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Name: Herbicide Liberty

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2024-05-21 Herbicide Application Sprayed GLBRC G2 plots (5, 4, 1, 2, and 3), Rep 6 plots (2 of them), and Brown House field with Liberty. Spray rate was 20 gal/A with Liberty rate at 40 oz/A and 3 lbs/A Ammonium Sulfate. Application began at 10:45 am and concluded at 12:45 pm. REI for Liberty Herbicide is 12 hours. Safe reentry on Wednesday May 22 at 12:45 AM. Weather at 10:45 am: Temperature: 70.2°F Wind Direction: South Wind Speed: 1.67 MPH Relative Humidity: 95.0% Weather at 12:45 am: Temperature: 77.6°F Wind Direction: South Wind Speed: 4.46 MPH Relative Humidity: 65.4%
2024-05-23 Herbicide Application Sprayed GLBRC G1, G2 and G3 plots (all Reps) with herbicide tank mix containing Dual II Magnum and Acuron. G3 Soybeans (reps 2, 3, 5, 4, and 1) sprayed with tank mix of Liberty at 32 oz/A and Dual II Magnum at 1.33 pints/A. G2 Sorghum (1, 4, 5, 2, and 3) sprayed with tank mix of Liberty at 32 oz/A, Dual II Magnum at 1.33 pints/A, and Atrazine at 1 quart/A. G1 Corn (1, 5, 4, 2, and 3) sprayed with tank mix of Liberty at 32 oz/A, Dual II Magnum at 1.33 pints/A, Atrazine at 1 quart/A, and Acuron at 2.5 quarts/A. REI is 24 hours. Safe Reentry on Friday May 24 at 7:00 PM. Application began at 3:00 pm and concluded at 7:00 pm. Weather conditions at 3:00 pm: 75.5°F Wind: 6.72 mph from West 29.0% RH Weather conditions at 7:00 pm 75.5°F Wind: 5.78 mph from Northwest 26.7% RH
2024-06-14 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER CE study (CE1, CE2 and CE3 plots), T8nt plots, and Lysimeter Field with Liberty. Spray rate was 20 gal/A with Liberty rate at 43 oz/A and 3 lbs/A Ammonium Sulfate. Application began at 9:30 am and concluded at 11:45 am. REI for Liberty Herbicide is 12 hours. Safe reentry on Friday June 14 at 11:45 PM Liberty herbicide used to control marestail. Weather at 9:30 am: Temperature: 70.3°F Wind Direction: East Wind Speed: 6.58 mph Relative Humidity: 73.2% Weather at 11:45 am: Temperature: 56.7°F Wind Direction: Northeast Wind Speed: 6.30 MPH Relative Humidity: 56.7%
2024-08-13 Herbicide Application Sprayed tank mix of RoundUp Power Max 3 at 38.4 oz/A and Liberty at 35.5 oz/A on Lysimeter field, CE1, CE2, CE3 plots, and GLBRC Rep 6 #6 plot. Sprayed T8nt with RoundUp Power Max 3 only. REI for Liberty is 12 hrs. Safe re-entry on Tuesday August 13 at 3:00 am.

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