Name: 28% (FSC Built) Six Row Fertilizer Applicator

2014-06-26 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the Cellulosic Ethanol Study treatments CES1 (plots 108, 202, 304, and 401) and CES2 (plots 112, 210, 312, and 402) with liquid 28% fertilizer 28-0-0 (urea-ammonium nitrate) applied at 40 gallons/A. Since 28% fertilizer weighs 10.65 lbs/gal, the 40 gallons/A was the same as 119 lbs N/A. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator. Fertilizer was applied at 4 mph using the JD 7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with a John Deere Rate controller driven by an Ace hydraulic pump.

2014-06-28 Fertilizer Application Fertilized Interaction plots (16, 15, 14, 10, 12, 7, 1, 5) with 28-0-0 liquid fertilizer. Liquid 28% fertilizer 28-0-0 (urea-ammonium nitrate) was applied at 40 gallons/A. Since 28% fertilizer weighs 10.65 lbs/A, this equated to 119 lbs N/A. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator. Equipment used was the JD7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with the JD rate controller and ace pump.

2014-06-28 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the lysimeter field with 28-0-0 liquid fertilizer. Liquid 28% fertilizer 28-0-0 (urea-ammonium nitrate) was applied at 40 gallons/A to the south side of the field and to the east of T2 and the north side of the lysimeter was fertilized at 50 gallons/A since there was no starter fertilizer added at planting. Since 28% fertilizer weighs 10.65 lbs/A, this equated to 119 lbs N/A @ 40 gal/A and 149 lbs N/A @ 50 gal/A. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator. Equipment used was the JD7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with the JD rate controller and ace pump.

2014-06-28 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the GLBRC bait crop east side corn with 28-0-0 liquid fertilizer. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator. Fertilizer applied using the JD7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with a JD rate controller and a ace pump.

2014-06-28 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the GLBRC bait crop south side corn with 28-0-0 liquid fertilizer. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator. Fertilizer applied using the JD7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with a JD rate controller and a ace pump.

2014-06-28 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the LTER Main Site treatment T3 micro plots, replications in the order of (6, 1, 3, 4, 5 ,2) with 28-0-0 liquid fertilizer and was only applied to the 3 micro-plots that were supposed to get fertilized. Liquid 28% or Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (28-0-0) was applied at a total rate of 40 gal/A. Since 28% fertilizer weighs 10.65 lbs/gal, the 40 gal/A was the same as 119 lbs N/A. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator. Fertilizer applied using the JD7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with a JD rate controller and ace pump.

2014-06-28 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the LTER Main Site treatment T4 micro plots, replications in the order of (1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 6) with 28-0-0 liquid fertilizer and was only applied to the 3 micro-plots that were supposed to get fertilized. Liquid 28% or Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (28-0-0) was applied at a total rate of 40 gal/A. Since 28% fertilizer weighs 10.65 lbs/gal, the 40 gal/A was the same as 119 lbs N/A. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator. Fertilizer applied using the JD7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with a JD rate controller and ace pump.

2014-06-27 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER N-rate study (Irrigated and Non-irrigated fertility gradient study) Corn plots. Fertilizer applications were with 28-0-0 which supplied 28% nitrogen in the form of Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (UAN). A single pass of a 28% applicator was used to knife in the correct amount of fertilizer. The 28% applicator has seven coulters where the 5 inside coulters apply a full target rate and the 2 outside coulters apply half of the target rate. The applicator is controlled by a rate controller as well as inline orifices. Fertilizer was knifed roughly 6 to 8 inches into the ground. The amounts of nitrogen applied were as follows: F1 (101, 203, 309, 404, 501, 603, 709, 804) 0 lbs N/A; F2 (102, 202, 304, 406, 502, 602, 704, 806) 0 lbs N/A; F3 (103, 205, 302, 407, 503, 605, 702, 807) 30 lbs N/A (10 gal/A); F4 (104, 208, 305, 403, 504, 608, 705, 803) 60 lbs N/A (20 gal/A); F5 (105, 204, 306, 401, 505, 604, 706, 801) 90 lbs N/A (30 gal/A); F6 (106, 209, 308, 402, 506, 609, 708, 802) 120 lbs N/A (40 gal/A); F7 (107, 201, 307, 408, 507, 601, 707, 808) 150 lbs N/A (50 gal/A); F8 (108, 207, 303, 405, 508, 607, 703, 805) 190 lbs N/A (64 gal/A); F9 (109, 206, 301, 409, 509, 606, 701, 809) 230 lbs N/A (77 gal/A). Equipment used was 7420B and an applicator that was just built by the FSC that was equipped with a rate controller and inline orifices. Orifices were changed accordingly with the application rate and treatments and the application speed was 4 mph.

