Show Observation

User: Justin Mezo

Created on: 2018-10-30

Observation Date 2018-10-30

Sprayed LTER 15ft prairie strips in T3 plots all replications and borders of LTER N-Rate Study with Roundup Powermax. Roundup Powermax applied at 3 qts/A. Roundup was applied to control grass that has started to grow before wheat comes up. Weather conditions at start 3:15 p.m. cloudy, 56.5 degrees F, humidity 56.2%, with 10-12 mph south winds. Weather conditions at the end 5:30 p.m. cloudy 56.8 degrees F, humidity 61.9% wind 8-9 mph south.

Resource_Gradient-Irrigated Resource_Gradient_Non-Irrigated T3

Observation Type:
Herbicide Application


Worker: Justin Mezo
Equipment: Sprayer - Unknown • Material: Herbicide Roundup Power Max (glyphosate 48.7%) @ 3.0 quart per acre
Equipment: John Deere 5425 Tractor


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