Related Observations

Date Observation Type Comment
2019-05-19 Mechanical Weed Control post-emerge (5/19/09): Igni... Show
2017-11-15 Sampling Routine fertility soil samp... Show
2017-10-19 Harvest Soybean main and micro plot... Show
2017-06-27 Herbicide Application Post-emerge herbicide appli... Show
2017-05-17 Herbicide Application Pre-emerge herbicide applic... Show
2017-05-12 Planting Renk RS213NR2 planted at 17... Show
2017-05-11 Harvest Cover crop harvest with New... Show
2017-04-17 Fertilizer Application KCL 0-0-60 applied at 60 lb... Show
2017-04-12 Fertilizer Application TSP 0-46-0 applied by Gregg... Show
2016-11-29 Sampling Routine fertility soil samp... Show
2016-11-03 Herbicide Application Alleyways at BCSE sprayed w... Show
2016-10-25 Sampling Corn stover remnant samplin... Show
2016-10-24 Harvest corn stover harvest, G1 fla... Show
2016-10-21 Harvest G1/G2/G3 corn microplots ha... Show
2016-10-20 Harvest G1/G2/G3 corn main plots ha... Show
2016-09-12 Planting Fertilizer Application Cover crop planting into st... Show
2016-06-17 Herbicide Application post-emerge application on ... Show
2016-06-17 Fertilizer Application sidedress G1, G2, G3 all re... Show
2016-05-23 Herbicide Application G2/G3 per-emerge herbicide ... Show
2016-05-19 Planting Corn planting at 2" deep, 3... Show
2016-05-18 Harvest Harvested Rye/Pea cover cro... Show
2016-04-15 Fertilizer Application P Application Show
2016-04-15 Fertilizer Application K Application Show
2015-10-15 Harvest soy grain harvest, main and... Show
2015-06-29 Herbicide Application Weed Control Show
2015-06-09 Herbicide Application post-emerge Show
2015-06-09 Planting G3 soybean replant. 175,000... Show
2015-05-22 Herbicide Application pre-emerge Show
2015-05-21 Planting soybeans planted at 175,000... Show
2015-05-20 Harvest cover crop harvest Show
2014-11-06 Sampling Routine fertility soil samp... Show
2014-10-31 Planting plant cover crops Show
2014-10-30 Harvest corn stover harvest cutting... Show
2014-10-29 Harvest corn harvest Show
2014-07-11 Herbicide Application post emerge Show
2014-07-08 Fertilizer Application sidedress UAN (160 lbs N/ac) Show
2014-06-09 Herbicide Application pre-emerge Show
2014-06-06 Planting Fertilizer Application Plant corn 34,000 seeds/ac Show
2014-05-28 Harvest Harvest rye cover crop Show
2014-04-21 Fertilizer Application apply DAP according to soil... Show
2014-04-21 Fertilizer Application Application of 0-0-60 to an... Show
2014-04-14 Sampling PPNT soil sampling. This s... Show
2013-11-20 Harvest Cover crop was planted in t... Show
2013-11-18 Planting Cover crop was planted in t... Show
2013-10-11 Harvest Soybean Micro-plot harvest.... Show
2013-10-10 Harvest Soybean main-plot harvest (... Show
2013-06-10 Herbicide Application Pre-emerge herbicide applic... Show
2013-06-04 Planting Planting of G3 soybeans Show
2013-06-04 Harvest Cover crop harvest Show
2013-04-26 Fertilizer Application Application of 0-0-60 to an... Show
2012-10-12 Planting Cover crop was planted in t... Show
2012-10-12 Planting Cover crop was planted in t... Show
2012-10-09 Harvest Corn stover harvest. Becaus... Show
2012-10-08 Harvest Corn main plot harvest (mid... Show
2012-10-03 Harvest Corn micro-plot harvests. H... Show
2012-06-07 Fertilizer Application Corn side-dressing: 37 gall... Show
2012-06-06 Herbicide Application Post emergence herbicide ap... Show
2012-05-10 Planting Corn Planting G2 and G3 - s... Show
2012-05-04 Fertilizer Application Application of 18-46-0 to a... Show
2012-05-04 Fertilizer Application Application of 0-0-60 to an... Show
