Name: Wintersteiger/Kemper head biomass harvester (7.5 ft):

2012-11-15 Harvest Harvested GLBRC G5, G6, and G7 micro-plots (fertilizer and no fertilizer plots), all reps on November 15, 2012. Harvested G9 and G10 micro-plots on November 16, 2012. Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.6 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.6' of each micro-plot was harvested. Plot weights were obtained from the on-board FRS Harvest Master computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 6 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication.

2012-11-27 Harvest Harvested biomass crops i.e. switchgrass, C3 - C4 mix, and prairie grasses in LTER Cellulsic Biofuels Experiment (CE Study). Harvested treatments CE4: (plots 110, 203, 302, 404), CE5: (plots 106, 205, 303, 405), CE6: (plots 111, 204, 310, 406), CE7: (plots 107, 208, 309, 407), CE8: (plots 103, 211, 307, 408), CE9: (plots 102, 201, 308, 409), CE10: (plots 104, 206, 306, 410), CE11: (plots 101, 209, 311, 411), and CE12: (plots 109, 212, 305, 412). Started harvest in south west corner (C11:plot 101) and harvested in a serpentine pattern working to the east. Due to an error in software program plot (C6:204) was harvested again on November 30, 2012 to obtain an accurate weight of 73.7 lbs.

2013-10-10 Harvest Harvested GLBRC G5, G7, G9, reps 2-5 and G10 reps 4 & 5 micro-plots (fertilizer and no fertilizer plots) on October 9, 2013. Harvested G5, G7, G9 rep 1 and G10 reps 1, 2, and 3 micro-plots on October 10, 2013. Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.6 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.6' of each micro-plot was harvested. Plot weights were obtained from the on-board FRS Harvest Master computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 6 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication.

2013-11-09 Harvest Harvested GLBRC G6 (fertilizer and no fertilizer plots) all replications on November 9, 2013. Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.6 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.6' of each micro-plot was harvested. Plot weights were obtained from the on-board FRS Harvest Master computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 6 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication.

2013-11-14 Harvest Harvested GLBRC Switchgrass Fertility Study (Switchgrass N-rate Study), all replications. In 2013 the H1 and H2 harvest timing of the Switchgrass Fertility Study were only harvested once. We did harvest and record plot weights from all H1 and H2 separately however the H2 plots were not harvested in July as they have been in past years. Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.5 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.5 ft of each plot was harvested. Plot weight were obtained from the on-board FRS Harvest Master computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 5 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication. Remaining plot area was harvested on April 10, 2014.

2013-11-14 Harvest Harvested GLBRC Switchgrass Variety, all replications. Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.5 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.5 ft of each plot was harvested. Plot weight were obtained from the on-board FRS Harvest Master computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 5 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication; Remaining plot area was harvested on April 10, 2014.

2013-11-14 Harvest Harvested the switchgrass olnly in the GLBRC IL EBI Study, all replications. In 2013 the switchgrass plots had two weights recorded. One side of the plot was fertilized and the other side of the plots was not fertilized. The plots were harvested so that a plot weight was recorded for the fertilized and non-fertilized plot sides. Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.5 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.5 ft of each plot was harvested. Plot weight were obtained from the on-board FRS Harvest Master computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 5 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication. Remaining plot area was harvested on April 11, 2014. Miscanthus was not harvested until April 11, 2014; the group from IL came in the fall of 2013 to harvest quadrants of miscanthus by hand. We delayed the machine harvest until they came and harvested the quadrants by hand.

2013-11-27 Harvest Harvested LTER Cellulsic Biofuels Experiment (CE Study), all replications. Harvested the biomass crops i.e. switchgrass, C3 and C4 mix, and prairie grasses mixes. Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.5 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.5 ft of each plot was harvested. Plot weight were obtained from the on-board FRS Harvest Master computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 5 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication. Harvested treatments CE4: (plots 110, 203, 302, 404), CE5: (plots 106, 205, 303, 405), CE6: (plots 111, 204, 310, 406), CE7: (plots 107, 208, 309, 407), CE8: (plots 103, 211, 307, 408), CE9: (plots 102, 201, 308, 409), CE10: (plots 104, 206, 306, 410), CE11: (plots 101, 209, 311, 411), and CE12: (plots 109, 212, 305, 412). Started harvest in south west corner (C11:plot 101) and harvested in a serpentine pattern working to the east. The 2013 protocol for treatments CE4 and CE6 was to add 50 lbs N/A however, because of human error treatments CE4 and C6 were overlooked and no nitrogen was added to the plots; Remaining plot area was harvested on April 10, 2014.

