Name: John Deere 115 15' flail mower

2006-05-19 Mowing In the Biodiversity Study I flail mowed the rye in all replications of treatments B4 and B16, (B4 plots 104, 220, 307, and 404) (B16 plots 101, 210, 308 and 416). Flail mowing was completed with JD 7420(a) tractor and JD 115 flail shredder. Treatment B4 has a three year crop rotation of corn-soybeans-wheat with the use of cover crops. Treatment B4 plots where planted to corn in 2005 and had rye planted after corn harvest in the fall of 2005. Treatment B16 is annually planted to soybeans, no crop rotation, with the use of cover crops. Treatment B16 plots where planted to soybeans in 2005 and had c. rye planted after soybean harvest in the fall of 2005. The decision to flail mow the rye was based on the height and stage of development of the rye. The majority of the rye was between 18-31 inches tall and had developed the seed head. At the time of flail mowing the rye had not pollinated and therefore did not have viable seeds. I was concerned that if we had just chisel plowed some of the rye could have still matured enough to produce viable seeds. We did not want are cover crop of rye to become a weed problem in the annual crops.

2006-10-26 Harvest Bob Adams mowed all reps of treatment 8. Mowing was completed with JD 7420(a) tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2006-10-26 Harvest Bob Adams flail mowed in the biodiversity study all reps of treatments B1 and B2, (B1 plots 106, 201, 303, and 401)(B2 plots 102, 206, 316, and 402). Flail mowing was completed with JD 7420(a) tractor and JD 115 flail mower. Treatment B1 is fall fallow and treatment B2 is spring fallow.

2006-05-19 Mowing Nicole Beeching flail mowed rye in main site treatment 3, reps 6, 3, 2, 4, and 5, treatment 4 reps 6, 2, and 5. Flail mowing was completed with JD 7420(a) tractor and JD 115 flail shredder. Gala rode with Nicole for treatments 3 reps 6, 3, and 2, treatment 4 reps 6 and 2. Nicole mowed treatment 3 reps 4 and 5, treatment 4 rep 5 by herself. The decision to flail mow the rye was based on the height and stage of development of the rye. The majority of the rye was between 18-31 inches tall and had developed the seed head. At the time of flail mowing the rye had not pollinated and therefore did not have viable seeds. I was concerned that if we had just chisel plowed some of the rye could have still matured enough to produce viable seeds. We did not want our cover crop of rye to become a weed problem in the annual crops.

2006-05-18 Mowing Flail mowed rye in main site treatment 3 rep 1, treatment 4 reps 1, 3, and 4. I flail mowed T3 rep 1, and T4 rep 1. Nicole Beeching flail mowed T4 reps 3 and 4. Nicole was learning how to flail mow so she watched me mow treatment 3 rep 1, and treatment 4 rep 1. I rode with her while she mowed treatment 4 reps 3 and 4. We used the JD 7420(a) tractor and JD 115 flail shredder. The decision to flail mow the rye was based on the height and stage of development of the rye. The majority of the rye was between 18-31 inches tall and had developed the seed head. At the time of flail mowing the rye had not pollinated and therefore did not have viable seeds. I was concerned that if we had just chisel plowed some of the rye could have still matured enough to produce viable seeds. We did not want are cover crop of rye to become a weed problem in the annual crops.

2006-05-18 Mowing Flail mowed rye in main site treatment 3 rep 1, treatment 4 reps 1, 3, and 4. I flail mowed T3 rep 1, and T4 rep 1. Nicole Beeching flail mowed T4 reps 3 and 4. Nicole was learning how to flail mow so she watched me mow treatment 3 rep 1, and treatment 4 rep 1. I rode with her while she mowed treatment 4 reps 3 and 4. We used the JD 7420(a) tractor and JD 115 flail shredder. The decision to flail mow the rye was based on the height and stage of development of the rye. The majority of the rye was between 18-31 inches tall and had developed the seed head. At the time of flail mowing the rye had not pollinated and therefore did not have viable seeds. I was concerned that if we had just chisel plowed some of the rye could have still matured enough to produce viable seeds. We did not want are cover crop of rye to become a weed problem in the annual crops.

2007-10-30 Mowing Mowed all reps of treatment 8 and treatments B1 and B2 in the Biodiversity Study. Mowing was completed by Jim Stoneburner using the JD 7420a tractor and JD 115 flail mower. Biodiversity Study plots mowed: B1 plots: 106, 201, 303, and 401. B2 plots: 102, 206, 316, and 402.

2009-07-24 Mowing Flail mowed LTER Biofuels study, treatments C8, C10 and C12, all replications following overseeding on July 23, 2009. Plots were mowed to approximately 8” in two passes over entire plot area. Areas: CE8 (CE103, CE211, CE307, CE408) CE10(CE104, CE206, CE306, CE410) CE12(CE109, CE212, CE305, CE412).

2009-07-07 Mowing Flail Mowed LTER Cellulosic Biofuel study treatments C4 Switchgrass Cave-In-Rock + Nitrogen (110, 203, 302, 404), C5 Switchgrass Cave-In-Rock no Nitrogen (107, 205, 303, 405), C6 Switchgrass Southlow + Nitrogen (111, 204, 310, 406), C7 Southlow no Nitrogen (107, 208, 309, 407) and C9 MI native prarie grasses 6 species (102, 201, 308, 409) with JD 6420 tractor and JD 115 15' flail mower making two passes over entire plot area mowing at a height of 8”.

2008-08-14 Mowing Jim Stoneburner flail mowed GLBRC main site G5, G7 and G10 all replications, using the JD 7420a tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2008-10-07 Mowing Jim Stoneburner flail mowed LTER main site T1 & T2 fertility microplots on north-west corner of each plots, all replications, using the JD 7420a tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2008-10-08 Mowing Jim Stoneburner flail mowed LTER main site T8 all replications, using the JD 7420a tractor and JD 115 flail mower followed by a second pass using the brush hog.

2008-10-22 Mowing Jim Stoneburner flail mowed LTER main site T1 and T2 all replications, using the JD 7420a tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2008-11-05 Soil Preparation Jim Stoneburner flail mowed Biodiversity sites as needed followed by chisel plowing same plots, using the JD 7420a tractor and JD 115 flail mower, JD7520 tractor and JD714 chisel plow

2008-09-11 Mowing Jim Stoneburner flail mowed GLBRC main site G5, G7, and G10, all replications 1-5, using the JD 7420a tractor and JD 115 15' flail mower. No herbicides were used on G5. We could not use herbicides on G7 or G10 because of the number of species in each plot no herbicide was labeled for use in G7 or G10.