2012-04-23 Herbicide Application Burndown herbicide applicat... Show
2011-10-21 Harvest Soybean micro-plot harvest:... Show
2011-06-29 Herbicide Application Post-emergence roundup appl... Show
2010-10-05 Harvest Combining: 10/5/2010 Bioma... Show
2010-06-07 Fertilizer Application Applied UAN (28%) per PPNT ... Show
2010-04-29 Planting Planted corn variety Dekalb... Show
2009-07-31 Harvest Swathed (7/20/2009): JD 800... Show
2009-05-18 Fertilizer Application 130 lbs 46-0-0/ac -> 60 lbs... Show
2009-04-29 Fertilizer Application Applied 0-0-60 at the rate ... Show
2009-04-10 Planting Planted soybean variety InV... Show
2008-10-13 Harvest combined: 10/13/2008 - no ... Show
2008-05-10 Herbicide Application cruzer max: applied to see... Show
2008-05-09 Planting Planted Pioneer 92M40 RR; 5... Show
2008-05-06 Soil Preparation secondary tillage -- disked... Show
2008-05-05 Soil Preparation primary tillage with chisel... Show
2007-10-13 Harvest combined: 10/13/2008 - no ... Show

Date Observation Type Comment
2019-05-19 Mechanical Weed Control post-emerge (5/19/09): Igni... Show
2017-11-15 Sampling Routine fertility soil samp... Show
2017-10-19 Harvest Soybean main and micro plot... Show
2017-06-27 Herbicide Application Post-emerge herbicide appli... Show
2017-05-17 Herbicide Application Pre-emerge herbicide applic... Show
2017-05-12 Planting Renk RS213NR2 planted at 17... Show
2017-05-11 Harvest Cover crop harvest with New... Show
2017-04-17 Fertilizer Application KCL 0-0-60 applied at 60 lb... Show
2016-11-29 Sampling Routine fertility soil samp... Show
2016-11-03 Herbicide Application Alleyways at BCSE sprayed w... Show
2016-10-25 Sampling Corn stover remnant samplin... Show
2016-10-24 Harvest corn stover harvest, G1 fla... Show
2016-10-21 Harvest G1/G2/G3 corn microplots ha... Show
2016-10-20 Harvest G1/G2/G3 corn main plots ha... Show
2016-09-12 Planting Fertilizer Application Cover crop planting into st... Show
2016-06-17 Herbicide Application post-emerge application on ... Show
2016-06-17 Fertilizer Application sidedress G1, G2, G3 all re... Show
2016-05-23 Herbicide Application G2/G3 per-emerge herbicide ... Show
2016-05-19 Planting Corn planting at 2" deep, 3... Show
2016-05-18 Harvest Harvested Rye/Pea cover cro... Show
2016-04-15 Fertilizer Application K Application Show
2015-10-15 Harvest soy grain harvest, main and... Show
2015-06-29 Herbicide Application Weed Control Show
2015-06-09 Herbicide Application post-emerge Show
2015-06-09 Planting G3 soybean replant. 175,000... Show
2015-05-22 Herbicide Application pre-emerge Show
2015-05-21 Planting soybeans planted at 175,000... Show
2015-05-20 Harvest cover crop harvest Show
2015-04-17 Fertilizer Application K application Show
2014-11-06 Sampling Routine fertility soil samp... Show
2014-10-31 Planting plant cover crops Show
2014-10-30 Harvest corn stover harvest cutting... Show
2014-10-29 Harvest corn harvest Show
2014-07-11 Herbicide Application post emerge Show
2014-07-08 Fertilizer Application sidedress UAN (160 lbs N/ac) Show
2014-06-09 Herbicide Application pre-emerge Show
2014-06-06 Planting Fertilizer Application Plant corn 34,000 seeds/ac Show
2014-05-28 Harvest Harvest rye cover crop Show
2014-04-21 Fertilizer Application Application of 0-0-60 to an... Show
2014-04-14 Sampling PPNT soil sampling. This s... Show
2013-11-20 Harvest Cover crop was planted in t... Show
2013-11-18 Planting Cover crop was planted in t... Show
2013-10-11 Harvest Soybean Micro-plot harvest.... Show
2013-10-10 Harvest Soybean main-plot harvest (... Show
