Show Observation
User: Joe Simmons
Created on: 2013-05-04
Observation Date 2013-05-03
Applied 28% (28-0-0) nitrogen fertilizer at 17 gals/A (50.78 lbs N/A) to the switchgrass in fields L2 at Lux Arbor and M3 at the Marshall Farm. Application was completed by Ron Balowski from Battle Creek Farm Bureau using a Hagie highboy sprayer equipped with 90 ft boom. One gallon of 28% fertilizer weighs 10.67 lbs. so 50.78 lbs N/A was applied.
L2 M3
Observation Type:
Fertilizer Application
Worker: Commercial Applicator
Equipment: Hagie Sprayer
Material: Fertilizer 28% UAN (28-0-0)
@ 17.0
gallon per acre