2009-07-06 Mowing Flail mowed GLBRC main site treatments G5 all replications 1-5 with JD 6420 tractor and JD 115 15' flail mower, making two passes over entire plot area mowing at a height of 8”.

2009-07-06 Mowing Flail mowed GLBRC main site treatments G7 all replications 1-5 with JD 6420 tractor and JD 115 15' flail mower, making two passes over entire plot area mowing at a height of 8”.

2009-07-14 Mechanical Weed Control Flail mowed LTER Cellulosic Ethanol Study (CES) [biofuel study] treatment C11, reps 1-4 to 8” height with JD7420(a) tractor and JD115 15' flail mower. All plots mowed twice with one pass in each direction.

2009-07-14 Mowing Flail mowed GLBRC Main Site treatment G10, reps 1-5 to 8” height with JD7420(a) tractor and JD115 15' flail mower. All plots mowed twice with one pass in each direction.

2009-11-19 Mowing Jim Stoneburner flail mowed LTER Biodiversity treatments with standing stubble or clover cover crop. Treatments mowed were B3 (plots 111, 203, 306, 403), B5 (plots 114, 217, 312, 405), B6 (plots 107, 207, 317, 406), B8 (plots 118, 214, 310, 408), B9 (plots 119, 205, 314, 409), B11 (plots 110, 216, 309, 411), B13 (plots 113, 212, 319, 413), B15 (plots 112, 213, 301, 415), and B18 (plots 108, 208, 311, 418). Plots were flail mowed to 6 to 8 inches height.

2009-06-01 Soil Preparation LTER Main Site Biodiversity study B3 B4 B6 B15 B16 (all replications) ”plots with cover crops that aren't planted to wheat” flail mowed (Jim Stoneburner) and chisel plowed (Peter Hudy). Chisel plowed with the JD7520 tractor and the JD714 chisel plow. Chisel plowed 8 inches deep.

2009-11-12 Mechanical Weed Control Jim Stoneburner flail mowed LTER Biodiversity treatments B1 (106, 201, 303, 401), B2 (102, 206, 316, 402), B17 (116, 211, 302, 417) and B20 (120, 215, 318, 420). Plots were flail mowed to 6 to 8 inches height. B1 is fall fallow tillage, B2 is spring fallow tillage, B17 and B20 and both continuous wheat in which B17 has a legume cover crop and B20 doesn't. Both were flail mowed to control any cover crop or weeds, which may have grown prior this year's fall wheat sowing.

2010-11-01 Mowing Flail mowed the Interaction plots, all replications and all treatments, excluding the area immediately around the lysimeters. Corn stubble was mowed to approximately 6-8” height across the entire field. Mowed with the John Deere 115 flail mower on the John Deere 7420a tractor

2010-09-10 Mechanical Weed Control Flail mowed LTER main site treatments T1 and T2 all replications, microplot areas in northwest corner of each plot. Weeds were mowed to approximately 8” height to remove flowering/seed bearing parts. Mowed with the JD 115 flail mower and the JD 7420a tractor

2010-09-07 Mechanical Weed Control Mowed the LTER main site biodiversity study wheat treatments. Treatments that were mowed were B4 (104, 220, 307, 404), B7 (105, 219, 305, 407), B10 (117, 209, 320, 410), B14 (115, 204, 304, 414), B17 (116, 211, 302, 417), and B20 (120, 215, 318, 420). Mowed with the JD 115 (15') flail mower on the JD 7420a tractor. Mowed to 6 inch height.

2010-11-01 Mowing Flail mowed the LTER Main Site Cellulosic Ethanol Study, treatment CE1 (108, 202, 304, 401). Corn stubble was mowed to approximately 6-8” height across the entire field. Mowed with the John Deere 115 flail mower on the John Deere 7420a tractor

2010-11-01 Mowing Flail mowed the LTER Main Site Cellulosic Ethanol Study, treatment CE2 (112, 210, 312, 402). Corn stubble was mowed to approximately 6-8” height across the entire field. Mowed with the John Deere 115 flail mower on the John Deere 7420a tractor

2010-11-01 Mowing Flail mowed the LTER Main Site treatment T8nt all replications (rep 1, rep2, rep3, and rep4). Corn stubble was mowed to approximately 6-8” height across the entire field. Mowed with the John Deere 115 flail mower on the John Deere 7420a tractor

2010-11-02 Mowing Flail mowed the LTER Main Site Biodiversity Study treatments B2 (spring fallow), and all the treatments that had corn in 2010: B8, B11, B12, B15, and B18, all replications. Treatment B5 did have corn in 2010 but was not flail mowed because it was previously seeded to rye on 10/21/2010 and the no-till drill knocked down the corn stalks sufficiently. Plots that were mowed were the following: B2 (102, 206, 316, 402), B8 (118, 214, 310, 408), B11 (110, 216, 309, 411), B12 (109, 202, 313, 412), B15 (112, 213, 301, 415), and B18 (108, 208, 311, 418). The plots were mowed to approximately 6-8” height across the entire field. Mowed with the John Deere 115 flail mower on the John Deere 7420a tractor.

2010-11-02 Mowing Flail mowed the GLBRC Main Site trap crop area corn stubble to approximately 6-8” height. Mowed with the John Deere 115 flail mower on the John Deere 7420a tractor.

2011-05-24 Mowing Flail mowed red clover in the LTER treatment 4, all reps: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Flail mowed with JD 7420a tractor and JD 115 15' flail mower. We had such good growth of the red clover that we decided to mow the red clover before chiseling plowing the T4 plots. Without flail mowing we did not think the red clover would had been incorporated into the soil. Flail mowing prevented large clumps of clover on top/in the soil, preventing the clumps of clover allows for a better seedbed preparation.

2011-05-31 Mowing Flail mowed the LTER Main Site Biodiversity Study, all non-wheat treatments that still had cover crops except the fall fallow, which was not mowed. The following treatments were flail mowed: B4 (plots 104, 220, 307 and 404), B5 (plots 114, 217, 312, and 405), B7 (plots 105, 219, 305, and 417), B8 (plots 118, 214, 310, 408), B14 (plots 115, 204, 304, and 414), B15 (plots 112, 213, 301, and 415), and B16 (plots 101, 210, 308, and 416). All plots were flail mowed to approximately 6-8” height across the entire field. Mowed with the John Deere 115 flail mower on the John Deere 7420a tractor.

