Name: baler

2003-08-30 Harvest Raked alfalfa, into double wind rows, on the main site treatment 6 replications 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Baled alfalfa, into round bales, on the main site treatment 6 replications 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

2002-07-12 Harvest Raked the alfalfa on the main site treatment 6 all replications. Baled the alfalfa on the main site treatment 6 all replications. The alfalfa was baled into small square bales.

2002-07-23 Harvest Baled the straw off the wheat plots within the biodiversity study.

2003-07-14 Harvest Matt and Tim raked alfalfa on the main site treatment 6. Mick baled the alfalfa in treatment 6 replications 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

1999-07-16 Harvest Alfalfa was baled and taken to the KBS-MSU dairy. [T6]

1998-08-01 Harvest Baled and removed straw from plots [T3, T4]

1998-08-24 Harvest Square baled and hauled to KBS MSU Dairy; reps 2, 3, 4 and 5 only [T6]

1998-08-25 Harvest Square baled and removed to KBS MSU Dairy [T6]

1996-08-14 Harvest Square baled and removed bales. Replicates 1-6 [T6]

1995-08-07 Harvest Baled and removed straw off plots [T1, T2]

1995-08-08 Harvest Baled and removed straw from plots [T3]

1995-08-09 Harvest Baled and removed straw from plots [T4]

1995-08-24 Harvest Square baled and hauled to KBS MSU Dairy; reps 2, 3, 4 and 5 only [T6]

1995-08-25 Harvest Square baled and hauled to KBS MSU Dairy; reps 1 and 6 only [T6]

1995-10-12 Harvest Square baled and removed to KBS MSUDairy [T6]

1994-07-19 Harvest Round baled and removed bales [T6]

1994-09-09 Harvest Square baled [T6]

1992-07-27 Harvest Baled and removed straw [T3, T4]

1992-08-17 Harvest Baled [T6]

1991-06-04 Mechanical Weed Control Raked and baled [T6]

1991-08-26 Harvest Raked and baled [T6]

1991-10-17 Harvest Raked and baled [T6]

1990-08-27 Harvest Raked and baled third cutting [T6]

1989-07-24 Harvest Baled straw [T3]

1989-07-24 Harvest Baled straw [T4]

1991-07-11 Harvest Haybined, raked, and baled [T6]

1990-07-06 Harvest Haybined, raked, and baled [T6]

1989-08-17 Harvest Haybined, raked, and baled [T6]

2002-06-21 Harvest Raked the alfalfa in the lysimiter field around 12 noon. The alfalfa was baled into round bales this afternoon.

2002-07-12 Harvest Raked the alfalfa on the main site treatment 6 all replications. Baled the alfalfa on the main site treatment 6 all replications. The alfalfa was baled into small square bales.

1996-08-14 Harvest {{PL: Raked and Baled Third Cut of Alfalfa across all Six Replicates of the LTER and the Lysimeter Field. Pick all the square bales and took to the dairy. Alfalfa yield was very low due to the lack of precipitation.}}

1989-06-08 Harvest {{PL: Baled one load of hay off the lysimeter area today and ran out of time.}}

1989-06-08 Harvest {{PL: Baled the rest of the hay off the lysimeter area today. Total of 787 bales.}}

1993-06-11 Harvest {{PL: <Action>Lysimeter; Raked smaller portion of the plot again. Baled lysimeter with small baler. Bales were gathered and put in barn.}} {{PL: <Action>Rotation; Raked treatment 3b for all reps again. Treatment was then baled and picked up and placed in barn. Small square baler was used for both. }}

1993-07-28 Harvest {{PL: <Action>Lysimeter area; Raked all of lysimeter area. Put smaller area up into small bales and removed from plot with bale wagon. Larger area was round baled and will be used for bedding. }}

1993-09-10 Harvest {{PL: <Action>Rotation Study; Raked and baled hay off to treatment 3b for all reps. Dumped hay on compost pile due to it being really wet. }}

1993-07-15 Harvest {{PL: <Action>Perennial Alfalfa; Turned hay on Treatment 6 (second raking) for all reps. Later that afternoon hay was raked for a third time on treatment 6 and baled for reps 1,2, and 4. Hay was then baled and removed on reps 1, 2, and 4. }}

1993-07-16 Harvest Raked and baled [T6]{{PL: <Action>Perennial Alfalfa; Hay was raked for a third time on Treatment 6 for reps 3, 5, and 6. Hay was then baled and removed. }}

1994-09-08 Harvest {{PL: Raked hay on LTER main site treatment 6 for all reps. Baled hay with square baler on LTER main site treatment 6 for all reps. Later removed hay with Dairy’s stacker. }}