2014-10-21 Harvest Harvested GLBRC G5, G7, G9, G10 micro-plots (fertilizer and no fertilizer plots) reps 2-5 were harvested October 21, 2014 and rep 1 was harvested on October 22, 2014. Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.6 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.6' of each micro-plot was harvested. Plot weights were obtained from the on-board FRS Harvest Master computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 6 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication.

2014-10-23 Harvest Harvested LTER Cellulsic Biofuels Experiment (CE Study), all replications. Harvested the biomass crops i.e. switchgrass, C3 and C4 mix, and prairie grasses mixes. Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.5 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.5 ft of each plot was harvested. Plot weight were obtained from the on-board FRS Harvest Master computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 5 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication. Harvested treatments CE4: (plots 110, 203, 302, 404), CE5: (plots 106, 205, 303, 405), CE6: (plots 111, 204, 310, 406), CE7: (plots 107, 208, 309, 407), CE8: (plots 103, 211, 307, 408), CE9: (plots 102, 201, 308, 409), CE10: (plots 104, 206, 306, 410), CE11: (plots 101, 209, 311, 411), and CE12: (plots 109, 212, 305, 412). Started harvest in south west corner (C11:plot 101) and harvested in a serpentine pattern working to the east.

2014-10-24 Harvest Harvested GLBRC Switchgrass Fertility Study (Switchgrass N-rate Study), all replications. In 2014 the H1 and H2 harvest timing of the Switchgrass Fertility Study were only harvested once. We did harvest and record plot weights from all H1 and H2 separately however the H2 plots were not harvested in July as they have been in past years. Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.5 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.5 ft of each plot was harvested. Plot weight were obtained from the on-board FRS Harvest Master computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 5 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication.

2014-11-10 Harvest Harvested GLBRC G6 (fertilizer and no fertilizer plots) reps 2,3 and 5 were harvested on 11/10 and reps 1 and 4 harvested on 11/11. Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.6 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.6' of each micro-plot was harvested. Plot weights were obtained from the on-board FRS Harvest Master computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 4 - 6 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication.

2015-10-27 Harvest Harvested GLBRC G5, G7, G9, and G10 micro-plots (fertilizer and no fertilizer plots). Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.6 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.6' of each micro-plot was harvested. Plot weights were obtained from the on-board FRS Harvest Master computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 6 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication.

2015-11-10 Harvest Harvested LTER Cellulsic Biofuels Experiment (CE Study), all replications. Harvested the biomass crops i.e. switchgrass, C3 and C4 mix, and prairie grasses mixes. Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.5 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.5 ft was harvested out of the east side of each plot. Plot weight were obtained from the on-board FRS Harvest Master computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 5 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication. Harvested treatments CE4: (plots 110, 203, 302, 404), CE5: (plots 106, 205, 303, 405), CE6: (plots 111, 204, 310, 406), CE7: (plots 107, 208, 309, 407), CE8: (plots 103, 211, 307, 408), CE9: (plots 102, 201, 308, 409), CE10: (plots 104, 206, 306, 410), CE11: (plots 101, 209, 311, 411), and CE12: (plots 109, 212, 305, 412). Started harvest in south west corner (C11:plot 101) and harvested in a serpentine pattern working to the east. Harvested the remaining plot area on November 17, 2015 with the JD 7350 chopper (Justin Mezo) and MSU truck # 1270 (Ryan Anthony).

2015-11-11 Harvest Harvested GLBRC Switchgrass Fertility Study (Switchgrass N-rate Study), all replications. In 2015 the H1 and H2 harvest timing of the Switchgrass Fertility Study were only harvested once. We did harvest and record plot weights from all H1 and H2 separately however the H2 plots were not harvested in July as they have been in past years. Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.5 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.5 ft of each plot was harvested. Plot weight were obtained from the on-board FRS Harvest Master computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 5 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication. Harvested the remaining plot area on November 17, 2015 with the JD 7350 chopper (Justin Mezo) and MSU truck # 1270 (Ryan Anthony).