2011-12-20 Mowing Flail moved corn stubble in T4, all reps: 1, 2, 3, 5, 4, and 6. Corn stubble was flail mowed to assist in stubble decomposition. Flail mowing was completed using the JD 7420a tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2011-12-19 Mowing Flail moved corn stubble in T3, all reps: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and 6. Corn stubble was flail mowed to assist in stubble decomposition. Flail mowing was completed using the JD 7420a tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2011-12-20 Mowing Flail moved corn stubble in T8nt, all reps: 1, 2, 3, and 4. Corn stubble was flail mowed to assist in stubble decomposition. Flail mowing was completed using the JD 7420a tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2011-12-20 Mowing Flail moved corn stubble in Interaction plots, all reps. Corn stubble was flail mowed to assist in stubble decomposition. Flail mowing was completed using the JD 7420a tractor and JD 115 flail mower. Mowing was started on 12/19 and finished on 12/20

2011-11-21 Mowing Flail moved corn stubble in three studies: both N-rate studies, irrigated and non-irrigated, and the corn treatments iin the LTER CE Biofuel Study. Treatments and plots harvested in the LTER CE Biofuel Study were treatments CE1 plots: 108, 202, 304, 401; and CE3 plots: 105, 207, 301, 403. Corn stubble was mowed to assist in stubble decomposition. Flail mowing was completed using the JD 7420b tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2011-12-20 Mowing Flail moved corn stubble in LTER Biodiversity Study plots which had corn in 2011: B4: plots 104, 220, 307, 404; B7: plots 105, 219, 305, 407; B10: plots 117, 209, 320, 410; B13 plots 113, 212, 319, 413; B15: plots 112, 213, 301, 415; and B18 plots 108, 208, 311, 418; Corn stubble was flail mowed to assist in stubble decomposition. Flail mowing was completed using the JD 7420a tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2011-12-17 Mowing Flail moved corn stubble in T2 and T1, all reps: T2 reps: 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, and 6; T1 reps: 6, 3, 2, 4, 1, and 5. Corn stubble was flail mowed to assist in stubble decomposition. Flail mowing was completed using the JD 7420b tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2011-12-20 Mowing Flail mowed the LTER Main Site Biodiversity Study treatment B2 (spring fallow) (plots 102, 206, 316, 402). The plots were mowed to approximately 6-8” height across the entire field. Mowed with the John Deere 115 flail mower on the John Deere 7420a tractor.

2012-05-14 Mowing Flail mowed c. rye in the LTER main site treatments T3 and T4 plots, all reps: T3 (reps: 6, 3, 1, 2, 4, and 5), T4 (reps: 6, 1, 2, 3, 5, and 4). Flail mowed with JD 7420b tractor and JD 115 flail mower. We had such good growth of the c. rye that we decided to mow the c. rye before chiseling plowing the T3 and T4 plots. Without flail mowing we did not think the c. rye would had been incorporated into the soil. Flail mowing prevented large clumps of rye on top/in the soil, preventing the clumps of rye allows for a better seedbed preparation. The rye started to put a seed head on so we wanted to prevent any of the rye from producing seed before chisel plowing.

2012-05-15 Mowing Justin Mezo flail mowed cover crops, red clover and/or c. rye, in the LTER Biodiversity treatments B3 (111, 203, 306, 403), B4 (104, 220, 307, 404), B6 (107, 207, 317, 406), B7 (105, 219, 305, 407), B15 (112, 213, 301, 415), and B16 (101, 210, 308, 416). Flail mowed all corn and soybeans treatments that had cover crops growing in them. Flail mowed with JD 7420b tractor and JD 115 flail mower. Flail mowed with JD 7420b tractor and JD 115 flail mower. We had such good growth of the red clover and c. rye that we decided to mow the cover crops before chiseling plowing the treatments. Without flail mowing we did not think the cover crops would have been incorporated into the soil which would have caused large clumps of biomass creating a poor seedbed. Flail mowing prevents large clumps of red clover and rye on top/in the soil. Preventing the clumps of biomass (i.e. red clover and rye clumps) allows for a better seedbed preparation and better seed to soil contact.

2012-11-13 Mowing Flail mowed LTER Main Site Biodiversity Study, corn treatments: B3 (111, 203, 306, 403), B6 (107, 207, 317, 406), B9 (119, 205, 314, 409), B12 (109, 202, 313, 412), B15 (112, 213, 301, 415), and B18 (108, 208, 311, 418). Using JD 7420 A and JD 15' 115 flail mower corn stubble was mowed to assist in the decomposition of stalks.

2012-11-13 Mowing Flail mowed LTER Main Site Biodiversity Study, soybean treatments: B4 (104, 220, 307, 404), B7 (105, 219, 305, 407), B10 (117, 209, 320, 410), B13 (113, 212, 319, 413), B16 (101, 210, 308, 416), and B19 (103, 218, 315, 419). Unable to harvest remaining soybeans after harvesting with Kincaid it was decided to flail mow soybean plots. This would shorten any remaining biomass and to allow for easier and more consistent tillage. Cutting height of mower was set to around 5 to 10 inches. Used JD 7420a and JD 15' 115 flail mower.

2012-11-13 Mowing Flail mowed LTER Main Site Biodiversity Study, treatment B1, B2. Fall and spring fallow plots were mowed with JD 7420 A and JD 15' 115 flail mower. Plots mowed at 5 to 10 inches allowing for easier tillage in fall and spring. Fall fallow plots B1 (106,201,303,401) - Spring fallow plots B2 (102,206,316,402)

2012-11-14 Mowing Flail mowed the LTER Main Site Cellulosic Ethanol Study, treatment CE1 (108, 202, 304, 401). Corn stubble was mowed to approximately 6-8” height across the entire field. Mowed with the John Deere 115 flail mower on the John Deere 7420a tractor

2012-11-14 Mowing Flail mowed the LTER Main Site Cellulosic Ethanol Study, treatment CE2 (112, 210, 312, 402). Corn stubble was mowed to approximately 6-8” height across the entire field. Mowed with the John Deere 115 flail mower on the John Deere 7420a tractor

2012-11-14 Mowing Flail mowed the LTER Main Site Cellulosic Ethanol Study, treatment CE3 (105, 207, 301, 403). Unable to harvest remaining soybeans after harvesting with Kincaid the decision was made to mow remaining soybeans with flail mower. Soybeans were mowed approximately 4 - 8 inches across the plots with the John Deere 115 flail mower on the John Deere 7420a tractor

2012-11-13 Mowing Flail mowed the east 15' of the no-till Interaction plots. No herbicide is applied to the east 15' of the no-till plots allowing weeds to become very thick. Not wanting to run the combine through weeds we decided to mow strips with the John Deere 115 flail mower on the John Deere 7420a tractor.

2012-11-13 Mowing Flail mowed the LTER Main Site treatment T8's all replications (rep 1, rep2, rep3, and rep4). Mowed with the John Deere 115 flail mower on the John Deere 7420a tractor.

