Show Observation

User: Joe Simmons

Created on: 2014-09-30

Observation Date 2014-08-01

No nitrogen fertilizer was applied to the L2 and M3 switchgrass fields during the 2014 growing season. In past years we hired Battle Creek Farm Bureau to apply the nitrogen to the fields but because of heavy work load during May, June, and July of 2014 Battle Creek Farm Bureau could not apply 28% (28-0-0) nitrogen fertilizer to the switchgrass in fields L2 at Lux Arbor and M3 at the Marshall Farm. The GLBRC staff at KBS also had a heavy work load that prevented KBS staff from applying the nitrogen to the L2 and M3 fields. We could have had the nitrogen applied after August 1, 2014 however, after August 1, 2014 the decision was made to NOT apply the nitrogen to the switchgrass fields because we felt the switchgrass was to mature, seed head was developing, all the nitrogen would have been applied to the foliage part of the plant. Because the switchgrass was so tall all the nitrogen would have been applied to the leaves of the switchgrass therefore limited amount of the nitrogen applied would have reached the ground.

L2 M3

Observation Type:
Fertilizer Application Observation



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