Show Observation

User: Ethan Rocklin

Created on: 2022-10-05

Observation Date 2022-10-04

Herbicide application to T1 plots (reps 4, 1, 5, 2, 6). Round Up power max at 44 oz per acre (1.5 lbs per acre) and Ammonium Sulfate at 3.4 lbs per acre were applied as a burndown. 2-4D was not applied to T1 plots because of the low perennial weed pressure and the upcoming tillage. Rate of spray was 20gal/acre on JD rate controller. Application began at 12:20 pm, weather conditions at the time were: 64.4°F, wind speed 4.56 mph, wind direction West, humidity 43.6% Application concluded at 4:30 pm, weather conditions at the time were: 70.5°F, wind speed 6.06 mph, wind direction West, relative humidity 29.0%, and sunny. REI: 4 hours. Application was completed using the 30ft top air sprayer and the John Deere 5220 tractor. Application in T1R6 was not completed same day, ran out of product. Remainder of T1R6 was sprayed next day, 10/5/22. Application began with the remainder of T2R6 from the previous application.

T1 T2R6

Observation Type:
Herbicide Application


Worker: Ethan Rocklin
Equipment: Top Air Sprayer • Material: Herbicide Roundup Power Max (glyphosate 48.7%) @ 44.0 ounce per acre • Material: Ammonium sulfate (AMS) @ 3.4 pound per acre
Equipment: John Deere 5220 Tractor


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