Show Observation

User: Joe Simmons

Created on: 2021-06-18

Observation Date 2021-06-17

Yes, we this was a 'replanting' of the soybeans in T3 plots, all reps. Soybeans were planted in the T3 plots on May 22, 2021. Seed corn maggot was eating the soybean seed so we had a poor stand of beans. On first observation and a few quick stand counts we have 20-50K seeds per acre. At a minimum we need 50K seeds per acre to expect any chance of a respectable yield for the T3 plots. We had many things go wrong in the T3 plots: soybeans were planted after a rye cover crop into dry soil, soybeans were in the ground when we had 4 nights of cold temperatures, and we have not received much rain this year. However, the biggest concern is the seed corn maggot. It seems we have had a perfect storm for the T3 soybeans. 1. We have evidence of seed corn maggot feeding on the soybean seeds and stems which has been backed up by our seed dealer. Our seed dealer has other customers that had problems this spring with seed corn maggot feeding on soybeans. In all cases with the seed corn maggot feeding on the soybeans has been following a rye cover crop (which is what we have in the T3 plots). Brook, Leon, and I looked at the soybeans in the T3 plots and I asked Mike Staton to join me. Mike is the MSU Extension Soybean Educator, Mike is responsible for the Michigan Soybean On-Farm Research. Mike was at KBS today completing data collection with some of the trails that he is working with Brook on. I asked Mike to look at the T3 plots and Mike agrees that we have evidence of seed corn maggot feeding. Gary our crop scout will not have time to look the plots until Friday. Basically, we have three options: 1. 1. We can keep the plots as is. We do have a treatment effect from the rye cover crop. 2. 2. We can replant the field. Start all over by spraying the current stand of soybeans and replanting the soybeans. 3. We can inter-seed more soybeans in between the existing rows of soybeans. Brook, Mike Staton, and I all agree that a farmer would inter-seed more soybeans within the existing soybean rows.

T3 T3_micro-plots

Observation Type:


Worker: Joe Simmons
Equipment: John Deere 1730 Maxemerge Plus Planter • Material: Pioneer P22T86E Soybean Seed (Roundup Ready) @ 140000.0 seeds per acre
Equipment: John Deere 7330 Tractor


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