Name: Kincaid 8XP Plot Combine

2001-11-09 Harvest Harvested the corn plots in the nitrogen rate, biodiversity, and europen corn borer studies. November 12, 2001 I harvested the extra rows of corn in the biodiversity study, and Bt study. JD 4425 combine. November 13, 2001 Mick harvested the extra rows of corn from the N-rate study. JD 9410 combine.

2007-11-02 Harvest Harvested corn plots in the Biodiversity Study. Two corn rows spaced 30 inches apart and 90 feet long were harvested. Data collected: weight of the corn and percent moisture in the corn. Keith Dysinger harvested the plots with a Kincaid 8XP plot combine. Treatment harvested were B5, B8, B11, B13, B15, and B18. B5 plots: (114, 217, 312, and 405); B8 plots: (118, 214, 310, and 408); B11 plots: (110, 216, 309, and 411); B13 plots: (113, 212, 319, and 413); B15 plots: (112, 213, 301, and 415); B18 plots: (108, 208, 311, and 418). Mick harvested corn from the remaining plot area on November 5, 2007.

2007-11-02 Harvest Harvested corn plots in the European Corn Borer (ECB) Study. Because we expected the yields to be down from the lack of rainfall and deer damage to the plots we harvested 2 passes (4 rows) of corn. The corn rows were spaced 30 inches apart and were 75 feet long (a total of 150 feet of row length was harvested). Data collected: weight of the corn and percent moisture in the corn. Keith Dysinger harvested the plots with a Kincaid 8XP plot combine. Treatments harvested were E1, E2, and E3. Mick harvested corn from the remaining plot area on November 5, 2007.

2009-08-14 Harvest Harvested canaola, GLBRC main site, treatment G3, replication 5 (complete plot) and replication 2 (6 of 19 swaths), with Kincaid 8-XP plot combine with a grain head and Sund raking pickup attachment. Plot was harvested as 19 individual swaths and then the individual weights were combined to give a plot total. Seed moisture was determined (plot 5 only) using a Dicky-john Grain Analysis Computer (GAC2000).

2009-10-22 Harvest Harvested soybeans in the LTER Biodiversity Study. Harvested treatments B4: plots 104, 220, 307, 404; B7: plots 105, 219, 305, 407; B10: plots 117, 209, 320, 410; B12 plots 109, 202, 313, 412; B14: plots 115, 204, 304, 414; B16 plots 101, 210, 308, 416; and B19 plots 103, 218, 315, 419.

2009-07-24 Harvest Harvested wheat in the LTER Biodiversity Study. Harvested treatments B5: plots 114, 217, 312, 405; B8: plots 118, 214, 310, 408; B11: plots 110, 216, 309, 411; B17 plots 116, 211, 302, 417; and B20: plots 120, 215, 318, 420.

2009-11-17 Harvest Harvested the corn in the LTER Biodiversity Study. Harvested treatments B3: plots 111, 203, 306, 403; B6: plots 107, 207, 317, 406; B9: plots 119, 205, 314, 409; B13 plots 113, 212, 319, 413; B15: plots 112, 213, 301, 415; and B18 plots 108, 208, 311, 418.

2009-10-22 Harvest Harvested soybeans in the LTER T8nt plots. Harvested reps 1, 2, 3, and 4.

2009-10-22 Harvest Harvested soybeans in the LTER CE Biofuel Study. Harvested treatments CE2: plots 112, 210, 312, and 402.

2009-11-17 Harvest Harvested corn in the GLBRC Productivity Study. Harvested treatments PR13: plots 110, 204, 307, and 413.

2010-10-20 Harvest Harvested corn in the LTER Biodiversity Study with the Kincaid 8XP Plot Combine. Harvested treatments B5: plots 114, 217, 312, 405; B8: plots 118, 214, 310, 408; B11: plots 110, 216, 309, 411; B12: plots 109, 202, 313, 412; B15: plots 112, 213, 301, 415; and B18: plots 108, 208, 311, 418.

2010-10-20 Harvest Harvested corn in the LTER Cellulosic Biofuels Experiment (CE Study) treatments CE1 and CE2, all reps. CE1: plots 108, 202, 304, and 401; CE2: plots 112, 210, 312, and 402. Harvested with Kincaid 8XP Plot Combine.

2010-07-16 Harvest Harvested the LTER Main Site N-rate Study (Irrigated and non-Irrigated Fertility Gradient). For each plot, a 5' wide strip the length of the plot was cut using the Kincaid combine. Moisture content was determined by using the on-board system.

2010-07-17 Harvest Harvested the LTER Main Site Biodiversity Study treatments B4, B7, B10, B14, B17 and B20 (winter wheat), all replications. For each plot, a 5' wide strip the length of the plot was cut using the Kincaid combine. Moisture content was determined by using the on-board system.

2010-07-17 Harvest Harvested the LTER Main Site micro-plots in treatments T3 and T4. For each micro-plot, a 5' wide strip the length of the plot was cut using the Kincaid combine. Moisture content was determined by using the on-board system.

2009-11-17 Harvest Harvested corn in the LTER CE Biofuel Study. Harvested treatments CE1: plots 108, 202, 304, 401; CE3: plots 105, 207, 301, and 403.

2011-08-02 Harvest Harvested the wheat in the Biodiversity Study. Treatments which were harvested were B3 (111, 203, 306, 403), B6 (107, 207, 317, 406), B9 (plots 119, 205, 314, 409), B17 (116, 211, 302, 417), and B20 (120, 215, 318, 420). Harvested with the Kincaid plot combine.

2011-10-25 Harvest Harvested soybeans in the LTER Biodiversity Study. Harvested treatments B5: plots 114, 217, 312, 405; B8: plots 118, 214, 310, 408; B11: plots 110, 216, 309, 411; B12 plots 109, 202, 313, 412; B14: plots 115, 204, 304, 414; B16 plots 101, 210, 308, 416; and B19: plots 103, 218, 315, 419. Number of rows harvested: 2. Length of each row harvested: 90 feet. Row spacing of harvested soybeans: 30 inches.

2011-10-25 Harvest Harvested soybeans in the LTER CE Biofuel Study. Harvested treatments CE2: plots 112, 210, 312, and 402. Number of rows harvested: 4. Length of each row harvested: 90 feet. Row spacing of harvested soybeans: 15 inches.

2011-10-17 Harvest October 17, 2011: Harvested GLBRC G3 soybeans from the micro-plot area, all reps, (plus corn stover, and minus corn stover micro plots). Harvested with the Kincaid plot combine. Soybeans harvested were Pioneer 92Y30 RR. For each micro-plot eleven rows on the west and east side of each plot was harvested with the Kincaid plot combine. The middle four 15 inch rows of the eleven row micro-plot area was reported as the micro-plot yield. Each micro-plot is 15 ft wide. Plot weight and moisture were obtained from the on-board FRS Harvest Master computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems.