2013-06-10 Herbicide Application Pre-emerge herbicide applic... Show
2013-06-04 Planting Planting of G3 soybeans Show
2013-06-04 Harvest Cover crop harvest Show
2013-04-26 Fertilizer Application Application of 0-0-60 to an... Show
2012-10-12 Planting Cover crop was planted in t... Show
2012-10-12 Planting Cover crop was planted in t... Show
2012-10-09 Harvest Corn stover harvest. Becaus... Show
2012-10-08 Harvest Corn main plot harvest (mid... Show
2012-10-03 Harvest Corn micro-plot harvests. H... Show
2012-06-07 Fertilizer Application Corn side-dressing: 40.4 ga... Show
2012-06-06 Herbicide Application Post emergence herbicide ap... Show
2012-05-10 Planting Corn Planting G2 and G3 - s... Show
2012-05-04 Fertilizer Application Application of 0-0-60 to an... Show
2012-04-23 Herbicide Application Burndown herbicide applicat... Show
2011-10-21 Harvest Soybean micro-plot harvest:... Show
2011-06-29 Herbicide Application Post-emergence roundup appl... Show
2010-10-05 Harvest Combining: 10/5/2010 Bioma... Show
2010-06-07 Fertilizer Application Applied UAN (28%) per PPNT ... Show
2010-04-29 Planting Planted corn variety Dekalb... Show
2009-07-31 Harvest Swathed (7/20/2009): JD 800... Show
2009-05-18 Fertilizer Application 130 lbs 46-0-0/ac -> 60 lbs... Show
2009-04-29 Fertilizer Application Applied 0-0-60 at the rate ... Show
2009-04-10 Planting Planted soybean variety InV... Show
2008-10-13 Harvest combined: 10/13/2008 - no ... Show
2008-05-10 Herbicide Application cruzer max: applied to see... Show
2008-05-09 Planting Planted Pioneer 92M40 RR; 5... Show
2008-05-06 Soil Preparation secondary tillage -- disked... Show
2008-05-05 Soil Preparation primary tillage with chisel... Show
2007-10-13 Harvest combined: 10/13/2008 - no ... Show

Date Observation Type Comment
2019-05-19 Mechanical Weed Control post-emerge (5/19/09): Igni... Show
2017-11-15 Sampling Routine fertility soil samp... Show
2017-10-19 Harvest Soybean main and micro plot... Show
2017-06-27 Herbicide Application Post-emerge herbicide appli... Show
2017-05-17 Herbicide Application Pre-emerge herbicide applic... Show
2017-05-12 Planting Renk RS213NR2 planted at 17... Show
2017-05-11 Harvest Cover crop harvest with New... Show
2016-11-29 Sampling Routine fertility soil samp... Show
2016-11-03 Herbicide Application Alleyways at BCSE sprayed w... Show
2016-10-25 Harvest corn stover harvest: G2/G3 ... Show
2016-10-25 Sampling Corn stover remnant samplin... Show
2016-10-21 Harvest G1/G2/G3 corn microplots ha... Show
2016-10-20 Harvest G1/G2/G3 corn main plots ha... Show
2016-09-12 Planting Fertilizer Application Cover crop planting into st... Show
2016-06-17 Herbicide Application post-emerge application on ... Show
2016-06-17 Fertilizer Application sidedress G1, G2, G3 all re... Show
2016-05-23 Herbicide Application G2/G3 per-emerge herbicide ... Show
2016-05-19 Planting Corn planting at 2" deep, 3... Show
2016-05-18 Harvest Harvested Rye/Pea cover cro... Show
2016-04-15 Fertilizer Application K Application Show
2015-10-15 Harvest soy grain harvest, main and... Show
2015-06-29 Herbicide Application Weed Control Show
2015-06-09 Herbicide Application post-emerge Show
2015-06-09 Planting G3 soybean replant. 175,000... Show
2015-05-22 Herbicide Application pre-emerge Show
2015-05-21 Planting soybeans planted at 175,000... Show
2015-05-20 Harvest cover crop harvest Show
2014-11-06 Sampling Routine fertility soil samp... Show
2014-10-31 Planting plant cover crops Show
2014-10-30 Harvest corn stover harvest cutting... Show