1988-09-29 Harvest {{PL: Also, finally, baled the hay in the Rotation study which was cut on September 13. It had rained a lot and we never got the stuff dry. }}

1988-08-01 Harvest {{PL: Completed hay baling on the 8 plots of the Rotation study today. }}

1988-07-29 Harvest {{PL: Rotation study: Began baling the alfalfa on the Rotation study today. Because of a breakdown only two plots were completed. Crops 3A and 3B. }}

2010-07-16 Harvest Baled straw from the LTER Main Site Treatments T1 and T2, all replications. Straw from the wheat harvest was left to dry in the sun for 2-3 days until the moisture content was below 14%. Each plot was then individually round baled. In most plots, multiple round bales were made; at the end of each plot remaining straw in the baler was baled regardless of the size of the bale. Bales were left in the field an additional 2-3 days at which time they were removed and weighed to determine the amount of straw per plot.

2010-07-19 Harvest Baled and weighed LTER Main Site T6 Alfalfa plots. Plots were cut on 7/16/2010 with the JD rotary haybine. On 7/19/2010, hay was raked and left to dry. Plots were then baled. Replications 1, 2, 3, and 4 were square baled. Replications 5 and 6 were round baled. Weights were determined for all individual replications.

2006-07-14 Harvest Mowed the alfalfa in T6 plots. July 17, 2006 the alfalfa in T6 plots were raked, baled and removed from the field.

2006-08-15 Harvest Mowed the alfalfa in T6 plots on August 15, 2006. August 18, 2006 the alfalfa in T6 plots were raked, baled and removed from the field.

2007-07-20 Harvest Baled T6, all reps. Baled into small square bales. I think Jim S. used the JD 2155 tractor and NH 1469 baler to bale the plots today. Jim B. picked up all the square bales from the plots today.

2007-08-31 Harvest Raked T6 plots again today, yes we raked on August 30 and 31, 2007. Raked T6 plots, all reps, reps: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. On August 31, 2007 we doubled all the windrows up again (two windrow into one bigger windrow). So over the last two days we put four windrows into one windrow. Mick baled T6, all reps, reps: 5, 4, 3, 6, 1, and 2. Baled into small square bales. Jim B. picked up all the bales from T6 plots, all reps.

2001-07-09 Harvest Mowed the alfalfa in the lysimeter field. July 9, 2001 mowed the alfalfa; July 12, 2001 raked alfalfa; July 12, 2001 baled alfalfa from lysimeter field.

2001-07-30 Harvest Baled wheat straw. Baled all reps of T1 and T2. I think we also baled T3 and T4 plots. We did not stop baling T3 and T4 wheat straw until 2004 or 2007.

2007-07-13 Harvest Baled T1 and T2 plots. July 12, 2007 we baled T1 reps: 3 and 6; T2 reps: 1 and 6. All other T1 and T2 plots were baled on July 13, 2007. All the bales were picked up and removed from the field today. I think part of the lysimeter field was baled on July 13, 2007. I think Matt P. or Jim B. baled the straw. I think Jim B. baled and Matt Picked up the bales. I think everything baled today was small square bales. Everything baled on July 12, 2007 was round bales.

2004-07-14 Harvest Baled T1 and T2 plots were baled between July 14-15, 2004. Look below for specific dates of plots baled. July 14, 2004 we baled T1 reps: 1 and 5; T2 reps: 2, 3, and 5. July 15, 2004 we baled T1 reps: 5 (finished T1R5); T2 reps: 3 and 5 (finished T2R3 and T2R5). All other T1 and T2 plots were baled on July 13, 2007. I do not have the baling dates for the rest of plots. I think most of the bales were picked up and removed from the field between July 14-15, 2004. This was the first year we did not bale the straw from T3 andT4. The straw from T3 and T4 was chopped back onto the plots at harvest.

2015-11-04 Harvest Harvested Corn Stover in the GLBRC, treatments: G1, G2, and G4 all replications. Stover from G4 reps 1 and 2 were on November 5, 2015. Harvested - Eastern 75 feet (30 rows) of each plot, except for G2R1 and G3R1 the western 75 feet (30 rows) was harvested. The remaining 15' (6 rows) area unharvested is the stover non-removal microplot, located on the western 15' of each plot except for G2R1 and G3R1 where it is located on the eastern 15' of the plot. Stover weights were determined weighing round bales on platform scales. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each replication. Estimated harvest time was from 10:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. (this estimate is just harvest time it does not include equipment set up and equipment clean up time).

2019-12-17 Harvest test