Show Observation

User: Ryan Anthony

Created on: 2020-11-24

Observation Date 2020-11-20

Harvested LTER Interaction switchgrass plots (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16). Harvested with JD 7330 tractor using the 7.5 ft wide Kemper head and Wintersteiger biomass harvester weighing system. Harvested a 7.5 ft strip 51 ft in from the west on every plot except plot 9 (plot 9 the harvest strip is at 31ft in from the west). Refer to attached harvesting instructions for more details. Plot weights were obtained from the on-board Mirus computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems. Cutting height of plant stubble was 4 - 6 inches. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and will be reweighed to determine percent moisture for each treatment and replication. Week of December 1st, 2020 harvested the remaining standing switchgrass in Interaction study using the JD 7350 chopper and Gnuse forage wagon.


Observation Type:


Worker: Ryan Anthony
Equipment: Wintersteiger/Kemper head biomass harvester (7.5 ft):
Equipment: John Deere 7330 Tractor


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