Show Observation

User: Joe Simmons

Created on: 2017-06-05

Observation Date 2017-06-05

Planted corn in the GLBRC Bait Crop. Planted around the brown house. Planted the north half of the Productivity Study. Rep 6, plot 6 (counting the miscanthus plot as #1) from the west was planted on May 31, 2017. Rep 6, plot 4 and 5 (counting the miscanthus plot as #1) from the west were planted on June 5, 2017. Equipment Used: JD 7330 tractor and JD 1730 planter. Brand and Variety Planted: Pioneer P9188AMX corn hybrid. Fertilizer Applied: 19-17-0 at 14 gals/A. Planting depth: 1.75 - 2.00 inches. Row Spacing: 30 inches. Planting population: 32,000 seeds/A.


Observation Type:
Planting Fertilizer Application


Worker: Joe Simmons
Equipment: John Deere 1730 Maxemerge Plus Planter • Material: Pioneer P9188AMX Corn Hybrid @ 32000.0 seeds per acre • Material: Fertilizer 19-17-0 liquid fertilizer @ 14.0 gallon per acre
Equipment: John Deere 7330 Tractor


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