2014-06-27 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the GLBRC Main Site treatment G2 and G3, corn, replications 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 with 28-0-0 liquid fertilizer. Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (28-0-0) was applied at a total rate of 40 gal/A. Since 28% fertilizer weighs 10.65 lbs/gal, the 40 gal/A was the same as 119 lbs N/A. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator. Fertilizer applied using the JD7420a tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with a John Deere Rate Controller and an Ace pump with ground speed around 4 mph.

2015-06-17 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the GLBRC Main Site treatment G1, corn, replications 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 with 28-0-0 liquid fertilizer. Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (28-0-0) was applied at a total rate of 41 gal/A. Since 28% fertilizer weighs 10.65 lbs/gal, the 41 gal/A equals 122 lbs N/A. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator. Fertilizer applied using the JD7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with a John Deere Rate Controller and an Ace pump, Application speed around 4 mph.

2015-06-17 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the GLBRC bait crop (third plot from the west in rep 6, behind the brown house and the west strip on the north side between the two driveways.)with 28-0-0 liquid fertilizer. Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (28-0-0) was applied at a total rate of 41 gal/A. Since 28% fertilizer weighs 10.65 lbs/gal, the 41 gal/A equals 122 lbs N/A. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator. Fertilizer applied using the JD7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with a John Deere Rate Controller and an Ace pump, Application speed around 4 mph.

2015-06-19 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the GLBRC bait crop north and south sides with 28-0-0 liquid fertilizer. On the south side Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (28-0-0) was applied at a total rate of 41 gal/A. Since 28% fertilizer weighs 10.65 lbs/gal, the 41 gal/A equals 122 lbs N/A. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator. Fertilizer applied using the JD7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with a John Deere Rate Controller and an Ace pump, Application speed around 4 mph. The north side bait crop was laid out into a small study where corn was applicated with two different types of applicators, the FSC built 6 row applicator (which has knifes following the coulter and places fertilizer 4-6 inches into the ground and is controlled by a john deere rate controller with a hydraulic Ace pump) and the Clark 6 row applicator (which has injection type nozzles following the coulter where fertilizer is shot into the slot at a high pressure from 6-10 inches above the ground and is controlled by a john blue ground driven pump). Seven treatments were laid out and replicated randomly three times. All treatments received 30 lbs N/A at planting via starter fertlilizer (14 gal/A 19-17-0). Treatments were then side dressed with additional nitrogen and are explained below (below treatments are showing the amount of nitrogen that was side dressed not total amount of N, an additional 30 lbs N/A (from starter fertilizer at planting) needs to be added to what is shown below in the treatments); Side Dressed Amounts - T1(0 lbs N/A), T2-(FSC applicator:90 lbs N/A from 30 gal/A 28-0-0), T3-(FSC applicator: 120 lbs N/A from 40 gal/A 28-0-0), T4-(FSC applicator: 150 lbs N/A from 50 gal/A 28-0-0), T5-(Clark applicator: 90 lbs N/A from 30 gal/A 28-0-0), T6-(Clark applicator: 120 lbs N/A from 40 gal/A 28-0-0), T7-(Clark applicator: 150 lbs N/A from 50 gal/A 28-0-0). TOTAL NITROGEN per acre for each treatment is as follows - T1-30 lbs N/A, T2-120 lbs N/A, T3-150 lbs N/A, T4-180 lbs N/A, T5-120 lbs/A, T6-150 lbs N/A, T7-180 lbs N/A.