2012-11-14 Mowing Flail mow bait crop in GLBRC where corn was planted. Mowed with JD 15' 115 flail mower pulled by JD 7420a tractor to help decomposition of corn stalks.

2012-09-05 Mechanical Weed Control Flail mowed LTER Main Site Biodiversity study wheat plots; treatments B5:(114, 217, 312, 405), B8:(118, 214, 310, 408), B11:(110, 216, 309, 411), B14:(115, 204, 304, 414), B17:(116, 211, 302, 417), B20:(120, 215, 318, 420). Severe drought through the summer months inhibited establishment of clover cover crops in treatments B5:(114, 217, 312, 405), B8:(118, 214, 310, 408), B17:(116, 211, 302, 417). Weeds had established and were suppressing the growth of clover crop. Goal of flail mowing plots was to control weeds such as ragweed which allowed for late season clover growth. Wheat plots that did not have clover cover crop were mowed strictly for weed control. This was done using JD 7420a tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2012-10-02 Mowing Flail mowed LTER Main Site treatments 1 & 2 micro plots, all replications. No herbicide is applied to these micro plots leaving weeds to thick to run through combine. Goal was to mow weeds down before main plot was harvested so the combine did not have to harvest the weeds. This was done with JD 7420a and JD 115 flail mower.

2012-10-02 Mowing Flail mowed GLBRC bait crop corn residue as well plots in rep 6 and near the brown house. Corn stalks were mowed to assist in decomposition of residue. Plots in rep 6 and near the brown house were mowed due to the crops lack of growth caused from severe drought through summer months. This was done using JD 7420a and JD 115 flail mower.

2008-08-01 Mowing Flail mowed LTER T6 plots, all reps.

2008-09-08 Mowing Flail mowed GLBRC switchgrass N-rate study area using the JD 7420a tractor and JD 115 15' flail mower.

2008-11-03 Mowing Flail mowed LTER main site T3 and T4 all replications, using the JD 7420a tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2008-11-04 Mowing Flail mowed both LTER n-rate studies, T8nt, LTER CE corn plots, and biodiversity corn plots. Treatments and plots planted to corn in the biodiversity study: B4: 104, 220, 307, 404; B7: 105, 219, 305, 407; B10: 117, 209, 320, 410; B12: 109, 202, 313, 412; B15: 112, 213, 301, 415; B18: 108, 208, 311, 418. Equipment used the JD 7420a tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2008-11-04 Observation Flail mowed the corn stubble in the bait crop around field 98. Equipment used the JD 7420a tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2013-06-05 Mowing Flail mowed rye cover crop in Main Site GLBRC G2,G3,G4 micro-plots all replications. Because the rye was so tall and already headed out it was decided to flail mow the plots instead of spray them due to coverage issues.

2013-08-20 Mechanical Weed Control To control weeds we flail mowed all reps of T1, T2, T8nt, and Interaction plots. We wanted to control weeds (mostly annual grass weeds) before weeds were capable of putting on viable seed heads. Flail mowed T2 on Aug. 20, 2013, all reps: 6, 5, 4, 1, 2, and 3. Mowed T1 on Aug. 21, 2013, all reps: 6, 5, 4, 1, 2, and 3. Mowed Interaction plots and T8nt plots on Aug. 21, 2013. Flail mowed with JD 7420b tractor and JD 115 flail mower. No pesticide application were made during this time, however pesticide application was listed so that this weed control effort would not be looked over if anyone is looking for all the management used to control weeds during the 2013 growing season.

2013-09-06 Mowing Flail mowed LTER Biodiversity Study wheat stubble treatments B4 (104, 220, 307, 404), B7 (105, 219, 305, 407), B10 (117, 209, 320, 410), B17 (116, 211, 302, 417) .

2013-09-12 Mowing Flail mowed LTER T8 plots all reps.

2013-09-10 Mowing Flail mowed in LTER Main Site treatment T4's all replications. Flail mowed red clover down to roughly 4 inches to prevent weeds from producing viable seed and to get good even regrowth.

2013-09-11 Mowing Flail mowed plots south of FSC known as Pierce study.

2013-09-11 Mowing Flail mowed LTER Biodiversity Study treatment B1 fall fallow plots (106, 201, 303, 401).

2013-11-05 Mowing Flail mowed LTER CE corn plots, biodiversity corn plots, biodiversity spring fallow plots, and corn stubble in the GLBRC bait crop around field 98. Treatments and plots that had corn stubble mowed in the CE study: CE1: 108, 202, 304, 401; CE3: 105, 207, 301, 403. Treatments and plots that had corn stubble mowed in the biodiversity study: B5: 114, 217, 312, 405; B8: 118, 214, 310, 408; B11: 110, 216, 309, 411; B13: 113, 212, 319, 413; B15: 112, 213, 301, 415; B18: 108, 208, 311, 418. Biodiversity spring fallow plots: B2: 102, 206, 316, 402. Flail mowed corn stubble in the GLBRC bait crop around field 98. Areas corn stubble was mowed in field 98: The 3rd, 4th, and 5th plots (in rep 6) east of the Rep 6 miscanthus plot. On the north edge of the field the north 30 ft of the 60 ft that is farmed. On the east edge the middle 30 ft of the 90 ft that is farmed. On the south edge the middle 30 ft of the 90 ft that is farmed. The area east of the brown house (Tappen House) also had the corn stubble mowed. Equipment used was the JD 7420b tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2007-11-05 Mowing Flail mowed corn stalks in the ECB study.

2007-08-29 Mowing Flail mowed the wheat stubble to keep weeds from producing seeds. Please see notes below for specific dates treatments and/or plots were flail mowed. August 28, 2007: Flail mowed T3, all reps; Flail mowed two reps of T4 on August 28, 2007, the other four reps of T4 were mowed on August 29, 2007. August 29, 2007: Flail mowed T2, all reps. August 30, 2007: Flail mowed T1, all reps; Flail mowed the lysimeter field.

2006-09-26 Mowing Flail mowed the wheat stubble to keep weeds from producing seeds. Flail mowed all wheat stubble (no cover crop plots only) in the biodiversity study. Treatments B11, B14, and B20. Treatments B11, B14, and B20 did not have cover crops growing in them. B11 plots: (110, 216, 309 and 411); B14 plots: (115, 204, 304, and 414); B20 plots: (120, 215, 318, and 420). Not sure if I used the JD 7420a or 7420b tractor?

2006-09-26 Mowing Flail mowed to keep weeds from producing seeds. Areas flail mowed: Bt corn study; 2,4-D; The extra area on the north end of the lysimeter field (the area east of T2R6); the old N-rate study area (the area on the west side of the main drive just inside the south main gate). Not sure if I used the JD 7420a or 7420b tractor?