2015-11-16 Harvest Harvested GLBRC G6 Micro Plots (fertilizer and no fertilizer plots) all replications (2, 3, 5, 4, 1). Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.6 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.6' of each micro-plot was harvested. Plot weights were obtained from the on-board FRS Harvest Master computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 4 - 6 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication.

2016-10-25 Harvest Harvested LTER Cellulsic Biofuels Experiment (CE Study), all replications. Harvested the biomass crops i.e. switchgrass, C3 and C4 mix, and prairie grasses mixes. Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.5 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.5 ft was harvested out of the east side of each plot. Plot weight were obtained from the on-board Mirus computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 5 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication. Harvested treatments CE4: (plots 110, 203, 302, 404), CE5: (plots 106, 205, 303, 405), CE6: (plots 111, 204, 310, 406), CE7: (plots 107, 208, 309, 407), CE8: (plots 103, 211, 307, 408), CE9: (plots 102, 201, 308, 409), CE10: (plots 104, 206, 306, 410), CE11: (plots 101, 209, 311, 411), and CE12: (plots 109, 212, 305, 412). Started harvest in south west corner (C11:plot 101) and harvested in a serpentine pattern working to the east. Harvested the remaining plot area on with the JD 7350 chopper (Justin Mezo) and MSU truck # 1270 (Ryan Anthony).

2016-11-01 Harvest Harvested GLBRC G7, G9, and G10 micro-plots (fertilizer and no fertilizer plots). Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.6 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.6' of each micro-plot was harvested. Plot weights were obtained from the on-board FRS Harvest Master computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 5-6 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication.

2016-11-07 Harvest Harvested GLBRC Switchgrass Fertility Study (Switchgrass N-rate Study), all replications. In 2016 the H1 and H2 harvest timing of the Switchgrass Fertility Study were only harvested once. We did harvest and record plot weights from all H1 and H2 separately however the H2 plots were not harvested in July. Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.5 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.5 ft of each plot was harvested. Plot weight were obtained from the on-board Mirus software by Harvest Master computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 4 - 6 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication. Harvested the remaining plot area on November 1?, 2016 with the JD 7350 chopper (Justin Mezo) and MSU truck # 1270 (Ryan Anthony).

2016-11-16 Harvest Harvested GLBRC G6 Micro Plots (fertilizer and no fertilizer plots) all replications (5, 3, 2, 1, 4). Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.6 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.6' of each micro-plot was harvested. Plot weights were obtained from the on-board Mirus computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 4 - 6 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication.

2016-10-31 Harvest Harvested GLBRC G5 micro-plots (fertilizer and no fertilizer plots). Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.6 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.6' of each micro-plot was harvested. Plot weights were obtained from the on-board FRS Harvest Master computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 5-6 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication.

2017-10-02 Harvest Harvested GLBRC G5, G7, G9, and G10 micro-plots (fertilizer and no fertilizer plots). Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.6 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.6' of each micro-plot was harvested. Plot weights were obtained from the on-board FRS Harvest Master computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 5-6 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication. Doug Reed helped collect and weigh grab samples.

2017-10-05 Harvest Harvested LTER Cellulsic Biofuels Experiment (CE Study), all replications. Harvested the biomass crops i.e. switchgrass, C3 and C4 mix, and prairie grasses mixes. Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.5 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.5 ft was harvested out of the east side of each plot. Plot weight were obtained from the on-board Mirus computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 5 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication. Harvested treatments CE4: (plots 110, 203, 302, 404), CE5: (plots 106, 205, 303, 405), CE6: (plots 111, 204, 310, 406), CE7: (plots 107, 208, 309, 407), CE8: (plots 103, 211, 307, 408), CE9: (plots 102, 201, 308, 409), CE10: (plots 104, 206, 306, 410), CE11: (plots 101, 209, 311, 411), and CE12: (plots 109, 212, 305, 412). Started harvest in south west corner (C11:plot 101) and harvested in a serpentine pattern working to the east.

2017-10-09 Harvest Harvested GLBRC Switchgrass Fertility Study (Switchgrass N-rate Study), all replications. In 2017 the H1 and H2 harvest timing of the Switchgrass Fertility Study were only harvested once. We did harvest and record plot weights from all H1 and H2 separately however the H2 plots were not harvested in July. Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.5 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.5 ft of each plot was harvested. Plot weight were obtained from the on-board Mirus software by Harvest Master computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 4 - 6 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication. Doug Reed helped collect and weigh grab samples.