2015-06-25 Fertilizer Application The Field B1 (East of the FSC) field was laid out into a small study where corn was applicated with two different types of applicators, the FSC built 6 row applicator (which has knifes following the coulter and places fertilizer 4-6 inches into the ground and is controlled by a john deere rate controller with a hydraulic Ace pump) - and the Clark 6 row applicator (which has injection type nozzles following the coulter where fertilizer is shot into the slot at a high pressure from 6-10 inches above the ground and is controlled by a john blue ground driven pump). Seven treatments were laid out and replicated randomly four times. All treatments received 30 lbs N/A at planting via starter fertlilizer (14 gal/A 19-17-0). Treatments were then side dressed with additional nitrogen and are explained below (below treatments are showing the amount of nitrogen that was side dressed not total amount of N, an additional 30 lbs N/A (from starter fertilizer at planting) needs to be added to what is shown below in the treatments); Side Dressed Amounts - T1(0 lbs N/A), T2-(FSC applicator:90 lbs N/A from 30 gal/A 28-0-0), T3-(FSC applicator: 120 lbs N/A from 40 gal/A 28-0-0), T4-(FSC applicator: 150 lbs N/A from 50 gal/A 28-0-0), T5-(Clark applicator: 90 lbs N/A from 30 gal/A 28-0-0), T6-(Clark applicator: 120 lbs N/A from 40 gal/A 28-0-0), T7-(Clark applicator: 150 lbs N/A from 50 gal/A 28-0-0). TOTAL NITROGEN per acre for each treatment is as follows - T1-30 lbs N/A, T2-120 lbs N/A, T3-150 lbs N/A, T4-180 lbs N/A, T5-120 lbs/A, T6-150 lbs N/A, T7-180 lbs N/A.

2015-06-29 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the GLBRC Main Site treatment G2 and G4, corn, all replications with 28-0-0 liquid fertilizer. Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (28-0-0) was applied at a total rate of 41 gal/A. Since 28% fertilizer weighs 10.65 lbs/gal, the 41 gal/A equals 122 lbs N/A. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator. Fertilizer applied using the JD7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with a John Deere Rate Controller and an Ace pump, Application speed around 4 mph.

2015-06-29 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the GLBRC Main Site bait crop (east side perimeter corn and the two plots in rep 6 from the east side). corn, all replications with 28-0-0 liquid fertilizer. Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (28-0-0) was applied at a total rate of 41 gal/A. Since 28% fertilizer weighs 10.65 lbs/gal, the 41 gal/A equals 122 lbs N/A. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator. Fertilizer applied using the JD7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with a John Deere Rate Controller and an Ace pump, Application speed around 4 mph.

2015-06-25 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the LTER CE Study treatments CES1 and CES3 all replications with 28-0-0 liquid fertilizer. Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (28-0-0) was applied at a total rate of 41 gal/A. Since 28% fertilizer weighs 10.65 lbs/gal, the 41 gal/A equals 122 lbs N/A. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator. Fertilizer applied using the JD7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with a John Deere Rate Controller and an Ace pump, Application speed around 4 mph.

2016-06-17 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the GLBRC Main Site treatment G1, G2 and G3, corn, all replications with 28-0-0 liquid fertilizer. Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (28-0-0) was applied at a total rate of 41 gal/A. Since 28% fertilizer weighs 10.65 lbs/gal, the 41 gal/A equals 122 lbs N/A. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator. Fertilizer applied using the JD7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with a John Deere Rate Controller and an Ace pump, Application speed around 4 mph.

2016-06-17 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the GLBRC bait crop corn with 28-0-0 liquid fertilizer. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator. Fertilizer applied using the JD7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with a John Deere Rate Controller and an Ace pump, Application speed around 4 mph.

2016-06-30 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the LTER CE study treatment CES 2 all replications with 28-0-0 liquid fertilizer. Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (28-0-0) was applied at a total rate of 41 gal/A. Since 28% fertilizer weighs 10.65 lbs/gal, the 41 gal/A equals 122 lbs N/A. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator. Fertilizer applied using the JD7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with a John Deere Rate Controller and an Ace pump, Application speed around 4 mph.

