Show Observation

User: Justin Mezo

Created on: 2013-05-04

Observation Date 2013-05-03

Fertilized LTER Main Site Treatment 3 Fertilized Micro-plots, all replications (reps 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6). Microplot area is located in the northwest corner of each replication(50 feet deep [north to south] and 90 feet long [east to west]) and is divided into 6 microplots, each one measures 15' (e-w) x 50' (n-s). Fertilized microplots were the following: T3R1 (1, 3, 4), T3R2 (1, 3, 4), T3R3 (1, 3, 5), T3R4 (3, 4, 6), T3R5 (1, 2, 4), and T3R6 (2, 3, 4). Applied 16 gal/A 28% nitrogen solution (28-0-0) in the microplots; one gallon of 28% fertilizer weighs 10.67 lbs. so 48 lbs N/A was applied. Weather Conditions: Mostly sunny with air temperature 76 degrees F. Relative Humidity was 54%. Wind was out of the ESE at 5-10 mphs at start. Time of application was between 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Equipment Used: JD 5220 tractor traveling 4.6 mph (gear C1, 1450 rpm) with a pull type Top Air sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump and a John Deere Rate Controller. Turbo TeeJet 11005 nozzles were used, spaced 30 inches apart with a total boom length of 15 feet (right side of boom only). 30 psi were used. Purpose of Application: Supply nitrogen fertilizer for the winter wheat.


Observation Type:
Fertilizer Application


Worker: Justin Mezo
Equipment: Turbo TeeJet 11005 Flat Fan Nozzle
Equipment: Top Air Sprayer • Material: Fertilizer 28% UAN (28-0-0) @ 16.0 gallon per acre
Equipment: John Deere 5220 Tractor


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