2007-08-31 Mowing Flail mowed the wheat stubble to keep weeds from producing seeds. Flail mowed all wheat stubble (cover crop and no cover crop plots) in the biodiversity study.

2007-08-31 Mowing Flail mowed 2, 4-D area. Flail mowed just to keep the area looking good and to keep weeds from growing big and producing seeds.

2004-09-07 Mowing Flail mowed wheat stubble in the Biodiversity plots. Flail mowed treatments that have wheat stubble but did not have clover growing in them.

2007-11-05 Mowing Flail mowed corn stalks in the Biodiversity Study. Treatment flail mowed were B5, B8, B11, B13, B15, and B18. B5 plots: (114, 217, 312, and 405); B8 plots: (118, 214, 310, and 408); B11 plots: (110, 216, 309, and 411); B13 plots: (113, 212, 319, and 413); B15 plots: (112, 213, 301, and 415); B18 plots: (108, 208, 311, and 418).

2006-08-21 Mowing Flail mowed the wheat stubble to keep weeds from producing seeds. Flail mowed all wheat stubble (cover crop and no cover crop plots) in the biodiversity study. Treatments B5, B8, B11, B14, B17, and B20. Treatments B5, B8, and B17 had cover crops in them. Treatments B11, B14, and B20 did not have cover crops growing in them. B5 plots: (114, 217, 312, and 405); B8 plots: (118, 214, 310, and 408); B11 plots: (110, 216, 309 and 411); B14 plots: (115, 204, 304, and 414); B17 plots: (116, 211, 302, and 417); B20 plots: (120, 215, 318, and 420). Not sure if I used the JD 7420a or 7420b tractor?

2006-09-26 Mowing Flail mowed LTER Main Site treatments 1 & 2 micro plots, all replications. No herbicide is applied to these micro plots leaving weeds to thick to run through combine. Goal was to mow weeds down before main plot was harvested so the combine did not have to harvest the weeds. This was done with JD 7420a and JD 115 flail mower. Not sure if we used the JD 7420a or 7420b tractor?

2004-09-02 Mowing T1, T2, T3, and T4 plots were flail mowed between September 1 - 4, 2004. Flail mowed the wheat stubble to keep weeds from producing seeds. Please see notes below for specific dates treatments and/or plots were flail mowed. September 1, 2004 Joe S. flail mowed T3R1 and T3 R3; September 2, 2004 Scott K. flail mowed T4R2, T3R2, T4R3, T3R4, T4R5, T3R5, T4R4, T4R1, and T2R1; September 3, 2004 Joe S. flail mowed T3R6, T4R6, T2R6; September 4, 2004 Joe S. flail mowed T1R6, T1R1, T2R2, T2R3, T2R4, and T2R5. We did not have enough weeds in T1 reps: 2, 3, 4, and 5 to mow. We sprayed T1 reps: 2, 3, 4, and 5 on September 4, 2004. We also flail mowed T1 plots on September 8 - 10, 2004. Flail mowed with the JD 6400 tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2004-09-08 Mowing Flail mowed wheat stubble in T8nt plots.

2004-10-13 Mowing Flail mowed T8 plots.

2004-10-14 Mowing Flail mowed in the Biodiversity Study. Flail mowed all spring and fall fallow plots, and all wheat stubble plots that had clover growing in them.

2004-09-10 Mowing Flail mowed the ragweed in LTER T1 plots. Flail mowed wheat stubble so that weeds did not produce seeds. Because the weeds in the tire tracks came back up over the weekend we flail mowed T2 plots again (we flail mowed on Sept 2, 2004). September 8, 2004 flail mowed T1 reps: 1 and 6; September 10, 2004 flail mowed the ragweed in T1 reps: 3, 2, 4, and 5.

2004-09-08 Mowing Flail mowed wheat stubble in T2 plots. Because the weeds in the tire tracks came back up over the weekend we flail mowed T2 plots again (we flail mowed on Sept 2, 2004). September 7, 2004 flail mowed T2 reps: 4 and 1; September 8, 2004 flail mowed T2 reps: 6, 2, 3, and 5.

2014-05-20 Mowing Flail mowed LTER main site T3 plots in the order of (1,2,3,4,5) on May 20, 2014 and rep 6 was mowed on May 21, 2014. Plots were mowed before being chisel plowed in order to help reduce the amount of standing biomass. Equipment used to flail mow was the JD 7420B and the JD 115 15' flail mower.

2014-05-21 Mowing Flail mowed LTER main site T4 plots in the order of (2,3,4,5,6) on May 21, 2014 and rep 1 was mowed on May 20, 2014. Plots were mowed before being chisel plowed in order to help reduce the amount of standing biomass. Equipment used to flail mow was the JD 7420B and the JD 115 15' flail mower.

2014-05-22 Mowing Flail mowed LTER main site Biodiversity Study treatments (B4, B5, B7, B8, B15, B16) which had standing cover crops. Plots were mowed before being chisel plowed in order to help reduce the amount of standing biomass. Equipment used to flail mow was the JD 7420B and the JD 115 15' flail mower.

2014-09-09 Mechanical Weed Control Flail mowed the LTER Biodiversity Study treatment B1 fall fallow plots: (106, 201, 303, 401). Purpose was to reduce the amount of biomass before chisel plowing.

2014-09-29 Mechanical Weed Control Flail mowed LTER Main Site treatments 1 and 2 micro plots, all replications. Weeds were thick due to no herbicide be applied to the micro plots. Goal was to mow the weeds down so the combine did not have to harvest them. Flail mowed T2 on Sept. 29, 2014 in the order of (5, 3, 4, 2, 1, 6). Flail mowed T1 on Oct. 1, 2014 in the order of (5, 1, 4, 2, 3, 6). Flail mowed the east 10-15 feet of the Interaction plots (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15,) on Oct. 1, 2014 depending on if there was a reputable ear for harvest.Equipment used was the JD 7420b and the JD 115 15' flail mower.

2014-10-27 Mowing Flail mowed LTER T8 plots all reps with the JD 7420a and the JD 115 flail mower.