2017-06-19 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER N-rate study (Irrigated and Non-irrigated fertility gradient study) Corn plots. Fertilizer applications were with 28-0-0 which supplied 28% nitrogen in the form of Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (UAN). A single pass of a 28% applicator was used to knife in the correct amount of fertilizer. The 28% applicator has seven coulters where the 5 inside coulters apply a full target rate and the 2 outside coulters apply half of the target rate. The applicator is controlled by a rate controller as well as inline orifices. Fertilizer was knifed roughly 5-6 inches into the ground. The amounts of nitrogen applied were as follows: F1 (101, 203, 309, 404, 501, 603, 709, 804) 0 lbs N/A; F2 (102, 202, 304, 406, 502, 602, 704, 806) 0 lbs N/A; F3 (103, 205, 302, 407, 503, 605, 702, 807) 30 lbs N/A (10 gal/A); F4 (104, 208, 305, 403, 504, 608, 705, 803) 60 lbs N/A (20 gal/A); F5 (105, 204, 306, 401, 505, 604, 706, 801) 90 lbs N/A (30 gal/A); F6 (106, 209, 308, 402, 506, 609, 708, 802) 120 lbs N/A (40 gal/A); F7 (107, 201, 307, 408, 507, 601, 707, 808) 150 lbs N/A (50 gal/A); F8 (108, 207, 303, 405, 508, 607, 703, 805) 190 lbs N/A (64 gal/A); F9 (109, 206, 301, 409, 509, 606, 701, 809) 230 lbs N/A (77 gal/A). Equipment used: JD 7420b tractor and liquid fertilizer applicator that was built by the FSC that was equipped with a rate controller and inline orifices. Orifices were changed accordingly with the application rate and treatments and the application speed was 4 mph. Weather conditions at 2:45 p.m. were mostly sunny 72 degrees F, 62% humidity with 10-15 mph winds (12.51 average) coming out of the west. Humidity: 62% humidity, Dew Point: 57 degrees F. Soil Temperature: 89 degrees F. Soil Moisture: 11.80%.

2017-06-20 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the GLBRC Main Site corn treatment G1 all replications (5, 3, 2, 4, 1) and bait crop corn (East and South perimeter middle 30', North perimeter on the west edge between two drives) with 28-0-0 liquid fertilizer. Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (28-0-0) was applied at a total rate of 41 gal/A. Since 28% fertilizer weighs 10.65 lbs/gal, the 41 gal/A equals 122 lbs N/A. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator at a depth of 5-6 inches. Equipment used: JD7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with a John Deere Rate Controller and an Ace pump, The 28% applicator has seven coulters where the 5 inside coulters apply a full target rate and the 2 outside coulters apply half of the target rate. The applicator is controlled by a rate controller as well as inline orifices. Application speed around 4 mph.

2017-06-21 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the LTER Main Site T1 and T2 plots all replications with 28-0-0 liquid fertilizer. T1R6, T2R5, and T2R6 were fertilized June 20, 2017. All other plots fertilized June 21, 2017. Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (28-0-0) was applied at a total rate of 41 gal/A. Since 28% fertilizer weighs 10.65 lbs/gal, the 41 gal/A equals 122 lbs N/A. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator at a depth of 5-6 inches. Equipment used: JD7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with a John Deere Rate Controller and an Ace pump, The 28% applicator has seven coulters where the 5 inside coulters apply a full target rate and the 2 outside coulters apply half of the target rate. The applicator is controlled by a rate controller as well as inline orifices. Application speed around 4.8 mph.

2017-06-27 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the LTER CE Corn Plots, and T8nt plots all replications. Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (28-0-0) was applied at a total rate of 41 gal/A. Since 28% fertilizer weighs 10.65 lbs/gal, the 41 gal/A equals 122 lbs N/A. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator at a depth of 5-6 inches. Equipment used: JD7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with a John Deere Rate Controller and an Ace pump, The 28% applicator has seven coulters where the 5 inside coulters apply a full target rate and the 2 outside coulters apply half of the target rate. The applicator is controlled by a rate controller as well as inline orifices. Application speed around 4.8 mph.

