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Name: Liberty 280 SL

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2017-07-14 Herbicide Application Sprayed GLBRC G2, G4 corn plots, 3 corn plots in rep 6 and corn in the old productivity study with Liberty 280 SL and Ammonium sulfate. Liberty 280 SL was applied at 29 ounces/A and Ammonium Sulfate (sprayable, CAS #7783-20-2) was applied at 17 lbs/100 gallons of carrier. Drop nozzles were used to spray down under canopy and avoid spraying the whorl of the corn. Weather conditions: At the start 12:00 p.m. partly cloudy 73 degrees F, humidity was 75 % with 4-6 mph north west winds. End of application 2:40 p.m. mostly sunny, 75 degrees F, humidity 62 %, with 6-8 mph west winds.
2018-05-08 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER T6 plots with Liberty 280 SL and 2,4-D est Lv4 and AMS. Liberty 280 SL applied at 1qt/A, 2,4-D lv4 ester at 1qt/A and Ammonium Sulfate (sprayable, CAS #7783-20-2) was applied at 17 lbs/100 gallons of carrier. Weather conditions: At the start 3:45 p.m. sunny, 78 degrees F, humidity 27.5 %, with 3-9 mph west winds. End of application 6:10 p.m. sunny, 79 degrees F, humidity 26.3 %, with 3-6 mph north west winds.
2018-06-25 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER Main Site treatment T6 with Liberty 280SL and 2,4-D LV4 Ester. Liberty 280SL was applied at 22 oz/A 2,4-D LV4 Ester was applied at 1 pt/A. Weather conditions: At the start 1:00 p.m. mostly sunny 68 degrees F, humidity was 67.2 % with 8-10 mph east. End of application 3:00 p.m. mostly sunny, 74 degrees F, humidity 61 %, with 8-10 mph east winds.
2019-06-06 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER Main Site Treatment T5 poplar plots all replications (5, 2, 1, 3, 4, 6) with AMS, Roundup Powermax, and Liberty 280SL. AMS applied at 3.4 lbs/A, Roundup Powermax applied at 4qt/A and Liberty at 17 oz/A. Weather conditions at 3:30 p.m. sunny 76 degrees F, 2-3 mph North East wind, 67.3% humidity. Weather conditions 5:55 p.m. sunny 77.6 degrees F 2-4 mph South East wind, 60.2 % humidity. Plots sprayed to burndown weeds before tree planting.
2019-06-06 Herbicide Application Sprayed GLBRC Main Site G2, and G3 plots with AMS, Roundup Powermax, and Liberty 280SL. AMS applied at 3.4 lbs/A, Roundup Powermax applied at 1qt/A and Liberty at 1 qt/A. Weather conditions at 6:30 p.m. sunny 77 degrees F, 3-4 mph East wind, 61% humidity. Weather conditions 7:20 p.m. partly cloudy 76 degrees F 3-4 mph East wind, 65 % humidity. Sprayed to burn down weeds again before planting sorghum.
2022-04-12 Herbicide Application Spring burn down of weeds after plating spring wheat, spring canola, and before plating forage crop.
2021-07-21 Herbicide Application Planting Green soy beans: Spray plots to control mares tail. A 20 foot untreated section was left in the plots nest to the center ally.
2021-09-13 Herbicide Application Spray weeds and sudex to prep field for planting canola, wheat, and peas. REI ends 9/14/2021 5:30am.
2021-05-27 Herbicide Application Spray black bean field after it was roller crimped and planted.
2022-06-02 Herbicide Application Spray the NE corner of the plot to control weed. Area 30' wide and 45' long. During the initial herbicide application, the boom was not fully flushed, resulting in mostly water being applied then.
2022-06-10 Herbicide Application Post emergent control of weeds in soybeans.
2022-06-20 Herbicide Application Post emergent control of weeds.
2022-06-20 Herbicide Application Post emergent weed control in soybeans.
2022-06-20 Herbicide Application Post emergant burn down and residual herbicide in soybeans.
2022-06-28 Herbicide Application Spray weed in planted green soybeans. Some areas received no Liberty 280 SL to observe mare's tail. From the west edge of 27-1-2, 75' with Liberty, 20' no Liberty, 30' ally, 25' no Liberty, 75' with Liberty. The soybeans in the old switchgrass were also sprayed to try and kill the switchgrass.
2022-07-22 Herbicide Application Spray weeds in soybeans.
2022-07-26 Herbicide Application spot spray marestail and other weeds on the edges of plots.
2022-08-02 Herbicide Application Spray weeds in wheat stubble to prep for planting cover crops. B1: south portion only.
2022-08-05 Herbicide Application Post-harvest burndown in preparation of planting cover crop.
2022-08-16 Herbicide Application Burndown ASP 4 plots in preparation for planting forage crop. B0 burndown for cover crop. 27-1-3 soybeans in old Lowry switchgrass sprayed to kill switchgrass.
2023-05-09 Herbicide Application Spray soybean plots in preparation for planting. Wind 6 mph for NE, 68 F. 12 hour REI end 5/10 3 am.
2023-05-09 Herbicide Application Spray soybean. Soybean were starting to emerge. Carrier: water 20 gallons solution/acre. Wind 4 mph from SE 71 F. 12 hour REI end 4/10 5 am.
2023-05-15 Herbicide Application Spray soybean fields to burn down cover crops/ weeds and provide residual weed prevention. H2 and part of G2 were completed with a small batch of spray solution that did not have Sharpen or Metribuzin. Wind 4.3 mph from the west, 72 F.
2023-07-18 Herbicide Application Spray A2 and selected edges of field 85 and ASP2F1 where mares tail was growing.
2023-07-20 Planting Plant KF Sugar Pro 55SS, Prime Millet, and Sunn Hemp blend at 24 lbs. per acre. Fertilize with 15 gallons 28% UAN per acre and spray with Liberty 280 SL.
2023-08-16 Herbicide Application Spray canola stubble to kill volunteers and weeds in preparation for planting. Clean up weeds in wheat stubble and soybeans.
2023-09-08 Herbicide Application Spray fields to prepare for canola planting.
2024-06-19 Herbicide Application Treat weeds in soybeans. Wind 4.8 mph from SW, 90.5F.

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