2017-11-11 Harvest Harvested GLBRC G6 Micro Plots (fertilizer and no fertilizer plots) all replications (5, 3, 2, 4, 1). Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.6 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.6' of each micro-plot was harvested. Plot weights were obtained from the on-board Mirus computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 4 - 6 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication.

2018-10-24 Harvest Harvested GLBRC G5, G7, G9, and G10 micro-plots (fertilizer and no fertilizer plots). Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.6 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.6' of each micro-plot was harvested. Plot weights were obtained from the on-board FRS Harvest Master computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 5-6 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication.

2018-11-03 Harvest Harvested LTER Cellulsic Biofuels Experiment (CE Study), all replications. Harvested the biomass crops i.e. switchgrass, C3 and C4 mix, and prairie grasses mixes. Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.5 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.5 ft was harvested out of the east side of each plot. Plot weight were obtained from the on-board Mirus computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 5 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication. Harvested treatments CE4: (plots 110, 203, 302, 404), CE5: (plots 106, 205, 303, 405), CE6: (plots 111, 204, 310, 406), CE7: (plots 107, 208, 309, 407), CE8: (plots 103, 211, 307, 408), CE9: (plots 102, 201, 308, 409), CE10: (plots 104, 206, 306, 410), CE11: (plots 101, 209, 311, 411), and CE12: (plots 109, 212, 305, 412). Started harvest in south west corner (C11:plot 101) and harvested in a serpentine pattern working to the east. Justin Mezo helped collect and weigh grab samples.

2018-11-05 Harvest Harvested GLBRC Switchgrass Fertility Study (Switchgrass N-rate Study), all replications. In 2018 the H1 and H2 harvest timing of the Switchgrass Fertility Study were only harvested once. We did harvest and record plot weights from all H1 and H2 separately however the H2 plots were NOT harvested in July. Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.5 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.5 ft of each plot was harvested. Plot weight were obtained from the on-board Mirus software by Harvest Master weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 4 - 6 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication. Joe Simmons helped collect and weigh grab samples.

2018-11-07 Harvest Harvested GLBRC G6 Micro Plots (fertilizer and no fertilizer plots) all replications. Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.6 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.6' of each micro-plot was harvested. Plot weights were obtained from the on-board Mirus computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 4 - 6 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication.

2018-11-07 Harvest Harvested GLBRC G2 Micro Plots (fertilizer and no fertilizer plots) all replications. Unfertilized plots were cut to 83.2 ft as shown on map. Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.6 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.6' of each micro-plot was harvested. Plot weights were obtained from the on-board Mirus computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 4 - 6 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication.

2018-12-19 Harvest Harvested LTER Interaction switchgrass plots. Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.5 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. Harvested a 7.5 ft strip 51 ft in from the west on every plot except plot 9 (plot 9 the harvest strip is at 31ft in from the west). Plot weights were obtained from the on-board Mirus computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 4 - 6 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication.

2019-10-17 Harvest Harvested LTER Cellulsic Biofuels Experiment (CE Study), all replications. Harvested the biomass crops i.e. switchgrass, C3 and C4 mix, and prairie grasses mixes. Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.5 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.5 ft was harvested out of the east side of each plot. Plot weight were obtained from the on-board Mirus computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 5 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication. Harvested treatments CE4: (plots 110, 203, 302, 404), CE5: (plots 106, 205, 303, 405), CE6: (plots 111, 204, 310, 406), CE7: (plots 107, 208, 309, 407), CE8: (plots 103, 211, 307, 408), CE9: (plots 102, 201, 308, 409), CE10: (plots 104, 206, 306, 410), CE11: (plots 101, 209, 311, 411), and CE12: (plots 109, 212, 305, 412). Started harvest in south west corner (C11:plot 101) and harvested in a serpentine pattern working to the east.

