Show Observation

User: Ethan Rocklin

Created on: 2023-06-08

Observation Date 2023-06-08

Sprayed G2 (Rep 5, 2, 3, 1, and 4) and G3 (Rep 3, 5, 2, 4, and 1) for pre-emergent weed control Sprayed Moccasin II Plus (generic Dual II Magnum) at 1.33 pints/acre and Roundup PowerMax at 22 oz/A, AMS at 9 lbs/ 100 gallons, and a small amount of de-foaming agent. Rate of spray was 20 gal/acre on JD rate controller. Application began at 1:00 pm and concluded at 3:50 pm. Safe re-entry at 3:50 pm Friday June 6, 2023. Pre-emergent herbicide was applied immediately after planting Soybeans (G2) and the following day after planting Sorghum (G3). Weather Conditions at 1:00 pm were: Temperature: 70.8°F Wind Speed: 9.5 mph Wind Direction: Northwest Relative Humidity: 27.7% Weather Conditions at 3:50 pm were: Temperature: 73.4°F Wind Speed: 9.3 mph Wind Direction: Northwest Relative Humidity: 23.6% Wind speed was variable throughout application, with average wind speed fluctuating between 4.9 mph and 9.5 mph. Average speed never exceeded 10 mph.

12 G2 G3

Observation Type:
Herbicide Application


Worker: Ethan Rocklin
Equipment: John Deere 5220 Tractor
Equipment: Top Air Sprayer • Material: Herbicide Moccasin II Plus @ 1.33 pint per acre • Material: Herbicide Roundup Power Max (glyphosate 48.7%) @ 22.0 ounce per acre • Material: Ammonium sulfate (AMS) @ 1.8 pound per acre
Equipment: Turbo TeeJet Induction TTI-11003 Flat Spray Tip (Nozzle)


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