2011-11-17 Harvest November 17, 2011: Harvested GLBRC G1 and G2 corn from the micro-plot area, all reps, (plus corn stover, and minus corn stover micro plots). Harvested with the Kincaid plot combine. Corn variety harvested was Dekalb DKC52-59 corn hybrid. For each micro-plot six rows on the west and east side of each plot was harvested with the Kincaid plot combine. The middle two rows of the six row micro-plot area was reported as the micro-plot yield. Plot weight and moisture were obtained from the on-board FRS Harvest Master computer/software weighing system, by Juniper Systems.

2011-11-17 Harvest Harvested corn from the LTER N-rate Study (Irrigated and non-Irrigated Fertility Gradient). For each plot two rows of corn were harvested from the middle of each plot (rows 3 and 4 from each plot). Plot weight and moisture content were obtained from the on-board FRS Harvest Master computer/software weighing system, by Juniper Systems.

2011-11-19 Harvest Harvested corn in the LTER Biodiversity Study. Harvested treatments B4: plots 104, 220, 307, 404; B7: plots 105, 219, 305, 407; B10: plots 117, 209, 320, 410; B13 plots 113, 212, 319, 413; B15: plots 112, 213, 301, 415; and B18 plots 108, 208, 311, 418; Harvest row numbers 7 and 8 from the west side of each plot. Number of rows harvested: 2. Length of each row harvested: 90 feet. Row spacing of harvested corn: 30 inches.

2011-11-19 Harvest Harvested corn in the LTER CE Biofuel Study. Harvested treatments CE1 plots: 108, 202, 304, 401; and CE3 plots: 105, 207, 301, 403. Harvested row 7 and 8 from the west side of each plot. Number of rows harvested: 2. Length of each row harvested: 90 feet. Row spacing of harvested corn: 30 inches.

2011-11-19 Harvest Harvested corn in the LTER T8nt plots, all reps. Harvested three passes within each plot, for a total of 6 rows harvested within each plot. Harvested rows 3 and 4, 9 and 10, 15 and 16 from the west side of each plot. Total number of rows harvested per plot: 6. Length of each row harvested: 120 feet. Row spacing of harvested corn: 30 inches. Plot weight and moisture content were determined by using the on-board software by Juniper systems.

2011-11-19 Harvest Harvested corn in the LTER Interaction plots, all reps. Harvested three passes within each plot, for a total of 6 rows harvested within each plot. Harvested rows 7 and 8, 17 and 18, 27 and 28 from the west side of each plot (unless those rows were in line with a lysimeter lid or irrigation riser than the row was moved a few rows to avoid the objects). Total number of rows harvested per plot: 6. Length of each row harvested: 120 feet. Row spacing of harvested corn: 30 inches. Plot weight and moisture content were determined by using the on-board software by Juniper systems.

2012-07-05 Harvest Harvested the LTER Main Site Biodiversity Study treatments B5, B8, B11, B14, B17 and B20 (winter wheat), all replications. For each plot, a 5' wide strip the length of the plot was cut using the Kincaid combine. Moisture content was determined by using the on-board system.

2012-10-25 Harvest Soybean harvest in T8nt and Interaction plots. Measured and cut plot length to 130 ft. Four rows with 15 inch row spacing were harvested to record yield. Plot weight and moisture were obtained from the on-board FRS Harvest Master computer/software weighing system, by Juniper Systems.

2012-10-28 Harvest Soybean harvest in Biodiversity and CE studies. LTER Biodiversity Plots Harvested: all 2012 soybean treatments: B4 (104, 220, 307, 404), B7 (105, 219, 305, 407), B10 (117, 209, 320, 410), B13 (113, 212, 319, 413), B16 (101, 210, 308, 416), and B19 (103, 218, 315, 419). Row spacing: 30 inches. Soybeans harvested: Blue River Hybrid 19AR1. Measured and cut plot length to 90 ft. Two rows with 30 inch row spacing were harvested to record yield. CE plots harvested: 105, 207, 301, and 403. Measured and cut plot length to 90 ft. Four rows with 15 inch row spacing were harvested to record yield. Plot weight and moisture were obtained from the on-board FRS Harvest Master computer/software weighing system, by Juniper Systems.

2012-11-01 Harvest Corn Micro-plot harvest. The middle 5' of each 15' edge micro-plot from G1, G2, and G3 corn plots were harvested. Harvested GLBRC G1, G2, and G3 corn from the micro-plot area, all reps, (plus corn stover, and minus corn stover micro plots). Harvested with the Kincaid plot combine. For each micro-plot the middle two rows (out of six rows) on the west and east side of each plot were harvested with the Kincaid plot combine. The middle two rows of the six row micro-plot area was reported as the micro-plot yield. Plot weight and moisture were obtained from the on-board FRS Harvest Master computer/software weighing system, by Juniper Systems.

2012-10-09 Harvest Soybean Micro-plot harvest. The middle 5' of each 15' edge micro-plot from G4 soybeans were harvested. Harvested GLBRC G4 soybeans from the micro-plot area, all reps, (plus corn stover, and minus corn stover micro plots). Harvested with the Kincaid plot combine. Soybeans variety harvested were Pioneer 92Y30. For each micro-plot the middle four rows on the west and east side of each plot were harvested with the Kincaid plot combine. The middle four rows of the twelve row micro-plot area was reported as the micro-plot yield. Plot weight and moisture were obtained from the on-board FRS Harvest Master computer/software weighing system, by Juniper Systems.

2012-10-09 Harvest Harvested soybeans from the LTER N-rate Study (Irrigated Fertility Gradient). For each plot four rows of soybeans were harvested from the middle of each plot (rows 5-8, from each plot, each plot had eleven rows). Plot weight and moisture content were obtained from the on-board FRS Harvest Master computer/software weighing system, by Juniper Systems.

2012-10-02 Harvest Harvested soybeans from the LTER N-rate Study (non-Irrigated Fertility Gradient). For each plot four rows of soybeans were harvested from the middle of each plot (rows 5-8, from each plot, each plot had eleven rows). Plot weight and moisture content were obtained from the on-board FRS Harvest Master computer/software weighing system, by Juniper Systems.

2008-10-31 Harvest Harvested corn in both N-rate studies. Keith Dysinger came from MSU main campus with his Kincaid plot combine to harvest for us.

2008-10-31 Harvest Harvested corn in both LTER T8nt plots, LTER CE biofuel plots, T3 micro-plots, and T4 micro-plots. Keith Dysinger came from MSU main campus with his Kincaid plot combine to harvest for us.