2014-10-29 Harvest corn harvest Show
2014-07-11 Herbicide Application post emerge Show
2014-07-08 Fertilizer Application sidedress UAN (160 lbs N/ac) Show
2014-06-09 Herbicide Application pre-emerge Show
2014-06-06 Planting Fertilizer Application Plant corn 34,000 seeds/ac Show
2014-05-28 Harvest Harvest rye cover crop Show
2014-04-22 Sampling PPNT soil sampling. Finish ... Show
2014-04-21 Fertilizer Application Application of 0-0-60 to an... Show
2013-11-20 Harvest Cover crop was planted in t... Show
2013-11-18 Planting Cover crop was planted in t... Show
2013-10-11 Harvest Soybean Micro-plot harvest.... Show
2013-10-10 Harvest Soybean main-plot harvest (... Show
2013-06-10 Herbicide Application Pre-emerge herbicide applic... Show
2013-06-04 Planting Planting of G3 soybeans Show
2013-06-04 Harvest Cover crop harvest Show
2012-10-12 Planting Cover crop was planted in t... Show
2012-10-12 Planting Cover crop was planted in t... Show
2012-10-09 Harvest Corn stover harvest. Becaus... Show
2012-10-08 Harvest Corn main plot harvest (mid... Show
2012-10-03 Harvest Corn micro-plot harvests. H... Show
2012-06-07 Fertilizer Application Corn side-dressing: 50.5 ga... Show
2012-06-06 Herbicide Application Post emergence herbicide ap... Show
2012-05-10 Planting Corn Planting G2 and G3 - s... Show
2012-04-23 Herbicide Application Burndown herbicide applicat... Show
2011-10-21 Harvest Soybean micro-plot harvest:... Show
2011-06-29 Herbicide Application Post-emergence roundup appl... Show
2010-10-05 Harvest Combining: 10/5/2010 Bioma... Show
2010-06-07 Fertilizer Application Applied UAN (28%) per PPNT ... Show
2010-04-29 Planting Planted corn variety Dekalb... Show
2009-07-31 Harvest Swathed (7/20/2009): JD 800... Show
2009-05-18 Fertilizer Application 130 lbs 46-0-0/ac -> 60 lbs... Show
2009-04-10 Planting Planted soybean variety InV... Show
2008-10-13 Harvest combined: 10/13/2008 - no ... Show
2008-05-10 Herbicide Application cruzer max: applied to see... Show
2008-05-09 Planting Planted Pioneer 92M40 RR; 5... Show
2008-05-06 Soil Preparation secondary tillage -- disked... Show
2008-05-05 Soil Preparation primary tillage with chisel... Show
2007-10-13 Harvest combined: 10/13/2008 - no ... Show

Date Observation Type Comment
2019-05-19 Mechanical Weed Control post-emerge (5/19/09): Igni... Show
2017-11-15 Sampling Routine fertility soil samp... Show
2017-10-19 Harvest Soybean main and micro plot... Show
2017-06-27 Herbicide Application Post-emerge herbicide appli... Show
2017-05-17 Herbicide Application Pre-emerge herbicide applic... Show
2017-05-12 Planting Renk RS213NR2 planted at 17... Show
2017-05-11 Harvest Cover crop harvest with New... Show
2017-04-17 Fertilizer Application KCL 0-0-60 applied at 110 l... Show
2016-11-29 Sampling Routine fertility soil samp... Show
2016-11-03 Herbicide Application Alleyways at BCSE sprayed w... Show
2016-10-25 Harvest corn stover harvest: G2/G3 ... Show
2016-10-25 Sampling Corn stover remnant samplin... Show
2016-10-21 Harvest G1/G2/G3 corn microplots ha... Show
2016-10-20 Harvest G1/G2/G3 corn main plots ha... Show
2016-09-12 Planting Fertilizer Application Cover crop planting into st... Show
2016-06-17 Herbicide Application post-emerge application on ... Show
2016-06-17 Fertilizer Application sidedress G1, G2, G3 all re... Show
2016-05-23 Herbicide Application G2/G3 per-emerge herbicide ... Show
2016-05-19 Planting Corn planting at 2" deep, 3... Show
2016-05-18 Harvest Harvested Rye/Pea cover cro... Show
2016-04-15 Fertilizer Application K Application Show