2014-11-07 Mowing Flail mowed corn stubble in the LTER Main Site treatments: T1, T2, T3, T4 all replications. T2's were flail mowed on November 6, 2014. Corn stubble was flail mowed to assist in stubble decomposition. Flail mowing was completed using the JD 7420a tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2014-11-07 Mowing Flail mowed corn stubble in the LTER CE Study treatments: CES1, CES2 all replications. Corn stubble was flail mowed to assist in stubble decomposition. Flail mowing was completed using the JD 7420a tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2014-11-07 Mowing Flail mowed corn stubble in the Interaction and T8 treatments all replications. Corn stubble was flail mowed to assist in stubble decomposition. Flail mowing was completed using the JD 7420a tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2014-11-07 Mowing Flail mowed corn stubble in the LTER Biodiversity treatments: B4, B7, B10, B12, B15, B18 all replications. Corn stubble was flail mowed to assist in stubble decomposition. Flail mowing was completed using the JD 7420a tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2014-11-07 Mowing Flail mowed corn stubble in the GLBRC Trap Crop area. Corn stubble was flail mowed to assist in stubble decomposition. Flail mowing was completed using the JD 7420a tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2014-11-10 Mowing Flail mowed the LTER N-rate Study (Irrigated and non-Irrigated Fertility Gradient). Corn stubble was flail mowed to assist in stubble decomposition. Flail mowing was completed using the JD 7420a tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2015-05-28 Mowing Flail mowed rye cover crop in Main Site GLBRC G2,G3,G4 micro-plots all replications. Reps 1-4 were mowed 05/28/2015, rep 5 was mowed 05/27/2015. Because the rye was so tall and already headed out it was decided to flail mow the plots instead of spray them.

2015-08-17 Mechanical Weed Control Flail mowed the LTER Main Site Biodiversity Study treatments B5, B8, B11, B17 and B20 , all replications. Plots were mowed after wheat harvest to prevent existing weeds from going to seed.

2015-09-15 Mowing Flail mowed and chisel plowed LTER Biodiversity Study treatment B1 (fall fallow treatment) plots: 106, 201, 303, 401. Taught Josh Dykstra how to chisel plow the biodiversity plots today. Josh flail mowed reps 1 and 3, and chisel plowed reps 2 and 3.

2015-09-29 Mowing Flail mowed LTER Main Site treatments 1 and 2 micro plots, all replications. Weeds were thick due to no herbicide applied to the micro plot area. Goal was to mow the weeds down so the combine did not have to harvest them. Flail mowed T1 and T2 on Sept. 29, 2015 in the order of (T1R6, T2R6, T2R1, T1R2, T1R3, T1R4, T2R4, T1R1, T2R2, T2R3, T2R5, T1R5). October 1, 2015: Flail mowed the east 15 feet of the Interaction plots (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, and 16). Equipment used was the JD 7420b and the JD 115 15' flail mower.

2015-10-01 Mowing Flail mowed LTER T8 plots, all reps, with the JD 7420b tractor and the JD 115 flail mower.

2015-11-18 Mowing Corn Stover mowing. mowed the spring fallow plots B2 Biodiversity Study, CE Study, Bait crop in the GLBRC (including brown house), N-rate applicator study by the FSC

2015-08-07 Mowing Flail mowed the LTER Main Site T6 treatments to cut down established alfalfa and weeds. This will allow better coverage and control when treatments are sprayed with a burn down application.

2016-05-17 Mowing Flail mowed LTER Biodiversity study treatments with a cover crop growing in the plots. Treatments: B3: (111, 203, 306, 403), B5: (114, 217, 312, 405), B8: (118, 214, 310, 408), B16: (101, 210, 308, 416), Flail mowed to reduce biomass so that plots are ready to be chisel plowed. B6: (107, 207, 317, 406), and B15 (112, 213, 301, 415) should have had cover crop but clover never was seeded in corn in 2015 so B6 and B15 plots were chisel plowed on April 29, 2016. Flail mowed with the JD 7420a tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2016-08-10 Mowing Flail mowed the wheat stubble and weeds in T6 plots, all reps. Reps 6 and 5 were mowed on August 9, 2016. Reps 3, 2, 1, and 4 were mowed on August 10, 2016. Flail mowed with the JD 7420b tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2016-08-11 Mechanical Weed Control Flail mowed the wheat stubble and weeds in T8nt plots, all reps. Flail mowed LTER Biodiversity Study wheat stubble treatments: B4: (104, 220, 307, 404); B7: (105, 219, 305, 407); B10: (117, 209, 320, 410); B17: (116, 211, 302, 417). Flail mowed weeds the Continuous Fallow treatment: B21 (100, 200, 300, 421). Flail mowed with the JD 7420b tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2016-08-24 Mowing Flail mowed in LTER Main Site treatment T4's all replications. All plots were gone over twice to mow the center strip that is left behind from flail mower. Flail mowed red clover and weeds down to roughly 4 inches to prevent weeds from producing viable seed.

2016-09-02 Mowing Flail mowed the Biodiversity Study fall fallow treatment B1: (106, 201, 303, 401) and wheat stubble treatments: B4: (104, 220, 307, 404); B7: (105, 219, 305, 407); B10: (117, 209, 320, 410); B14:(115, 204, 304, 414), B17: (116, 211, 302, 417), B20: (120, 215, 318, 420). Flail mowed with the JD 7420b tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2016-11-07 Mowing Flail mowed LTER T8 plots, all reps, with the JD 7420b tractor and the JD 115 flail mower.

2016-11-07 Mowing Flail mowed LTER CE corn plots, biodiversity corn plots, and biodiversity spring fallow plots. Treatments and plots that had corn stubble mowed in the CE study: CE2: 112, 210, 312, 402. CE1 plots were fallow during 2016 growing season so no harvest from the CE1 plots in 2016. CE1 plots were fallow for a project from the Landis Lab with Monarch butterflies. CE1 plots 108, 202, 304, 401. Treatments and plots that had corn stubble mowed in the biodiversity study: B5: 114, 217, 312, 405; B8: 118, 214, 310, 408; B11: 110, 216, 309, 411; B12: 109, 202, 313, 412; B15: 112, 213, 301, 415; B18: 108, 208, 311, 418. Biodiversity spring fallow plots: B2: 102, 206, 316, 402. Equipment used was the JD 7420b tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2017-05-10 Mowing Flail mowed LTER main site T3 plots, all reps. Plots were flail mowed before chisel plowing in order to help reduce the amount of standing biomass. Flail mowing will help incorporate all the biomass into the soil when plots are chisel plowed. Equipment used: JD7420a tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2017-05-17 Mowing Flail mowed LTER main site T4 plots, all reps, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. T4 rep 1 was flailed mowed on May 17, 2017, by Todd Martin. Reps 2 and 3 were flailed mowed on May 17, 2017, by Justin Mezo. Reps 4, 5, and 6 on May 19, 2017, by Justin Mezo Plots were flail mowed before chisel plowing in order to help reduce the amount of standing biomass. Flail mowing will help incorporate all the biomass into the soil when plots are chisel plowed. Equipment used: JD7420b tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2017-09-20 Mechanical Weed Control Flail mowed the wheat stubble and weeds in LTER Biodiversity Study wheat treatments: B3: (111, 203, 306, 403), B6: (107, 207, 317, 406), B9: (119, 205, 314, 409), B17: (116, 211, 302, 417), B20: (120, 215, 318, 420). Flail mowed weeds in the Fall Fallow treatment: B1 (106, 201, 303, 401).