2008-10-31 Harvest Harvested corn plots in the Biodiversity study. Treatments and plots planted to corn: B4: 104, 220, 307, 404; B7: 105, 219, 305, 407; B10: 117, 209, 320, 410; B12: 109, 202, 313, 412; B15: 112, 213, 301, 415; B18: 108, 208, 311, 418. Keith Dysinger came from MSU main campus with his Kincaid plot combine to harvest for us.

2013-07-18 Harvest Harvested winter wheat in Main Site LTER T3 micro-plots. There were six micro-plots within each replication and harvest always started from the North West corner and worked East. For each plot 8 rows of wheat were harvested from the middle of each plot. Plot weight and moisture content were obtained from the on-board FRS Harvest Master computer/software weighing system, by Juniper Systems.

2013-07-18 Harvest Harvested winter wheat in Main Site LTER T4 micro-plots. There were six micro-plots within each replication and harvest always started from the North West corner and worked East. For each plot 8 rows of wheat were harvested from the middle of each plot. Plot weight and moisture content were obtained from the on-board FRS Harvest Master computer/software weighing system, by Juniper Systems.

2013-07-19 Harvest Harvested the LTER Main Site N-rate Study (Irrigated and non-Irrigated Fertility Gradient). For each plot, a 5' wide strip the length of the plot was cut using the Kincaid combine. Moisture content was determined by using the on-board system.

2013-07-24 Harvest Harvested the LTER Main Site Biodiversity Study treatments B4, B7, B10, B17 and B20 (winter wheat), all replications. For each plot, a 5' wide strip the length of the plot was cut using the Kincaid combine. Moisture content was determined by using the on-board system.

2013-07-24 Harvest Harvested Interaction Plots making 2 (120') passes through every plot. Harvested in a serpentine pattern starting on plot 4 and working south going through plots 4, 3, 2, 1 and then back to the north going through the same 4 plots working from west to east. For each plot, two 5' wide strip the length of the plot was cut using the Kincaid combine. Moisture content was determined by using the on-board system.

2013-07-24 Harvest Harvested the T8nt's in order from plot 17, 21, 20, 24. For each plot, a 5' wide strip by 100' was cut using the Kincaid combine. Moisture content was determined by using the on-board system.

2013-10-14 Harvest Soybean Micro-plot harvest. The middle 5' of each 15' edge micro-plot from G3 soybeans were harvested. Harvested GLBRC G3 soybeans from the micro-plot area, all reps, (plus corn stover, and minus corn stover micro plots). Harvested with the Kincaid plot combine. Soybeans variety harvested were Pioneer 92Y30. For each micro-plot the middle four rows on the west and east side of each plot were harvested with the Kincaid plot combine. The middle four rows of the eleven row micro-plot area was reported as the micro-plot yield. Plot weight and moisture were obtained from the on-board FRS Harvest Master computer/software weighing system, by Juniper Systems.

2013-10-28 Harvest Corn Micro-plot harvest. The middle 5' of each 15' edge micro-plot from G1, G2, and G4 corn plots were harvested. Harvested GLBRC G1, G2, and G4 corn from the micro-plot area, all reps, (plus corn stover, and minus corn stover micro plots)(west and east side of all plots). Harvested with the Kincaid plot combine. For each micro-plot all six rows were harvested. The middle two rows of the six row micro-plot area was reported as the micro-plot yield. Plot weight and moisture were obtained from the on-board FRS Harvest Master computer/software weighing system, by Juniper Systems.

2013-11-05 Harvest Harvested the soybeans in the LTER Biodiversity Study and CE Study. Biodiversity treatments and plots harvested: B3: plots 111, 203, 306, 403; B6: plots 107, 207, 317, 406; B9: plots 119, 205, 314, 409; B12 plots 109, 202, 313, 412; B14: plots 115, 204, 304, 414; B16: plots 101, 210, 308, 416; and B19 plots 103, 218, 315, 419. For the biodiversity plots two rows of soybeans spaced 30 inches apart were harvested. CE treatments and plots harvested: CE2 plots 112, 210, 312, 402. For the CE study four rows of soybeans spaced 15 inches apart were harvested. Harvested with the Kincaid plot combine. Plot weight and moisture were obtained from the on-board FRS Harvest Master computer/software weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Matt Pixley harvested the remaining rows of soybeans in the biodiversity and CE studies on Wednesday November 13, 2013 with the JD 9410 combine.

2013-10-30 Harvest Harvested the corn in the LTER Biodiversity Study and CE Study. Biodiversity treatments and plots harvested: B5: plots 114, 217, 312, 405; B8: plots 118, 214, 310, 408; B11: plots 110, 216, 309, 411; B13 plots 113, 212, 319, 413; B15: plots 112, 213, 301, 415; and B18: plots 108, 208, 311, 418; In the biodiversity plots two rows of corn spaced 30 inches apart were harvested. CE treatments and plots harvested: CE1 plots 108, 202, 304, 401; CE3 plots 105, 207, 301, 403. In the CE study two rows of corn spaced 30 inches apart were harvested. Harvested with the Kincaid plot combine. Plot weight and moisture were obtained from the on-board FRS Harvest Master computer/software weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Matt Pixley harvested the remaining rows of corn in the biodiversity and CE studies on Tuesday November 5, 2013 with the JD 9410 combine.

2004-11-10 Harvest Harvested corn in N-rate studies (irrigated and non-irrigated), and EDB study. Keith D. came down from campus to harvest corn. We had a bearing go out on the combine so Keith will come back next week to harvest the corn in the biodiversity study.

2004-11-16 Harvest Harvested corn in biodiversity study. Keith D. came down from campus to harvest corn.

2014-07-25 Harvest Harvested the LTER Main Site Biodiversity Study treatments B3, B6, B9, B14, B17 and B20 (winter wheat), all replications. For each plot, a 5' wide strip the length of the plot was cut using the Kincaid combine. Moisture content and weight was determined by using the on-board system. Treatments B17 & B20 the entire plot sample was bagged to be cleaned again later due to the amount of quack grass.

2014-10-24 Harvest Soybean Micro-plot harvest (with corn stover and without corn stover). The middle 5' (4 rows) from each 15' edge micro-plot on the east and west side was harvested from the GLBRC G4 soybeans, all reps in the order of 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. The middle four rows of the eleven row micro-plot are used as the micro-plot yield. Plot weight and moisture were obtained from the on-board Mirus Harvest Master computer/software weighing system. Soybeans variety harvested were Pioneer P22T69R. The micro-plots were harvested with the Kincaid plot combine

2014-11-05 Harvest Harvested corn from the LTER N-rate Study (Irrigated and non-Irrigated Fertility Gradient). For each plot two rows of corn were harvested from the middle of each plot (rows 3 and 4 from each plot). Plot weight and moisture content were obtained from the on-board Mirus software by Harvest Master. On November 10, 2014 rows 2 and 5 were harvested individually to compare to rows 3 and 4. Also on November 10, 2014 the main plots and border plots were cleaned up with the Kincaid 8XP Plot combine.