2017-06-30 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the GLBRC north perimeter bait crop edge and the corn that was planted in the north half of the old (productivity study), and the LTER lysimeter field. Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (28-0-0) was applied at a total rate of 41 gal/A. Since 28% fertilizer weighs 10.65 lbs/gal, the 41 gal/A equals 122 lbs N/A. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator at a depth of 5-6 inches. Equipment used: JD7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with a John Deere Rate Controller and an Ace pump, The 28% applicator has seven coulters where the 5 inside coulters apply a full target rate and the 2 outside coulters apply half of the target rate. The applicator is controlled by a rate controller as well as inline orifices. Application speed around 4.8 mph.

2017-07-05 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the GLBRC Main Site corn treatment G2 and G4 all replications and bait crop corn (3 corn plots in rep 6) with 28-0-0 liquid fertilizer. Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (28-0-0) was applied at a total rate of 41 gal/A. Since 28% fertilizer weighs 10.65 lbs/gal, the 41 gal/A equals 122 lbs N/A. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator at a depth of 5-6 inches. Equipment used: JD7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with a John Deere Rate Controller and an Ace pump, The 28% applicator has seven coulters where the 5 inside coulters apply a full target rate and the 2 outside coulters apply half of the target rate. The applicator is controlled by a rate controller as well as inline orifices. Application speed around 4 mph.

2017-07-05 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the GLBRC bait crop corn 2 acre field behind the house with a 50/50 blend of 28-0-0 liquid fertilizer and 19-17-0 liquid fertilizer. Fertilizer was applied at 48 gallons/A and it formulated to be 23-9-0 and weighed 10.83 lbs/gallon. This equates to 120 lbs of N/A being applied and 47 lbs/A of phosphorus. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator at a depth of 5-6 inches. Equipment used: JD7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with a John Deere Rate Controller and an Ace pump, The 28% applicator has seven coulters where the 5 inside coulters apply a full target rate and the 2 outside coulters apply half of the target rate. The applicator is controlled by a rate controller as well as inline orifices. Application speed around 4 mph.

2018-06-07 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site G2 plots with 21 gallons per acre of a blend of 28% fertilizer and 19-17-0. This blend supplied 30 lbs/A of P2O5 and 50 lbs/A of Nitrogen. The 15 ft unfertilized micro plot was not fertilized (Rep 1 West side, Rep 2-5 East side).

2018-06-07 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site G1 plots and bait crop corn with 41 gallons per acre of 28% nitrogen. This blend supplied 122 lbs/A of Nitrogen.

2019-06-05 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site treatments G2 and G3 sorghum plots. Knifed in 17 gallons/A of 28% liquid fertilizer. 28% fertilizer weighs 10.67 lbs per gallon so this equals about 50 lbs of actual N/A. Knifed on 30 inch centers 6-8 inches deep. G2 Unfertilized micro plots were not fertilized (Rep 1 West side 15ft, Reps 2-5 East side 15ft). G3 Due to human error entire plot was fertilized.

2019-06-05 Fertilizer Application Fertilized corn in GLBRC Main Site treatments G1, GLBRC bait crop corn, CE 1, CE2, and corn in lysimeter field. Knifed in 51 gallons/A of 28% liquid fertilizer. 28% fertilizer weighs 10.67 lbs per gallon so this equals about 152 lbs of actual N/A. Knifed on 30 inch centers 6-8 inches deep. 51 gallons was applied because no starter fertilizer was applied at planting. Side dressing was done earlier to prevent and deficiency of N.

2020-06-11 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the LTER CE Corn Plots (CE1 and CE2), and T8nt plots all replications. Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (28-0-0) was applied at a total rate of 41 gal/A. Since 28% fertilizer weighs 10.65 lbs/gal, the 41 gal/A equals 122 lbs N/A. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator at a depth of 5-6 inches. Equipment used: JD7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with a John Deere Rate Controller and an Ace pump, The 28% applicator has seven coulters where the 5 inside coulters apply a full target rate and the 2 outside coulters apply half of the target rate. The applicator is controlled by a rate controller as well as inline orifices. Weather conditions at the start 2:15 p.m. sunny, 70.8 degrees F, 8-9 mph west winds, 42.7% humidity. Conditions at the end 3:05 p.m. sunny 72.2 degrees F, 6-7 mph west wind, 36.6 % humidity.

