 30 lbs/A Potassium. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader. Gandy setting: 30" spacing, 3mph, stepper motor setting 16.5.

2020-05-20 Fertilizer Application Applied 40 lb/A Potassium fertilizer(0-0-62) to all plots except G8 and Zero Nitrogen split of treatment 11. Used Potash at 68 lbs/A for a total of 40 lbs/A Potassium. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader. Gandy setting: 30" spacing, 2.2 mph, stepper motor setting 16.5.

2020-05-20 Fertilizer Application Applied Nitrogen fertilizer to fertilized split of all plots except G8. Used ESN(see attachment) at 114 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Nitrogen. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader. 30" spacing, 3mph, stepper motor setting 59

2020-05-28 Fertilizer Application Applied 50 lb/A Potassium fertilizer(0-0-62) to all plots except G8 and Zero Nitrogen split of treatment 11. Used Potash at 81 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Potassium. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader. Gandy setting: 30" spacing, 2.6 mph, stepper motor setting 31. Hand applied 7.6 pounds per plot of Potash on treatment 8. Accidentally applied to Zero side of rep 3.

2020-05-30 Fertilizer Application Applied Potassium fertilizer(0-0-62) to all plots except Zero Nitrogen split of treatment 11. Reps 1, 3, 4: Used Potash at 81 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Potassium. Rep 2: Used Potash at 65 lbs/A for a total of 40 lbs/A Potassium.Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader. Gandy setting: 30" spacing, (81 lbs/A) 2.6 mph, stepper motor setting 31, (65 lbs/A) 3.2 mph, stepper motor setting 31. Hand applied 7.6 lbs/plot on treatment 8, reps 1, 3, 4 and 6.1 lbs on rep 2.

2020-05-30 Fertilizer Application Applied Nitrogen fertilizer to fertilized split of all plots except G8. Used ESN(see attachment) at 114 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Nitrogen. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader. 30" spacing, 3mph, stepper motor setting 59.

2020-05-30 Fertilizer Application Applied Nitrogen fertilizer to fertilized split of all plots except G8. Used ESN(see attachment) at 114 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Nitrogen. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader. 30" spacing, 3mph, stepper motor setting 59.

2021-05-25 Fertilizer Application Applied Nitrogen fertilizer to fertilized split of all plots except G8. Used ESN(see attachment) at 114 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Nitrogen. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader with AgLeader rate controller.

2021-05-26 Fertilizer Application Applied Nitrogen fertilizer to fertilized split of all plots except G8. Used ESN(see attachment) at 114 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Nitrogen. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader with AgLeader rate controller. >>>Mistakenly applied to both sides of G9r4

2021-05-27 Fertilizer Application Applied Nitrogen fertilizer to fertilized split of all plots except G8. Used ESN(see attachment) at 114 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Nitrogen. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader with AgLeader rate controller.

2021-05-11 Fertilizer Application The switchgrass was fertilized with 40 lbs/A nitrogen, at 13.8 gal/acre 28% UAN using the tractors Auto Trac and the sprayers rate controller. John Deere 6140R tractor with a Top-Air 3 point sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump. The sprayer was controlled by a Ag Leader/Raven Rate Controller. StreamJet SJ7A-04 Fertilizer Spray Nozzles(0.4 gpm) are spaced 20 inches apart along the 45 foot boom. >>>>> Rate reduced to account for nitrogen in the MAP fertilizer applied.

2021-05-11 Fertilizer Application The switchgrass was fertilized with 50 lbs/A nitrogen, at 17.3 gal/acre 28% UAN using the tractors Auto Trac and the sprayers rate controller. John Deere 6140R tractor with a Top-Air 3 point sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump. The sprayer was controlled by a Ag Leader/Raven Rate Controller. StreamJet SJ7A-04 Fertilizer Spray Nozzles(0.4 gpm) are spaced 20 inches apart along the 45 foot boom.

2021-04-16 Fertilizer Application Spread 1 ton / acre pelletized lime with bulk spreader down center 40 feet of each plot. used 2000 pounds.

2021-04-14 Fertilizer Application Applied Potash to new switchgrass variety trial. 49 pounds per acre potash for 30 lbs/A K.

2021-05-14 Fertilizer Application Applied 114 pounds per acre ESN (urea) to switchgrass variety trial (50 lbs/A Nitrogen)