Name: GNUSE Forage Wagon

2014-04-11 Harvest Harvested the miscanthus in the GLBRC IL EBI Study, all replications. In 2013 the miscanthus plots had two weights recorded. One side of the plot was fertilized and the other side of the plot was not fertilized. The plots were harvested so that a plot weight was recorded for the fertilized and non-fertilized plot sides. Harvested with JD 7350 self propelled chopper using the 15 ft wide Kemper head and Gnuse forage wagon with load cells attached as a weighing system. The outside 15 ft of each plot was harvested. Plot weight were obtained from a monitor in the cab that was connected to three load cells under the Gnuse wagon. Cutting height of plant stubble was 5 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication. Miscanthus was not harvested until April 11, 2014; the group from IL came in the fall of 2013 to harvest quadrants of miscanthus by hand. We delayed the machine harvest until they came and harvested the quadrants by hand. Harvested the remaining switchgrass that was still standing after the 2013 growing season today. Harvest data was collected on the switchgrass plots on November 14, 2013.

2013-10-11 Harvest Harvested GLBRC main site treatments G5, G7, G9, and G10, main plots all replications. All plots harvested on October 11, 2013 with a JD 7350 self-propelled forage harvester equipped with a JD 676 cutting head. Plant material was chopped into a Gnuse forage wagon that is fitted with load cells to determine harvested biomass. Cutting height of remaining plant stubble was 6 inches in all reps. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each replication.

2013-10-29 Harvest Harvested Corn Stover in the GLBRC, treatments: G1, G2, and G4 all replications. Harvested - Eastern 75 feet (30 rows) of each plot, except for G2R1 and G4R1 the western 75 feet (30 rows) was harvested. The remaining 15' (6 rows) area unharvested is the stover non-removal microplot, located on the western 15' of each plot except for G2R1 and G4R1 where it is located on the eastern 15' of the plot. Stover weights were determined by using load cell scales on the Gnuse forage wagon.

2014-05-29 Harvest Harvested Rye/Winter Pea cover crop in GLBRC Main Site G2,G3,G4 all replications. Used John Deere 7350 forage harvester pulling a GNUSE forage wagon that has load cells. Replication 5 was direct cut right into the wagon. Reps 1-4 were first mowed with John Deere 4995 discbine and then picked up using John Deere 7350 forage harvester with pick up head.

2014-10-22 Harvest Harvest GLBRC main site treatments G5, G7, G9, and G10 all replications. Replictaions 1-3 were harvested on October 22, 2014 and replications 4 and 5 were harvested on October 23, 2014. All plots were harvested with the JD 7350 self-propelled forage harvester equipped with a JD 676 cutting head. Plant material was chopped into a Gnuse forage wagon that is fitted with load cells to determine harvested biomass. Cutting height of remaining plant stubble was 4-6 inches in all reps. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each replication.

2014-11-12 Harvest Harvested GLBRC main site treatment G6, miscanthus plots, all reps. Plots were harvested with a JD 7350 self-propelled forage harvester equipped with a JD 676 Kemper cutting head. Plant material was chopped into and weighed with GNUSE forage wagon equipped with load cells. Cutting height of remaining plant stubble was 4 - 6 inches in all reps. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each replication.

2015-05-28 Harvest Harvested Rye/Winter Pea cover crop in GLBRC Main Site G2,G3,G4 all replications. Reps 1-4 were harvested 05/28/2015, Rep 5 was harvested 05/27/2015. Used John Deere 7350 forage harvester pulling a GNUSE forage wagon that has load cells. Rye and winter peas were direct cut right into the wagon using the Johnd Deere Kemper head.

2015-11-02 Harvest Harvest GLBRC main site treatments G5, G7, G9, and G10 Main plots all replications. G10 rep 2 and all of rep 3 were harvested on November 3, 2015. All plots were harvested with the JD 7350 self-propelled forage harvester equipped with a JD 676 cutting head. Plant material was chopped into a Gnuse forage wagon that is fitted with load cells to determine harvested biomass. Cutting height of remaining plant stubble was 4-6 inches in all reps. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each replication.

2015-11-16 Harvest Harvested GLBRC main site treatment G6, miscanthus plots, all reps . Plots were harvested with a JD 7350 self-propelled forage harvester equipped with a JD 676 Kemper cutting head. Plant material was chopped into and weighed with GNUSE forage wagon equipped with load cells. Cutting height of remaining plant stubble was 4 - 6 inches in all reps. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each replication.

2016-11-01 Harvest Harvest GLBRC main site treatments G5, G7, G9, and G10 main plots. Reps 1, 2 and 5 were harvested on November 1, 2016. G5R3, G7R3, and G9R3 were harvested on November 2, 2016. G10R3 and all of rep 4 was harvested on November 7, 2016. All plots were harvested with the JD 7350 self-propelled forage harvester equipped with a JD 676 cutting head. Plant material was chopped into a Gnuse forage wagon that is fitted with load cells to determine harvested biomass. Cutting height of remaining plant stubble was 4-6 inches in all reps. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each replication.