2020-06-11 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER N-rate study (Irrigated and Non-irrigated fertility gradient study) Corn plots. Fertilizer applications were with 28-0-0 which supplied 28% nitrogen in the form of Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (UAN). A single pass of a 28% applicator was used to knife in the correct amount of fertilizer. The 28% applicator has seven coulters where the 5 inside coulters apply a full target rate and the 2 outside coulters apply half of the target rate. The applicator is controlled by a rate controller as well as inline orifices. Fertilizer was knifed roughly 5-6 inches into the ground. A reminder that 30 lbs of N/A was applied at planting so total N/A applied will include the 30 lbs N/A applied at planting time (planting date was May 13, 2020). The amounts of nitrogen applied were as follows: F1 (101, 203, 309, 404, 501, 603, 709, 804) 0 lbs N/A; F2 (102, 202, 304, 406, 502, 602, 704, 806) 0 lbs N/A; F3 (103, 205, 302, 407, 503, 605, 702, 807) 30 lbs N/A (10 gal/A); F4 (104, 208, 305, 403, 504, 608, 705, 803) 60 lbs N/A (20 gal/A); F5 (105, 204, 306, 401, 505, 604, 706, 801) 90 lbs N/A (30 gal/A); F6 (106, 209, 308, 402, 506, 609, 708, 802) 120 lbs N/A (40 gal/A); F7 (107, 201, 307, 408, 507, 601, 707, 808) 150 lbs N/A (50 gal/A); F8 (108, 207, 303, 405, 508, 607, 703, 805) 190 lbs N/A (64 gal/A); F9 (109, 206, 301, 409, 509, 606, 701, 809) 230 lbs N/A (77 gal/A). Equipment used: JD 7420b tractor and liquid fertilizer applicator that was built by the FSC that was equipped with a rate controller and inline orifices. Orifices were changed accordingly with the application rate and treatments. Weather conditions at 11:10 a.m. were mostly sunny 66.8 degrees F, 55.9% humidity with 11-12 mph winds out of the west. Conditions at the end 2:15 p.m. sunny, 70.8 degrees F, 8-9 mph west wind, 42.7 % humidity.

2020-06-18 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the LTER Main Site T1 and T2 plots all replications with 28-0-0 liquid fertilizer. Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (28-0-0) was applied at a total rate of 41 gal/A. Since 28% fertilizer weighs 10.65 lbs/gal, the 41 gal/A equals 122 lbs N/A. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator at a depth of 2-6 inches. Equipment used: JD7420b tractor and the 6 row fertilizer applicator equipped with a John Deere Rate Controller and an Ace pump, The 28% applicator has seven coulters where the 5 inside coulters apply a full target rate and the 2 outside coulters apply half of the target rate. The applicator is controlled by a rate controller as well as inline orifices. Application speed around 4.5 mph. Weather conditions at 11:20 a.m. sunny, 80.0 degrees F, 3-4 mph East wind, 45.4% humidity. Conditions at end 7:30 p.m. 84.3 degrees F, 4-5 mph East wind, 42.4 % humidity.

2020-06-24 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER main site treatment T1 and T2 Alison's micro plots (plus nitrogen plots only). Applied 23.5 gallons of 28% liquid nitrogen. 28% liquid nitrogen fertilizer weighs 10.67 lbs/gallon. This equals 70 lbs of N/A. Set applicator up into a 4 row configuration using 5 knives. the middle 3 applied full rate and the outer 2 were half rate. Fertilizer was knifed 4-6 inches into the ground between the corn rows.

2021-06-22 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site G1 plots, CE1, CE3, rep 6 and bait crop corn with 41 gallons per acre of 28% nitrogen. This blend supplied 122 lbs/A of Nitrogen. Weather was 63 degrees, with wind 5 mph out of the south west, 50.5 % humidity and cloudy.

2022-05-24 Fertilizer Application Applied fertilizer to the G2 plots. 16.7 gallons per acre was applied equaling 50 lbs on nitrogen. 0 gallons were applied to the No fertilizer sub plots. Weather was 62.4 degrees F, wind was 8 mph out of the East. Humidity was 37.4% Application was made with the John Deere 7420b and the 15ft 28% applicator.