2017-09-21 Mowing Mowed LTER Main Site T1 and T2 Micro plots all replications.

2017-11-01 Mowing Flail mowed corn stubble in the LTER Main Site treatment T4, all replications. Corn stubble was flail mowed to assist in corn stubble and weed decomposition. Equipment Used: Flail mowing was completed using the JD 7420a tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2017-11-07 Mowing Flail mowed LTER T8 plots, all reps, with the JD 7420a tractor and the JD 115 flail mower. Flail mowed corn stubble in the LTER Main Site treatments: T1, T2, T3, T8nt, all replications, and Lysimeter Field. Flail mowed all annual biomass growth from T8 plots, all reps. GLBRC bait crop area. T3 plots were flail mowed on Tuesday November 7, 2017. LTER Main Site treatments: T1, T2, T8, T8nt, all replications, and Lysimeter Field were flail mowed on Wednesday November 8, 2017. LTER T1R5 and T1R1 were flail mowed on Tuesday November 7, 2017. GLBRC bait crop area was flail mowed on Thursday November 9, 2017. Bait crop consisted of: The north strip of two strips on the north side of the field. The middle strip of the three strips on the south and east side of the field. The three most easterly 'rep 6' plots. Around the brown house. And the south half of the 'old' Productivity Study. Corn stubble was flail mowed to assist in corn stubble decomposition. Equipment Used: Flail mowing was completed using the JD 7420a tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2017-12-01 Mowing Flail mowed corn stalks in LTER N-Rate Nitrogen study both irrigated and non irrigated, CE study corn plots, corn and soybean plots in biodiversity as well as the spring fallow plots.

2018-10-09 Mowing Mowed the weeds in the T1 and T2 micro-plots. Mowed corn stubble in the CE1 plots (108, 202, 304, 401), CE2 plots (112, 210, 312, 402); GLBRC bait crop; south half of the productivity study; and one plot in the rep 6 area.

2019-04-17 Mowing Flail mowed annual biomass growth from LTER T8 plots, all replications. Equipment Used: Flail mowing was completed using the JD 7420a tractor and JD 115 flail mower. So much rain in the fall of 2018 and a busy fall planting season (planting winter wheat) the T8 mowing was not completed until the spring of2019.

2019-04-22 Mowing Mowed corn stalks in the LTER Biodiversity Study: Treatments B3: (111, 203, 306, 403), B6: (107, 207, 317, 406), B9: (119, 205, 314, 409), B12: (109, 202, 313, 412), B15: (112, 213, 301, 415), B18: (108, 208, 311, 418). Mowed stalks before spring tillage to help stalks degrade this spring.

2019-04-24 Mowing Mowed the east side T5 plots reps 1, 2, 3, and 4. Mowed poplar trees so that we can spray them later this spring.

2019-05-28 Mowing Mowed biodiversity plots. B3 (111, 203, 306, 403), B5 (114, 217, 312, 405), B6 (107, 207, 317, 406), B8 (118, 214, 310, 408), B9 (119, 205, 314, 409), B11 (110, 216, 309, 411), B12 (109, 202, 313, 412), B13 (113, 212, 319, 413), B14 (114, 204, 304, 414), B15 (112, 213, 301, 415), B16 (101, 210, 308, 416), B18 (108, 208, 311, 418), B19 (103, 218, 315, 419). Plots mowed to chew up weeds and cover crop biomass to get ready to be chisel plowed.

2019-08-20 Mechanical Weed Control Flail mowed LTER main site treatment T6 switchgrass plots. Plots were mowed to clip unwanted weeds and grass to prevent going to seed. Mowed about 6-8 inches high. All plots were gone over twice.

2019-08-22 Mechanical Weed Control Flail mowed LTER main site treatment T3 wheat stubble plots. Flail mowed wheat stubble plots in front of clover planting to get rid of any unwanted weeds that were still there.

2019-08-30 Mechanical Weed Control Flail mowed LTER main site treatment T4 plots. Flail mowed T4 plots to get rid of any unwanted weeds. Mower height was set just above clover cover crop. Main weed to control was ragweed.

2019-10-25 Mowing Flail mowed treatments: B1 (106, 201, 303, and 401) and B2 (102, 206, 316, and 402) in the biodiversity study. Equipment used: JD 7420 tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2019-11-07 Mowing Flail mowed corn stubble in the bait crop of the GLBRC. Corn stubble was located in the 30' closest to the woods on the North, South, and East sides of the GLBRC. Flail mowed the northern portion of the Productivity Study in the GLBRC near the white farm house.

2019-11-07 Mowing Flail mowed the T8 plots.

2019-11-07 Mowing Flail mowed biodiversity treatments (B5: R114, R217, R312, R405/ B8: R118, R214, R310, R408/ B11: R110, R216, R309, R411/ B13: R113, R212, R319, R413/ B15: R112, R213, R301, R415/ B18: R108, R208, R311, R418).

2019-11-07 Mowing Flail mowed KBS LTER Cellulosic Biofuel Diversity Treatments CE1: 108, 202, 304, 401/ CE3: 105, 207, 301, 403.

2020-07-14 Mowing Flail mowed biodiversity; all replications (B1-B21). Mowed at approximately 6" of height.

2020-10-02 Mechanical Weed Control Mowed G4 plots today. Mowed to prevent weeds from producing more weed seeds. Equipment Used: John Deere 7420 tractor and John Deere 115 flail mower.

2020-11-05 Mowing Flail mowed corn stubble in all reps of LTER Main Site T3 treatment, reps 1, 3, 2, 4, 5, and 6. Corn stubble was flail mowed to assist in stubble/stover decomposition. Equipment used: JD 7420a tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2020-11-07 Mowing Flail mowed corn stubble in all reps of LTER Main Site T1 and T2 treatments. Corn stubble was flail mowed to assist in stubble/stover decomposition. Equipment used: JD 7420a tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2020-11-02 Mowing Flail mowed corn stubble in all reps of LTER Main Site T4 treatment, reps 6, 2, 3, 5, 4, and 1. (Reps 4 and 1 were mowed on November 5, 2020). Corn stubble was flail mowed to assist in stubble/stover decomposition. Equipment used: JD 7420a tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2020-06-08 Mowing Flail mowed T6 micro plot in preparation for bromegrass planting. Microplot is located in the very north west corner of the T6 main plots. Equipment used: JD 7420a and JD 115 15' flail mower.

