Show Observation

User: Ethan Rocklin

Created on: 2023-06-01

Observation Date 2023-06-01

Sprayed LTER Resource Gradient (Rainfed and Irrigated), GLBRC G1 all reps (1, 4, 5, 2, and 3), T8nt all reps, GLBRC Bait Crop corn, CE Study Corn (CE1 and CE3), and currently planted area of the Lysimeter field for pre-emergence weed control where corn was planted. Sprayed with Roundup PowerMax 3 at a rate of 22 oz/A, ammonium sulfate at 1.7 lbs/A, and Acuron at 2.5 qts/A. Application began at 11:30 am and concluded at 5:05 pm. REI is 24 hours, safe re-entry time is 5:05pm Friday 6/2/23 safe re-entry by treatment: Resource Gradient: 12:55 pm Friday 6/2/23 CE Study corn: 1:25 pm Friday 6/2/23 GLBRC G1: 3:05 pm Friday 6/2/23 Lysimeter field corn: 4:50pm Friday 6/2/23 GLBRC Bait Crop corn: 5:05pm Friday 6/2/23 Weather conditions at 11:30 am: Temperature: 83.7°F Wind Direction: East Wind Speed: 3.01 mph Relative Humidity: 46.9% Weather conditions at 5:05 am: Temperature: 88.4°F Wind Direction: Southeast Wind Speed: 6.14 mph Relative Humidity: 31.8%

CE1 CE3 G1 GLBRC_Trap_Crop_Area LYSIMETER_FIELD Resource_Gradient-Irrigated Resource_Gradient_Non-Irrigated

Observation Type:
Herbicide Application


Worker: Ethan Rocklin
Equipment: John Deere 5220 Tractor
Equipment: Top Air Sprayer • Material: Herbicide Acuron @ 2.5 quart per acre • Material: Herbicide Roundup PowerMAX 3 @ 22.0 ounce per acre • Material: Ammonium sulfate (AMS) @ 1.7 pound per acre


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