2015-10-15 Harvest soy grain harvest, main and... Show
2015-06-29 Herbicide Application Weed Control Show
2015-06-09 Herbicide Application post-emerge Show
2015-06-09 Planting G3 soybean replant. 175,000... Show
2015-05-22 Herbicide Application pre-emerge Show
2015-05-21 Planting soybeans planted at 175,000... Show
2015-05-20 Harvest cover crop harvest Show
2014-11-07 Sampling Routine fertility soil samp... Show
2014-10-31 Planting plant cover crops Show
2014-10-30 Harvest corn stover harvest cutting... Show
2014-10-29 Harvest corn harvest Show
2014-07-11 Herbicide Application post emerge Show
2014-07-08 Fertilizer Application sidedress UAN (160 lbs N/ac) Show
2014-06-09 Herbicide Application pre-emerge Show
2014-06-06 Planting Fertilizer Application Plant corn 34,000 seeds/ac Show
2014-05-28 Harvest Harvest rye cover crop Show
2014-04-22 Sampling PPNT soil sampling. Finish ... Show
2014-04-21 Fertilizer Application Application of 0-0-60 to an... Show
2013-11-20 Harvest Cover crop was planted in t... Show
2013-11-18 Planting Cover crop was planted in t... Show
2013-10-11 Harvest Soybean Micro-plot harvest.... Show
2013-10-10 Harvest Soybean main-plot harvest (... Show
2013-06-10 Herbicide Application Pre-emerge herbicide applic... Show
2013-06-04 Planting Planting of G3 soybeans Show
2013-06-04 Harvest Cover crop harvest Show
2013-04-26 Fertilizer Application Application of 0-0-60 to an... Show
2012-10-12 Planting Cover crop was planted in t... Show
2012-10-12 Planting Cover crop was planted in t... Show
2012-10-09 Harvest Corn stover harvest. Becaus... Show
2012-10-08 Harvest Corn main plot harvest (mid... Show
2012-10-03 Harvest Corn micro-plot harvests. H... Show
2012-06-07 Fertilizer Application Corn side-dressing: 50.5 ga... Show
2012-06-06 Herbicide Application Post emergence herbicide ap... Show
2012-05-10 Planting Corn Planting G2 and G3 - s... Show
2012-05-04 Fertilizer Application Application of 0-0-60 to an... Show
2012-04-23 Herbicide Application Burndown herbicide applicat... Show
2011-10-21 Harvest Soybean micro-plot harvest:... Show
2011-06-29 Herbicide Application Post-emergence roundup appl... Show
2010-10-05 Harvest Combining: 10/5/2010 Bioma... Show
2010-06-07 Fertilizer Application Applied UAN (28%) per PPNT ... Show
2010-04-29 Planting Planted corn variety Dekalb... Show
2009-07-31 Harvest Swathed (7/20/2009): JD 800... Show
2009-05-18 Fertilizer Application 130 lbs 46-0-0/ac -> 60 lbs... Show
2009-04-29 Fertilizer Application Applied 0-0-60 at the rate ... Show
2009-04-10 Planting Planted soybean variety InV... Show
2008-10-13 Harvest combined: 10/13/2008 - no ... Show
2008-05-10 Herbicide Application cruzer max: applied to seed... Show
2008-05-09 Planting Planted Pioneer 92M40 RR; 5... Show
2008-04-28 Soil Preparation fld. cult.: 4/24/08 disked:... Show
2008-04-21 Soil Preparation dolomitic limeston (80-89... Show
2007-10-25 Soil Preparation primary tillage with disk c... Show
2007-10-13 Harvest combined: 10/13/2008 - no ... Show

Date Observation Type Comment
2019-05-19 Mechanical Weed Control post-emerge (5/19/09): Igni... Show
2017-11-15 Sampling Routine fertility soil samp... Show
2017-10-19 Harvest Soybean main and micro plot... Show
2017-06-27 Herbicide Application Post-emerge herbicide appli... Show
2017-05-17 Herbicide Application Pre-emerge herbicide applic... Show
2017-05-12 Planting Renk RS213NR2 planted at 17... Show
2017-05-11 Harvest Cover crop harvest with New... Show
2017-04-17 Fertilizer Application KCL 0-0-60 applied at 110 l... Show
2016-11-29 Sampling Routine fertility soil samp... Show