2016-11-17 Harvest Harvested GLBRC main site treatment G6, miscanthus plots, all reps . Plots were harvested with a JD 7350 self-propelled forage harvester equipped with a JD 676 Kemper cutting head. Plant material was chopped into and weighed with GNUSE forage wagon equipped with load cells. Cutting height of remaining plant stubble was 4 - 6 inches in all reps. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each replication.

2017-05-30 Harvest Harvested Rye/Winter Pea cover crop in GLBRC Main Site G2, G3, G4, all replications. Equipment Used: John Deere 7350 forage harvester pulling a GNUSE forage wagon that has load cells. Rye and winter peas were direct cut right into the wagon using the John Deere Kemper head.

2017-10-03 Harvest Harvest GLBRC main site treatments G5, G7, G9, and G10 main plots. All plots were harvested with the JD 7350 self-propelled forage harvester equipped with a JD 676 cutting head. Plant material was chopped into a Gnuse forage wagon that is fitted with load cells to determine harvested biomass. Cutting height of remaining plant stubble was 4-6 inches in all reps. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each replication. Doug Reed helped collect and weigh biomass samples.

2017-11-11 Harvest Harvested GLBRC main site treatment G6, miscanthus plots, all reps (1, 4, 2, 5, and 3). Plots were harvested with a JD 7350 self-propelled forage harvester equipped with a JD 676 Kemper cutting head. Plant material was chopped into and weighed with GNUSE forage wagon equipped with load cells. Cutting height of remaining plant stubble was 4 - 6 inches in all reps. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each replication.

2017-12-04 Harvest Harvested the remaining standing biomass in the CE study, and the Switchgrass Nitrogen study.

2018-10-25 Harvest Harvest GLBRC main site treatments G5, G7, G9, and G10 main plots. All plots were harvested with the JD 7350 self-propelled forage harvester equipped with a JD 676 cutting head. Plant material was chopped into a Gnuse forage wagon that is fitted with load cells to determine harvested biomass. Cutting height of remaining plant stubble was 4-6 inches in all reps. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each replication.

2018-11-08 Harvest Harvested GLBRC main site treatment G6, miscanthus plots, all reps (1, 2, 4, 5, 3). Plots were harvested with a JD 7350 self-propelled forage harvester equipped with a JD 676 Kemper cutting head. Plant material was chopped into and weighed with GNUSE forage wagon equipped with load cells. Cutting height of remaining plant stubble was 4 - 6 inches in all reps. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each replication.

2018-12-11 Harvest Harvested G2 Sorghum main plots all replications 3, 2, 1, 4, 5. On November 20, 2018 815 lbs from treatment G2 rep 4, 840 lbs from treatment G2 rep 5 of sorghum was harvested. This small strip was harvested to get feed stock sample and to get a head start on drying all the material. Due to severe lodging plots had to be harvested from West to East all one way. Plots chopped into Gnuse forage wagon equipped with load cells.

2019-10-24 Harvest Harvest GLBRC main site treatments G7, G9, and G10 main plots. All plots were harvested with the JD 7350 self-propelled forage harvester equipped with a JD 676 cutting head. Plant material was chopped into a Gnuse forage wagon that is fitted with load cells to determine harvested biomass. Cutting height of remaining plant stubble was 4-6 inches in all reps. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each replication.

2019-10-25 Harvest Harvested G3 Sorghum main plots all replications 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Plots chopped into Gnuse forage wagon equipped with load cells. Grab samples were taken and bagged to be weighed and then dried to obtain percent moisture. Harvested 4-6 inches crop height going north south direction.

2019-11-08 Harvest Harvest GLBRC main site treatments G5. All plots were harvested with the JD 7350 self-propelled forage harvester equipped with a JD 676 cutting head. Plant material was chopped into a Gnuse forage wagon that is fitted with load cells to determine harvested biomass. Cutting height of remaining plant stubble was 4-6 inches in all reps. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each replication.

2020-10-09 Harvest Harvested (mowed) the biodiversity plots on October 9, 2020, all trt's and all reps. Harvested (picked-up the windrows) on Thursday October 15, 2020. Grab samples from each plot were placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer, each sample will be reweighed to determine percent moisture for each plot. Finished harvesting left over stand in biodiversity on December 10, 2020. Mowed with JD Discbine and picked up windrows with JD 7350 chopper and Gnuse harvest wagon. -Ryan Anthony

2019-11-20 Harvest Harvested GLBRC main site treatment G6, miscanthus plots, all reps (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). Plots were harvested with a JD 7350 self-propelled forage harvester equipped with a JD 676 Kemper cutting head. Plant material was chopped into and weighed with GNUSE forage wagon equipped with load cells. Cutting height of remaining plant stubble was 4 - 6 inches in all reps. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each replication.

