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Name: Sorghum - Iowa State HPS5500

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2022-05-24 Planting Planted GLBRC Main Site G2 sorghum all replications, reps 2, 5, 1, 3, & 4. Variety Planted: Iowa State University HPS5500. Planting Depth: 1.00 inch. Planting Population: average population of 75,000 seeds per acre. Seed Treatment: Iowa State University HPS5500 was treated with Concep III (seed safener), Apron (systemic fungicide) and Maxim (systemic insecticide). No seed tag or label was available with the seed lot that was sent from Iowa State. Fertilizer rate controller on the planter was not working correctly so we decided to apply the N before planting with the N side-dress applicator toolbar. Look for the ag-log entry for the 28% fertilizer application of 50lbs of N/A (16.7 gals/A) that was applied before planting.
2023-06-07 Planting Planted GLBRC Main Site G3 sorghum all replications, reps 4,3,2,1 and 5. Variety Planted: Iowa State University HPS5500. Planting Depth: 1.25 to 1.50 inches. Planting Population: 7.3 lbs per acre. Seed Treatment: Iowa State University HPS5500 was treated with Concep III (seed safener), Apron XL (systemic fungicide) and Maxim 4FS (systemic insecticide). No seed tag or label was available with the seed lot that was sent from Iowa State. Planted with John Deere 1590 no-till drill. Half of the rows were blocked to plant in 15 inch rows. Drill setting #9 with feed cups on top setting (closed as much as possible). Down pressure was at 1,000 psi. Gauge wheels were set with 1 notch open on the top left and 2 notches open on the top right. The ground was very hard and dry. We were having trouble getting seed any deeper since gauge wheels couldn't get down to full ground contact. There were some issues with GPS auto steer on reps 2 and 3. There were 2 instances, one in each rep where row width was wider then 15 inches on a pass.
2024-05-23 Planting Planted GLBRC Main Site G2 sorghum all replications, reps 5,2,3,1 and 4. Variety Planted: Iowa State University HPS5500. Planting Depth: 1.25 to 1.50 inches. Planting Population: 6.45 lbs per acre. Seed Treatment: Iowa State University HPS5500 was treated with Concep III (seed safener), Apron XL (systemic fungicide) and Maxim 4FS (systemic insecticide). No seed tag or label was available with the seed lot that was sent from Iowa State. Planted with John Deere 1590 no-till drill. Half of the rows were blocked to plant in 15 inch rows. Drill setting #8.5 with feed cups on top setting (closed as much as possible). Down pressure was at 1,000 psi. Gauge wheels were set with 4 notches open on each side below the set point.
2024-06-11 Planting Planted GLBRC Sorghum Nitrogen Rate Experiment. Planted 2 passes East and West to make plot 30 ft wide and 510 ft long. Variety Planted: Iowa State University HPS5500. Planting Depth: 1.50 inches. Planting Population: 6.50 lbs per acre. Seed Treatment: Iowa State University HPS5500 was treated with Concep III (seed safener), Apron XL (systemic fungicide) and Maxim 4FS (systemic insecticide). No seed tag or label was available with the seed lot that was sent from Iowa State. Planted with John Deere 1590 no-till drill. Half of the rows were blocked to plant in 15 inch rows. Drill setting #9 with feed cups on top setting (closed as much as possible). Down pressure was at 1,000 psi. Gauge wheels were set with 4 notches open on each side below the set point.

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