Show Observation

User: Todd Martin

Created on: 2021-06-03

Observation Date 2021-05-11

The switchgrass was fertilized with 40 lbs/A nitrogen, at 13.8 gal/acre 28% UAN using the tractors Auto Trac and the sprayers rate controller. John Deere 6140R tractor with a Top-Air 3 point sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump. The sprayer was controlled by a Ag Leader/Raven Rate Controller. StreamJet SJ7A-04 Fertilizer Spray Nozzles(0.4 gpm) are spaced 20 inches apart along the 45 foot boom. >>>>> Rate reduced to account for nitrogen in the MAP fertilizer applied.


Observation Type:
Fertilizer Application


Worker: Todd Martin
Equipment: Top Air Sprayer • Material: Fertilizer 28% UAN (28-0-0) @ 13.8 gallon per acre
Equipment: John Deere 6140R


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