2014-10-25 Harvest Harvested soybeans in the LTER Biodiversity Study. Biodiversity treatments and plots harvested: B5: plots 114, 217, 312, 405; B8: plots 118, 214, 310, 408; B11: plots 110, 216, 309, 411; B13 plots 113, 212, 319, 413; B16 plots 101, 210, 308, 416; B19 plots 103, 218, 315, 419. In the biodiversity plots two rows of soybeans spaced 30 inches apart were harvested. Harvested with the Kincaid plot combine. Plot weight and moisture were obtained from the on-board Mirus Harvest Master computer/software weighing system. Rep 1 was harvested on October 24, 2014 due to soybeans becoming tough. Data from plot # 405 is unusable due to human error and plot # 408 was shortened to 50 feet. Matt Pixley harvested the remaining rows of sobyeans in the biodiversity October 26, 2014 with the JD 9410 combine.

2014-10-29 Harvest Harvested corn in the LTER T8nt plots, all reps. Harvested 2 passes within each plot. Total number of rows harvested per plot: 4. Length of each row harvested: 120 feet. Row spacing of harvested corn: 30 inches. Plot weight and moisture content were obtained from the on-board Mirus Harvest Master computer/software weighing system.

2014-10-29 Harvest Corn Micro-plot harvest. The middle 5' of each 15' edge micro-plot from G1, G2, and G3 corn plots were harvested. Harvested GLBRC G1, G2, and G3 corn from the micro-plot area, all reps, (plus corn stover, and minus corn stover micro plots)(west and east side of all plots). Harvested with the Kincaid plot combine. For each micro-plot all six rows were harvested. The middle two rows of the six row micro-plot area was reported as the micro-plot yield. Plot weight and moisture were obtained from the on-board Mirus Harvest Master computer/software weighing system. Estimated harvest time was from 10:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. (this estimate is just harvest time it does not include equipment set up and equipment clean up time).

2014-10-25 Harvest Harvested soybeans in the LTER CE Study (Cellulosic Biofuels Experiment). CE plots harvested C3 plots (105, 207, 301, 403). Four rows of soybeans spaced 15 inches apart were harvested. Harvested with the Kincaid plot combine. Plot weight and moisture were obtained from the on-board Mirus Harvest Master computer/software weighing system. Matt Pixley harvested the remaining rows of sobyeans in the biodiversity October 26, 2014 with the JD 9410 combine.

2014-11-05 Harvest Harvested LTER T4 Micro-Plots. Reps 1-2 T4 micro plots were harvested on November 3, 2014, Harvest was stopped due to high moisture. Reps 3-6 got harvested on November 5, 2014. Rows 3-4 were harvested, plot length was 40 ft. Harvested with the Kincaid 8XP plot combine and the plot weight and moisture content were determined by the the the on-board Mirus Harvest Master computer/software weighing system.

2014-11-03 Harvest Harvested LTER T3 Micro-Plots. Started harvesting T3 micro plots on October 29, 2014. T3 Rep 6 was completely harvested on October 29, 2014. T3 Rep 1 plot #1 was completely harvested and the 2nd and 3rd plots were not completely harvested due to weeds plugging corn head on Kincaid plot combine. The rest of T3 Rep 1 and Reps 2-5 were harvested on November 3, 2014. Plots are harvested from the West to the East. In rep one the 2 plot from the west is only 25'6" and the 3rd plot is 21'. In rep 2 the 5th plot is unusable data and the 6th plot is 23'. Harvested with the Kincaid 8XP plot combine and the plot weight and moisture content were determined by the the the on-board Mirus Harvest Master computer/software weighing system.

2014-11-05 Harvest Harvested corn in the LTER CE Biofuel Study. Harvested treatments CE1 plots: 108, 202, 304, 401; and CE2 plots: 112, 210, 312, 402. Harvested row 9 and 10 from the west side of each plot. Number of rows harvested: 2. Length of each row harvested: 90 feet. Row spacing of harvested corn: 30 inches. Harvested with the Kincaid 8XP plot combine equipped with the the on-board Mirus Harvest Master computer/software weighing system.

2014-11-05 Harvest Harvested corn in the LTER Interaction plots, all reps. Harvested 2 passes within each plot, for a total of 4 rows harvested within each plot. Harvested 2 rows from the west side and 2 rows from the east side. Length of each row harvested: 120 feet. Row spacing of harvested corn: 30 inches. Harvested with the Kincaid 8XP plot combine and the plot weight and moisture content were determined by the the the on-board Mirus Harvest Master computer/software weighing system.

2014-11-05 Harvest Harvested corn in the LTER Biodiversity Study. Harvested treatments B4: plots 104, 220, 307, 404; B7: plots 105, 219, 305, 407; B10: plots 117, 209, 320, 410; B12 plots 109, 202, 313, 412; B15: plots 112, 213, 301, 415; and B18 plots 108, 208, 311, 418; Harvest row numbers 9 and 10 from the west side of each plot. Number of rows harvested: 2. Length of each row harvested: 90 feet. Row spacing of harvested corn: 30 inches. Harvested with the Kincaid 8XP plot combine equipped with the the on-board Mirus Harvest Master computer/software weighing system.

2005-10-14 Harvest Harvested corn in both N-rate studies (irrigated and non-irrigated studies). Keith Dysinger came from MSU main campus with his Kincaid plot combine to harvest for us. 2005 was the first year for the new location (in the south part of the lysimeter field, south of the weather station) for the N-rate studies. I believe Keith harvested the corn from the old N-rate study site: only the tilled, dryland area, The old N-rate study site was just inside the LTER main gate off from 'B' avenue on the west side of the LTER main drive.

2009-10-21 Harvest Harvested soybeans from the LTER N-rate Studies (Non-Irrigated and Irrigated Fertility Gradient). For each plot four rows of soybeans were harvested from the middle of each plot (rows 5-8, from each plot, each plot had eleven rows). Plot weight and moisture content were obtained from the on-board FRS Harvest Master computer/software weighing system, by Juniper Systems.

2010-08-02 Harvest Harvested Canola in the G2 plots.

