Show Observation

User: Justin Mezo

Created on: 2013-05-17

Observation Date 2013-05-16

Fertilized Interaction plots (16, 15, 14, 10, 12, 7, 1, 5) with 28-0-0 which supplied 28% nitrogen in the form of Urea-Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) (CAS #57-13-6 Urea, #6484-52-5 Ammonium Nitrate). Purpose of fertilization is to supply N to winter wheat. A rate of 27 gallons per acre of 28% was applied which is equivalent to 81 lbs of N/A. Plots were completed in 3 passes using 300 gallon top air sprayer with a 30' boom width controlled by John Deere Rate controller all pulled by John Deere 5220 tractor. Time of application was 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. Weather conditions were sunny 80 degrees F, 28% Humidity and winds 1-8 mph out of the WNW.


Observation Type:
Fertilizer Application


Worker: Justin Mezo
Equipment: TurboTeeJet 11003 Flat Fan Nozzle
Equipment: Top Air Sprayer • Material: Fertilizer 28% UAN (28-0-0) @ 27.0 gallon per acre
Equipment: John Deere 5220 Tractor


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