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Name: Manure (pen pack) from Kellogg Farm

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2022-05-13 Fertilizer Application Applied solid manure (70% moisture) to ASP1 plots in LTAR site. Did not apply manure to NO-Manure Microplots, which were covered with a tarp during the manure application. Applied at a rate of 16,000 lbs manure per acre, which equated to a total of 88 lbs N, 43 lbs P2O5, and 124 lbs K2O per acre. Manure was not incorporated, so the expectation is that only 25% of the nitrogen would be available to the crop primarily due to ammonia volatilization losses.
2022-11-30 Fertilizer Application Manure application from lot #1. Composite sample pulled and sent to A&L laboratories. Target rate is 7 tons (wet) pre acre and to spread the balance in the spring according to P&K values in the manure.
2022-12-05 Fertilizer Application Manure application from Dry Cow Barn. Composite sample pulled and sent to A&L laboratories. Target rate is 7 tons (wet) pre acre and to spread the balance in the spring according to P&K values in the manure.

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