Name: Turbo TeeJet Induction TTI-11003 Flat Spray Tip (Nozzle)

2021-06-03 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER main site Irrigated and Non-Irrigated Fertility Study, a portion of Lysimeter Field starting from the west, and a 30' section of T2R2 for post-emergence weed control. Sprayed with Enlist at 2 pints/acre, Roundup Powermax at 44 ounces/acre, Warrant at 48 ounces/acre, Ammonium Sulfate at 2.4lbs/acre, and a small amount of de-foaming agent. Rate of spray was 20gal/acre on JD rate controller. Weather conditions at the end: 80.3 degrees F, 5.52mph northeast wind, 30.7% relative humidity, and mostly sunny. REI: 48 hours.

2021-06-09 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER main site CE soybean plots (112, 210, 312, 402), finished the Lysimeter Field starting from the west, and all the T8NT plots. Sprayed with Enlist at 2 pints/acre, Roundup Powermax at 44 ounces/acre, Warrant at 48 ounces/acre, Ammonium Sulfate at 2.4lbs/acre, and a small amount of de-foaming agent. Rate of spray was 20gal/acre on JD rate controller. Weather conditions at the beginning 10:00am: 79.2 degrees F, 3.68mph southeast wind, 79.7% relative humidity, and sunny. Weather conditions at the end 1:00pm: 87.3 degrees F, 5.2mph east wind, 53.6% relative humidity, and partly sunny. REI: 48 hours.

2021-06-10 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER main site CE corn plots (105, 108, 202, 207, 301, 304, 401, and 403). Sprayed with Roundup Powermax at 44 ounces/acre, Acuron at 88 ounces/ acre, and Ammonium Sulfate at 2.4lbs/acre, and a small amount of de-foaming agent. Rate of spray was 20gal/acre on JD rate controller. Weather conditions at the beginning 10:00am: 78.3 degrees F, 3.9mph southeast wind, 79.9% relative humidity, and partly cloudy. Weather conditions at the end 12:00pm: 82.4 degrees F, 6.34mph southeast wind, 62.6% relative humidity, and partly sunny. REI: 24 hours.

2021-06-16 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER main site T2 reps 5,4,3,1,6,5. Sprayed with Enlist at 2 pints/acre, Roundup Powermax at 42.7 ounces/acre, Ammonium Sulfate at 2.4lbs/acre, and a small amount of de-foaming agent. Rate of spray was 20gal/acre on JD rate controller. Weather conditions at the beginning 1:00pm: 73 degrees F, 4.7mph west wind, 34% relative humidity, and sunny. Weather conditions at the end 5:45pm: 76.9 degrees F, 5.2mph wind unknown direction, 27.5% relative humidity, and sunny. REI: 48 hours.

2021-06-17 Mechanical Weed Control Sprayed LTER main site CE 2 reps (112,210,312,402) Sprayed with Enlist at 2 pints/acre, Roundup Powermax at 42.7 ounces/acre, Ammonium Sulfate at 2.4lbs/acre, and a small amount of de-foaming agent. Rate of spray was 20gal/acre on JD rate controller. Weather conditions at the beginning 8:00am: unknown Weather conditions at the end 8:15am: unknown REI: 48 hours.

2021-06-17 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER Main Site treatment T1 all replications (1,2,3,4,5,6) for post-emergence weed control. Sprayed with Roundup Powermax at a rate of 32 oz/A , ammonium sulfate at 3.4 lbs/A and Warrant at 3 pts/A. Weather conditions at the start 10:00 a.m. were sunny, 71.8 degrees F,42.5 % humidity with 3-4 mph southwest winds. Conditions at the end 1:00 p.m. were sunny, 79.6 degrees F, 20.1 % humidity, and 4-5 mph winds out of the west. 48 hr rei.

2021-06-24 Herbicide Application Sprayed GLBRC main site G1 all reps (5,1,2,3,4). Sprayed LTER main site T3 all reps (4,5,2,1,3,6). Sprayed LTER main site CE1 and CE3. Sprayed Roundup Powermax at 32 ounces/acre, Ammonium Sulfate at 3.4lbs/acre, and a small amount of de-foaming agent. Rate of spray was 20gal/acre on JD rate controller. Weather conditions at the beginning 8:00am: 64 degrees F, 10mph south wind, 63% Relative Humidity, Sunny. Weather conditions at the end 12:30pm: 75 degrees F, 11mph south wind, 57% Relative Humidity, Cloudy REI: 24 hours.

2021-07-26 Mechanical Weed Control Sprayed LTER main site T3 all reps (5,4,1,2,3,6). Sprayed Roundup Powermax at 32 ounces/acre, Ammonium Sulfate at 3.4lbs/acre, and a small amount of de-foaming agent. Rate of spray was 20gal/acre on JD rate controller. Weather conditions at the beginning 1:00pm: 84 degrees F, 3-4mph west wind, 49.1% Relative Humidity, Sunny. Weather conditions at the end 4:00pm: 86.2 degrees F, 6-7mph northwest wind, 35.5% Relative Humidity, Sunny REI: 24 hours.