2015-10-19 Harvest Harvested soybeans from the LTER T8nt plots and the CE study, and the T4 micro-plots. We did not harvest the weed free plots in the T4 micro-plots this year because the plots were never keep weed free (lack of time and help to keep plots weed free). Four rows of soybeans were harvested from the middle of each plot. Plot weight and moisture content were obtained from the on-board computer/software weighing system, (Mirus software by Harvest Master, Juniper Systems). Brook Wilke harvested the remaining plot area soybeans on October 19, 2015 with the JD 9410 combine and blue/white grain truck (truck #1271).

2015-10-27 Harvest Harvested soybeans in the LTER Interaction plots and LTER Biodiversity Study. Interaction plots, all reps: Harvested 2 passes within each plot (4 soybean rows with 15" row spacing and 120' row length), for a total of 8 rows harvested within each plot. Harvested 4 rows from the west side and 4 rows from the east side. Length of each row harvested: 120 feet. Row spacing of harvested corn: 15 inches. Harvested with the Kincaid 8XP plot combine and the plot weight and moisture content were determined by the the the on-board Mirus Harvest Master computer/software weighing system. Biodiversity treatments and plots harvested: B4: plots 104, 220, 307, 404; B7: plots 105, 219, 305, 407; B10: plots 117, 209, 320, 410; B12 plots 109, 202, 313, 412; B14 plots 115, 204, 304, 414; B16 plots 101, 210, 308, 416; B19: plots 103, 218, 315, 419. Two rows of soybeans spaced 30 inches apart and 90 feet long were harvested. Harvested with the Kincaid plot combine. Plot weight and moisture were obtained from the on-board Mirus Harvest Master computer/software weighing system. Brook Wilke harvested the remaining rows of sobyeans in the biodiversity November 2, 2015 with the JD 9410 combine.

2015-11-03 Harvest Corn Micro-plot harvest. The middle 5' of each 15' edge micro-plot from G1, G2, and G4 corn plots were harvested. Harvested GLBRC G1, G2, and G4 corn from the micro-plot area, all reps, (plus corn stover, and minus corn stover micro plots)(west and east side of all plots). Harvested all the G1 and G2 micro-plot area on November 3, 2015. Harvested G4 reps 3, 4, and 5 on November 4, 2015. Harvested G4 reps 1 and 2 on November 5, 2015. Harvested with the Kincaid plot combine. For each micro-plot all six rows were harvested. The middle two rows of the six row micro-plot area was reported as the micro-plot yield. Plot weight and moisture were obtained from the on-board Mirus Harvest Master computer/software weighing system. Estimated harvest time was from ? - ? (this estimate is just harvest time it does not include equipment set up and equipment clean up time).

2015-07-24 Harvest Harvested the LTER Main Site Biodiversity Study treatments B5, B8, B11, B17 and B20 (winter wheat), all replications. For each plot, a 5' wide strip the length of the plot was cut using the Kincaid combine. Moisture content and weight was determined by using the on-board system.

2015-10-08 Harvest Harvested soybeans from the LTER N-rate Study (Resource Gradient Experiment) (Irrigated Fertility Gradient and Non-Irrigated Fertility Gradient). Four rows of soybeans were harvested from the middle of each plot (rows 5-8, from each plot, each plot had eleven rows). Plot weight and moisture content were obtained from the on-board computer/software weighing system, (Mirus software by Harvest Master, Juniper Systems). Brook Wilke harvested the remaining plot area soybeans on October 8, 2015 with the JD 9410 combine and white/green grain truck (truck #1270).

2015-11-11 Harvest Harvested corn in the LTER Biodiversity Study. Biodiversity treatments and plots harvested: B3: plots 111, 203, 306, 403; B6: plots 107, 207, 317, 406; B9: plots 119, 205, 314, 409; B13 plots 113, 212, 319, 413; B15 plots 112, 213, 301, 415; B18 plots 108, 208, 311, 418. Two rows of corn spaced 30 inches apart and 90 feet long were harvested. Harvested with the Kincaid 8XP plot combine. Plot weight and moisture content were determined by the the the on-board Mirus Harvest Master computer/software weighing system. Brook Wilke harvested the remaining rows of corn in the biodiversity November 11, 2015 with the JD 9410 combine.

2015-11-11 Harvest Harvested corn in the FSC and GLBRC N-rate applicator study. Two rows of corn spaced 30 inches apart and 60 feet and 55 feet long were harvested. Harvested with the Kincaid 8XP plot combine. Plot weight and moisture content were determined by the the the on-board Mirus Harvest Master computer/software weighing system. Brook Wilke harvested the remaining rows of corn in these studies area on November 11, 2015 with the JD 9410 combine.

2015-11-10 Harvest Harvested corn in the LTER CE Biofuel Study. Harvested treatments CE1 plots: 108, 202, 304, 401; and CE3 plots:105, 207, 301, 403. Harvested 2 rows from each plot. Length of each row harvested: 90 feet. Row spacing of harvested corn: 30 inches. Harvested with the Kincaid 8XP plot combine equipped with the the on-board Mirus Harvest Master computer/software weighing system.

2016-07-19 Harvest Harvested the LTER Main Site N-rate Study (Irrigated and non-Irrigated Fertility Gradient) wheat. For each plot, a 5' wide strip the length of the plot was cut using the Kincaid combine. Moisture content and weight was determined by using the on-board system.

2016-07-19 Harvest Harvested wheat in the LTER Biodiversity Study treatments B4 (104, 220, 307, 404), B7 (105, 219, 305, 407), B10 (117, 209, 320, 410), B14 (115, 204, 304, 414), B17 (116, 211, 302, 417), B20 (120, 215, 318, 420) and the T8nt plots. For each plot, a 5' wide strip the length of the plot was cut using the Kincaid combine. Moisture content and weight was determined by using the on-board system.

2016-10-05 Harvest Corn Micro-plot harvest. Harvested GLBRC G2 and G3 corn from the micro-plot area, all reps, (plus corn stover, and minus corn stover micro plots)(west and east side of all plots). Harvested with the Kincaid plot combine. For each micro-plot all six rows were harvested (the six rows on the west and east side of each plot were harvested). The middle two rows of the six row micro-plot area was reported as the micro-plot yield. Plot weight and moisture were obtained from the on-board Mirus Harvest Master computer/software weighing system. Estimated harvest time was from 11:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (this estimate is just harvest time it does not include equipment set up and equipment clean up time).

