Show Observation

User: Joe Simmons

Created on: 2018-02-28

Observation Date 2018-02-28

Harvested LTER T5 poplar trees. Roots Tree Service harvested the LTER poplar trees in 2018 (Root Tree Service also harvested the poplar trees in 1998 or 1999). Wednesday February 28, 2018 started harvesting the LTER T5 poplar trees today. Harvested 7 truck loads (six rows of trees) from T5R5. Friday March 2, 2018 harvested 6 loads out of T5R1. Monday March 5, 2018 harvested in T5R1 and T5R5. Two trucks running today. Harvested 7 truck loads from T5R1 (4 truck loads from the Green truck and 3 truck loads from the Chrome truck). Harvested 9 truck loads from T5R5 (4 trucks loads from the Green truck and 5 truck loads from the chrome truck). Tuesday March 6, 2018 harvested in T5R1. Two trucks running today. Harvested 6 truck loads from T5R1 (3 truck loads from the Green truck and 3 truck loads from the Chrome truck). Plots were soft this afternoon and it rained a little so they stopped working early. Wednesday March 7, 2018 harvested T5R1 and T5R2. Two trucks running today. Harvested 2 truck loads from T5R1 (1 truck load from the Green truck and 1 truck load from the Chrome truck). T5R1 was to muddy the trucks were getting stuck in the mud so they moved to T5R2 so that the trucks could stay on the grass alleyway and not get stuck. Harvested 11 truck loads from T5R2 (5 truck loads from the Green truck and 6 truck loads from the Chrome truck). Thursday March 8, 2018 harvested T5R2 and micro-plots. Two trucks running today. Harvested 5 truck loads from T5R2 (2 truck loads from the Green truck and 3 truck loads from the Chrome truck). Started harvesting the mirco-plots this afternoon at 1:00 p.m. Harvested all the micro-plots (6 micro-plots per replication) in T5R1, T5R2, and T5R3. Friday March 9, 2018 harvested the remaining micro-plots today. Harvested micro-plots ( 6 micro-plots per replication) in T5R4, T5R5 and T5R6. Finished all the micro-plot harvest today. Friday March 9, 2018 was the last day that Roots Tree Service harvested poplar trees in the LTER. Roots Tree Service could not finish the poplar tree harvest. The main reason not having the ability to complete the harvest was Roots Tree Service was cutting everything by hand and was using of the funds to pay for labor so they bid the job to small and was not going to have enough funds to cover labor to finish the harvest of the trees. We will be looking to have West MI Tree Service finish harvesting the LTER poplar trees in April of 2018. See attached map for total area harvested: Roots Tree Service worked on three individual plots but only partially finished each of the three plots. Collectively the area that Roots Tree Service harvested equals about one of the six plots that needed to be harvested. Each research plot is about one hectare (1 hectare is about 2.5 acres). So the remaining plot area that needs to be harvested is about five hectares spread across six research plots. Roots Tree Service completed harvest of the 'micro-plot' area within the research plots so we will not be in need of any service to harvest the 'micro-plots'.


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