2019-10-21 Harvest Harvested GLBRC G5, G7, G9, and G10 micro-plots (fertilizer and no fertilizer plots). Plots G5 reps (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and G7 reps (1, 3, 4, 5) were harvested on 10-21-2019. Plots G7 rep (2), G9 reps (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and G10 reps (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) were harvested on 10-23-2019. Harvest was rained out on 10-21-2019. Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.6 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.6' of each micro-plot was harvested. Plot weights were obtained from the on-board FRS Harvest Master computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 5-6 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication.

2019-10-25 Harvest Harvested GLBRC G3 Micro Plots (this year there was no differences in micro plots. Entire plot was fertilized) all replications. G3 R1 the West side was cut to 83.2 ft and G3 R2, R3, R4, R5 the East side was cut to 83.2 ft as shown on map. Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.6 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.6' of each micro-plot was harvested (Rows 4-10 were harvested leaving 3 rows on both sides to be cleaned up before harvesting main plot). Plot weights were obtained from the on-board Mirus computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 4 - 6 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication.

2019-11-04 Harvest Harvested GLBRC Switchgrass Fertility Study (Switchgrass N-rate Study), all replications. In 2019 the H1 and H2 harvest timing of the Switchgrass Fertility Study were only harvested once. We did harvest and record plot weights from all H1 and H2 separately however the H2 plots were NOT harvested in July. Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.5 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.5 ft of each plot was harvested. Plot weight were obtained from the on-board Mirus software by Harvest Master weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 4 - 6 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication. Joe Simmons helped collect and weigh grab samples.

2019-11-04 Harvest Harvested LTER Interaction switchgrass plots. Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.5 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. Harvested a 7.5 ft strip 51 ft in from the west on every plot except plot 9 (plot 9 the harvest strip is at 31ft in from the west). Plot weights were obtained from the on-board Mirus computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 4 - 6 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication.

2019-11-05 Harvest Harvested GLBRC G2 Sorghum Micro Plots (fertilizer and no fertilizer plots) all replications. Unfertilized plots were cut to 83.2 ft as shown on map. Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.6 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.6' of each micro-plot was harvested. Plot weights were obtained from the on-board Mirus computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 4 - 6 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication.

2019-11-05 Harvest Harvested GLBRC G6 Micro Plots (fertilizer and no fertilizer plots) all replications. Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.6 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.6' of each micro-plot was harvested. Plot weights were obtained from the on-board Mirus computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 4 - 6 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication.

2020-08-19 Harvest Harvested T6 Nitrogen & No Nitrogen switch grass micro plots in northwest corner, all replications (1.1/1.2, 2.1/,2.2, 3.1/3.2, 4.1/4.2, 5.1/5.2, 6.1/6.2). Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.5 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.5 ft of each plot was harvested. In order to get a fertilized micro plot sample at harvest, we measured 15ft passed the second microplot into the main plot and harvest with JD 7330 and kemper head. Plot weight were obtained from the on-board Mirus software by Harvest Master weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 6-8 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication. Joe Simmons helped collect and weigh grab samples.

2020-10-09 Harvest Harvested LTER Cellulsic Biofuels Experiment (CE Study), Treatments C4-C12 (all replications). Harvested the biomass crops i.e. switchgrass, C3 and C4 mix, and prairie grasses mixes. Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.5 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.5 ft was harvested out of the middle of each plot. Plot weight were obtained from the on-board Mirus computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was approximately 5 inches. Grab samples from each rep were placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and will be reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication. Harvested treatments CE4: (plots 203, 302, 404), CE5: (plots 106, 205, 303, 405), CE6: (plots 204, 406), CE7: (plot 107), CE8: (plot 103), CE9: (plots 102, 201,), CE10: (plots 104, 206, 306), CE11: (plot 101), and CE12: (plot 305) on 10/9/2020 Harvested treatments CE4: (110), CE6: (111, 310), CE7: (208, 309, 407), CE8: (211,307, 408), CE9: (308, 409), CE10: (410), CE11: 209, 311, 411), and CE12: (109, 212, 412), on 10/ 13/ 2020 due to harvester break down. Started harvest in south west corner (C11:plot 101) and harvested in a serpentine pattern working to the east. Week of December 1st, 2020 harvested the remaining stand of CE Study with JD 7350 chopper and Gnuse forage wagon.