2016-10-12 Harvest Soybean Micro-plot harvest (with corn stover and without corn stover). The middle 5' (4 rows) from each 15' edge micro-plot on the east and west side was harvested from the GLBRC G4 soybeans, all reps in the order of 5, 3, 2, 4, 1. The middle four rows of the eleven row micro-plot are used as the micro-plot yield. Plot weight and moisture were obtained from the on-board Mirus Harvest Master computer/software weighing system. Soybeans variety harvested were Pioneer ?. The micro-plots were harvested with the Kincaid plot combine

2016-10-24 Harvest Corn Micro-plot harvest. Harvested GLBRC G1 corn from the micro-plot area, all reps, (plus corn stover, and minus corn stover micro plots)(west and east side of all plots). Harvested with the Kincaid plot combine. For each micro-plot all six rows were harvested (the six rows on the west and east side of each plot were harvested). The middle two rows of the six row micro-plot area was reported as the micro-plot yield. Plot weight and moisture were obtained from the on-board Mirus Harvest Master computer/software weighing system. Estimated harvest time was from 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. (this estimate is just harvest time it does not include equipment set up and equipment clean up time). Harvested Di's and Kate's micro-plot area in G1 reps 1, 2, 3, and 4 only. Micro-plot area was 15 ft (6 rows) by 50 ft.

2016-10-24 Harvest Harvested corn in the LTER Biodiversity Study and CE Study today. Biodiversity treatments and plots harvested: B5: plots 114, 217, 312, 405; B8: plots 118, 214, 310, 408; B11: plots 110, 216, 309, 411; B12 plots 109, 202, 313, 412; B15 plots 112, 213, 301, 415; B18 plots 108, 208, 311, 418. CE treatments and plots harvested: CE2 plots 112, 210, 312, 402. CE1 plots were fallow during 2016 growing season so no harvest from the CE1 plots in 2016. CE1 plots were fallow for a project from the Landis Lab with Monarch butterflies. CE1 plots 108, 202, 304, 401. Two rows of corn spaced 30 inches apart and 90 feet long were harvested. Harvested with the Kincaid 8XP plot combine. Plot weight and moisture content were determined by the the the on-board Mirus Harvest Master computer/software weighing system. Brook Wilke harvested the remaining rows of corn in the biodiversity October 25, 2016 with the JD 9410 combine.

2016-10-21 Harvest Harvested soybeans in the LTER Biodiversity Study and LTER CE Study. Biodiversity treatments and plots harvested: B3: plots 111, 203, 306, 403; B7: plots 107, 207, 317, 406; B9: plots 119, 205, 314, 409; B13 plots 113, 212, 319, 413; B16 plots 101, 210, 308, 416; B19: plots 103, 218, 315, 419. CE treatment and plots harvested: CE3: plots 105, 207, 301, 403. Two rows of soybeans spaced 30 inches apart and 90 feet long were harvested. Harvested with the Kincaid plot combine. Plot weight and moisture were obtained from the on-board Mirus Harvest Master computer/software weighing system. Brook Wilke harvested the remaining rows of sobyeans in the biodiversity October 25, 2015 with the JD 9410 combine.

2017-07-18 Harvest Harvested wheat in the LTER Biodiversity Study treatments B3: 111, 203, 306, 403; B6: 107, 207, 317, 406; B9: 119, 205, 314, 409; B17: 116, 211, 302, 417; B20: 120, 215, 318, 420. For each plot, a 5' wide strip the length of the plot was cut using the Kincaid combine. Moisture content and weight was determined by using the on-board system.

2017-10-20 Harvest Harvested corn from the LTER N-rate Study (Non-Irrigated only Fertility Gradient). For each plot two rows of corn were harvested from the middle of each plot (rows 3 and 4 from each plot). Plot weight and moisture content were obtained from the on-board Mirus software by Harvest Master. A sample of grain was collected and bagged from each plot this year. Samples were requested by Bonnie McGill (grad student). Harvested with the Kincaid 8XP plot combine. Doug Reed was the staff member that helped collect samples today.

2017-10-20 Harvest Corn Micro-plot harvest. Harvested GLBRC G1, G2, and G4 corn from the micro-plot area, all reps, (plus corn stover, and minus corn stover micro plots)(west and east side of all plots). Harvested with the Kincaid plot combine. For each micro-plot all six rows were harvested (the six rows on the west and east side of each plot were harvested). The middle two rows of the six row micro-plot area was reported as the micro-plot yield. Plot weight and moisture were obtained from the on-board Mirus Harvest Master computer/software weighing system. Joe Simmons harvested the micro-plots from G1 plots on October 19, 2017 (6:00 - 7:30 p.m.) Justin Mezo and Doug Reed harvested the micro-plots from G2 and G4 on October 20, 2017 (9:00-11:30 a.m.) Estimated harvest time was from ? - ? (this estimate is just harvest time it does not include equipment set up and equipment clean up time).

2017-10-27 Harvest Harvested corn from the LTER N-rate Study (Irrigated only Fertility Gradient). For each plot two rows of corn were harvested from the middle of each plot (rows 3 and 4 from each plot). Plot weight and moisture content were obtained from the on-board Mirus software by Harvest Master. A sample of grain was collected and bagged from each plot this year. Samples were requested by Bonnie McGill (grad student). Harvested with Kincaid 8XP plot combine.

2017-10-27 Harvest Harvested corn from the LTER T8nt, CE, and Biodiversity Study. CE study plots harvested treatment: CE3 plots (105, 207, 301, 403), CE1 plots were fallow during 2017 growing season so no harvest from the CE1 plots in 2017. CE1 plots were fallow for a project from the Landis Lab with Monarch butterflies. CE1 plots (108, 202, 304, 401). Biodiversity Plots harvested treatments: B4 (104, 220, 307, 404), B7 (105, 219, 305, 407), B10: (117, 209, 320, 410), B13: (113, 212, 319, 413), B15 (112, 213, 301, 415), B18: (108, 208, 311, 418). For each plot two rows of corn were harvested: For the CE and Biodiversity plots the two rows harvested were rows 9 and 10 from the west side of each plot (each plot was 12 rows wide and we harvest the middle of the 'east half' of each plot). T8nt plot rows were cut (shortened) to 120' of row length for harvest. For the T8nt plots two rows were harvested twice within each plot (a total of 4 rows (120' for each row) were harvested from each plot). Plot weight and moisture content were obtained from the on-board Mirus software by Harvest Master. Harvested with Kincaid 8XP Plot Combine.

2017-11-10 Harvest Harvested soybeans in the CE and biodiversity study. Equipment used: Kincaid 8XP Plot Combine. CE treatment and plots harvested: CE2 (plots 112, 210, 312, and 402). Biodiversity treatment and plots harvested: B5 (114, 217, 312, 405), B8 (118, 214, 310, 408), B11: (110, 216, 309, 411), B12: (109, 202, 313, 412), B14: (115, 204, 304, 414), B16 (101, 210, 308, 416), B19: (103, 218, 315, 419).

