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Name: Pioneer 25R26 soft red winter wheat

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2000-10-23 Planting Planted winter wheat in all reps of treatment 2. Planted with the JD 6400 tractor and JD 750 No-till drill; Drill setting: 41; Planting depth: 1.0 inch; Variety: Pioneer 25R26 soft red winter wheat (treated seeds) (13,000 seeds/lbs). Acre meter on drill after planting T2 was 15.1; Total of 51 (50 lbs/bag) bags used. (51 bags * 50 lbs/bag * 13,000 seeds/lbs) / 15.1 acres = 2,195,364 seeds/A
2000-10-31 Planting Planted winter wheat in treatment 4; See notes for specific dates replications were planted; October 30, 2000 planted T4, rep: 6; October 31, 2000 planted T4, reps: 3, 4, and 1; November 1, 2000 planted T4, reps: 2 and 5; Planted with the JD 6400 tractor and JD 750 No-till drill; Drill setting: 41; Planting depth: 1.0 inch; Variety: Pioneer 25R26 soft red winter wheat (treated seeds) (13,000 seeds/lbs). Acre meter on drill after planting T1, T2, T3, and T4 was 61.3 A; (61.3 - 15.1 = 46.2 A); Acre meter on drill after planting T2 was 15.1 A; Total of 136 (50 lbs/bag) total bags used were put in the drill while planting T1, T3, and T4; I would guess that 2 - 3 bags were in the drill after planting T1, T2, and T3; (134 bags * 50 lbs/bag * 13,000 seeds/lbs) / 46.2 acres = 1,885,281 seeds/A; Seed total after planting T1, T2, T3, and T4 (guessing that 2 bags remained in the drill after planting the main site); (185 bags * 50 lbs/bag * 13,000 seeds/lbs) / 61.3 acres = 1,961,663 seeds/A
2000-11-01 Planting Planted winter wheat in treatment 3 and T8nt plots; See notes for specific dates replications were planted; October 31, 2000 planted T3, reps: 1 and 3; November 1, 2000 planted T3, reps: 2, 4, 5 and 6; Planted with the JD 6400 tractor and JD 750 No-till drill; Drill setting: 41; Planting depth: 1.0 inch; Variety: Pioneer 25R26 soft red winter wheat (treated seeds) (13,000 seeds/lbs). Acre meter on drill after planting T1, T2, T3, and T4 was 61.3 A; (61.3 - 15.1 = 46.2 A); Acre meter on drill after planting T2 was 15.1 A; Total of 136 (50 lbs/bag) total bags used were put in the drill while planting T1, T3, and T4; I would guess that 2 - 3 bags were in the drill after planting T1, T2, and T3; (134 bags * 50 lbs/bag * 13,000 seeds/lbs) / 46.2 acres = 1,885,281 seeds/A; Seed total after planting T1, T2, T3, and T4 (guessing that 2 bags remained in the drill after planting the main site); (185 bags * 50 lbs/bag * 13,000 seeds/lbs) / 61.3 acres = 1,961,663 seeds/A; Did not add any bags of seed before planting T8nt plots; Acre meter on drill after planting T1, T2, T3, T4, and T8nt plots was 62 A
2001-10-04 Soil Preparation Chisel plowed the wheat plots in the biodiversity study. Field cultivated the same plots with a 12 ft glenco. Planted Pioneer 25R26 soft red winter wheat into the same plots. Drill setting was on 41. Meter on drill indicated that I planted 1.9 acres. A total of 6 bags of seed were used.
2001-10-04 Soil Preparation Chisel plowed the wheat plots in the biodiversity study. Field cultivated the same plots with a 12 ft glenco. Planted Pioneer 25R26 soft red winter wheat into the same plots. Drill setting was on 41. Meter on drill indicated that I planted 1.9 acres. A total of 6 bags of seed were used.
2000-10-30 Planting Planted winter wheat in treatment 1; See notes for specific dates replications were planted; October 30, 2000 planted T1, reps: 6, 3, 2, and 1; October 31, 2000 planted T1, reps: 5 and 4; Planted with the JD 6400 tractor and JD 750 No-till drill; Drill setting: 41; Planting depth: 1.0 inch; Variety: Pioneer 25R26 soft red winter wheat (treated seeds) (13,000 seeds/lbs). Acre meter on drill after planting T1, T2, T3, and T4 was 61.3 A; (61.3 - 15.1 = 46.2 A); Acre meter on drill after planting T2 was 15.1 A; Total of 136 (50 lbs/bag) total bags used were put in the drill while planting T1, T3, and T4; I would guess that 2 - 3 bags were in the drill after planting T1, T2, and T3; (134 bags * 50 lbs/bag * 13,000 seeds/lbs) / 46.2 acres = 1,885,281 seeds/A; Seed total after planting T1, T2, T3, and T4 (guessing that 2 bags remained in the drill after planting the main site); (185 bags * 50 lbs/bag * 13,000 seeds/lbs) / 61.3 acres = 1,961,663 seeds/A
2000-11-02 Planting Planted winter wheat in the Bio-complexity study, treatments B4, B7, B10, B17, and B20. Planted with the JD 6400 tractor and JD 750 No-till drill; Drill setting: 41; Planting depth: 1.0 inch; Variety: Pioneer 25R26 soft red winter wheat (treated seeds) (13,000 seeds/lbs). Acre meter on drill after planting T1, T2, T3, T4, T8nt, and Bio-complexity plots was 63.5 A; (63.5 - 62 = 1.5 A); Acre meter on drill after planting T1, T2, T3, T4, and T8nt was 62 A; Total of 51 (50 lbs/bag) total bags used were put in the drill while planting T2; Total of 136 (50 lbs/bag) total bags used were put in the drill while planting T1, T3, and T4; Did not add any seed before planting T8nt plots; Total of 5 bags before planting the Bio-complexity study (not sure how much seed was in the drill after planting ~ 1-2 bags?) (5 bags * 50 lbs/bag * 13,000 seeds/lbs) / 1.5 acres = 2,166,666 seeds/A; Seed total after planting after planting T1, T2, T3, T4, T8nt, and Bio-complexity plots (guessing that 2 bags remained in the drill after planting the main site); (190 bags * 50 lbs/bag * 13,000 seeds/lbs) / 63.5 acres = 1,944,881 seeds/A

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