2020-10-17 Harvest Harvested GLBRC G5, G7, G9, and G10 micro-plots (fertilized and non-fertilized plots). G5 micro-plots reps (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and G7 micro-plots reps (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) were harvested on 10-17-2020. G9 micro-plots reps (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and G10 micro-plots reps (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) were harvested on 10-19-2020 Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.6 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.6' of each micro-plot was harvested. Plot weights were obtained from the on-board FRS Harvest Master computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 5-7 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags, weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and will be reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication.

2020-11-03 Harvest Harvested GLBRC Switchgrass Fertility Study (Switchgrass N-rate Study), all replications. In 2020 the H1 and H2 harvest timing of the Switchgrass Fertility Study were only harvested once. We did harvest and record plot weights from all H1 and H2 separately however the H2 plots were NOT harvested in July. Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.5 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.5 ft of each plot was harvested. Plot weights were obtained from the on-board Mirus software by Harvest Master weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 4 - 6 inches. Grab samples from each rep were placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and will be reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication. Joe Simmons helped collect and weigh grab samples. December 8th, 2020 harvested the remaining stand of GLBRC Switchgrass Fertility study using the JD 7350 chopper and Gnuse forage wagon. -Ryan Anthony

2020-11-12 Harvest Harvested GLBRC G6 Micro Plots (fertilizer and no fertilizer plots) all replications (1,2,3,4,5). Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.6 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.6' of each micro-plot was harvested. Plot weights were obtained from the on-board Mirus computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 4 - 6 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and will be reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication.

2020-11-14 Harvest Harvested GLBRC G3 Micro Plots (fertilizer and no fertilizer plots) all replications (5, 3, 2, 4, 1). Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.6 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.6' of each micro-plot was harvested. Plot weights were obtained from the on-board Mirus computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 4 - 6 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and will be reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication.

2020-11-17 Harvest Harvested GLBRC G2 Micro Plots (fertilizer and no fertilizer plots) all replications (5, 2, 3, 1, 4). Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.6 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.6' of each micro-plot was harvested. Plot weights were obtained from the on-board Mirus computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 4 - 6 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and will be reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication.

2020-11-20 Harvest Harvested LTER Interaction switchgrass plots (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16). Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.5 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. Harvested a 7.5 ft strip 51 ft in from the west on every plot except plot 9 (plot 9 the harvest strip is at 31ft in from the west). Refer to attached harvesting instructions for more details. Plot weights were obtained from the on-board Mirus computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 4 - 6 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and will be reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication. Week of December 1st, 2020 harvested the remaining standing switchgrass in Interaction study using the JD 7350 chopper and Gnuse forage wagon.

2021-08-26 Harvest Harvested T6 Nitrogen & No Nitrogen switch grass micro plots in northwest corner, all replications (1.1/1.2, 2.1/,2.2, 3.1/3.2, 4.1/4.2, 5.1/5.2, 6.1/6.2). Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.5 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.5 ft of each plot was harvested. In order to get a fertilized micro plot sample at harvest, we measured 15ft passed the second microplot into the main plot and harvest with JD 7330 and kemper head. Plot weight were obtained from the on-board Mirus software by Harvest Master weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 6-8 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication. Plot lengths were measured; see attached document. Leon Thelen helped collect and weigh grab samples.

2021-11-03 Harvest Harvested GLBRC G5, G7, G9, and G10 micro-plots (fertilized and non-fertilized plots). Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.6 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.6' of each micro-plot were harvested. Plot weights were obtained from the on-board FRS Harvest Master computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 4-6 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags, weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and will be reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication.

2021-11-05 Harvest Harvested N-Rate Switchgrass (Switchgrasss-fertility) plots. Equipment Used: Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.6 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.6' of each micro-plot were harvested. Plot weights were obtained from the on-board FRS Harvest Master computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 4-6 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags, weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and will be reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication. ***Note that SWF3 102 spout was off hopper for entire 50' so no or very little weight was recorded. ***Note that SWF2 104 spout was off hopper for the first 25' so only half the weight was recorded. Plot lengths are attached.

2021-11-10 Harvest Harvested LTER Cellulsic Biofuels Experiment (CE Study), Treatments C4-C12 (all replications). Harvested the biomass crops i.e. switchgrass, C3 and C4 mix, and prairie grasses mixes. Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.5 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.5 ft was harvested out of the middle of each plot. Plot weight was obtained from the on-board Mirus computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was approximately 5 inches. Grab samples from each rep were placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and will be reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication. Started harvest in south west corner (C11:plot 101) and harvested in a serpentine pattern working to the east.