2017-11-10 Harvest Soybean Micro-plot harvest (with corn stover and without corn stover). Harvested GLBRC G3 soybeans from the micro-plot area, all reps, (plus corn stover, and minus corn stover micro plots)(west and east side of all plots). The middle 5' (4 rows) from each 15' edge micro-plot on the east and west side was harvested from the GLBRC G4 soybeans, all reps in the order of 5, 3, 2, 4, 1. The middle four rows of the eleven row micro-plot are used as the micro-plot yield. Plot weight and moisture were obtained from the on-board Mirus Harvest Master computer/software weighing system. Soybeans variety harvested were Pioneer P22T69R Equipment used: Kincaid 8XP plot combine. Estimated harvest time was from 12:00 - 1:45 (this estimate is just harvest time it does not include equipment set up and equipment clean up time).

2022-11-01 Harvest Six rows on each side of each plot were harvested with the Kincaid plot combine. Yield, moisture and test weights were determined using combine mounted Harvest Master GrainGage.

2018-07-12 Harvest Harvested wheat in the LTER Biodiversity Study Treatments Harvested: B5: 114, 217, 312, 405; B8: 118, 214, 310, 408; B11: 110, 216, 309, 411; B14: 115, 204, 304, 414; B17: 116, 211, 302, 417; B20: 120, 215, 318, 420. Equipment used: Kincaid plot combine. For each plot, a 5' wide strip the length (8 rows of 7.5 inch wheat) was harvested. Weight and Moisture content was determined by using the on-board system.

2018-10-04 Harvest Harvested the micor-plots in the GLBRC G1 plots.

2018-10-16 Harvest Harvested soybeans from the LTER N-rate Study (Resource Gradient Experiment) (Irrigated Fertility Gradient and Non-Irrigated Fertility Gradient); CE3 plots (105, 207, 301, 403); and T8nt plots. Four rows of soybeans were harvested from the middle of each plot (rows 5-8, from each plot, each plot had eleven rows). Plot weight and moisture content were obtained from the on-board computer/software weighing system, (Mirus software by Harvest Master, Juniper Systems). Brook Wilke harvested the remaining plot area soybeans on October 16, 2018 with the JD 9410 combine, pick-up truck and gravity wagon.

2018-10-18 Harvest Harvested soybeans from the LTER Biodiversity Study: Treatments B4: (104, 220, 307, 404), B7: (105, 219, 305, 407), B10: (117, 209, 320, 410), B13: (113, 212, 319, 413), B16: (101, 210, 308, 416), B19: (103, 218, 315, 419). Two rows of soybeans were harvested from the middle of the East 6 rows of each plot. Plot weight and moisture content were obtained from the on-board computer/software weighing system, (Mirus software by Harvest Master, Juniper Systems). Brook Wilke harvested the remaining plot area soybeans on October 18, 2018 with the JD 9410 combine, pick-up truck and gravity wagon.

2018-11-20 Harvest Harvested corn in the LTER Biodiversity Study treatments B3: (111, 203, 306, 403), B6: (107, 207, 317, 406), B9: (119, 205, 314, 409), B12: (109, 202, 313, 412), B15: (112, 213, 301, 415), B18: (108, 208, 311, 418). Harvested rows 9 and 10 from the east side of each plot (each plot was 12 rows wide and we harvest the middle of the 'east half' of each plot). Plot weight and moisture content were obtained from the on-board Mirus software by Harvest Master. Harvested with Kincaid 8XP Plot Combine.

2019-07-25 Harvest Harvested wheat in the LTER T8nt plots. For each plot, a 5' wide strip the length of the plot was cut using the Kincaid combine. Moisture content and weight was determined by using the on-board Mirus system. Two strips were harvested from each plot.

2019-07-25 Harvest Harvested the LTER Main Site N-rate Study (Irrigated and non-Irrigated Fertility Gradient) wheat. For each plot, a 5' wide strip the length of the plot was cut using the Kincaid combine. Moisture content and weight was determined by using the on-board Mirus system.

2019-07-26 Harvest Harvested Oats in the LTER Biodiversity Study treatments B4: (104, 220, 307, 404), B7: (105, 219, 305, 407), B10: (117, 209, 320, 410), B17: (116, 211, 302, 417), B20: (120, 215, 318, 420). Due to wet conditions in the fall of 2018 winter wheat did not get planted. It was decided to plant oats in the wheat treatments in the spring of 2019. Oats were harvested and moisture and weights of the plots were obtained by the on board Mirus system.

2019-10-19 Harvest Harvested soybeans from the LTER, CE2 plots (112, 210, 312, 402). Four rows of soybeans were harvested from the middle of the east side of the plots. Plot weight and moisture content were obtained from the on-board computer/software weighing system, (Mirus software by Harvest Master, Juniper Systems).

2019-10-28 Harvest Corn Micro-plot harvest. Harvested GLBRC G1 corn from the micro-plot area, all reps, (plus corn stover, and minus corn stover micro plots)(west and east side of all plots). Harvested with the Kincaid plot combine. For each micro-plot all six rows were harvested (the six rows on the west and east side of each plot were harvested). The middle two rows of the six row micro-plot area was reported as the micro-plot yield. Plot weight and moisture were obtained from the on-board Mirus Harvest Master computer/software weighing system.

2019-10-29 Harvest Harvested corn in the LTER CE study treatments CE1 and CE3 all replications. Harvested with the Kincaid plot combine. Plot weight and moisture were obtained from the on-board Mirus Harvest Master computer/software weighing system.

2019-11-07 Harvest Harvested soybeans from the LTER Biodiversity Study: Treatments B3: (111, 203, 306, 403), B6: (107, 207, 317, 406), B9: (119, 205, 314, 409), B12: (109, 202, 313, 412), B14: (115, 204, 304, 414), B16: (101, 210, 308, 416), B19: (103, 218, 315, 419). Two rows of soybeans were harvested from the middle of the East 6 rows of each plot. Plot weight and moisture content were obtained from the on-board computer/software weighing system, (Mirus software by Harvest Master, Juniper Systems). Brook Wilke harvested the remaining plot area soybeans on --- with the JD 9410 combine, pick-up truck and gravity wagon.

2020-10-20 Harvest Corn Micro-plot harvest. Harvested GLBRC G1 corn from the micro-plot area, all reps, (plus corn stover, and minus corn stover micro plots)(west and east side of all plots). Harvested with the Kincaid plot combine. For each micro-plot all six rows were harvested (the six rows on the west and east side of each plot were harvested). The middle two rows of the six row micro-plot area was reported as the micro-plot yield. Plot weight and moisture were obtained from the on-board Mirus Harvest Master computer/software weighing system.

