Show Observation

User: Joe Simmons

Created on: 2018-05-29

Observation Date 2018-05-30

Fertilized GLBRC Main Site Switchgrass Fertility Study (SWF: N-rate), all treatments and all replications. Fertilizer applied as 28-0-0 which supplied 28% nitrogen in the form of Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) (CAS #57-13-6 Urea, #6484-52-5 Ammonium Nitrate). The amounts of nitrogen applied were as follows: SWF1 = 0 lbs/A (108, 201, 307, 408); SWF2 = 25 lbs N/A (8.4 gal/A) (104, 206, 308, 407); SWF3 = 50 lbs N/A (16.7 gal/A) (102, 202, 302, 406); SWF4 = 75 lbs N/A (25.1 gal/A) (105, 208, 305, 405); SWF5 = 100 lbs N/A (33.5 gal/A) (101, 205, 304, 404); SWF6 = 125 lbs N/A (41.8 gal/A) (107, 207, 301, 403); SWF7 = 150 lbs N/A (50.2 gal/A) (106, 204, 306, 402); SWF8 = 175 lbs N/A (58.6 gal/A) (103, 203, 303, 401). Weather Conditions: mid 80's, 5-6 mph winds, sunny. Equipment used: John Deere 6140R tractor with a Top-Air 3 point sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump. A single pass of a boom type sprayer was used to broadcast apply the correct amount of fertilizer. The sprayer was controlled by a Ag Leader/Raven Rate Controller. StreamJet SJ7 Fertilizer Spray Nozzles(0.3 gpm) were spaced 20 inches apart along the 13.3 foot section of boom length in the center of each plot. The tractor was driven down between each plot to avoid running over yield area, and the sprayer extended off to the right side of the sprayer; 8 nozzles were used on the boom. The Ag Leader Rate controller was used to apply the different rates. The Ag Leader rate controller was set up for a 13.3 foot boom, and application rates entered for each treatment. speed was changed so that output of gallons per minute were within the range of the spray tips. Ground speed was manually entered into the rate controller, then the tractor was set to drive that speed. SWF2(8.4gpa - 6mph), SWF3(16.7gpa - 4mph), SWF4(25.1gpa - 3mph), SWF5(33.5gpa - 2.5mph), SWF6(41.8gpa - 2.0mph), SWF7(50.2gpa - 1.8mph), SWF8(58.6gpa - 1.5mph) SWF4 was set to incorrect higher speed, so a second pass was made to make up difference (6.2gpa - 6mph)


Observation Type:
Fertilizer Application


Worker: Todd Martin
Equipment: John Deere 6140R
Equipment: Sprayer: Top Air 3 point 300 gal • Material: Fertilizer 28% UAN (28-0-0) @ unknown per acre


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