2021-11-19 Harvest Harvested LTER Interaction switchgrass plots (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16). Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.5 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. Harvested a 7.5 ft strip 51 ft in from the west on every plot except plot 9 (plot 9 the harvest strip is at 31ft in from the west). Refer to attached harvesting instructions for more details. Plot weights were obtained from the on-board Mirus computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 4 - 6 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and will be reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication.

2022-12-01 Harvest Harvested LTER Cellulsic Biofuels Experiment (CE Study), Treatments C4-C12 (all replications). Harvested the biomass crops i.e. switchgrass, C3 and C4 mix and prairie grasses mixes. Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.5 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.5 ft was harvested out of the middle of each plot. Plot weight was obtained from the on-board Mirus computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was approximately 5 inches. Grab samples from each rep were placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and will be reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication. Started harvest in south west corner (C11:plot 101) and harvested in a serpentine pattern working to the east.

2022-12-02 Harvest Harvested LTER Interaction switchgrass plots (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16). Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.5 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. Harvested a 7.5 ft strip 51 ft (15.5m) in from the west on every plot except plot 9 (plot 9 the harvest strip is at 31ft (9.5m) in from the west). Refer to attached harvesting instructions for more details. Plot weights were obtained from the on-board Mirus computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 4 - 6 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and will be reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication. Joe Simmons took approx. 15 feet headland passes of the North and South ends of each plot. After all plots were harvested each was measure for plot length North to South. Unique GPS A-B lines were set and allocated for each North-South range in the array, a separate one was made for plot 9.

2022-12-05 Harvest Harvested T6 Nitrogen & No Nitrogen switchgrass micro plots in northwest corner, all replications (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.5 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.5 ft of + Nitrogen plot was harvested. While the 7.5 ft harvest strip was offset to the West in the No Nitrogen plots. In order to get a fertilized micro plot sample at harvest, we measured 15ft passed the second microplot into the main plot and harvest with JD 7330 and kemper head. Plot weight were obtained from the on-board Mirus software by Harvest Master weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 6-8 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication. Plot lengths were measured; see attached document.

2022-12-01 Harvest Harvest sorghum from planting date study.

2022-11-02 Harvest Took yield of Switchgrass variety trial with Kemper / Wintersteiger harvest weigh system. Harvested center 7.5 feet of each plot. Took grab samples for moisture.

2023-11-03 Harvest Harvested LTER Cellulsic Biofuels Experiment (CE Study), Treatments C4-C12 (all replications). Harvested the biomass crops i.e. switchgrass, C3 and C4 mix and prairie grasses mixes. Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.5 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.5 ft was harvested out of the middle of each plot. Plot weight was obtained from the on-board Mirus computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was approximately 6 inches. Grab samples from each rep were placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and will be reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication. Started harvest in south west corner (C11:plot 101) and harvested in straight lines headed North, working towards the East. Kemper head chute came out of Wintersteiger receptacle in plot 203 CE4. Kemper head lower chute jammed with biomass in plot 109 CE12, this resulted in the loss of most of the harvest sample. To compensate half of the head's width (approx. 3.75') was harvested on either side of the original pass.

2023-12-07 Harvest Harvested N-Rate Switchgrass (Switchgrasss-fertility) plots. Equipment Used: Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.6 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.6' of each micro-plot were harvested. Plot weights were obtained from the on-board FRS Harvest Master computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 4-6 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags, weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and will be reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication. This is the first year the entire 50' plot length was harvested at the same time, no longer harvested as H1 and H2. Center alley was cut with the JD 4995 Discbine.

2023-12-08 Harvest Harvested T6 Nitrogen & No Nitrogen switchgrass micro plots in northwest corner, all replications (6, 3, 4, 2, 1, and 5). Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.5 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. The middle 7.5 ft of + Nitrogen plot was harvested. While the 7.5 ft harvest strip was offset to the West in the No Nitrogen plots. In order to get a fertilized micro plot sample at harvest, we measured 15ft passed the second microplot into the main plot and harvest with JD 7330 and kemper head. Plot weight were obtained from the on-board Mirus software by Harvest Master weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 6-8 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication.