Show Observation

User: Leon Thelen

Created on: 2022-07-07

Observation Date 2022-07-07

Sprayed GLBRC main site G3 Reps 4,5,3,2, and 1 as well as Rep 6 / Bait Crop soybeans. LTER CE study 105, 207, 301, and 403 were also sprayed. Application of Enlist at 2 pints/acre, Interline (Generic Liberty) at 2 pints/acre, Ammonium Sulfate at 3lbs/acre, and a small amount of de-foaming agent. Rate of spray was 20gal/acre on JD rate controller. Weather conditions at the beginning 12:50pm: 78.3 degrees F, 2.93 mph northwest wind, 65.3% relative humidity, and partly cloudy. Weather conditions at the end 3:00 pm: 83 degrees F, 2.65 mph northwest wind, 56.1% relative humidity, and partly cloudy. REI: 48 hours. Application was completed using the 30ft top air sprayer and the John Deere 5220 tractor.

CE3 G3 GLBRC_Trap_Crop_Area

Observation Type:
Herbicide Application


Worker: Leon Thelen
Equipment: Top Air Sprayer • Material: custom mix @ 20.0 gallon per acre
Equipment: John Deere 5220 Tractor


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