Show Observation

User: Peter Hudy

Created on: 2009-06-23

Observation Date 2008-05-15

Sprayed the LTER Main Site, Treatment8 NT (4 plots), for preemergence weed control. Lexar (S-metolachlor (+ safener) + atrazine + mesotrione) was applied at 3 qts/acre (7.1 L/ha). Weather conditions: Partly cloudy with air temperature of 42 degrees F (5.6°C). Relative Humidity was 32%. Wind was not detectable at time of application. Time of application was 9:00 a.m. Equipment Used: JD 5320 tractor traveling 5 mph (gear C1, 1650 rpm) with a 3-point mounted sprayer with a rolling pump (Dempco). Turbo TeeJet 8002 nozzles were used, spaced 15 inches apart with a total boom length of 15 feet. 30 psi was used. Water applied at 20 gallons/acre (187L/ha) was used as the carrier. Purpose of application: Pre-emergence herbicide application.


Observation Type:
Mechanical Weed Control


Worker: Greg Parker
Equipment: John Deere 5320 Tractor
Equipment: 8002 Flat Fan Nozzles
Equipment: Demco 3-point mounted sprayer • Material: Herbicide Lexar (S-metolachlor (+safener) + atrazine + mesotrione) @ 3.0 quart per acre • Material: H2O @ 20.0 gallon per acre


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