2016-11-03 Herbicide Application Alleyways at BCSE sprayed w... Show
2016-10-25 Harvest corn stover harvest: G2/G3 ... Show
2016-10-25 Sampling Corn stover remnant samplin... Show
2016-10-21 Harvest G1/G2/G3 corn microplots ha... Show
2016-10-20 Harvest G1/G2/G3 corn main plots ha... Show
2016-09-12 Planting Fertilizer Application Cover crop planting into st... Show
2016-06-17 Herbicide Application post-emerge application on ... Show
2016-06-17 Fertilizer Application sidedress G1, G2, G3 all re... Show
2016-05-23 Herbicide Application G2/G3 per-emerge herbicide ... Show
2016-05-19 Planting Corn planting at 2" deep, 3... Show
2016-05-19 Harvest Harvested Rye/Pea cover cro... Show
2016-04-15 Fertilizer Application K Application Show
2015-10-15 Harvest soy grain harvest, main and... Show
2015-06-29 Herbicide Application Weed Control Show
2015-06-09 Herbicide Application post-emerge Show
2015-06-09 Planting G3 soybean replant. 175,000... Show
2015-05-22 Herbicide Application pre-emerge Show
2015-05-21 Planting soybeans planted at 175,000... Show
2015-05-20 Harvest cover crop harvest Show
2014-11-06 Sampling Routine fertility soil samp... Show
2014-10-31 Planting plant cover crops Show
2014-10-30 Harvest corn stover harvest cutting... Show
2014-10-29 Harvest corn harvest Show
2014-07-11 Herbicide Application post emerge Show
2014-07-08 Fertilizer Application sidedress UAN (160 lbs N/ac) Show
2014-06-09 Herbicide Application pre-emerge Show
2014-06-06 Planting Fertilizer Application Plant corn 34,000 seeds/ac Show
2014-05-28 Harvest Harvest rye cover crop Show
2014-04-22 Sampling PPNT soil sampling. Finish ... Show
2014-04-21 Fertilizer Application Application of 0-0-60 to an... Show
2013-11-20 Harvest Cover crop was planted in t... Show
2013-11-18 Planting Cover crop was planted in t... Show
2013-10-11 Harvest Soybean Micro-plot harvest.... Show
2013-10-10 Harvest Soybean main-plot harvest (... Show
2013-06-10 Herbicide Application Pre-emerge herbicide applic... Show
2013-06-04 Planting Planting of G3 soybeans Show
2013-06-04 Harvest Cover crop harvest Show
2012-10-12 Planting Cover crop was planted in t... Show
2012-10-12 Planting Cover crop was planted in t... Show
2012-10-09 Harvest Corn stover harvest. Becaus... Show
2012-10-08 Harvest Corn main plot harvest (mid... Show
2012-10-03 Harvest Corn micro-plot harvests. H... Show
2012-06-07 Fertilizer Application Corn side-dressing: 40.4 ga... Show
2012-06-06 Herbicide Application Post emergence herbicide ap... Show
2012-05-10 Planting Corn Planting G2 and G3 - s... Show
2012-04-23 Herbicide Application Burndown herbicide applicat... Show
2011-10-21 Harvest Soybean micro-plot harvest:... Show
2011-06-29 Herbicide Application Post-emergence roundup appl... Show
2010-10-05 Harvest Combining: 10/5/2010 Bioma... Show
2010-06-07 Fertilizer Application Applied UAN (28%) per PPNT ... Show
2010-04-29 Planting Planted corn variety Dekalb... Show
2009-07-31 Harvest Swathed (7/20/2009): JD 800... Show
2009-05-18 Fertilizer Application 130 lbs 46-0-0/ac -> 60 lbs... Show
2009-04-10 Planting Planted soybean variety InV... Show
2008-10-13 Harvest combined: 10/13/2008 - no ... Show
2008-05-10 Herbicide Application cruzer max: applied to seed... Show
2008-05-09 Planting Planted Pioneer 92M40 RR; 5... Show
2008-04-28 Soil Preparation fld. cult.: 4/24/08 disked:... Show
2008-04-21 Soil Preparation dolomitic limeston (80-89... Show
2007-10-25 Soil Preparation primary tillage with disk c... Show
2007-10-13 Harvest combined: 10/13/2008 - no ... Show