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Name: Herbicide Basagran (bentazon)


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2003-06-30 Mechanical Weed Control Sprayed soybeans on the main site treatment 1 all replications (reps 1, 5, 4, 2, 3, & 6) postemergence for weed control. Basagran (bentazon) was applied at 2 pts/A (2.34 L/ha), Assure II (quizalofop-p-ethyl) was applied at 10 oz/A (0.73 L/ha), and crop oil was applied at 2 pts/A (2.34 L/ha). A total of 3.75 gals of Basagran, 150 oz of Assure II, and 3.75 gals of crop oil were applied on 14.82 acres (6 hectares). Weather Conditions: Air temperature ranging from 75-79 degrees F. Relative Humidity was 43%. Wind was calm. Time of application was between 7:15 p.m. and 8:45 p.m. Equipment Used: JD 5220 tractor traveling 5.0 mph (gear C1, 1600 rpm's) with a pull type Top Air sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump and a Raven 440 automatic carrier control unit. Turbo TeeJet 11003 nozzles were used, spaced 15 inches apart with a total boom length of 30 feet. 25 psi was used. Water applied at 20 gals/A, (187L/ha), was used as the carrier. Purpose of Application: Control of annual broadleaves and grass weeds. The grass and broadleaves were coming threw the preemergence herbicide that was applied in May of 2003.
1991-06-07 Mechanical Weed Control Broadcasted 1 qt/a (2 l/ha) Basagran, (post-emergence) 1 qt/a (2 l/ha) crop oil concentrate, 23 gpa [T1, T2]
2003-06-30 Mechanical Weed Control Sprayed soybeans on the main site treatment 2 all replications (reps 6, 1, 4, 5, 2, & 3) postemergence for weed control. Basagran (bentazon) was applied at 2 pts/A (2.34 L/ha), Assure II (quizalofop-p-ethyl) was applied at 10 oz/A (0.73 L/ha), and crop oil was applied at 2 pts/A (2.34 L/ha). A total of 3.75 gals of Basagran, 150 oz of Assure II, and 3.75 gals of crop oil were applied on 14.82 acres (6 hectares). Weather Conditions: Air temperature was 81 degrees F. Relative Humidity was 41%. Wind was calm. Time of application was between 4:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Equipment Used: JD 5220 tractor traveling 5.0 mph (gear C1, 1600 rpm's) with a pull type Top Air sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump and a Raven 440 automatic carrier control unit. Turbo TeeJet 11003 nozzles were used, spaced 15 inches apart with a total boom length of 30 feet. 25 psi was used. Water applied at 20 gals/A, (187L/ha), was used as the carrier. Purpose of Application: Control of annual broadleaves and grass weeds. The grass and broadleaves were coming threw the preemergence herbicide that was applied in May of 2003.
1993-06-10 Mechanical Weed Control {{PL: <Action>Vetch Management; Sprayed entire study with ¾ qt/A Basagran, ¾ qt/A Atrazine, and 1 qt/A crop oil. All reps and treatments were broadcast sprayed. }}

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