Show Observation

User: Suzanne Sippel

Created on: 2013-11-20

Observation Date 2013-11-17

On Saturday (16 November 2013), three steer escaped from a nearby pasture and got onto the GLBRC Intensive site. One steer was shot on the GLBRC Intensive site on Sunday and they removed the guts of the animal on the north end of the G10R4 plot (two meters from the north end and just about in the middle of the plot east to west). They left a pile of guts and a blood spot. The gut pile and blood spot on the plot were both less than a square meter. The coordinate locations of the center of the 2 piles (gut pile and blood spots) are A) 633,728.9 easting, 4,694,891.5 northing and B) 633,730.7 easting, 4,694,890.9 northing (geographic projection UTM zone 16N). Joe Simmons and crew removed the gut pile from the site on Tuesday (19 Nov. 2013) morning. They were able to remove the gut pile in one piece (all the organs were removed without any of them rupturing). Joe said that very little fluid from the animal was on/or remains in the plot area. Joe took photos of the gut pile and blood spots on the plot.


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