2020-06-19 Mowing Mowed the T3 and T4 prairie strips. Equipment used: JD 7420 and JD 115 15' flail mower.

2019-07-24 Mowing Mowed the T3 and T4 prairie strips.

2020-11-13 Mowing Mowed corn stubble after harvest in Lysimeter field and the irrigated and non-irrigated fertility gradient study. JD 7420 and 15' JD flail mower was used.

2020-11-18 Mowing Flail mowed LTER T8 plots, all reps. Equipment used: JD 7420a tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2020-11-18 Mowing Flail mowed corn stover in GLBRC bait crop area. Equipment used: JD 7420a tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2021-07-21 Mechanical Weed Control Flail mowed the former Biodiversity study to manage weeds. Mower was run in N S passes on 4 blocks.

2021-06-09 Mowing Flail mowed the former Biodiversity study to terminate cover crops. Mower was run in N S passes on 4 blocks. Equipment used was the 7420 John Deere and the 115 15' flail mower.

2021-07-21 Mechanical Weed Control Mowed the bait crop clover and soybean areas to manage weeds and the height of clover. Equipment used was the 7420 John Deere and the 115 15' flail mower.

2021-08-13 Mechanical Weed Control Flail mowed the former Biodiversity study to manage weeds. Mower was run in N S passes on 4 blocks.

2021-09-01 Mechanical Weed Control Flail mowed the former Biodiversity study to manage weeds. Mower was run in N S passes on 4 blocks.

2021-10-11 Mowing Flail mow LTAR corn stalks in all plots except 501, 502 at 2-3".

2021-11-04 Mowing Flail mow corn stalks.

2021-11-05 Mowing Flail mow corn stalks.

2021-11-05 Mowing Flail mow corn stalks.

2021-11-09 Mowing Flail mowed LTER T8 and T8nt plots, all reps. Equipment used: JD 7420a tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2021-11-23 Mowing Flail mow corn stalks.

2021-11-24 Mowing Flail mow corn stalks.

2021-12-02 Mowing Flail mow corn stalks.

2022-09-07 Mechanical Weed Control Flail mowed weeds to reduce weed seed build up in soil, in all reps of LTER Main Site T1 and T2 treatments. Treatments were mowed on 9/7 and 9/8. Equipment used: JD 7420a tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2022-09-09 Mechanical Weed Control Flail mowed ragweed in all reps of LTER Main Site T4 treatment, reps 5, 3, 2, 1, 6, and 4. Due to the density of the standing weeds, each plot was mowed twice to achieve better control. Second mowing of reps, 5, 2, 4 and 6 occurred on September 12. Equipment used: JD 7420a tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2022-09-14 Mechanical Weed Control Flail mowed the former Biodiversity study to control weeds. Mower was run in N S passes on 4 blocks. Equipment used was the 7420 John Deere and the 115 15' flail mower.

2022-09-14 Mechanical Weed Control Flail mowed the clover bait crop to manage weeds.

2022-09-16 Mechanical Weed Control Mowed the weeds in the T8nt plots. No wheat was harvested for yield in/from any of these plots in 2022.

2022-12-08 Soil Preparation Flail mow BAU1 corn stalks to 3". Chisel plow all BAU plots.

2023-05-10 Mowing Flail mowed LTER main site T3 plots (R3, R1, R2, R4, R5 and R6). Plots were flail mowed before chisel plowing in order to help reduce the amount of standing biomass. Flail mowing will help incorporate all the biomass into the soil when plots are chisel plowed. Prairie strips were avoided completely.

2023-05-16 Mechanical Weed Control Flail mowed clover in all reps of LTER Main Site T4 treatment, reps 1,4,2,3,5,6. Plots were flail mowed before chisel plowing in order to help reduce the amount of standing biomass. Flail mowing will help incorporate all the biomass into the soil when plots are chisel plowed. Prairie strips were avoided completely.

2023-07-18 Mechanical Weed Control Flail mowed the former Biodiversity study to control weeds. Mower was run in N S passes on 4 blocks. Equipment used was the 7420 John Deere and the 115 15' flail mower.

2023-08-18 Mechanical Weed Control Flail mow fields to suppress weeds.

2023-11-11 Mowing Flail mowed corn stubble in all reps of LTER Main Site T1, T2 and T3 treatments. Corn stubble was flail mowed to assist in stubble/stover decomposition. Equipment used: JD 7420a tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2023-11-02 Mowing Flail mow corn stover.

2023-11-17 Mowing Reps 1,2,&4 only. Flail mow cornstalks around lysimeter installation for ease of walking. Approximately a 15' by 25' area. Rep three was not mowed because the lysimeter was already installed.

2023-11-17 Mowing Flail mow sorghum and overcrop to enhance decomposition.

2023-11-17 Mowing Flail mow corn stubble. Mark out swine manure plots on a 90 degree heading.

2023-12-14 Mowing Mowed corn stubble after harvest in Lysimeter field and the irrigated and non-irrigated fertility gradient study. Mowed corn stubble in the T8nt plots as well. JD 7420 and 15' JD flail mower was used.

2024-01-08 Mowing Flail mowed LTER T8 plots, all reps to control the growth of woody species. Equipment used: JD 7420a tractor and JD 115 flail mower.

2024-05-15 Mowing Flail mowed rye cover crop in T3 and T4 plots (all reps) prior to chisel plowing. This was done to promote the decomposition of the biomass and prevent it from interfering with the growth of the soybean crop.

2024-05-24 Mechanical Weed Control Flail mowed all plots of Switchgrass Biodiversity Study to mow off wild oats before seed matured. Mowed to height of 6-8 inches.

2024-07-19 Mechanical Weed Control Flail mowed the former Biodiversity study to control weeds. Mower was run East to West. Equipment used was the 7420a John Deere and the 115 15' flail mower. Flail mowed CE1, CE2, and CE3 (corn and soybean) plots in LTER CE Study. Flail mowed tall marestail in LTER Lysimeter field.

2024-07-24 Mechanical Weed Control Flail mowed the GLBRC Bait crop clover and Sorghum Nitrogen Rate Experiment South. This was done to control weeds in bait crop clover and to mow switch grass down in Sorghum Nitrogen Rate Experiment. Flail mowed 30 x 30 Brome grass micro plots in northwest corner of the T6 plots. Mowing was done to control weeds.

2024-07-23 Mechanical Weed Control Flail mow canola stubble to suppress marestail.

2024-08-15 Mechanical Weed Control Flail mowed all plots of Switchgrass Biodiversity Study to reduce weeds to height of 8-10 inches.