2022-05-24 Fertilizer Application Applied fertilizer to the G1 plots. 54 gallons per acre was applied equaling 161.7 lbs on nitrogen. Weather was 62.4 degrees F, wind was 8 mph out of the East. Humidity was 37.4% Application was made with the John Deere 7420b and the FSC 15ft 28% applicator in two passes at 27 gallons per pass. N was applied in two passes so that we would not blow the lines on the applicator. We did not have large enough tips to allow all 54 gallons out on one pass.

2022-06-08 Fertilizer Application Applied fertilizer to the GLBRC Bait Crop corn and un-planted sections slated for soybeans. 54 gallons per acre was applied in two passes of 27 gallons each. This application represents 161.7 lbs of nitrogen. Weather was 58.0 °F, Wind was 1 mph out of the North East. Humidity was 98.2% Application was made with the John Deere 7420b and the 15ft 28% applicator.

2022-06-08 Fertilizer Application Applied fertilizer to CE study 108, 112, 202, 210, 304, 312, 401, and 402. 54 gallons per acre was applied in two passes of 27 gallons each. This application applied 161.7 lbs of nitrogen. Weather was 58.0 °F, Wind was 1 mph out of the North East. Humidity was 98.2% Application was made with the John Deere 7420b and the 15ft 28% applicator.

2023-05-27 Fertilizer Application Applied fertilizer to the G3 plots. 16.7 gallons per acre was applied equaling 50 lbs on nitrogen. 0 gallons were applied to the No fertilizer sub plots. Weather was ? degrees F, wind was ? mph out of the ? . Humidity was ?% Application was made with the John Deere 7420a and the 15ft 28% applicator.

2023-06-12 Fertilizer Application Fertilized the LTER Main Site T1 and T2 plots all replications with 28-0-0 liquid fertilizer. T1 plot reps 1,4,2 and 3 were done on 6/12/23. T1 plot reps 6 and 5 were done on 6/13/23. T2 plot reps 4,3,6, and 1 were done on 6/13/23. T2 plot reps 2 and 5 were done on 6/14/23. Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (28-0-0) was applied at a total rate of 57 gal/A. Since 28% fertilizer weighs 10.67 lbs/gal, the 57 gal/A equals 170 lbs N/A. Fertilizer was knifed between the rows of corn using a 15' liquid fertilizer applicator at a depth of 4-6 inches. Application speed around 3.5 mph. Weather conditions at 4:10 p.m on 6/13/23. Mostly cloudy with light rain starting, 59.3 degrees F, (3m high 5 minute average wind speed was 4.94 mph) wind gust 19.8 mph, from the West, relative humidity 75.6%.

2023-06-20 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER N-rate study (Irrigated and Non-irrigated fertility gradient study) Corn plots. Fertilizer applications were with 28-0-0 which supplied 28% nitrogen in the form of Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (UAN). A single pass of a 28% applicator was used to knife in the correct amount of fertilizer. The 28% applicator has seven coulters where the 5 inside coulters apply a full target rate and the 2 outside coulters apply half of the target rate. The applicator is controlled by a rate controller as well as inline orifices. Fertilizer was knifed roughly 4 inches into the ground on the rainfed plots and 6-7 inches on the irrigated plots. A reminder that 30 lbs of N/A was applied at planting so total N/A applied will include the 30 lbs N/A applied at planting time (planting date was May 13, 2023). The amounts of nitrogen applied were as follows: F1 (101, 203, 309, 404, 501, 603, 709, 804) 0 lbs N/A; F2 (102, 202, 304, 406, 502, 602, 704, 806) 0 lbs N/A; F3 (103, 205, 302, 407, 503, 605, 702, 807) 30 lbs N/A (10 gal/A); F4 (104, 208, 305, 403, 504, 608, 705, 803) 60 lbs N/A (20 gal/A); F5 (105, 204, 306, 401, 505, 604, 706, 801) 90 lbs N/A (30 gal/A); F6 (106, 209, 308, 402, 506, 609, 708, 802) 130 lbs N/A (43.5 gal/A); This was the first year we changed the F7, F8, & F9 amounts: In past years the amounts were: F7 180 lbs N/A, F8 220 lbs N/A, and F9 260 lbs N/A. In 2023 F7, F8, & F9 were changed to: F7 200 lbs N/A, F8 250 lbs N/A, and F9 300 lbs N/A. We were afraid that we were missing the top yield with the top N so the LTER Executive Committee decided to up the total amount of N applied per acre for the F7, F8, and F9 treatments. F7 (107, 201, 307, 408, 507, 601, 707, 808) 170 lbs N/A (57 gal/A); F8 (108, 207, 303, 405, 508, 607, 703, 805) 220 lbs N/A (73.5 gal/A); F9 (109, 206, 301, 409, 509, 606, 701, 809) 270 lbs N/A (90 gal/A). Equipment used: JD 7420b tractor and liquid fertilizer applicator that was built by the FSC that was equipped with a rate controller and inline orifices. Orifices were changed accordingly with the application rate and treatments. Weather conditions at 10:10 a.m. were mostly sunny 70.6 degrees F, with 8-13 mph Northeast wind, relative humidity 58.3%. Weather conditions at the end 2:30 p.m. sunny, 85 degrees F, with 11-17 mph Southeast wind, relative humidity 43.5%.

