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Name: Plurax Winter Canola (Treated)

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2023-09-13 Planting Planted winter canola in field ASP2F1 (94) with Monosem 10" row planter. Planted 1/2" deep - soil conditions were slightly wet so didn't have great seed trench closure in some areas.
2023-09-14 Planting Planted plurax winter canola in LTAR main site ASP2 plots using Monosem planter in 10" rows no-till. Seed planted 1/2 inch deep. Seed spacing within each row was approximately 2.75 inches apart.
2023-09-15 Planting Planted plural winter canola in north 3/4 of field A1 with Monosem planter in 10" rows. Planted seed 1/2 inch deep into tilled soil. The south 1/4 of field was planted to a canola variety trial.
2023-10-03 Planting Replant two small areas in the field that had slug damage. 15" row spacing and half inch depth. Area one near NW corner of field. Area two between prairie strip and east edge of the field one third of the way from the north edge to the south edge.

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