2021-07-27 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER main site T1, T2 edges at 32oz/acre round up all reps. Sprayed old micro plots in northwest corners at 44oz/acre; all reps. Sprayed CE Study CE2 reps: 112, 210, 312, & 402. Sprayed T8nt all reps. Sprayed Lysimeter field east side. Sprayed Roundup Powermax at 32 ounces/acre, Ammonium Sulfate at 3.4lbs/acre, and a small amount of de-foaming agent. Rate of spray was 20gal/acre on JD rate controller. Weather conditions at the beginning , Sunny. Weather conditions at the end 4:00pm: Did not record REI: 24 hours.

2023-06-06 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER Main Site treatment T3 all replications () for early post-emergent weed control where corn was planted. Sprayed with tank mix of Dual II Magnum at a rate of 1.33 pts/A, Roundup PowerMax at 22 oz/A, and ammonium sulfate at 17lbs/100 gallons (3.4 lbs/A). Application began at 10:25 am and concluded at 2:30 pm. REI is 24 hours, safe re-entry. 2:30 PM 6/7/23. Weather conditions at 10:30 am were: Temperature: 65.8 °F Wind Speed: 4.9 mph Wind Direction Northeast Relative Humidity: 69.2% Weather conditions at 2:30 am were: Temperature: 76.8 °F Wind Speed: 7.6 mph Wind Direction Northeast Relative Humidity: 39.9%

2023-06-08 Herbicide Application Sprayed G2 (Rep 5, 2, 3, 1, and 4) and G3 (Rep 3, 5, 2, 4, and 1) for pre-emergent weed control Sprayed Moccasin II Plus (generic Dual II Magnum) at 1.33 pints/acre and Roundup PowerMax at 22 oz/A, AMS at 9 lbs/ 100 gallons, and a small amount of de-foaming agent. Rate of spray was 20 gal/acre on JD rate controller. Application began at 1:00 pm and concluded at 3:50 pm. Safe re-entry at 3:50 pm Friday June 6, 2023. Pre-emergent herbicide was applied immediately after planting Soybeans (G2) and the following day after planting Sorghum (G3). Weather Conditions at 1:00 pm were: Temperature: 70.8°F Wind Speed: 9.5 mph Wind Direction: Northwest Relative Humidity: 27.7% Weather Conditions at 3:50 pm were: Temperature: 73.4°F Wind Speed: 9.3 mph Wind Direction: Northwest Relative Humidity: 23.6% Wind speed was variable throughout application, with average wind speed fluctuating between 4.9 mph and 9.5 mph. Average speed never exceeded 10 mph.

2023-06-09 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER CE study CE2 (112, 210, 312, 402), and GLBRC bait crop planted soybeans for pre-emergent weed control Sprayed Moccasin II Plus (generic Dual II Magnum) at 1.33 pints/acre and Roundup PowerMax at 22 oz/A, AMS at 9 lbs/ 100 gallons, and a small amount of de-foaming agent. Rate of spray was 20 gal/acre on JD rate controller. Application began at 11:00 am and concluded at 11:30 am. Safe re-entry at 11:30 Saturday June 10, 2023. Weather Conditions at 11:00 am were: Temperature: 67.3°F Wind Speed: 5.8 mph Wind Direction: Northeast Relative Humidity: 46.2% Weather Conditions at 11:30 am were: Temperature: 67.9°F Wind Speed: 4.3 mph Wind Direction: Northwest Relative Humidity: 44.9%

2024-04-26 Herbicide Application Herbicide application to T2R1 (remainder of plot), LTER N-Rate Study, T8nt plots (reps 1, 2, 3, 4), CE Study corn and soybeans (CE 1, 2, and 3) RoundUp Power Max 3 at 44 oz per acre and Ammonium Sulfate at 40 lbs per 200 gal were applied pre-plant as a burndown. Application in T2R1 began at 9:00 am and conduced in the Lysimeter field at 12:15. Rate of spray was 20gal/acre on JD rate controller. REI is 4 hours, safe re-entry on Friday April 26 at 4:15 pm. Weather at 9:00 am: Temperature: 46.0°F Wind Direction: Southeast Wind Speed: 9.27 mph Relative Humidity: 64.0% Weather at 12:15: Temperature: 56.0°F Wind Direction: Southeast Wind Speed: 10.87 mph Relative Humidity: 40.6%

2024-06-07 Herbicide Application Herbicide application to Soybean Variety Trial. Dual II Magnum at 1.33 pints per acre pre emergence to control weeds. Application in 8:45 am and concluded at 10:00 am Rate of spray was 20gal/acre on JD rate controller. REI is 24 hours, safe re-entry on Saturday June, 8 at 10:00 am. Application done early in the day to avoid windy conditions, Corral-Poly drift reducing adjuvant added to tank.