2019-11-20 Harvest Harvested G2 Sorghum main plots reps (5, 4, 1). Plots chopped into Gnuse forage wagon equipped with load cells. Grab samples were taken from each plot weighed and then placed in dryer to be dried and reweighed for moisture. Reps 5, 4 and 1 were the only reps harvested due to ability to dry the material.

2019-11-25 Harvest Harvested G2 Sorghum main plots reps (2, 3). Plots chopped into Gnuse forage wagon equipped with load cells. Grab samples were taken from each plot weighed and then placed in dryer to be dried and reweighed for moisture.

2020-05-08 Harvest Harvested remaining switchgrass standing in interaction plots. Equipment used: John Deere 7350 self-propelled chopper and GNUSE forage wagon. We saved about 2160 lbs for the switchgrass in storage boxes. 21,840 Gross Wt. - 19,040 Tare Wt. = 2,800 lbs. we had 8 storage boxes that we guessed weighted ~ 80 lbs/each (8*80=640 lbs.) 2,800 lbs - 640 lbs = 2,160 lbs.

2020-06-02 Harvest Harvested Rye Cover Crop in G3 main plots all replications 4,5,3,2,1. Plots chopped using John Deere 7350 self propelled chopper into Gnuse forage wagon equipped with load cells. Grab samples were taken and bagged to be weighed and then dried to obtain percent moisture. Harvested 4-6 inches crop height going north south direction.

2020-11-14 Harvest Harvested GLBRC main site treatment G6, miscanthus plots, all reps (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). Plots were harvested with a JD 7350 self-propelled forage harvester equipped with a JD 676 Kemper cutting head. Plant material was chopped into and weighed with GNUSE forage wagon equipped with load cells. Cutting height of remaining plant stubble was 4 - 6 inches in all reps. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and will be reweighed to determine percent moisture for each replication.

2020-11-17 Harvest Harvested G2 Sorghum main plots (All Reps). Rows were counted to determine width of plot. Plots chopped using JD 7350 forage chopper into Gnuse forage wagon equipped with load cells. Grab samples were taken from each plot weighed and then placed in dryer to be dried and reweighed for moisture.

2020-11-17 Harvest Harvested G3 Sorghum main plots (All Reps). Rows were counted to determine width of each plot. Plots chopped with JD 7350 forage chopper into Gnuse forage wagon equipped with load cells. Grab samples were taken from each plot weighed and then placed in dryer to be dried and reweighed for moisture.

2021-05-19 Harvest Harvested Rye Cover Crop in G3 main plots all replications 5,3,2,1,4. Plots chopped using John Deere 7350 self propelled chopper into Gnuse forage wagon equipped with load cells. There was not enough biomass to record any weight or obtain a grab bag sample. Attempted to harvest 4-6 inches of crop height going north south direction.

2021-11-04 Harvest Harvest GLBRC main site treatments G5, G7, G9, and G10 main plots. Equipment Used: All plots were harvested with the JD 7350 self-propelled forage harvester equipped with a JD 676 cutting head. Plant material was chopped into a Gnuse forage wagon that is fitted with load cells to determine weight of harvested biomass. Cutting height of remaining plant stubble was 4-6 inches in all reps. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each replication.

2021-11-08 Harvest Harvest GLBRC main site treatment G6 main plots. Equipment Used: All plots were harvested with the JD 7350 self-propelled forage harvester equipped with a JD 676 cutting head. Plant material was chopped into a Gnuse forage wagon that is fitted with load cells to determine weight of harvested biomass. Cutting height of remaining plant stubble was 4-6 inches in all reps. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each replication.

2023-11-14 Harvest Harvested biomass in G4, G5, G7, G9, and G10 plots, all reps. Harvested the main-plot area. Wet grab samples were collected and placed in the Grieve plant drier to determine percent moisture in the biomass. 2023 was the first year that all the biomass was mowed with the JD discbine and chopped with the JD self-propelled chopper equipped with a 'hay (biomass) pick-up head'. In past years the biomass was 'direct' cut with the JD selp-propelled chopper equipped with 'kemper' direct harvesting head. See notes relating to the harvesting equipment heads under the JD 7350 sel-propelled harvester 'chopper'. The 7350 self-propelled forage harvester/chopper is equipped with a JD 676 Rotary Rowless Header, (Kemper Harvesting Head), 15 ft (4.57 meter) wide, or a JD 630B Windrow Pickup Head with Finger Auger, 3.0 Meter (9.8 ft) Wide.