2023-06-27 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site G1 plots, CE1, CE3, T8nt and bait crop corn with 28% nitrogen. G1, CE1, CE3 and bait crop corn were fertilized with 50 gallons of 28% per acre supplying 150 lbs of nitrogen. T8nt plots were fertilized with 57 gallons of 28% per acre supplying 170 lbs of nitrogen. Weather at 11:50 a.m was 64.7 degrees, with 6 mph wind out of the Northwest, 85 % relative humidity and cloudy.

2024-05-23 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site treatments G2 (5, 3, 2, 1, and 4) sorghum plots. Knifed in 30 gallons/A of 28% liquid fertilizer. 28% fertilizer weighs 10.67 lbs per gallon so this equals about 90 lbs of actual N/A per pass. Knifed on 30 inch centers 6-8 inches deep, in two passes for the 15 inch rows. Both passes mistakenly made at 30 Gallons/A of 28%, meaning each plot was fertilized with 160 lbs of actual Nitrogen. The no Nitrogen Micro-plots were also mistakenly fertilized at the same rate as the rest of the plot.

2024-06-11 Fertilizer Application Fertilized Sorghum Nitrogen Rate Experiment Fertilizer applications were with 28-0-0 which supplied 28% nitrogen in the form of Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (UAN). A single pass of a 28% applicator was used to knife in the correct amount of fertilizer. The 28% applicator has seven coulters where the 5 inside coulters apply a full target rate and the 2 outside coulters apply half of the target rate. The applicator is controlled by a rate controller as well as inline orifices. Fertilizer was knifed roughly 5-6 inches into the ground. The amounts of nitrogen applied were as follows: T1 (101, 205, 303, 407) 0 lbs N/A; T2 (102, 203, 307, 403) 25 lbs N/A (8.4 gal/A); T3 (103, 201, 306, 406) 50 lbs N/A (16.7 gal/A); T4 (104, 207, 308, 408) 75 lbs N/A (25.1 gal/A); T5 (105, 204, 301, 402) 100 lbs N/A (41.8 gal/A); T6 (106, 206, 304, 404) 125 lbs N/A (41.8 gal/A); T7 (107, 208, 305, 401) 150 lbs N/A (50.2 gal/A); T8 (108, 202, 302, 405) 175 lbs N/A (58.5 gal/A); Equipment used: JD 7420b tractor and liquid fertilizer applicator that was built by the FSC that was equipped with a rate controller and inline orifices. Orifices were changed to a smaller set to achieve the rates for T2 and T3.

2024-06-14 Fertilizer Application Fertilized GLBRC Main Site G1 plots corn with 28% nitrogen. G1 corn was fertilized with 50 gallons of 28% per acre supplying 150 lbs of nitrogen. Bait crop corn and the one rep 6 plot with corn were fertilized with 50 gallon per acre of 28% as well. Weather at 12:30 p.m was 77.1 degrees, with 5.07 mph wind out of the Northeast, 51 % relative humidity and sunny.