2020-10-21 Harvest Harvested Alison's micro-plots in T1 and T2 plots. Corn Micro-plot harvest. Harvested Alison's micro-plots in T1 and T2 plots. Harvested with the Kincaid plot combine. The middle two rows of the four row micro-plot area was reported as the micro-plot yield. Plot weight and moisture were obtained from the on-board Mirus Harvest Master computer/software weighing system.

2020-11-13 Harvest Harvested corn in the CE study. For each plot two rows of corn (5' wide) were harvested for yield using the Kincaid plot combine. Moisture content and weight were determined by using the on-board Mirus system. Equipment Used: Kincaid plot combine and small grain truck. Cleaned-up (harvested) remaining corn rows of corn on November 13, 2020. Equipment Used: JD S660 combine and small grain truck.

2020-11-06 Harvest Harvested corn from the LTER Main Site N-rate Study (Irrigated and non-Irrigated Fertility Gradient). For each plot two rows of corn (5' wide) were harvested for yield using the Kincaid plot combine. Moisture content and weight were determined by using the on-board Mirus system. Equipment Used: Kincaid plot combine and small grain truck. Cleaned-up (harvested) remaining corn rows of corn on November 13, 2020. Equipment Used: JD S660 combine and small grain truck.

2020-11-12 Harvest Harvested corn for Kaleb Ortner. Fields harvested: D1 on Wednesday November 11, 2020. F1, 27-1-2, and 27-3-1 on Thursday November 12, 2020.

2019-11-05 Harvest Harvested corn in the LTER Biodiversity Study treatments B5: (114, 217, 312, 405), B8: (118, 214, 310, 408), B11: (110, 216, 309, 411), B13: (113, 212, 319, 413), B15: (112, 213, 301, 415), B18: (108, 208, 311, 418). Plot weight and moisture content were obtained from the on-board Mirus software by Harvest Master. Harvested with Kincaid 8XP Plot Combine.

2021-10-22 Harvest Corn Micro-plot harvest. Harvested GLBRC G1 corn from the micro-plot area, all reps, (plus corn stover, and minus corn stover micro plots)(west and east side of all plots). Harvested with the Kincaid plot combine. For each micro-plot all six rows were harvested (the six rows on the west and east side of each plot were harvested). The middle two rows of the six row micro-plot area was reported as the micro-plot yield. Plot weight and moisture were obtained from the on-board Mirus Harvest Master computer/software weighing system.

2022-07-22 Harvest Harvested the LTER Main Site N-rate Study (Irrigated and non-Irrigated Resource Gradient) wheat. For each plot, a 5' wide strip the length of the plot was cut using the Kincaid combine. Moisture content and weight was determined by using the on-board Mirus system.

2022-11-09 Harvest Harvested corn in the CE study. CE1 plots (108, 202, 304, 401) and CE2 plots (112, 210, 312, 402). For each plot two rows of corn (5' wide) were harvested for yield using the Kincaid plot combine. Moisture content and weight were determined by using the on-board Mirus system, and verified with the FSC Dickey John. Equipment Used: Kincaid plot combine and small grain truck. Equipment Used: JD S660 combine and small grain truck.

2022-10-11 Harvest Harvested soybeans from the LTER, CE3 plots (105, 207, 301, 403). Four rows of soybeans were harvested from the middle of the east side of the plots. Plot weight and moisture content were obtained from the on-board computer/software weighing system, (Mirus software by Harvest Master, Juniper Systems). These weight and moisture data were then verified using the FSC Dickey John.

2023-07-11 Harvest Harvest yield strips in biochar trial, wheat planting equipment trial, and wheat fertilizer trial. Josh operated the combine and Brook collected subsamples.

2023-07-20 Harvest Harvest rye trial. Josh operated the combine and Blake bagged samples.

2023-10-18 Harvest Harvest soybean planting trial plots.

2023-10-23 Harvest Harvest yield strips from Vole trial.

2023-11-13 Harvest Corn Micro-plot harvest. Harvested GLBRC G1 corn from the micro-plot area, all reps, (plus corn stover, and minus corn stover micro plots)(west and east side of all plots). Harvested with the Kincaid plot combine. For each micro-plot all six rows were harvested (the six rows on the west and east side of each plot were harvested). The middle two rows of the six row micro-plot area were sampled and tested for moisture with Dickey John grain tester. Plot weight and moisture were obtained from the on-board Mirus Harvest Master computer/software weighing system.

2023-11-18 Harvest Harvested corn from the LTER Main Site N-rate Study (Resource Gradient, Irrigated and non-Irrigated). For each plot two rows of corn (5' wide) were harvested for yield using the Kincaid plot combine. Moisture content and weight were determined by using the on-board Mirus software. Grab samples of the grain from each plot was collect for the lab. Rows 2 and 5 were harvested out of each plot on 12/8/23 to double check the data of the main harvest. Equipment Used: Kincaid plot combine and small grain truck. Cleaned-up (harvested) remaining corn rows of corn on December 11th, 2023. Equipment Used: JD S660 combine and small grain truck.

2023-11-18 Harvest Harvested corn from the LTER-FSC variety trail. For each plot two rows of corn (5' wide) were harvested for yield using the Kincaid plot combine. Moisture content and weight were determined by using the on-board Mirus software. Equipment Used: Kincaid plot combine and small grain truck. Cleaned-up (harvested) remaining corn rows of corn on November ?, 2023. Equipment Used: JD S660 combine and small grain truck.

2023-11-30 Harvest Harvested corn in the LTER T8nt plots, all reps. Harvested 3 passes within each plot with Kincaid Plot Combine. Total number of rows harvested per plot: 6. In rep 1 only 2 passes were harvested. A total of 4 rows were harvested in that plot. One pass was previously harvested for set up testing of Kincaid Plot Combine. Length of each row harvested: 130 feet. Row spacing of harvested corn: 30 inches. Plot weight was obtained from the on-board Mirus Harvest Master computer/software weighing system. Moisture and test weight of samples was taken with the desk top Dickey John at the FSC. Plots were cleaned up and finished harvesting remaining corn with JD S660 combine the same day.

2023-11-30 Harvest Harvested corn in the CE study. CE1 plots (108, 202, 304, 401) and CE3 plots (105, 207, 301, 403). For each plot two rows of corn (5' wide) per pass was harvested for yield using the Kincaid plot combine. Total number of rows harvested in each plot was 4. Weight of plots was determined by using the on-board Mirus system, and moisture was taken with the FSC Dickey John. Remaining of corn in plots was harvested the same day. Equipment Used: Kincaid plot combine and white/green grain truck. Equipment Used: JD S660 combine and white/green grain truck.

2023-11-15 Harvest Harvest reps 2-4 of distilling corn variety trial and reps 1-4 of planting rate trial with help from Brook. Patrick had harvested rep one at an earlier date.