Show Observation

User: Joe Simmons

Created on: 2007-06-14

Observation Date 2000-07-05

Band sprayed for weeds on the main site treatment 3, all replications. Galaxy (bentazon + acifluorfen) was applied at 2 pts/A, (2.34 L/ha), Poast Plus (sethoxydim + Dash) was applied at 24 oz/A (1.76 L/ha), and NIS (nonionic surfactant) was applied at 1/8 oz v/v. Weather Conditions: air temperature 77-85 degrees F. Wind was calm. Time of application was between 7:00 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. Equipment Used: JD 5400 tractor traveling 4-6 mph with a pull type Top Air sprayer equipped with a PTO driven centrifugal sprayer pump and a Raven 440 automatic carrier control unit. Turbo TeeJet Even nozzles were used, spaced 30 inches apart with a total boom length of 30 feet. Water applied at 20 gals/A, (187L/ha), was used as the carrier. Purpose of Application: Control of annual broadleaves and grass weeds. Sprayed prostemergence.


Observation Type:
Mechanical Weed Control


Worker: unknown
Equipment: John Deere 5400 Tractor
Equipment: Top Air Sprayer • Material: Herbicide Galaxy (bentazon + acifluorfen) @ 2.0 pint per acre • Material: Poast Plus @ 24.0 ounce per acre • Material: NIS surfactant @ 2.69 pint per acre • Material: water @ 20.0 gallon per acre


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