Show Observation

User: Peter Hudy

Created on: 2011-07-07

Observation Date 2011-07-07

Fertilized the GLBRC Scale Up fields, switchgrass only, at both the Marshall Farm and Lux Arbor locations. Fields were fertilized with 28-0-0 liquid urea-ammonium nitrate. 16.7 gallons/A were applied. Since 28% fertilizer weighs 10.65 lbs/gallon, this worked out to 50 lbs N/A. Weather conditions at 1:00 p.m.: 75 degrees F, 55% relative humidity, winds were calm with 10 minute average wind speed of 1.0 mph out of the east. Fertilizer was applied by the Climax Farm Bureau using a Hagie Highboy sprayer.

L2 M3

Observation Type:
Fertilizer Application


Worker: Commercial Applicator
Equipment: Other • Material: Fertilizer 28% UAN (28-0-0) @ 16.7 gallon per acre


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