Show Observation
User: Leon Thelen
Created on: 2022-05-23
Observation Date 2022-05-19
Fertilized GLBRC Main Site Switchgrass Fertility Study (SWF: N-rate), all treatments and all replications.
Fertilizer applied as 28-0-0 which supplied 28% nitrogen
The amounts of nitrogen applied were as follows:
SWF1 = 0 lbs/A (108, 201, 307, 408);
SWF2 = 25 lbs N/A (8.4 gal/A) (104, 206, 308, 407);
SWF3 = 50 lbs N/A (16.7 gal/A) (102, 202, 302, 406);
SWF4 = 75 lbs N/A (25.1 gal/A) (105, 208, 305, 405);
SWF5 = 100 lbs N/A (33.5 gal/A) (101, 205, 304, 404);
SWF6 = 125 lbs N/A (41.8 gal/A) (107, 207, 301, 403);
SWF7 = 150 lbs N/A (50.2 gal/A) (106, 204, 306, 402);
SWF8 = 175 lbs N/A (58.6 gal/A) (103, 203, 303, 401).
Weather Conditions: 9:00 am, partly cloudy, 74.8 degrees F, 11 mph Southwest wind, 66.1% humidity.
A single pass from 30' top air sprayer using chafer stream bars was used. Half of sprayer was turned off to get 15'.
SWF2 and SWF3 were applied using the Teejet 015 green SJ3 tips.
The sprayer was controlled by a John Deere Rate Controller.
Observation Type:
Fertilizer Application